Morrowind Tweaks Written by Jason L. Hubsch (a.k.a. Wes Ide) June 5, 2002 Version 1.0 ______________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents: 1) Copyright Information 2) Distribution Notice 3) Contact Information 4) Introduction 5) Version History 6) Explanation 7) Morrowind Tweaks 8) Submit Your Own Morrowind Tweaks 9) Credits 10) Closing ______________________________________________________________________ 1) Copyright Information: (c) 2002 WSP Entertainment. All rights reserved. No part of this Guide may be used or reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in written form from the author. ___________________________________________________________________ 2) Distribution Notice: Please do not post this on your own website. You may link to it via GameFAQs, but posting it on your own website is a violation of the copyright herein established. ______________________________________________________________________ 3) Contact Information: Email: AIM: Reverend Wes Ide ______________________________________________________________________ 4) Introduction: It is pretty universally established that somewhere along the line, the developers at Bethesda messed up. Lord only knows what kind of machine the testers used, but for the majority of consumers, this game runs choppy. This Guide attempts to solve some of those problems. ______________________________________________________________________ 5) Version History 1.0 - This is the introductory version. As has happened with my Morrowind Quick Skill Level-Up Tips Guide, I am sure I will get bombarded with emails on other tips, and they will make it in future versions. ______________________________________________________________________ 6) Explanation In your Morrowind game directory is a file called Morrowind.ini which holds all the information that the game uses while playing. Open it up with Notepad and immediately go to File->Save As and save it as MorrowindINIBackup.txt, which will save the original version. Now you are free to edit the Morrowind.ini file as suggested below, and then save it as Morrowind.ini over your original file. If you experience any problems and/or want to return it to its original state, simply delete the edited version of Morrowind.ini and rename MorrowindINIBackup.txt to Morrowind.ini The best thing to do is to search for the first line in each tweak using the Edit->Find menu in Notepad, then edit it as suggested. ______________________________________________________________________ 7) Morrowind Tweaks A) Framerate Max FPS=240 Everyone that is having freeze problems or desktop crashes should go in to morrowind.ini file and edit Max FPS=240 to Max FPS=60 B) Show Framerate Show FPS=0 To have your framerate displayed in the lower right corner during gameplay, change this to Show FPS=1 C) Terrain Loading DontThreadLoad=0 To disable the brief intermittent loads that can happen as often as every few seconds on a system, change DontThreadLoad=0 to DontThreadLoad=1. Instead, you get a "Terrain Loading" message that pops up every couple of minutes. So, the trade off is fewer pauses, but the ones you do get will be a second or two longer because the game isn't loading terrain on the fly. D) Screenshots Screen Shot Enable=0 To enable screenshots to be taken by pressing the Print Screen button at anytime during gameplay, change Screen Shot Enable=0 to Screen Shot Enable=1 or otherwise, the game will flat out tell you that Screenshots are not enabled during gameplay if you try to take one. E) Level-Up [Level Up] Each time you gain a level, you are given a message on the same screen in which you distribute the three attribute points given to you for leveling up. The game designates what message you get for each level, up to Level 20. Each level thereafter is given a default message. However, you can change the messages for each level from 1-20, or the default message, simply by finding [Level Up] and then changing the text for the level you desire to change. Heck, you can even add individual messages for levels 21, 22, 23, and so on. Personally, I am at Level 25, and so I just changed my Default message, as shown in the screenshot below: F) Miscellaneous Tweaks I am not sure what these do, but they were suggested as improving performance of the game: Exterior Cell Buffer=32 Change to Exterior Cell Buffer=45 UseQuadratic=0 QuadraticMethod=2 QuadraticValue=16.0 QuadraticRadiusMult=1.0 Change To UseQuadratic=1 QuadraticMethod=2 QuadraticValue=16.0 QuadraticRadiusMult=4.0 ______________________________________________________________________ 8) Submit Your Own Morrowind Tweaks If you know of anything that can be done to improve or enhance gameplay, please email me the Tweaks to with the subject line of Morrowind Tweaks. ______________________________________________________________________ 9) Credits From - Danicek for providing the Tweaks for Framerate, Terrain Loading, and the first Miscellaneous Tweak. - Baalcipher for providing the second Miscellaneous Tweak. ______________________________________________________________________ 10) Closing Hopefully you will experience smoother and better gameplay after having read this guide. And now some personal plugs: My Personal Website Wes Ide's World My Business Site WSP Entertainment My Novel WSP, Vol. 1: The Epic Tale Thanks!