Seiken Densetsu 3 Black Rabite Guide by MuskKitty Version 1.25 20 June 2000 Based on translation by Neill Corlett, Lina`chan, Nuku-nuku and SoM2Freak. Seiken Densetsu 3 Translation Lina`chan, Nuku-Nuku and Filia's Translation Domain! (Visit this, is a way cool site ^^) The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at GameFaqs ( ============================================================================= Table of Contents a)Legal Stuff b)What's New c)What is the Black Rabite? d)How to fight the Black Rabite e)What you'll need to fight the Black Rabite --Equipment --Level --Magic & Items f)What to do just before you fight the Black Rabite g)Info on the Black Rabite h)Who to choose --Angela --Carlie --Duran --Hawk --Lise --Kevin i)Strategy j)How to defeat the Black Rabite the cheap and easy way k)Credits ============================================================================= Legal Stuff ============================================================================= This guide is copyright 2000 Jeremy Wong. Seiken Densetsu 3 is copyright 1995 Squaresoft. You may use freely distribute this guide (meaning the file) as it remains unedited (if you'd like to correct spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes, that's fine though), and I am given proper credit for it. If you wish to use this guide for your webpage or works, I require that you first obtain permission from me first, and give proper credit, if permission is given. You may not sell this guide for profit, or together with anything else for profit, without prior written permission from me. You'll never, ever get the permission to sell it anyway, so save us both some time and don't bother asking. Contact information: Email: ICQ# : 42546043 Note: Don't send stupid email! I mean, I like SD3, but I don't like things like email asking me which video setting to use, or how to use magic. Find that out elsewhere. Spam is not tolerated. This guide should only be found on: I know some sites just host this on their servers, without asking. They feel it's okay because proper credit is given. Well, I appreciate that, but I'd just like to know which sites are hosting my stuff. So, please just email me and ask for permission. It makes me happy and it makes you happy. If I find out that you're hosting it without permission, it'll probably make me grumpy and I probably won't let you host it. If you really want to have it on your site, but feel too lazy to email, just link to GameFaqs SD3 page, If you find this on any other site besides the ones mentioned above, please inform me, and thanks in advance. ============================================================================= What's New ============================================================================= v1.25, 20 Jun 00 Fixed the same embarrassing error, this time in Kevin's Class Change info. Added some info about Poto Oil and Mama Poto Oil. v1.21, 6 May 00 Fixed an embarrassing error in Duran's Class Change info. v1.20, 28 Apr 00 Added Character and Classes analysis, info on Black Rabite's HP, added some pointers here and there, changed email address. Added more to the Legal Stuff section. v1.11, 15 Feb 00 Minor update to Legal Stuff. v1.10, 10 Feb 00 Added two new sections, the one you're reading and the cheap and easy methods. Corrected some mistakes on the info about the Black Rabite, added Reflect Magic section under Magic & Items section, added the spirits associated with each spell. Corrected many spelling mistakes and wrong words, but probably made more in the process ^^. Updated Credits section. v1.00, 14 Jan 00 First version ============================================================================= What is the Black Rabite? ============================================================================= Evil in it's cutest form. Basically, it's a secret boss. It resembles a normal Rabite, except that is dark purplish in colour, has an obscene amount of HP*, can cast a lot of powerful spells, and has some magic resistances and counterattacks. *Huge thesis on the Black Rabite's HP can be found in 'Info on the Black Rabite section' :) ============================================================================= How to fight the Black Rabite ============================================================================= First off, you must be playing Angela's or Duran's quest. That means you must have Angela or Duran as your main character. As for who to choose, Duran will be more useful at the fight, but Angela is generally much more useful as a character. So it's up to you. Secondly, you must already have defeated Koren. After you have done that, walk around Dragon's Hole until you come to a narrow corridor leading North to South, which has no enemies in that area. Push against the left wall; there's a hidden passage, and you can walk into an area where you'll fight the Black Rabite. Directions: I'll start from the beginning of Dragon's Hole, it's easier. If you're lost in Dragon's Hole, just use a Magic Rope. It'd be good if you would go back to the Golden Goddess Statue to save and recover too ^^. After you enter the Dragon's mouth, you'll be in the room where you fought the DarkShrine Knight. Head north. Then head north again. The north exit should be somewhere to the top left. After that, head east twice. In the next room, head north, There are 2 north exits here, the one on the right leads to a dead end (where you fought Tzenker I think). Take the one at the top left. After that, just continue on; there's only one other exit per area. (north twice, then in the next area move all the way west until you reach the south exit). There :) It's the area north of that one way slope. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What you'll need to fight the Rabite +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================= Equipment ============================================================================= I recommend that all 3 of your characters be at their final class, and that each one of them be equipped with their best armor and weapons, namely those from the Weapon/Armor seeds (the brown ones). Be sure to get at the least the armor and weapon for every character, the rings, shields and helms aren't so critical, since the bonus they add is less. For those who don't know how to, here's how to get them: Weapon/Armor seeds are found in treasure chests left behind from defeated enemies, around the end of the game. For Angela/Duran 's quest, the easiest way to obtain it is to go to the Glass Desert. The enemy that often drops it is the NightBlade. Go to the desert (it appears more often at night, so carry some Dreamsee herbs with you), and hunt for it. It is usually found in the following combinations: NightBlade Boulder (Night time) Boulder OR NightBlade Guardian (Day time) Guardian Be careful though, as the NightBlade can use Split Image Slice, which can devastate your team if you're not careful. If you get hit by the Guardian's Rust Hurricane, and then by the Split Image Slice, it's lights out for you, if you're at a low level, or couldn't afford to buy the best armor. To prevent this, heal fully (and save state if you're using an emulator, which you probably are) before entering the next area. It's important to note that the treasure from the treasure chest depends on who dropped it, i.e. the -last- enemy killed. Therefore, you should try to take out the other enemies first, and kill the NightBlade last. This can be annoying though, if the NightBlade uses his Split-Image Slice. If you have Angela as a Rune Master, or Lise as a Star Lancer, you can always mute him to stop him from using it :D. If not, try to kill the others as quickly as possible. The Guardians are weak against Undine's magic, so if you have Angela in your team, a single MegaSplash/Cold Blaze should seriously damage it, if not destroy it. Ice Saber works well too. I'm not sure if the Boulders have a weakness. Anyway, after you kill the other two, save again, and then get rid of the NightBlade. If he doesn't produce a chest, load, and kill him again. Some variation may help, i.e. if you killed him and he didn't produce a chest, load and try using different magic/techs etc. Once you get a chest, save again :). This should almost always be a Weapon/Armor seed, so it should be easy. Once you have a substantial number of them, call Flammie to fly you to the nearest town (Altena). Run to the inn, and plant them. As with the ??? Seeds, you may often get duplicates. One way to avoid this is to save state, then plant the seed. If you get something you want, save. If you don't, try planting another seed, then planting the Weapon/Armor seed. Sometimes you may get a different result, though it's rare. In short, this process will drive you crazy, depending on your luck, and how many weapons/armors you want. Bah. When you're done, it's time to equip. Remember that all the equipment are all in one character's inventory, the one who 'talked' to the pot. You'' have to transfer the equipment to the others. ============================================================================= Level ============================================================================= You really don't have to bother training up much, since going through all the pain of getting all the ??? and Weapon/Armor seeds should have gotten you up several levels. Around level 48+ should be fine. ============================================================================= Magic & Items ============================================================================= These are some of the spells and items you ought to have. It'll make your life much easier when fighting the Black Rabite. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heal Light (multiple) (Wisp) People who have it: Carlie: Any class except first will have it Duran : Lord (LD) Kevin : Warrior Monk (LD) Item: Lord's Proof Bottle of Holy Water Poto Oil Heal Light multi target is extremely important, since almost every spell the Black Rabite can throw at you will hit your entire team. If you don't have it, good luck (but you should survive). If you don't have Heal Light at all, heh :P You'll probably have to stock up on lots on healing items (which you should do anyway), but there's always the danger that you'll run out of them during the battle. Moon Saber may help, but not by very much. Poto Oils are a good substitute for Heal Light multitarget. You can pick them up at Byzel's Black Market. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moon, Leaf or Saint Saber People who have it: Moon Saber: (Luna) Duran : Duelist (DD) Kevin : Dervish (DD) Item: Carmilla's Claw : Demon Wolf Soul (all) Leaf Saber: (Dryad) Duran : Duelist (DD) Kevin : Warrior Monk (LD) Item: Crawler's Claw Saint Saber: (Wisp) Duran : Paladin (LL) Carlie: Bishop (LL) Item: Papa Poto's Claw Paladin's Proof (all) The Black Rabite has a tendency to cast Dark Saber on you entire team, make them heal him with every hit. In order to get rid of it, you either have to cast another saber, or use a Stardust Herb (or die and get revived). Saint Saber is by far the best one to use here, since the Black Rabite is weak against Light. If you don't have Saint Saber, Moon or Leaf Saber can also do the job of getting rid of the Dark Saber. Elemental Sabers seem to do 1 damage to him per hit, so that's not good. You can always use Stardust Herbs to remove the Saber but, unless you have Lise as a Star Lancer, it'll be a pain to re-cast all the stat up spells, which you _should_ have. It's also not that great an idea since the stat up items and Stardust herbs will run out after 3 uses (for all 3 of your characters). If you have Duran in your team, and you made him into a Lord (er, only to get multitarget Heal light, I hope), get more of those silly ??? Seeds and get some Paladin's Proofs. Each one casts Saint Saber on your entire team. Very useful :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stat Up Spells People who have it: Lise : Any Light Class (Star Lancer preferred since you can multitarget, and also get a cooler summon ^_^ ) Items: Drake's Scale (Power Up) (Salamando) Bird's Scale (Speed Up) (Jinn) Bulette's Scale (Protect Up) (Gnome) Sahagin's Scale (Mind Up) (Undine) Status up spells are a must in fighting the Black Rabite, especially Power Up and Mind Up. Mind Up reduces the damage from his spells, and Power Up increases the damage you can inflict. If you don't have Lise, be sure to pop over to Byzel's Black Market and pick up 9 of each scale. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stat Down Spells People who have it: Lise : Any Dark Class (Fenrir Knight preferred due to multi target and better summon) Hawk : Any Dark Class (Ninjutsu magic) Item : Needlelion's Eye (Speed Down) (Gnome) Slime's Eye (Power Down) (Undine) Bee's Eye (Protect Down) (Jinn) Battum's Eye (Mind Down) (Salamando) Black Curse (Shade) People who have it: Carlie : Necromancer (DL) Item: Bottle of Ashes : Shadowzero's Eye Stat down spells aren't really important, since you have the stat up spells already. The good part about them is, you need only use them once, on the Black Rabite, as opposed to using them 3 times on each of your characters. You would also use them if you have Lise or Hawk in their Dark Classes. The downside is that the Black Rabite, when hit with a magic/item/Lv2 or 3 tech, will counter by summoning a Lv99 Great Demon, or spitting out a nasty spell. It's annoying to fight, but it's most dangerous because it can use Demon Breath, which does Shade damage and lowers magical ability and defense for all characters. If you have Angela as a Rune Master though, you can polish it off with a Stone Cloud before it does any damage. If it doesn't summon a Demon, it may hit you with something nasty, like Lava Wave, or Stone Cloud. Considering this, Black Curse is definitely more useful. It lowers all four stats of one enemy at once. I'm not sure if the effect is less, but even if so, it saves you all those pesky demons and HP. (though the latter shouldn't be much of a problem) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reflect Magic (Dryad) People who have it: Hawk : Wanderer (LL) Item : Mantango Oil The Reflect Magic spell, well, reflects magic back at the caster, in this case the Black Rabite. Although you can get the Mantango Oils (if you happened to grab some in the Forest of Wonder by killing those silly twerps), it's much easier if you have Hawk as a Wanderer, as the Black Rabite can cast Anti-Magic. It's probably not worth it to stock up on Mantango Oils just to get it all dispelled, but then again, that's my opinion *shrug*. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chibikko Hammer This item can be used to give an effect similar to Tinkle Rain multiple. The Black Rabite has a spell called Flash, which mooglelises all your characters. I can't remember if it does damages as well, but it probably would :). Once you get moogled, use the Chibikko Hammer on all your characters. You can't use magic while moogled, so Tinkle Rain is out. The game only allows one negative status on any person at any one time, so the moogle status will be removed. Simply use the hammer again to restore yourselves back to size. Of course, you can always use Puipui Grasses, but isn't this more fun? ^^ If you're not in the mood for that kind of thing, Mama Poto Oils will do the trick. Pick them up at Byzel's Black Market. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recovery items Angel Grail (Revives from unconsciousness with full HP and MP) Honey Drink (Heals fully) Poto Oil (Casts Heal Light one/all) Magic Walnuts (Restore 20 MP) Pakkun Chocolate (Heals 300 HP) Round Drops (Heals 100 HP) I think these are obvious. Only the Angel Grails and Honey Drinks are really needed; just throw the others in if you have space. The Poto Oils are not really needed unless you don't have a character capable of healing the entire team. ============================================================================= What to do just before you fight the Black Rabite ============================================================================= When you're standing in that narrow corridor. First off (this is important), access your status screen, and edit each character so that they will only use their level 1 techs (explained below and in Stat Down section). After that, check the time of day: The Black Rabite uses more Dark spells than Light, so switch it to daytime. The only exception to this is if you have Kevin in your party, then by all means switch it to Night :). When you're done, edit your inventory. You have 10 slots in your inventory. 1) 9 Angel Grails 2) 9 Honey Drinks 3) Chibikko Hammer 4) Any 5) Any 6) Any 7) Any 8) Any 9) Any 10) Any This is my suggested inventory. You can fill slots 4 - 10 with some of the items I've listed above, to make up for the spells you don't have. If you have enough MP for your healer, you shouldn't need Magic Walnuts, since you won't be casting offensive spells. And anyway, the Angel Grail will restore you MP, should you die. Finally, be sure to have you're characters healed to full. Use the excess healing items that you have (those that can't fit into your inventory and are sitting in storage) to restore your HP and MP. Save state on a different slot, and enter. ============================================================================= Info on Black Rabite ============================================================================= Spells the Black Rabite possesses: Just about every spell in the entire game Abilities the Black Rabite possesses: Summon Lv99 Great Demon The Black Rabite will summon a Level 99 Great Demon if you hit him with a)Magic b)Item c)Level 2 or 3 tech. So try not to. Note: This is different from Carlie's (Evil Shaman) Summon Great Demon. This one isn't an attack spell, but actually produces a Great Demon for you to fight. Magic retaliation If it doesn't summon a Demon, it'll hit you with a spell, or a special ability- attack, like Eye Laser. Reflect Magic Sometimes, some of your spells may be reflected to you. It doesn't appear to happen always, so I'm guessing it sometimes turns it on/off during the fight, Absorb Shade-type damage The Black Rabite will absorb any Shade-type damage that is inflicted upon it (meaning that you'll be healing it), so don't bother trying. It'll only give you a headache. Glow Supposedly, it restores his HP to max, but I have my doubts. Anyway, this leads us to… The Black Rabite's HP! Okay, as said above, some say that the Black Rabite heals itself to full every time he glows, which is pretty often. However, I'm not too sure. If it did, why would he cast spells on itself to heal? There's also a pattern to its magic. You usually kill it some time after it casts Ancient, meaning that it probably casts Ancient when it's HP is low. This means it can't be restoring its HP when it glows, or else it'll be hitting you with Ancient non-stop X_X However, some people have spent over an hour trying to kill the Rabite. This could mean that it does restore its HP, since I don't think any boss would have a million plus HP. One more thing, in Seiken Densetsu 3, the levels of the enemies and bosses are proportionate to your own level (usually). I don't know whether this applies to the Black Rabite or not, but if it did, it might explain why people at level 70+ have problems killing it, while people like me at level 50 didn't find it overly impossible. ============================================================================= Who to choose ============================================================================= There's no 'best' character for fighting the Black Rabite. Rather, it's the combination of characters that's important, whether they have the appropriate magic and abilities to last through. Of course, the classes you choose are also important. Also, you shouldn't choose your characters and their classes solely based on this guide. The Black Rabite is but a small part of the game, and choosing your characters solely to beat him might result in problems in the other parts of the games. Say, for example, you take Duran, Kevin and Hawk and make them all into their most powerful fighter classes. You might have an easier time at the Black Rabite but you might die at bosses who are physically strong. Also, don't choose the most powerful classes and end up without Heal Light, or something. That wouldn't be too smart. In fact, that wouldn't be smart at all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angela, Princess of Altena ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angela is the main offensive magic user in the game. Physically, she's very weak, but usually her magic power makes up for it. However, sometimes this doesn't work, such as on bosses which retaliate after magic attacks. Like the Black Rabite. Also, her HP doesn't go too high, although her MP will max out. At the Black Rabite, her low HP may seem like a disadvantage, but her innately high magic resistance will make up for it. Angela is one of the two characters needed as a main character to fight the Black Rabite, the other of course being Duran. Meaning that you have to have either Duran or Angela in your team. Duran will prove more useful at this fight, but overall I feel Angela is a better character. Plus she's cute when she gets pissed ^^ Final Classes Grand Diviner (Light-Light): I haven't taken this class myself, but I think it's more or less similar to Archmage, except she gets Double Spell instead of Rainbow. Archmage (Light-Dark): Not too great a class, same for Grand Diviner. Rainbow won't be too good at the Black Rabite. Rune Master (Dark-Light): Angela's best class. Death Spell won't be effective, as the Great Demons are Level 99 (unless you trained up to the same level 0_o), but Stone Cloud will work nicely. Magus (Dark-Dark): She gets the really nasty Ancient spell. Not too bad a class. You can take her if you've already taken Rune Master previously, of if you want to go round crushing your enemies into itty bitty pieces with that fun spell ^^ Generally, try to stay away from Angela's light classes. Although they're more useful at first, they won't give you the raw magic power her dark classes' have at the end. Unless you need a magical boost early in the game, or want to trash everyone with multitarget Saint Beam (quite a powerful spell) Overall best choice: Rune Master ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carlie, Grand-Daughter of the Priest of Light of Wendel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carlie is your cleric-type character in the game. Whatever path you take, she always ends up with Heal Light multiple. Which is good. She's also physically weak, though not as much as Angela. Taken towards the Light path, she gets Holy magic as well as protective magic. Taken towards the Dark path, she gets monster summoning and curses and all that. She's got a pretty decent magic defense too. Stats-wise, she's like a less extreme Angela, with a high Spirit instead on Intelligence. And she's cute!!! Final Classes: Bishop (Light-Light): A great class! You can trash the Rabite with Saint Saber, and protect yourself from his magic with Magic barrier. Turn Undead is a nifty spell too. Sage (Light-Dark): Not much to say. Saint Beam isn't too useful at the Rabite, and Elemental Sabers won't work well either. Necromancer (Dark-Light): Black Curse is an evil, evil spell (literally and figuratively). Other than that, she's an okay class. Evil Shaman (Dark-Dark): Demon Breath is an awesome spell ^_^. But since the Black Rabite absorbs Shade-type damage, you'll just be healing him, and the special effect won't work too, so don't use it there.Anti-Magic is great too. For the Black Rabite, Carlie's Dark classes aren't as effective as normal, because their monster summonings will result in retaliations. The Sage isn't effective, period. Well, maybe Saint Beam can be useful. Heh. Overall best choice: Bishop ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duran, Swordsman of Forcena ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duran is your sword wielding hero of the game. The first thing I notice about him is that it takes eternity for him to recover after an attack. I've been told that every character has the same recovery rate, so the effect is probably psychological. But still. :) Anyway, Duran is a pretty average guy. He may be slow, but he can dish out some hard whacks, and his defense is quite good if he gets to use the shields. Duran is the other character that can fight the Black Rabite. He will be useful, as he hits hard and, given the correct spells, can turn the tide in your favour. Final Classes Paladin (Light-Light): A good class. With Heal Light, Saint Saber and a powerful fullscreen Level 3 tech attack, this is the better Light class. Lord (Light-Dark): More healing-oriented than the Paladin, with Heal Light multitarget and Tinkle Rain. Result is that he isn't particularly wonderful. Choose this if you don't already have another person with multitarget Heal Light. Swordsmaster (Dark-Light): Woooo!! Moon and Leaf Saber! Great if you're taking Dark Path for Duran. Duelist (Dark-Dark):All you get is the Dark Saber spell. Not that it's of any use. You get a disgustingly high attack though. :) Take Lord if you need the healing. Overall best choice: Paladin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hawk, Thief of Navarre -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hawk is the character with the most variety. He's got decent stats, with high Agility and Luck, and a double attack. Which makes him a great character, needless to say. His attack and defense aren't that high. The attack is made up for by the double attack; unfortunately, the defense isn't, so watch out for him. Towards the Light path, he leans towards Nature, and gets to use Luna and Dryad magic. Very neat as he's the only one that can use any of Luna and Dryad's magic, with the exception of Saber magic for Kevin and Duran. Taken towards the Dark Path, he learns Ninja abilities, which lower stats too. Final Classes Wanderer (Light-Light): The class which gets all of Luna and Dryad's magic, except the Sabers and Grenade Bomb. A fun class, as you get to play with his many powerful spells like Lunatic, Counter Magic and TransShape. Rogue (Light-Dark): Gets a whole range of new skills, all attack though. A great class due to the different types of damage he can do with his abilities. Ninja Master (Dark-Light): Nothing new, you just get to multi-target your previous skills, so generally NightBlade is preferred. However, Hawk's Ninjutsu magic is very powerful, and being able to multi target them is a big help. Go blast NightBlades with Water Jutsu, Wizards with Fire Jutsu etc etc and laugh as they try to do anything resembling damage. NightBlade (Dark-Dark): A great class, gets Black Rain (not too useful against Black Rabite though), Fire and Poison Breaths and Deadly Weapon. Best of al, his tech attack is quite possible the most powerful one in the game. Whack your enemies with Split-Image Slice and watch them all die >:) Hawk's a really good character; he doesn't have a distinct lousy class :) Overall best choice: NightBlade -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin, Son of the Beast King -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin only has one purpose in the game: to physically bash up any opposition ^^ He's got the highest attack power in the game, due to his double-attack, plus loads of HP. At night, his lycanthropic powers surface, and he can change into a werewolf. He is also the only character to have two tech attacks per class, after the first class change. Not much for variety, but the strongest physically. Sort of like an opposite of Angela, except that I think Angela's physical strengths beat Kevin's magical powers ^^. Final Classes: God Hand (Light-Light): Not much to say for this one, though Aura Wave is pretty good, especially with his Byakko Shockwave (the one which looks like Dangaard's Thunderball). Warrior Monk (Light-Dark): Definitely Kevin's best class. With Leaf Saber and Heal Light multiple, it's hard to lose with a Warrior Monk in your team ^^. Cast Leaf Saber, smack, smack, cast Heal Light, smack smack. Repeat. Death Hand (Dark-Light): You get Energy Ball. Haven't seen much use for this one yet. Dervish (Dark-Dark): Moon Saber. That's about it. Of course, you do get a disgustingly high attack :) Kevin's Dark classes are extremely powerful, but they won't give you the better magic spells. So it's up to you. Overall best choice: Warrior Monk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lise, Princess of Rolante -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lise is a really great character. She has a high attack, her spells are lifesavers and some of her God Summons are extremely powerful. The only downside is her defense. Other than that, I can't find much wrong with her :) She gains support magic after her first class change. Final Classes Vanadies (Light-Light): Stay away from this one. It's not a good class, except for her awesome Light Shot Spear. Freya's lousy, too. Star Lancer (Light-Dark): Arguably the best class in the game, the Star Lancer gets to multitarget her Stat-up spells. Plus, she gets the most useful God Summon. Marduke not only looks cool, hits everyone for decent damage, but also mutes them. Great for NightBlades, Wizards and DeathMachines. Dragon Master (Dark-Light): Umm, not too good. Can't multitarget spells, gets Jormungand (not the most useful of God Summons), and doesn't have a fullscreen tech attack. Fenrir Knight (Dark-Dark): The better class for the Dark path. Gets to multi- target her stat-down spells, and can summon Lamian Naga. This summon doesn't have any status effect, but it hits the hardest. Lise's support magic are ideal for a weak team. Just remember to stay away from the classes that I've mentioned. Overall best choice: Star Lancer ================================================================================ Strategy ================================================================================ Note: This is my strategy, which worked for me, thus I am suggesting it to you. If you want to have your own, it's okay. But if it doesn't work, aha, that's too bad ^^ The first thing the Black Rabite will do when you enter, besides giving off this nice purplish spark, is to pound you with a multi target Dark Force. After the animation is over, quickly heal your characters, then cast/use items : Stat up spells and Saber magic. Be sure to press attack once, so that Kevin (if you have him) will turn into a werewolf (you did switch it to night time right?). I don't know if Lunatic works, but you can try ^^ After that, use your stat down spells on him. If you have a lot, use them one after another, since the maximum amount of demons he can have at a time is 2. After you're done (and gotten rid of the demons if necessary), try to corner him and pound him repeatedly. He may slip out, in which case just corner him again. Be sure to use your tech once it turns blue, for the character you're controlling. The Black Rabite, for the most part, will just do nothing but jump around and get hit, and occasionally attack, which doesn't do any significant damage. It's real power lies in it's magic. It can cast a slew of it's powerful magic, one after another. This means that, once you get hit by the first spell, _immediately_ access the character who has Heal light multi target and make him/her cast it. If need be, follow up with recovery items. The Black Rabite will sometimes cast Dark Force and Black Rain on itself, to heal. It may also cast Dark Saber on your party. If that should happen, cast an appropriate Saber magic (Saint, Moon, Dryad) to counteract it, or, if you don't have Saber magic or items, use Stardust Herbs to remove it (and recast Stat Up spells, if needed). It will cast the other spells as part of its spell flurry. Thankfully, at least for me, it has always cast Ancient by itself. Be sure to remain healed at all times. If you're using an emulator, save occasionally, on alternate slots (different from the one you saved on before the battle, of course). Keep this up and eventually you should be able to defeat it. It's mainly a question of whether you have the correct spells/items, and the HP and magic resistance to withstand his magic. It takes quite a while though. After you've defeated it, he will leave a treasure chest. Inside is the Moogle Badge, an item similar to the Chibikko Hammer, but it mooglelises/unmooglelises instead. this item may not always appear, so if it doesn't, load and try again (This is where the constant saving helps). It's your trophy, so I think you'd want to get it :) Be careful to kill him last; if there're any demons around, knock them out first. Well, congratulations! You have defeated the Black Rabite! ^_^ ============================================================================= How to defeat the Black Rabite the cheap and easy way ============================================================================= Note: You can use these methods to ensure an easy win against the Black Rabite. However, these will take all the challenge out of fighting it, so don't read on if you don't want to. <-----Spoiler Space-----> Okay, so you want to play dirty ^^. Here's how: 1)Use a Specter's Eye on it. This will negate its ability to absorb Shade-type damage, so when it tries to heal itself by casting Dark spells on itself, it'll get hurt. It'll also take a bit more damage if you hit it when you have Dark Saber (which it might cast on you). I'm not sure if Anti-magic will work too; anyone who can verify please email me. 2)This is really really low, but if you want to.... It's easiest with Angela. a)Go in, get hit by Dark Force, then run out. Heal if you must. b)Go back and fight it. After it casts Dark Force, the music should stop. c)Cast an offensive Dark spell on it. (Evil Gate / Dark Force) d)Cast an offensive Light spell on it. (Holy Ball / Saint Beam) Poof! It'll explode :) Try to cast the spells as quickly as possible, as in one after another. Don't know if items (eg. Light and Dark Coins) work, or if Shade/Wisp attacks (eg Demon Breath/ Silver Dart) work; as with above, if you can, please verify. Also, note that after you hit it with a Dark spell, there's a chance that it might spit out a Great Demon. If it does, kill the Demon first, to make sure the Rabite itself leaves the chest. This is easiest with Angela, and Carlie at the correct class, because then you can pound the Rabite successively before it can even recover >:) If you didn't run in and run out, the trick should still work, just whack it a while more after you hit it with the Light spell. <-----Spoiler Space-----> ============================================================================= Credits ============================================================================= CJayC, owner of GameFAQs, for hosting this. Squaresoft, for producing such an excellent game. Though why you didn't release it in English is a mystery to me. Neill Corlett, Lina`chan, Nuku-nuku, SoM2Freak, for translating this excellent game into English for us all. DragonKnight Zero, whose Magic and Items Guide I referred to for some of the items listed here. It can be found at GameFaqs (, where this FAQ should be too. Hahn's Clone, who told me about the Black Rabite, and other miscellaneous stuff about SD3, and for being a really nice guy. PureDragon, for pointing out the part about the Specter's Eye and the Reflect Magic, and for complimenting me on this FAQ ^^ TheProfoundDarkness, for telling me where that annoying blend-in-with-the-snow beach near Altena was the first time I played, and also for being a great guy and friend. SeikenFan, for helping to get this guide out sooner than I planned :) Magus, for creating the best SD3 FAQ as of yet ^^. Also a nice guy to talk to, and shares my views on plagiarists and thieves too :) Neville Collins, for his email. Anything in this guide remotely related to the Black Rabite's HP was contributed by him ^^ MegaMew812, for telling me about the Poto Oils. (which I knew already but didn't think was important :) ) ============================================================================= Contributions/corrections are welcome. Seiken Densetsu 3 Black Rabite Guide Copyright 2000 Jeremy Wong