SEIKEN DENSETSU 3 GUIDE By: RyuSeiryuu V2.8 August 16, 2002 ============================================================================= CONTACT INFORMATION ============================================================================= If you need help or have any questions about this FAQ, feel free to email me with your concerns. I will try to reply as soon as possible. Email: AOL Instant Messenger Screen name: RyuSeiryuu Website: (c) 2000-2002 RyuSeiryuu ================================= .::::Whats New?::::. ================================= -More of the walkthrough is done -Added people's class and party opinions -A larger file size -An Easier way to find things Ok, since this FAQ is getting quite large, I have made an easier way to navigate this FAQ. The Table of Contents would help, but I have made a coding that could only be found in one spot. If you look through the Table of Contents, notice the weird coding at the end that you could place into the find option. If you don't know what the find option is, press Ctrl+F. This will bring it up. Just copy and paste the code into the search box and search for it. I hope this helps. ============================================================================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================= I. Introduction ***Completed*** (Code: aaaa) II. Getting Started (Thank you Nightblade) ***Completed*** (Code: bbbb) III. Characters and Their Classes (Code: cccc) -Getting Familiar with the Class Change System ***Completed*** -Duran ***Completed*** (Code: eeee) -Angela ***Completed*** (Code: ffff) -Kevin ***Completed*** (Code: gggg) -Carlie/Charlotte ***Completed*** (Code: hhhh) -Hawk/Hawkeye ***Completed*** (Code: iiii) -Lise/Riesz ***Completed*** (Code: jjjj) IV. Walkthrough (Code: kkkk) -Duran Introduction ***Completed*** -Angela Introduction ***Completed*** -Kevin Introduction ***Completed*** -Carlie Introduction ***Completed*** -Hawk Introduction ***Completed*** -Lise Introduction ***Completed*** -Walkthrough for all Characters (SPOILERS) -Hawk/Lise Quest Ending -Duran/Angela Quest Ending -Kevin/Carlie Quest Ending V. Items ***Completed*** (Code: llll) VI. Boss Strategies (SPOILERS) ***Completed*** (Code: mmmm) VII. Enemy List (Thanks EternalSpirit) ***Mostly Complete*** (Code: nnnn) VIII. Spell List (Thanks Unlocke) ***Completed*** (Code: oooo) IX. Party Recommendations (Code: pppp) X. Frequently Asked Questions (Code: qqqq) XI. My Review of this Game ***Completed*** (Code: rrrr) XII. Credits (Code: ssss) XIII. Version History ============================================================================= I. INTRODUCTION aaaa ============================================================================= Although titled Seiken Densetsu 3, this is basically a prequel to Seiken Densetsu 2. In America, Seiken Densetsu 2 is Secret of Mana. A typical save the world RPG. The only difference is the graphics and replay value. Available to choose from six characters, four final classes for each character, three final bosses, and six different endings, you would want to play this game again and again. The awesome graphics that you see in the game is marvelously created. I think this game has potential. It would've been a big success in America and other countries if it were ever released. This FAQ is created from my experience and knowledge that I possess. After going through many of the FAQs at Gamefaqs, I have come to realize that they all have similar ideas and concepts. I have decided to do something different with this guide. I'm trying to make it as detailed at possible at every aspect of the game. This includes everything from class changes to every enemy found in the game. Anyways, this will be the biggest FAQ I think I will ever create! Something new to my contributions is the fact that I am having people who have the game submit their ideas and opinions on classes and parties. I think this will make my FAQ less biased and become a type of FAQ where everyone would want to come and read it. This is also my first FAQ creation so if things seem confusing or something doesn't seem right, email me and notify me of this. ~Ryu Seiryuu~ Here is the Introduction to the game.. "Once, when the world was yet trapped in darkness, the goddess of Mana felled 8 incarnations of disaster that guided the world to destruction, the God-Beasts, with the Sword of Mana, and sealed them in 8 stones. And, as the darkness left, the world was created. The goddess of Mana turned herself into a tree, and fell asleep. Many years passed... Due to the actions of some who plot to unleash the God-Beasts from the stones, obtain power surpassing even that of the gods, and to make the world their own, conflict breaks out heralding the end of peace... Mana is rapidly disappearing from the earth. Even the Mana Tree has begun to wither..." ============================================================================= II. GETTING STARTED bbbb ============================================================================= This is a section for the newbies. Basically, it's for you to get to know the controls, menus and such. It's rather easy to figure out. Here's a little run through... ------------------------- < Commonly used Phrases > ------------------------- Tech - Every class has one. There's a much deeper explanation below MP - Magic Points. How much energy a spell needs and how much energy you have. HP - Hit Points. How many points of damage you can take before dying Lucre - Or Luc, as the game refers, is the main currency in Seiken 3. I don't know why they put it in this so-called -Japanese- game, though. It sounds rather french to me.... ------------------------- < Controls - Non-battle > ------------------------- A = Accept, speak, select B = Cancel, shut up X = Enter Ring Menu Y = Enter Main Menu L = Control 2nd character (hold) R = Control 3rd character (hold) Select = Change party leader Start = Enter Storage --------------------- < Controls - Battle > --------------------- A = Attack, select B = Tech, cancel X = Enter Ring Menu Y = *none* L = Control 2nd character (hold) R = Control 3rd character (hold) Select = Change party leader Start = *none* ------------------------- ------------------------- At any time (when not engaged in battle) during your journey, you can hit "Y" to bring up the Main Menu. Here you'll see your three characters, and a bunch of acronyms in the bottom right corner. They are other menus. It should look a little like this... WIN | INV |EQUIP ----------------- BTL | --- | MGC ----------------- FILE |STAT | CON < WIN - Window Select > ----------------------- Here, you can select what speech windows you want. Rather a preference thing than actual information. There is a guideline at the bottom left corner on what you do. < INV - Inventory Exchange > ---------------------------- Here, you can switch who's holding what, or where you want to put something. Particularly useful when obtaining that equipment from those damn Weapon/Armor seeds and you have to give to the right person. ARRGH! Once again, there are handy guidelines in the northwest corner on what to do. < EQUIP - Equipment Exchange > ------------------------------ Here, you give your characters better equipment. Hit A, choose what part you want to change, then hit A again to select what to change into. As a lot of people may ask, to equip your other characters simply press "Select" and you'll get another characters equipment menu up. That goes for everything else. < BTL - Battle Behavior > ------------------------- Here you can select how your characters will behave in battle. The choices are... -> Start attacking with closest enemy -> Assist *2nd character* -> Assist *3rd character* -> attack different enemies than allies ... for a beginner, I'd suggest everyone assisting each other. For example, Player 1 assists Player 2, Player 2 assists Player 3, and so on. To the right of that, you'll see a list. After selecting battle mode, the cursor will point to that menu. It should look a little like this... -> < Don't use techs > -> Whirlwind Lance *Level one tech* -> Flying Heaven Spear *Level two tech* -> Hundred Flower Dance *Level three tech* And that's where you choose what tech you want the AI controlled characters to use in battle. When I use boss strategies below and quote "Use Level 1 techs only", simply go there and make everyone use Level one techs. I would offer the competition-like thing (as with stats, below), but it would be too easy for even the casual newbie to search around the net and read a walkthrough, no? Moving on... < MGC - Magic Analysis > ------------------------ Here you can select a spell from the listing to the left, and hit A on it to see how much MP the spell costs and what it does, i.e.; the effect of the spell; on a more dramatic side of things. Besides that, this screen will not come into action until after class change for the most part. < FILE - Save Files > --------------------- This lets you look at where and when you last saved, as well as your time/progress through your game, and any others you have played. I don't necessarily see why it's there. But, nonetheless, it's there even if you aren't... =P *Tip* - If you are unsure of class change, save in a different slot before changing. Then, if you don't like you decision, you can always go back. And after, when you start a new game, you can easily erase it and save in that same slot. < STAT - Statistics > --------------------- Here you'll see the basics stats and attributes to a certain character. To the top left you'll see the stats. It should look something like this... Attack - 345 Defense - 300 Evade - 32 Magic def. - 93 ... and below that come the attributes, which should look something like this... Strength 17 ||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Agility 17 ||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Vitality 18 |||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Intell. 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Spirit 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Luck 16 |||||||||||||||| < CON - Controls > ------------------ This is basically a no-brainer. If preferably different from default, you can change the controls at will. The handy guideline is there to tell you what to do. It's in the bottom right corner. < Day/ Night System > --------------------- You'll notice soon enough in your game that it rotates from day to night frequently. It isn't much of a biggie, since all you get is different enemies and/or harder enemies. But there are some minor, minor things that involve switching from Day time to Night time in order to proceed with the game. < Week/ Day System > -------------------- Seiken Densetsu 3 also rotates through a weekly cycle of days, as per usual in real life. Each of the days are named after an elemental spirit except for Shade and Wisp, who represent the -time- of the day (Light/Dark). The "Sunday" of the week is represented by the Faerie. Spells of the elemental will be stronger on its day, and opposites will be weaker. A good idea is to never visit a boss on his or her special day. Chances are, you won't come out nice. A little chart... Wisp/Lumina = Day time Shade = Night time Luna = Luna's Day Salamando = Salamando's Day Undine= Undine's Day Dryad = Dryad's Day Jinn = Jinn's Day Gnome = Gnome's Day Faerie = Mana Holy Day < Storage System > ------------------ At any given time, hit "Start" to bring up the storage. It should look something like this... Put into storage >Round Drop 6 Round Drop 16 Pakkun Chocolate 8 PuiPui Grass 67 Moogle Badge 1 Honey Drink 9 Wind Drum 1 Magic Walnut 10 Demon Wolf Soul 2 Book of Rune 99 (Often left here =P) Nighteye Die 5 Stardust Herb 17 Nothing Light Coin 3 Nothing >Shade Statue 23 Demon's Claw 8 Nothing V To the left is your current item ring, and what's in it. To the right is what is in your storage. There are three things you can do in storage. "Restock", "Store" and "Exchange". To restock, simply select an item in your ring and if you currently have some more in your storage, select the exact same item and you'll restore it to 9. To store, select and item and then hit A on "Put into Storage". To Exchange, select and item and a different item on the storage side. If you choose an item from the storage that is already in your ring, you'll just refill it. So it's best not to. < Ring System > --------------- Ahhh... no more annoying Main Menus for getting and using items. Seiken Densetsu 3 brings you rings. Hit X at any given time, and you'll bring up your item ring, used for basically selecting and using items. If you hit up from there, it'll bring you to your Magic ring, where you can select and use a spell. Unless it is supportive or healing magic, you can't use magic out of battle. (Thanks again for allowing me to use this in my FAQ, Nightblade) ============================================================================= III. CHARACTERS AND THEIR CLASS CHANGES cccc ============================================================================= Getting Familiar with the Class Change System- I hope to get you familiar with the class change system so you wouldn't be confused. The class change system in Seiken Densetsu 3 is that your character(s) are able to promote themselves to another class when they meet certain conditions. Your first class change for any character would be at Level 18. You need to talk to a Mana Stone in order to class change. If successful, a choice is given to you and you can decide what class you want. Here's my diagram of the class change system. If you go up on the class change system, your character is considered more holy. Going dark would make you evil. For your second class change you need to be at least Level 38 and have a certain class change item that can be found from "???" Seeds obtained by enemies. -------------------------------- |Final Class L.38 (Light-light)| -------------------------------- / / -------------------------- |First Class L.18 (Light)| -------------------------- / \ / \ / ------------------------------- --------------------- |Final Class L.38 (Light-dark)| |Start L.1 (Neutral)| ------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------- \ |Final Class L.38 (Dark-light)| \ ------------------------------- \ / \ / ------------------------- |First Class L.18 (Dark)| ------------------------- \ \ ------------------------------ |Final Class L.38 (Dark-dark)| ------------------------------ ============================================================================= DURAN eeee ============================================================================= Gender: M Age: 17 Weapon: Sword Duran is the boy with the ruddy hair, the metal plate on his head, and after his first light class change, he'll lug a shield. He is an unrefined, coarse character with a short temper and a keen dislike of losing. Fellow guardsmen give him a wide berth, in consideration of his explosive personality. However, if truth be known, he is a devoted subject of King Richard of the Kingdom of Forcena, with whom his deceased father was close. ------------------ Fighter (Neutral) ------------------ He doesn't learn any spells until his first change and he's not that helpful in the beginning because of his long recovery from one swing. Tech: Cross Slash Spells: None Class Change: Level 18 Beginning Stats: HP: 88 MP: 6 --------------------------- Strength 6 |||||| --------------------------- Agility 4 |||| --------------------------- Vitality 5 ||||| --------------------------- Intell. 2 || --------------------------- Spirit 2 || --------------------------- Luck 2 || --------------------------- ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Good strength and defense. No spells and lacks a double hit, making him effectively weaker than Hawk and Kevin. However, still a great physical damage fighter. ---------------- Gladiator (Dark) ---------------- Good: Learns four elemental sabers that could be used on enemies. Pick the right element and you'll be dealing more damage. This class has higher attack than the Knight Class. This class has a full screen tech, which is the strongest level 2 tech in the game. This class is great since one of Duran's final class is the Duelist. This is the strongest class out of the entire game. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: This class or any of the class after this is unable to equip a shield. No healing capabilities is found in this class. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: This is a great class to choose. I'm not that picky when it when it comes to choosing Duran's classes since his main purpose is for attacking. The elemental sabers would give you a slight advantage enemies like the God Beasts. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Whirlwind Sword (Full-screen) New Spells: Fire Saber (single), Ice Saber (single), Thunder Saber (single), Earth Saber (single) Class Change: Level 38; Requires Special Item Special Items: Duelist Proof to become Duelist Sword master Proof to become Sword master Max Stats: --------------------------------- Strength 18 |||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Agility 16 |||||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Vitality 17 ||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Intell. 14 |||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Spirit 13 ||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Luck 13 ||||||||||||| --------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Gladiator: This is a good class. He can't heal, so I'd only use this class if already have a healer. His attack power is higher than the Knight class, but he can't equip shields. However, he gets some pretty dandy Saber magic, which can add an elemental attribute to your weapon for the remainder of the battle. ================= Opinion by Koren ================= Gladiator: Very strong class change for a first class. Although I believe that Knight has more variety. If your team does not have Kevin in it, go for Gladiator because you are going to need as much power as you can find. The only exception to this is if you have Lise go Vanadies, then you can go Knight too. The Sabers are useful early. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Gladiator- Much more powerful than the Knight. Personally, I think that the two things that make Duran good are his attack power and his sabers. This class lets you take advantage of both. Plus, he has a full-screen tech, which is very useful and VERY powerful. ===================== Opinion by DavieZBOY ===================== Learns Ice, Flame, Diamond, and Thunder Sabers, can't carry a shield though in his dark classes. Stronger than his light class. Full Screen Tech. ==================== Opinion by XZeroSSJ ==================== Gladiator-Stronger class than the Knight even though it may not sound like it. He learns all elemental sabers except Moon and Leaf saber. He'll get those sabers if you upgrade him to Sword Master. Upgrade (or should I say downgrade) him to Duelist and he'll learn Dark Saber. The sabers he learns are: Diamond Saber, Thunder Saber, Ice Saber, and Flame Saber. His technique (Whirlwind Sword) is pretty powerful for a beginning class as well. With a shield he'd be all too perfect. :) ======================== Opinion by Major Damage ======================== Gladiator: If you chose the dark path in your first class change for Duran, you will get a glimpse of the fighting machine he can become... Duran is VERY strong in this class, gets the basic elemental sabers (fire, ice, earth and thunder), and a nice FST. The Gladiator is a nice class, as he's a better fighter than the Knight. His single flaw is that he can't equip shields... Oh well... ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Gets high attack power and Sabers. Higher attack than the Knight, plus a L2 FST which is highly useful during the time you have the second class. The elemental Sabers are great, although they can be easily replaced with items. The FST isn't that good in looks but is effective and the attack is always nice. You do lose the ability to equip shields, but Duran generally has high enough HP to survive for awhile. Personally, I like Gladiator then Duelist best of Duran's classes, but his light classes are useful as well. It comes down to damage and sabers versus shields. I recommend trying both ways, then just choosing whichever direction you like better, as both the Knight and Gladiator are pretty good classes. ------------------- Duelist (Dark-dark) ------------------- Good: The strongest class in the game. Is able to use the strongest techs in the game. ~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Unable to multi-target the sabers learned from the Gladiator class. Dark Saber isn't really necessary unless you're taking on the Light God-Beast, Lightgazer. ~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: Duran is very powerful in attacking and is quite fast on the recovery swing now. He learns Dark Saber, which isn't necessary at the end of the game. He learns the most powerful tech in the game, Eruption Sword. People who are pretty familiar with the game should use this class. For first timers, I would suggest going to his light side first. You need a Duelist Proof to become this class. He is needed in a party that has weak characters. If you have Angela, Carlie, or Hawk that are your other two characters, making Duran a Duelist would be a bold move. ~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Eruption Sword (Full-screen) New Spells: Dark Saber (single) Class Change: none Best Weapon: Deathbringer Best Helmet: Skull Head Best armor: Skeleton Mail Best Accessory: Master's Armband Max Stats: ------------------------------------- Strength 22 |||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Agility 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Vitality 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Intell. 17 ||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Spirit 15 ||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Luck 15 ||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Duelist: Get this class if you need a fighter, as that's about all the Duelist does: Fight. And he's really good at it, too, with the highest single-swing attack power of any class in the game. Oh, and he also gets the near-useless Dark Saber... I don't like this spell, though. ================= Opinion by Koren ================= Duelist: The Duelist is Duran's most physically powerful class, and he knows all of the Gladiator's Sabers as well as the Dark Saber he gets. I find that this class is not as useful as the Swords master, because Dark Saber is worthless by the time you class change. Brilliant FST though. If you go Dark at first class change, go Sword master. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Duelist-Well, if you want pain, the Duelist is the way to go. He has what is possibly the strongest tech in the game, and the highest Strength stat in the game. He will slice through the enemies very quickly, and make your job easy. Unless you find a Shadow Zero. Then you're dead. But hey, what are the chances of that happening? And Eruption Sword IS good. ===================== Opinion by DavieZBOY ===================== Learns Dark Saber. Definitely the strongest class in the game, stronger than all his other classes. Very cool Full Screen Tech. ======================= Opinion from Lord Zero ======================= DUELIST: Haha... the mere mention of this class makes enemies shiver. The Duelist is a enemy eater, and with the most useful sabers at hand, itīs a force to be feared. The best dark class, specially because of this one maximizes the point of using Duran, being powerful. This one sliceīs, diceīs and juliannaīs the competition. ======================== Opinion by Major Damage ======================== Duelist: If you want POWER go dark dark with Duran... Sure, he doesn't have the MT sabers the Swordmaster gets, nor the exotic Moon and Leaf sabers... But HEY! He's a fighter, and in this class he gets the HIGHEST attack power available in this game... Also, he gets the strongest tech, Eruption Sword, which is able to clean the screen as effectively as Ancient. Duran's best class IMO. ========================== Opinion by BrazilianMagus ========================== Duelist:Durans almighty DD, this is what Duran is suppose to be pure strength, this class also get the very hard to find Dark Saber.If you dont need healing really go for the Duelist his +1 Str really makes a LOT of difference and you kill a lot of enemies with a easy time needing only two hits when you need 3 as example with other classes ,this happens specially on bosses where the difference adds a lot after several hits , and talking about bosses this one have almost all the elemental saber(with exception of Saint and Moon/Leaf)what also add to him being the Boss Nightmare.Also his Eruption Sword kills anything at sight being a real screen cleaner. Duran best class, if you dont need a healer or dont care for one this is the class you should go. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Wonderful class. Highest strength in the game. Keeps the Sabers from the Gladiator class and gets the very useless Dark Saber, since most enemies will resist Darkness attacks or at least not be weak to them late in the game. The real reason you pick the Duelist is pure strength. The single-hit damage is better than anything else in the game, even the Wolf form of Death Hand Kevin. Eruption Sword looks really cool and all of Duran's techs get a damage benefit in the Duelist class since tech damage is based on Strength. Simply killer with AuraWave since for 3 MP, you can do at least 600 damage and more with SU/SD spells, basically the equivalent of Ancient with much less MP consumption. I love this class and personally consider it worth much more than the Swordmaster. ------------------------- Sword master (Dark-light) ------------------------- Good: This class has many of the sabers that could be learned in the game. The only exceptions are the Saint Saber and Dark Saber. This class has the ability to multi-target the sabers from the Gladiator class, and also has a full screen level 3 tech. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: This class is weaker than Duran's other dark class (Duelist). ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: This class would be a bold decision if you have to other power attackers in your party. The physical attackers in the game are Duran Lise, Hawk, and Kevin (not in any particular order of power). The ability to multi-target the sabers to that is strong against a certain enemy would prove useful. The level 3 tech for the Sword master is pretty strong. If you don't have two other power attacks, I would suggest the Duelist class. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Vacuum Sword (Full-screen) New Spells: Fire Saber (multi), Ice Saber (multi), Thunder Saber (multi), Earth Saber (multi), Moon Saber (single), Leaf Saber (single) Class Change: None Best Weapon: Ragnarok Best Helmet: Rising Moon Helm Best Armor: Master's Armor Best Accessory: Master's Armband Max Stats: ------------------------------------ Strength 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Agility 18 |||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Vitality 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Intell. 16 |||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Spirit 16 |||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Luck 16 |||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Sword master: If you like Sabers, then this is the class for you! With this, Duran can not only multi-target the Gladiator's sabers, but he can also cast Moon and Leaf Saber, which are very handy. The Sword master is a solid fighter, who's best when used with other fighters. ================= Opinion by Koren ================= Sword master: This is Duran's best dark class because he gets all of the gladiator's sabers and is able to multi-target them as well as getting the Moon Saber and Leaf Saber. With this class you can exploit almost any enemy's weakness. Great class. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Personally, I think that this is the best of Duran's classes. While the Duelist is stronger, the Sword master also has a full screen tech and high attack power. Plus the Sword master has better sabers. While Moon Saber isn't particularly useful, Leaf Saber is another story entirely. It will keep your characters casting for a long time, and is particularly worth it if Angela is in your party, although other classes can take advantage of it as well. ==================== Opinion by XZeroSSJ ==================== Sword Master-I think the best of all his Dark classes. His technique is kind of cool. It's pretty powerful too. He has lots of strength and power. He's almost close to Kevin's Death Hand class at night. He learns all the Sabers except Saint and Dark. This is the most likely class to use if you want him balanced. ===================== Opinion by DavieZBOY ===================== Learns Moon and Leaf Sabers, Moon Saber let's you gain a little HP for each time you hit the enemy, and Leaf Saber does the same, only it gives you MP. He also get's all the other Sabers that he got in the Gladiator class multi targeted. Stronger than his Light classes. Cool Full Screen Tech. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== SWORDMASTER: I donīt like this class. Right, you get every saber, but, as far as I know, Leaf and Moon Sabers, are useless. Weaker than the Duelist, no shield, but a good option if you actually pretend to get Carlie and Angela in the same team. ========================== Opinion by BrazilianMagus ========================== SwordMaster:Well this class is the one that most depend on your group, if you have the right group with will become essential, otherwise you would be better with another class.The swordmaster gets to MT his old sabers and learns two new ones the awesome Moon Saber and the Leaf Saber,also is good to put that the SwordMaster have the same attack power than both the Lord and the Paladin against popular believe that he is stronger.This class is really need in two cases , if you have an all strike team(such as Nightblade-Death Hand-Sword Master) you can go for him, his MT saber will always be useful on the three partners but specially because you can always go for Moon Saber for Healing needs, the second is when you paired with the Dark Angela, as she spend MP on an instant and Leaf Saber will be real saver when you finish with your Magic Nuts.If you dont have this two think better, his MT Saber will end without use after the fact you can find claws at Byzel, and his Moon saber/Leaf Saber wont be used at all only on rare situations. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Not a class I really like. Lower attack power than the Duelist and not much in return. You get Leaf Saber which is useless without Angela and not much use even with Angela since you can always rely on Walnuts or claws to cast Leaf Saber. Also, Moon Saber isn't truly useful either since running out of HP isn't much of a problem, even without HL because you can always rely on cheap items like Poto Oils or Chocolates. The MT of the sabers is completely useless since Duran doesn't take that long to cast Sabers and chances are that your entire party won't need Sabers anyways. Duran gets a level 3 FST in this class, along with Whirlwind Sword from the Gladiator. Vacuum Sword looks really stupid though and is weaker than Eruption Sword due to the lower STR. -------------- Knight (Light) -------------- Good: Has the ability to equip a shield to increase the evade rate and reduce the amount of damage done to him by magic. Heal light would be useful when your low on HP. ~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: The level 2 tech for this class is only single targeted. That's the only bad thing I can find in this class. ~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: This class is great if you want to have a healer in your party. If you want to have a healer in your party, I would advise to double up in the healing. What I mean by this is have Kevin in your party and make him a Monk and then a God Hand. Now you don't have to worry about healing. The ability to equip a shield is great for those of you who think his swing recovery is slow. He can avoid many attacks while recuperating from his last swing. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Three-Step Cut (single enemy) New Spells: Heal Light (one ally) Class Change: Level 38; requires special item Class Change Items: Paladin's Proof to become Paladin Lord's Proof to become Lord Max Stats: ----------------------------------- Strength 17 ||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Agility 15 ||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Vitality 17 ||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Intell. 13 ||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Spirit 14 |||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Luck 14 |||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Knight: This is handy if you don't have Carlie, or you have Kevin but plan on making him a Dervish or a Death hand, as the Knight has Healing Light. In addition, he can equip shields, which greatly help his evade rate, but he doesn't have as high an attack power as the Gladiator. Still, he's the best Duran choice if you don't have a healer in your party. ================= Opinion by Koren ================= Knight: I prefer Knight over Gladiator even if you have a healer already, because Carlie has very low HP and to have a stronger healer in reserve is always handy. Plus the ability to equip shields. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Knight-Quite frankly, I don't like him. Yes, he learns Heal Light, but if you want a healer, go with Carlie. Or at least with Kevin. Shields add to his evade rate, which does help, but he doesn't have the destructive power of the Dark classes. His tech looks cool, but it isn't full screen. ===================== Opinion by DavieZBOY ===================== Learns Heal Light, gets to carry a shield which raises his evade rate. Pretty cool Tech, but it's not full screen. ==================== Opinion by XZeroSSJ ==================== Knight-A good class. He learns Heal Light which is extremely good to use if you run out of items. He also get a shield which ups his ability to dodge attacks. Especially good when he has to recover from his swing. He has a lower attack power than the Gladiator so he won't be doing most of the fighting. You would most likely use him to heal if you don't have Carlie or if you're out of items. ======================== Opinion by Major Damage ======================== Knight: Duran's first class change shows you the main difference between Dark and light classes. Light: play it safe. Dark: give'em HELL! Ahem... The Knight is a defensive class... He gets Heal light, which is nice (if you don't have Carlie =P) and can equip the mighty SHIELDS! Shields are a blessing, since they add 20 points to your natural evade rate (Speed up, anyone?). Now, for the bad points... In terms of fighting, he's good yet (after all, he's Duran), however, he SUCKS compared to the first dark class, the Gladiator in terms of fighting... No FST, also, lacks power... ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Gets Heal Light and the ability to equip shields. Supposedly they give elemental resistance along with +20% Evade but only the evade works unfortunately. Compared to the Gladiator, the Knight has lower attack and no FST, but still quite useful. --------------------- Paladin (Light-light) --------------------- Good: As a Paladin, he gets to have the best shield in the game, which May reduce any magic damage by 1/3. He also learns a new spell, Saint Saber. This spell is great for the final areas in the game who are weak against Light aligned attacks. The Paladin's level 3 tech really hurts all enemies on the screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Nothing is really bad with this class. There is no multi-target healing in this class. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: Although there is no multi-target healing with this class, team this class up with a God Hand and you'll do extremely well. There's two characters to help heal the entire party of three people. The God Hand can cast Aura Wave on himself and the Paladin and watch the insane amount of damage that the level 3 techs do. Saint Saber could provide the extra damage to any type of enemy except for light-aligned enemies. I would say this is one of my favorite classes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Flashing Sword (full-screen) New Spells: Saint Saber (one ally) Class Change: None Best Weapon: Brave Blade Best Helmet: Hero's Crown Best Armor: Hero's Armor Best Accessory: War King's Crest Best Shield: Sacred Shield Max Stats: ------------------------------------- Strength 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Agility 17 ||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Vitality 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Intell. 15 ||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Spirit 17 ||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Luck 16 |||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Paladin: This is an excellent choice for Duran, as he's got a strong attack power, Saint Saber, Tinkle Rain, and normal Heal Light. He also gets one of the best shields, and he's just all-around tough. Bear in mind that since he doesn't have multi-target Heal Light, your friends should be able to hold their own in terms of HP... if you have Angela and Hawk in the party, they might have trouble staying alive. ================= Opinion by Koren ================= Paladin: My personal favorite class out of anyone. A very high attack power (I think its Duran's second strongest class, which is behind the Duelist), an awesome FST Flashing Sword (Hurts a lot), Heal Light, even though its only single target it's still useful to have, can equip the best shield, and in my opinion the most useful Saber for his scenario - Saint Saber. An all-round great class. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Paladin-While Saint Saber is one of the most useful spells in the game, it's practically all he gets. If you're going for Saint Saber, I'd suggest the Bishop, as she also learns the other elemental sabers, AND multi-target Heal Light. This gives you the best of both of Duran's light classes. While he doesn't have the awesome full-screen tech that the Paladin gets, you can put someone in the party who does. Not worth the other bad points. ===================== Opinion by DavieZBOY ===================== Learns Saint Saber which is very usefull in the final areas of the game, still no multi target Heal Light, get's to equip the best shield in the game, the Sacred Shield. Get's a cool Full Screen Tech. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== PALADIN: Good stuff. Saint Saber, good shield, powerful attack power, good FST, and good name. The Paladin is my favorite class, mostly because of Saint Saber which does a good work on most final quests (You gotta hate those Undead Dragons) ======================== Opinion by Major Damage ======================== Paladin: A good class... Gets a FST that's quite good and his heal light is stronger than the Lord's. Can fight well and gets the ever useful in the final areas Saint Saber, since you find a lot of dark based enemies there. He loses to the Lord in the following: is SLIGHTLY weaker than the Lord (2 points... practically the same attack power =P), can't MT the Heal Light, and, the thing that hurts me most: NO SPECIAL SHIELD as the Lord... The sacred shield SHOULD reduce every damage received from elemental magic by 1/3... It doesn't happen though... ========================== Opinion by BrazilianMagus ========================== Paladin: The LL of Duran wasted great of his power after the fact that he lost his almighty Sacred Shield to the big list of SD3 bugs, but even then this class still has its advantages over the Lord:a very strong FST , Flashing Sword, that makes him a great screen cleaner as his tech is strong as hell, also he get the hard as hell to find Saint Saber that have very good uses some times.His Heal Light although stronger then the Lord loses for being only ST what isnt as good because you cant heal faster after an Ancient or another MT strong strike. A good class but pales near the Lord , if only Sacred shield worked... ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Gets an FST and Saint Saber. Compared to the Lord, lacks MTHL, but I find that MTHL is more of a convenience than anything. The FST is pretty damaging due to Duran's high STR and also looks really cool. Saint Saber is nice to have, especially if fighting the Black Rabite. Since you can use Paladin's Proofs or Papa Poto Claws to get Saint Saber, the spell isn't as useful as one might think. But the Paladin is still pretty cool. Personally, I usually pick Lord over Paladin unless fighting the Black Rabite because the Lord gets MTHL and a working Ultimate Shield. The Paladin's ultimate shield should give resistance to ALL elemental spells, but due to a bug in the game, doesn't affect anything. ------------------ Lord (Light-dark) ------------------ Good: Has the ability to multi-target Heal light and learns Tinkle Rain. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Doesn't have a level 3 full-screen tech like the other final classes. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: If you don't have a healer in your party, you could use the Lord For the multi-target Heal Light. He doesn't have a full-screen attack. You need a Lord's proof to become this class. From the message boards at GameFaqs, I have noticed how some people enjoy the Lord's class. GoodluckDie has also notified me that with the Adamant Shield equipped, you can get an evade rate of 60%, which is even better than Hawk! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Magic Circle (single enemy) New Spells: Heal Light (multi), Tinkle Rain Class Change: None Best Weapon: Sigmund Best Helmet: Protection Helm Best Armor: Protect Armor Best Accessory: War King's Crest Best Shield: Adamant Shield Max Stats: -------------------------------------- Strength 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Agility 18 |||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Vitality 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Intell. 16 |||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Spirit 16 |||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Luck 17 ||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Lord: I don't care what other people say, I like this class. While he may not have the attack power of a Duelist or the sabers of a Sword master, he DOES get multi-targeted Heal Light, which is probably the best spell in the game. Plus he can equip shields. If you're in need of a healer, you should definitely use the Lord. ================= Opinion by Koren ================= Lord: I honestly hate this class. Although Multi-Target Heal Light is, as someone said, the most useful spell in the game, he has a really poor attack power and a lame tech. Its not even full screen. If you choose this you are assigning Duran to be a healer and only a healer, whereas with Paladin you at least have some variety. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Lord-Exactly what I said about the Paladin, except he doesn't have a full-screen tech. Having Carlie in your party isn't enough of a drop in physical power to warrant putting the Lord in. Besides, she learns Heal Light much earlier. ===================== Opinion by DavieZBOY ===================== Learns Multi targeted Heal Light, and Tinkle Rain which cures your allies of status ailments. This class also can equip a new shield. Doesn't get a Full Screen Tech though, but it's still pretty cool. ======================= Opinion by GoodluckDie ======================= The Lord: I've found that choosing the Lord over the Paladin is something definitely worth doing. The Lord has the ability to equip 2 seperate ultimate shields, with one of these shields making Duran immune to nearly all status effects, while the other one eventually gives him an evade rate of 60! You heard me right, 60! Because of the awesome backup these 2 shields give, I've found the Lord to be an incredibly useful Class for Duran as your main character, as the Oath Shield protects Duran from the many status effects the enemies of the Mirage Palace use, while the evade rate of the Adamant Shield gives him one hell of a backbone against the physically strong enemies in Dragon's Hole and the Dark Palace. This Class also has slightly more attackpower than the Paladin, and oh yeah, did I mention it also gives you multitargeted Heal Light? The only problem this Class really has is that it has no FST, which really is a shame. Basically, if you liked playing with the Knight, you should definitely go for the Lord instead of the Paladin cause he will take the concept to its highest level easily. He looks damn cool too IMHO. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== LORD: I hated it, but now I find it to be a good class. People say itīs weak, but honestly I find it very powerful, couple with the unique ability to stay inmune to many status disorders. Good character paired with Riesz, Kevin or Hawk. Redundant with Carlie. ======================== Opinion by Major Damage ======================== Lord: IMHO, better than the Paladin... He is slightly stronger than the Paladin (2 points... practically the same attack power =P), can MT the Heal light and has NICE shields... Oath shield gives immunity to the poison, sleep, chibikko and moogle status; and Adamant gives extra 5 points in evade, making the Lord the toughest guy to hit among the characters, since he gets the HIGHEST evade rate possible, 60. I really like this class... Sure, he doesn't get Saint saber and lacks a FST, his only flaws, but he's a better fighter than the Paladin IMO. ========================== Opinion by BrazilianMagus ========================== Lord:Duran's LD has to his advantage the great MTHL , the god sender against a Ancient, also this class still hit well making a great attacker,although not as good as the others Duran classes because of the miss of a FST.Also his shields actually work and he has TWO , the so-so Oath Shield with status immunization to a few status, that you can counter with chibiko hammer the reason why I consider with only so-so,and the Great Adamant Shield that gives 25 of evade making you with amazing 60 of evade(the max!)and put a bird scale in and you will be hard as hell to hit. A very good choice if you dont have Carlie or Kevin Light if you do just go for the Duelist. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== No FST, but MTHL and the Oath Shield make this better than the Paladin IMO. MTHL is just a convenience as I always say, but still quite nice. The real reason I like Lord better is the shield. The Oath shield gives resistance to several status effects, while the Paladin's Ultimate Shield doesn't work. The Lord can also get the highest evade in the game with the Adamant Shield, although at max AGI I prefer the Oath Shield since the Adamant only gives a max of 60 evade and the Oath Shield gives 58 evade which isn't a huge difference. Despite what people say, the Lord is not physically weaker than the Paladin except for the lack of MTHL. If you have AuraWave though, I'd recommend one of Duran's other FC's because the 3 MP FST clears the screen of regular enemies and the Lord's L3 tech is only ST so you can't clear out enemies nearly as effeciently. Tinkle Rain is worthless because the 10 gold for a Puippi Grass or 30 gold for a MT Tinkle Rain item is literally nothing this late in the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (End of Duran) ============================================================================= ANGELA ffff ============================================================================= Gender: F Age: 19 Weapon: Staff Angela is the girl with purple hair and a little blue crown in a red suit. Daughter to the Queen of Altena, the "Magic Kingdom." She is a flashy, passionate, and alluring girl for her age. However she is spoiled, easily becomes jealous, and pouts when she does not get her way. Raised without any motherly love from the Queen, she forever seeks her approval and affection. ------------------- Magician (Neutral) ------------------- Her neutral class. She will learn a few spells before her class change. The only time she learns another one is if you find a spirit and level up one level. Tech: Double Attack New Spells: Ice Smash (single), Fireball (single), Gem Missile (single), Holy Ball (single), Evil Gate (single), Air Blast (single) Class Change: Level 18 Beginning Stats: HP: 84 MP: 13 ---------------------- Strength 2 || ---------------------- Agility 2 || ---------------------- Vitality 2 || ---------------------- Intell. 6 |||||| ---------------------- Spirit 5 ||||| ---------------------- Luck 4 |||| ---------------------- ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Not bad for a first class. Gets level 1 attack spells, which are MT and nice for softening up enemies this early in the game. She's weak in physical attack power, but the magic is quite useful. To augment her magic, you can also pick up Coins from Byzel's Black Market to finish off early elemental bosses fast. -------------- Delvar (Dark) -------------- Good: I don't really know what good things can be found with this class. ~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Has lower attack power than the Sorceress. Learns only one level 2 spell. ~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: In my opinion, this class just stinks. The only level 2 spell that she learns is Dark Force, which is only good at One out of the Eight God-Beasts. Suffering through 20 levels of only one level 2 spell isn't worth it since Angela's main attacks are based on magic. I would highly recommend her light classes than her dark classes but this is only my opinion. ~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Star Attack New Spells: Ice Smash (multi), Fireball (multi), Gem Missile (multi), Holy Ball (multi), Evil Gate (multi), Air Blast (multi), Dark Force (single) Class Change: Level 38; Requires Special Item Class Items: Book of Runes to become Runemaster Forbidden Book to become Magus Max Stats: ---------------------------------- Strength 13 ||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Agility 13 ||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Vitality 14 |||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Intell. 18 |||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Spirit 16 |||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Luck 13 ||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Delvar: To put it bluntly, this is a crappy class that gives way to other fairly crappy classes. While the Delvar is stronger than the sorceress, she only learns one spell: the crappy Dark Force, which doesn't really do much on a lot of later enemies. I don't like this class. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Delvar-Why anyone would want to pick this class is beyond me, but if you really want Death Spell or Ancient, you will have to suffer through the Delvar first. The almost completely useless Delvar. She learns Dark Force. Whee! It's not very useful. And while her tech looks cool, her magic isn't good enough to make that ONE good point worth it. ===================== Opinion by DavieZBOY ===================== Only level 2 spell she learns is Dark Force, still great at magic, weak physically, weak tech, I'd mostly stay away from the dark side with her. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Terrible second class. Only gets one level 2 spell, Dark Force, which I might add, is practically worthless except in the Ancient Ruins of Light. Late-game, many enemies are dark-elemental making Dark Force near worthless. Plus you get lower attack power and the later classes also suck. ----------------- Magus (Dark-dark) ----------------- Good: Learns the strongest spell in the game. Able to learn the rest of Level 2 Magic. Extremely high intelligence. Stronger physical attacker than the Runemaster class. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Level 2 spells except for Dark Force is not multi-targeted like the Final light classes. Ancient takes up too much MP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: This class is able to learn the strongest magic in the entire game. This spell is called Ancient. A non-elemental spell that uses 12 MP and is similar to the Rune Master's death spell, except this time its full-screen and can be at any level to kill them! Again, I prefer the light classes for Angela. People might think this class is inferior to the Rune Master but you're wrong. The Rune Master class has the lowest stats of all her classes. This class is compatible with any party of your choosing since her main priority is to cast spells. Just don't run out of MP quickly when casting Ancient. If you have Duran in a party with Angela and he's a Sword master, have him cast leaf saber on Angela and she'll regain her MP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Hot Shot (one enemy) New Spells: Dark Force (multi), Ancient (multi), Thunderstorm (single), Explosion (single), Saint Beam (single), Earthquake (single), Mega Splash (single) Class Change: None Best Weapon: Dragon Rod Best Helmet: Ancient Tiara Best Armor: Ancient Robe Best Accessory: Magma Hairpin Max Stats: ----------------------------------- Strength 16 |||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Agility 16 |||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Vitality 18 |||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Intell. 22 |||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Spirit 18 |||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Luck 15 ||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Magus: Quite frankly, I hate this class. While it gives Angela the best magic power, she only has her level 1 spells, Dark Force, and Ancient, a very expensive spell that deals insane damage to all enemies. However, Ancient is the only good thing she has going for her, as level 2 spells of a Grand Divina or Arch Mage deal more damage than her high-intelligence level one spells. This class is crap, IMHO. Generally stay away from the Dark Side for Angela. ==================== Contributed by JIge ==================== Magus-One of the worst classes in the game. She learns the same spells that the Sorceress learns, minus Saint Beam. And she learns Ancient. Now, where the Grand Divina and Arch mage have SIX spells that can kill everyone, the Magus has ONE. And it's very expensive. Granted, Ancient WILL kill everything, no sweat. But why Ancient is good enough to make the Delvar and the lack of multi-target level two spells worth it is beyond me. Her tech isn't even visually impressive. Two thumbs down. ===================== Opinion by DavieZBOY ===================== Learns Ancient, a very cool spell that takes A LOT of MP, and all the level 2 spells except Saint Beam, okay stats, and a cool tech, but like I said try to avoid the dark side with Angela. ======================= Opinion by GoodluckDie ======================= The Magus: What's real nice about this Class is that she can cast spells faster than any other of Angela's Classes. She also has the highest intelligence in the game meaning she has the very best magic defense of all characters. And, of course, Ancient. A fun spell alright, it will smash anything to pieces easily. It also rocks against the final bosses, you'll really tear their HP down very quickly with it. Ancient costs more than most other spells though, but because of the very high intelligence of the Magus Angela will reach 99 MP in no time, making Ancient much more available than you might think at first. Problem is, besides Ancient she has just about no variety whatsoever there where her final Light Classes are overflowing with it. I'd say this Class is best chosen when Angela is your main character. ======================= Opinion by Meeple Lard ======================= Magus: You know the Saying "Stay away from Angela's Dark Side"? Well, the Magus is the exact Example of this. First of all, she learns all the spells the Sorcerress learns other than Saint Beam, and none of them are MT. Secondly, he Ultimate Spell, Ancient, while being learnt a level earlier, is TOO EXPENSIVE and takes TOO LONG to cast. Basically, a Watered Light Class. And whats worse, you have to suffer through the Delvar to Achieve essentially the Same class you could have Achieved by Kicking Ass as the Sorcerress. To be blunt, this Class is useless. And even if was Better than the Rune Master (I'm still undecided on this), its still has less uses, since the Rune Master has a rare moment where a Powerful Single Target Magic is better than Powerful MT Magic (ie if your team can't dish out enough damage on bosses, the Rune Master is better than her other 3 classes, but this is a rare occurrence) As I said, DON'T Go dark with Angela, but try each class once anyway. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Despite the fact that the name of the class is in my character name, I don't really like this class much. Gets level 2 spells, all single target; except Dark Force which most enemies resist at this stage of the game. Ancient is the most powerful character spell in the game, but Angela's light class Ultimate Spells aren't that far behind and on another point, Ancient is very expensive. As I pointed out in my commentary of the Grand Divina, you get 11 uses of Double Spell without recharging and 10 of Rainbow. But only 8 of Ancient. Even if each Ancient does 60 more damage than the Double Spell or Rainbow, that's a total of 480 more damage and 2/3 casts of an Ultimate Spell will do double or triple that damage. So Ancient's supposed power is overruled by the high MP cost compared to her light classes. Now that I've shown how much this class sucks compared to her light classes, I'll stop being so negative. The Magus has the highest intelligence in the game meaning her spells really hurt. Plus Ancient is generally better than DeathSpell due to levels being unnecessary and the FS nature of Ancient. So I'd choose Magus over RuneMaster but the light classes are much better then Magus and RuneMaster too IMO. ----------------------- Runemaster (Dark-light) ----------------------- Good: Level 3 Spells that could cause status ailments to an enemy. ~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: The Level 3 Spells are costly in MP and are only single targeted. ~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: This class is popular with many people and is said that this is the only class to go for Angela. WRONG! Of course she learns level 3 spell but it costs so much to cast one. Of course you should save it for the bosses, but you'll quickly run out of MP. You want to be more conserving in the MP zone. That's why I suggest the light classes. She learns level 2 spells and if you cast the level 2 spell twice on one enemy, it will do more damage than one level 3 and take away less MP. You need a Book of Runes to become this class. I rarely use this class in my party. I just don't think it meets up to its standards in the death spell and level 3 spells. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: 10t (one enemy) New Spells: Death Spell (single), Stone Cloud (single), Stun Wind (single), Fire Blaze (single), Freeze (single) Class Change: None Best Weapon: Rune Staff Best Helmet: Rune Veil Best Armor: Rune Coat Best Accessory: Magma Hairpin Max Stats: -------------------------------------- Strength 15 ||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Agility 15 ||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Vitality 18 |||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Intell. 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Spirit 19 ||||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Luck 16 |||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Rune Master: The FAQ writers love it, a lot of people on this Gamefaqs board hate it, and I'm sort of in the middle. I like the 10 Tons tech she gets, and she does get pretty powerful level 3 spells, plus Death spell, which kills enemies on a lower level than you. However, she can't multi-target her level 3 spells, and Death spell is too expensive. It's really your call on whether or not you want to use this class, but I would much rather have her light classes. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Rune Master-There are reasons to pick this class. Her Level 3 spells are not those reasons. While they do cause status changes, I'd like to remind the reader of two things. One, most of these Status changes don't work on bosses, and if they do, they don't work very often on bosses. Two, the level three spells will kill the enemies without the status changes happening. So why having very powerful spells cause status changes is a good thing is beyond me. The two good things about the Rune Master are her two remaining spells. Multi-target Dark Force is very powerful, and while it doesn't work on bosses, it does a number on regular enemies very nicely, and it looks really cool. Death Spell, now, is one of the most useful skills in the game. If you get your second class change after killing two God-beasts, and get all the ultimate equipment before attacking Zable-Fahr, Death Spell WILL work on everyone. And it's VERY powerful. If you're worried about the cost, put someone with Leaf Saber in the party; she can cast it all day. So she is good. But the Delvar is so pathetically bad that the Rune Master just isn't worth it. ===================== Opinion by DavieZBOY ===================== Learns Death Spell, Stone Cloud and three other level 3 spells that take up a great amount of MP, worst stats of all her classes, and a crappy looking tech, I'd stay away from the dark side with her, but if you've already chosen Delvar, I'd recommend the Magus class. ======================= Opinion by Meeple Lard ======================= Rune Master: This class, is well, plainly put, Angela's boss Fighting Class. Nothing More. She can't do much against Reg enemies unless NONE of them are strong against Darkness (hard to find late in the game), but against Bosses (Zable Fahr is exception), she is unmatched by any of Angela's Classes. On a tier ranking of 4 tiers, she'd be on number 3, OK class tier. Generally, the only reason to pick the Delvar is for this class. Choose this class if your team has a problem in the area of fighting Bosses. Other than that, stay away from Angela's Dark Side. Her Light classes have Better spells and Higher Stats (Especially the Grand Divina), and are much more versatile. Still, this class is better than the Magus, which is nothing more than a Watered down Light Class of Angela's with a slightly Beefed up Ultimate Spell. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== FAQ writers seem to worship this class. I think it sucks. First, Delvar is still a terrible second class. Second, you have level 3 spells. Big deal. The effects of the spells are pretty much pointless, since bosses are immune to status effects and a normal enemy will be either dead or close enough that the status won't make that big of deal. Also, they are quite expensive in terms of MP. True, they are good against bosses, but you can't get your FC until beating 2 God-beasts unless Hawk or Lise is your main character. Considering the only truly tough God-Beasts are Moon and Wind, both of which can easily be taken with level 2 spells of the Sorceress or Magus class. Death Spell is nice, but only if you level up a lot since it only works if you are at a higher level then the enemy. Being ST, it isn't worth that much against normal enemies since you then have still 2 (or more) enemies left to kill who are totally healthy. Really, the only use for this class is if you are in major need of a boss-killing class. Personally, I'd take her light classes over this anyday since you don't lose too much in terms of boss killing but gain use against regular enemies. ------------------ Sorceress (Light) ------------------ Good: Level 2 spell variety. Stronger attacks than the Delvar. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Doesn't learn Dark Force. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: A very good choice for any player. She's able to learn all level 2 spells except for dark force, meaning that this class has spells that Seven out of the Eight God-Beasts are weakened to. The Delvar only has the advantage over one God-Beast. Now you can decide which first class change is better. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Pink Typhoon (one enemy) New Spells: Thunderstorm (single), Explosion (single), Saint Beam (single), Earthquake (single), Mega Splash (single) Class Change: Level 38; Need Special Items Class Items: Arcane Book for Grand Divina Book of Secrets for Arch Mage Max Stats: --------------------------------- Strength 14 |||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Agility 14 |||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Vitality 14 |||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Intell. 17 ||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Spirit 17 ||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Luck 14 |||||||||||||| --------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Sorceress: Definitely the best choice for the first class change, and this probably nets her the better classes. Not only does she have her old level one spells and good magic power, but she also gets good single-target level 2 spells for every element but Shade. :( Poor Shade. And Luna and Dryad, but spells for those two are rare. Anyways, any enemy with an elemental attribute will be hurting' after Angela casts her magic on them. Definitely worth it. Plus for her tech, she moons the enemy and sends magical lust energy at them! :P ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Sorceress- Very useful class. In addition to the six level one spells, she'll learn five level two spells. These are very powerful, and can do a real number on bosses. Plus her tech is kind of fun to watch... ^_^ ==================== Opinion by XZeroSSJ ==================== Sorceress-Better than the Delvar class. Has a higher attack power than Delvar and learns the level 2 spells: Saint Beam, Earthquake, Thunderstorm, Explode, and Mega Smash. Her technique is on a average. A most likely pick for newbies. ===================== Opinion by DavieZBOY ===================== Learns all the level 2 spells except darkforce, great magic attacker, not a really good physical attacker, but neither are any other of her classes. Also gets a very cool Tech, though it's not Full Screen, I'm sure most guys would like it. =) ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Her first class change that should be picked, especially for a newbie. She gets all the Level 2 element spells except Dark Force. That means you get high damage against 7 of the 8 God Beasts, and the remaining one, Lightgazer, can be usually easily killed physcially or just not fought until you reach the FC and get the Ultimate Spells. Also gets a higher attack power. --------------------------- Grand Divina (Light-light) --------------------------- Good: Multi-target level 2 spells. Final spell, Double Spell, can be used exactly 11 times since it only takes up 9MP. Strongest physical attacker out of all her final classes. Max Intelligence is 22. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: I have yet to find a huge downside to this class. If anyone finds anything, then please email me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: This class has the advantage over the Arch-Mage class in Strength in Agility. She's able to multi-target her level 2 spells and learns the Double Spell that costs 9 MP. This class is very good compared to some of her other classes. She beats the Arch Mage class one point in the strength and agility area. This class is also good with any party combination. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Spiral Rod (one enemy) New Spells: Thunderstorm (multi), Explosion (multi), Saint Beam (multi), Earthquake (multi), Double Spell (multi), Mega Splash (multi) Class Change: None Best Weapon: Ganvantein Best Helmet: Myein Crown Best Armor: Myein Dress Best Accessory: Blizzard Hairpin Max Stats: --------------------------------------- Strength 17 ||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------------- Agility 17 ||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------------- Vitality 18 |||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------------- Intell. 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------------- Spirit 19 ||||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------------- Luck 16 |||||||||||||||| --------------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Grand Divina: This is a decent class... it's got fairly high attack power, for Angela at least, but Angela is not a good fighter no matter what her class. She can multi-target her level two spells, and she gets the extremely handy Double Spell, which hurts a lot despite its long charge time. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Grand Divina-Another very useful class. All her level two spells are now multi-targeted. Whee! Kill everything in sight! Plus she learns Double Spell, which is very powerful, and will basically kill everything on the screen. Highest attack power of all Angela's classes. An excellent choice. ======================== Opinion by Lord Pikachu ======================== Grand Divina - I think it is almost equal with the Archmage class, but it has higher magic stats (intelligence and spirit). The Double Spell is a bit annoying to wait for but is still more than useful. When you max out her MP, all the MP is used up, leaving none over. hehe. Her Tech looks pretty cool too, even though it is a little bit useless, especially considering that Angela is not a fighter. This character is useful in almost every team. ===================== Opinion by DavieZBOY ===================== Learns Double Spell, a very cool spell, and gets all her level 2 spells multi-targeted, has the best stats, very cool tech. ======================= Opinion by Meeple Lard ======================= Grand Divina: Angela's Best overall class, and most Useful (slightly beating the Arch Mage in both areas (keyword Slightly)) She has the Highest Stats of Angela's Classes, and she gets the Ever Useful MT Level 2's. All of these are Stronger than the Arch Mage's except Saint Beam, which happens to be the Strongest MT Level 2 the Light Classes get (it is stronger than the other Level 2's except Dark Force, since MP Cost plays a role in Spell Power) and the most useful. But what makes this Class great is her Ultimate Spell. This spell is 3 points Cheaper than Ancient, and does about only 20-60 points less to a boss. And because you can cast it 3 more times, it deals a Lot more damage than Ancient Ever will. All in all, a great class. A general rule with Angela is HEAD TOWARDS THE LIGHT. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Angela's best class. Higher intelligence than the Archmage as well as Angela's strongest physical damage which actually isn't half bad. Double Spell is probably her best Ultimate Spell since it does more damage than Rainbow due to higher INT and less MP cost than Ancient. At 9 MP, you can cast 11 uses of Double Spell without using Walnuts. The little damage you lose compared to Ancient is more then compensated by the extra couple of uses. And when you use Walnuts, every Walnut gets one extra use of Ancient with 8 MP left over. The same Walnut could get two uses of Double Spell. She gets MT Level 2 spells as well, which is good. The real use for MT level 2 spells is not against bosses, but regular enemies. A MT level 2 spell against the enemies' weakness is a great way to start a regular battle. ----------------------- Arch Mage (Light-dark) ----------------------- Good: Multi-target level 2 spells. Has second strongest spell in the game. Has highest spirit of all her final classes. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Doesn't have the highest intelligence. Weaker physical attacks than the Grand Divina. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: This class has the advantage over the Grand Divina class in intelligence and spirit. As Nightblade said (a fellow on the SD3 GameFaqs message board), these are the points that count for a MAGICIAN. She learns the Rainbow Spell that is more effective than the Grand Divina's Double Spell. I prefer this class over the rest of her classes. This class is compatible with any party combination. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Dancing Rod (one enemy) New Spells: Thunderstorm (multi), Explosion (multi), Saint Beam (multi), Earthquake (multi), Rainbow Spell (multi), Mega Splash (multi) Class Change: None Best Weapon: Spirit Cane Best Helmet: Eremos Crown Best Armor: Eremos Coat Best Accessory: Blizzard Hairpin Max Stats: ------------------------------------- Strength 16 |||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Agility 16 |||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Vitality 18 |||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Intell. 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Spirit 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Luck 17 ||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Arch Mage: Of Angela's light classes, this one is the one I prefer. She has higher magic power than the Grand Divina, which makes her handier, she can still multi-target her level two spells, and she gets the handy Rainbow spell. Huzzah! I highly recommend this class. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Almost-Almost exactly the same as the Grand Divina. Lower attack power, higher intelligence, and learns Rainbow instead of Double Spell. Slightly better than the Grand Divina, I think. ===================== Opinion by DavieZBOY ===================== Learns Rainbow, a very cool spell, and also gets all her level 2 spells multi-targeted, has good stats, better spirit than the Grand Divina, also a very cool tech. ======================= Opinion by Meeple Lard ======================= Arch Mage: Not as good as the Grand Divina, but not useless. IMO, she is a Specialized version of the Grand Divina. Her Level 2's are generally Weaker, but her Saint Beam spell is Stronger, and most enemies later in the game are Weak to Light attacks. Also, the Arch Mage is great in a party that desperatly needs a Strong Poto Oil thrower, but loses Use if Carlie's in your party, since she will have at least Equal Spirit to even the Arch Mage. Good class for Carlie and Kevin's Story. Although the Grand Divina might be a little better, its really a coin toss for Angela's Light classes, since they are both really similar. BTW, her Ultimate Spell, Rainbow Dust, is Strong and looks cool too. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Angela's other light class. Lower INT and Rainbow takes more MP then Double Spell. Again, gets to MT the level 2 spells. Lower attack power compared to Grand Divina, but higher Spirit. Gets a stronger Spirit Beam but weaker other L2 spells. Really the only true use of this class IMO is when you need someone with high Spirit to throw Poto Oils due to lack of a healer or if you really like Spirit Beam. While definately weaker than the Grand Divina, still a great class and better than her Dark classes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (End of Angela) ============================================================================= KEVIN gggg ============================================================================= Gender: Male Age: 15 Weapon: Claw Kevin is the bushy haired were-child with the big blue beanie-like hat. He has no mother like his friend, the baby wolf Carl. Heir to the throne of the "Beast Kingdom." Although he possesses a well-developed body of an adult, traces of a "little boy" remain inside of his heart. He tends to be misunderstood, due to his lack of social skills and general dislike of people. He carries both the blood of a human and a beast within him. Normally has the form of a human, but under certain conditions at night, transforms into a beast. ------------------ Grappler (Neutral) ------------------ His neutral class. No matter what class you make him, he will still be the best attacker in the game. Since he has the ability to hit two times in a row or more, he is able to kick butt in attacks. Tech: Ashura Dream Fist Spells: None Class Change: Level 18 Beginning Stats: HP: 90 MP: 6 ------------------- Strength 4 |||| ------------------- Agility 3 ||| ------------------- Vitality 6 |||||| ------------------- Intell. 2 || ------------------- Spirit 2 || ------------------- Luck 2 || ------------------- ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Not much to discuss. Its a first class so you get no magic, but good Vitality, Strength and a double hit. Gets +3 strength at night and has the 'Kevin Bug' at night in Wolf form. Damage is multiplied by 4/3 (also equivalent to a PowerUp or Pressure Point spell I think) once you take one hit. There is no actual indication on-screen that it happens but the damage increase is noticeable. --------------- Bashkar (Dark) --------------- Good: Better attack power than the Monk. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: No new spells are learned. No full-screen level 2 tech. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: I think this is one of the more useful class if you have weak attackers in your team. If you already have a good healer like Carlie, I would suggest using this class for more physical offense. The final classes after these are extremely powerful so at the end, it's not really that bad. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Water-Moon Slice, Bastard Slam New Spells: None Class Change: Level 38; Requires Special Item Class Change Items: Devil Wolf Soul for Dervish Demon Wolf Soul for Death Hand Max Stats: --------------------------------- Strength 16 |||||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Agility 15 ||||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Vitality 18 |||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Intell. 14 |||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Spirit 13 ||||||||||||| --------------------------------- Luck 13 ||||||||||||| --------------------------------- ==================== Opinion by XZeroSSJ ==================== Bashkar-A good class in power and strength. Too bad he learns no magic. His Water-Moon Slice is very good against beginning bosses. His Bastard Slam is good as well. But it has nothing to do with bastards as far as I am concerned. :) Too bad his techniques only attack one enemy. He turns into a Black Fang at night for even more damage! I recommend this class if you prefer strength like me. =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== Bashkar: No spells :( But who needs spells when you have high attack power? Think he's doing damage now? Wait for his next class :) ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Bashkar: The Bashkar, first of all, does not learn ANY spells whatsoever. That would make him useless if it weren't for his impressively high attack power. If you love fighting, then pick this class. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Bashkar: Okay, he's strong. Big deal. So's the Monk. The extra one point of power isn't strong enough to make his lack of skills worth it. And during the day, Lise and Duran are stronger than Kevin, unless Kevin has Pressure Point. This makes the Bashkar fairly useless. Add the fact that the Bashkar has no full-screen tech, and he's not worth it. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Not a class I choose often. No spells at all and I personally don't think Dervish and Death Hand are generally worth much due to their lack of spells. Choosing Bashkar over Monk means you are sacrificing Heal Light and Pressure Point for one point of strength. I almost never use the class since I find while Dervish's Moon Saber can be helpful, that is the only spell of use in Kevin's entire dark side and Heal Light or items can cover the lack of Moon Saber. -------------------- Dervish (Dark-Light) -------------------- Good: Strong attacks. Also has a devastating full screen level 3 Tech. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Not much of spell variety. IN Fact, no spells at all. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: I think this is Kevin's best dark final class. The Moon Saber he learns in this class can be used on himself for the duration of a certain battle and you'll be all set in healing Kevin. The damage he deals to enemies are very high. Just be careful not to use moon saber too much in the Mirage Palace if you're playing Kevin/Carlie's quest since you'll be fighting Undead Enemies. You'll be hitting the enemies at 1 HP damage and gaining 1 HP from each swing. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Suzuka Sky Dance (all enemies), Veritubach New Spells: Moon Saber Class Change: None Best Weapon: Gigas Glove Best Helmet: Ruby Band Best Armor: Suzaku Uniform Best Accessory: Demon Neckband Max Stats: -------------------------------------- Strength 18 |||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Agility 17 ||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Vitality 22 |||||||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Intell. 17 ||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Spirit 16 |||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Luck 16 |||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== Dervish: Not as powerful as Death Hand but does gain Moon Saber which technically is a good way to heal. Unless you have no other way to heal, use the Dervish. Its a mix of Power and Healing. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Dervish: The Dervish is... ehh... He's powerful, but he doesn't get any real good spells or anything. Not much to say on this one. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Dervish: Read my comments about the Bashkar. Moon Saber still isn't that good, and while he does gain a fullscreen level 3 tech, the God's Hand also has a fullscreen tech, and Aura Wave, and Pressure Point... Just stick with the Light side; the one point of power won't make that much difference. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== DERVISH: Kevin + Bloody Wolf + Moon Saber. That equals massive destruction. The problem is that the Dervish isnīt as powerful as the Death Hand, and, usually, Moon Saber brings you more problems you can handle. Non-noticed moon enemies, only three known leaf enemies (And you wonīt see them when you have the saber), and ussual resistance to most sabers in the later levels bring this one down. Go Light instead, or just have fun with the Death Hand. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== This class isn't too great either, but its more useful than Death Hand usually. Moon Saber is nice if you don't have a healer. Again, I'd like God Hand better due to AuraWave, but Dervish isn't that bad of a choice. Moon Saber is valuable if you have no other healing. If you have another healer, Moon Saber is dead weight and I'd choose Death Hand if you've already gone dark-side because the only true advantage Dervish has is moon saber and if that is out of play, the +1 strength can be useful. ---------------------- Death Hand (Dark-Dark) ---------------------- Good: The Strongest out of all his final classes. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Energy Ball isn't a really necessary spell to learn. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: Although it might be his most powerful class, which's all there is to this class. I don't find Energy Ball all that too important. I would recommend this class if you want to just have pure attackers in your party. I would recommend the Dervish class but its -ONLY- my opinion. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Seiryuu Death Fist (all enemies), Dead Crush New Spells: Energy Ball Class Change: None Best Weapon: Skull Disect Best Helmet: Sapphire Band Best Armor: Seiryuu Uniform Best Accessory: Demon Neckband Max Stats: -------------------------------------- Strength 19 ||||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Agility 18 |||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Vitality 22 |||||||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Intell. 16 |||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Spirit 15 ||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Luck 15 |||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- ==================== Opinion by XZeroSSJ ==================== Death Hand-This class is kind of good. He sucks in the magic place though. He only learns Energy Ball which ups your chance of a critical hit. But his strength at night is unbelievable! But he is nowhere as close to the awesome power of the Dervish. I suggest this only if you have not tried Dervish yet just to feel a taste of what the Dervish really is. =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== Death Hand: My favorite class of all! Even though he gains one spell, Energy Ball, I still always find my self using him. He becomes the strongest fighter/wolf. Great FST With Stat up/Stat Down and a saber or two, he is unstoppable :) If you want raw power go with Death Hand. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Death Hand: O_< Ouch. Don't get on the wrong side of THIS guy, his power is excellent, especially at night, and his Seiryuu Death Fist just plain hurts. The strongest of Kevin's classes, even though I haven't used his Dark classes much. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Death Hand: Slightly better than the Dervish; the extra stats are better than Moon Saber, but Energy Ball is useless. Again, stick with the Light side. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== DEATH HAND: Bwahahaha... my favorite class, though is not a very good one. Only one spell, and it sucks to the highest hell you would think of, but it does so much damage itīs scary. The name is cool. The SubScreen pose is cool. Seiryuu death fist is very cool. Pair it with the Fenrir Knight and probably the Lord for a great team. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== With the Death Hand, you get power. Power. Nothing else. I find this class generally pointless. The only spell is Energy Ball, which has not been proved to do anything (and only lasts for 3 hits). Death Hand has one more point of strength compared to the God Hand or Dervish, which does not compensate for the lack of spells usually. The time I'd choose this class over Dervish is if I don't need Moon Saber due to already having healing, but personally I'd probably just choose God Hand for AuraWave because the great instant FST effects of AuraWave are worth more than the one point of strength. ------------- Monk (Light) ------------- Good: Learns Heal Light and Pressure Point. Full screen level 3 tech. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Weaker than the Bashkar class. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: I find this class useful no matter what class combination you have. Pressure Point can make Kevin have attack powers as strong as a wolf in the morning. You can have an all round wolf guy on your team if you decided to choose so. You also have Heal Light which is always a good thing to heal yourself when low on HP. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Whirlwind Kick (all enemies), Tornado Throw New Spells: Heal Light (one ally), Pressure Point (to himself) Class Change: Level 38; Requires Special Item Class Change Items: Silver Wolf Soul for Warrior Monk Golden Wolf Soul for God Hand Max Stats: ---------------------------------- Strength 15 ||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Agility 14 |||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Vitality 18 |||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Intell. 13 ||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Spirit 14 |||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Luck 14 |||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- ==================== Opinion by XZeroSSJ ==================== Monk-I used this class the first time I played Kevin. This class is pretty good to use in the beginning. He learns Heal Light and Pressure Point (unlike his Dark counterpart). Heal Light obviously heals. Pressure Point ups Kevins attack power (and only Kevins, he cannot cast this spell on the other party members) so then his power could be like of that of a werewolf at night. It comes in handy in the beginning and makes up for having a lower attack power than the Bashkar. His technique, Whirlwind Kick, is a imitation of Duran's Whirlwind Sword (I think so, others might have it the other way around). His Tornado Throw technique is in no way similar to any tornado I've seen, but it's still powerful. I suggest this class if you very comfortable with using magic in battles. If not and you want to have brute strength, I suggest Bashkar instead. =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== Monk: Not a bad class. Lacks the insane attack power as the Dark but gains Heal Light and Pressure Point. With Pressure Point you become stronger no matter the day, and with Heal Light you can provide back up if you lack a healer. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Monk: This is a VERY good class to use. With this class, Kevin will learn not only the ever-useful Heal Light, but also the pressure point spell. Using this, he can boost his power to insane proportions, being as strong as a werewolf even during the day. In addition, he's a very good fighter, and yields even better classes. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Monk: Very useful and extremely powerful. Bashkar is still stronger at night, but during the day, the Monk has Pressure Point, which is insanely strong. Heal Light is also useful, but since you SHOULD have Carlie in your party, it's not as wonderful as it can be. If you don't, then... Full-screen tech doesn't hurt, either... ^_^ ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Good first class change. Heal Light is useful, but the key reason for the superiority of the Monk over Bashkar is Pressure Point. Daytime Monk with Pressure Point is more damaging than day Bashkar. Granted you lose a little power at night, but the difference isn't enough to make up the power difference with Pressure Point compared to nothing. Technically, Pressure Point can be used at night, but the Kevin Bug removes the need. You also get a nice FST with the Monk. ----------------------- God Hand (Light-light) ----------------------- Good: Full-screen level 3-tech. Aura Wave spell. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: No multi-target Heal light. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: I think this is Kevin's best light class. He has the highest spirit out of all his classes. His level 3 tech is pretty devastating. His Aura Wave spell could build up his tech meter to the max. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Byakko Shockwave (all enemies), Stardust Bomb New Spells: Aura Wave Class Change: None Best Weapon: Spiral Claw Best helmet: Ivory Band Best Armor: Byakko Uniform Best Accessory: Tohsei Armband Max Stats: --------------------------------------- Strength 18 |||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------------- Agility 17 ||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------------- Vitality 22 |||||||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------------- Intell. 15 ||||||||||||||| --------------------------------------- Spirit 17 ||||||||||||||||| --------------------------------------- Luck 16 |||||||||||||||| --------------------------------------- ======================== Opinion by Lord Pikachu ======================== God Hand - This is what I'm talkin' about! The FST (Byakko Shockwave) is really useful, especially in the Valley of Gemstone. The throw tech is always useful of course. The spells he learns aren't a pushover either. He learns Aura Wave, but no multiple target spells. His Heal Light is more powerful than the one that the Warrior Monk learns. Actually I think that the Warrior Monk has some of the worst stats, including Spirit, which is what Heal Light based upon. Plus, you won't be using Heal Light when you are fighting; it will probably be off screen cuz you use Kevin to kick some butt! Aura Wave is also among the most useful spells in the game, especially to Duran and Riesz. Since it takes them a little bit of time to charge up their meters, the Aura Wave saves a lot of time; it does the charging for them! Kinda useless on Hawk and Kevin since they have double hits, but thats ok right? This guy is useful for practically any team without Carlie. ====================== Opinion by Cheesypoof ====================== God Hand: My favorite class, since I usually don't use Carlie. Single target heal light is good, I like aura wave/byakko shockwave, pressure point is awesome. His spirit is low compared to others. (Grand Divinas is 2 points up. wow!)but he still heals ok. I just multi-target poto oils with someone else. Nice techs. High attack. =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== God Hand: Over all a great class. He gains a pretty powerful Attack and Aura Wave which can lead to big damage. A Great FST and Healing. The God Hand can be used as Offense or Defense. Good Healing Good Attack ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Godhand: This is a fun class. The Godhand can not only do everything the Monk can do, and better, but he also gets the awesome Aura Wave spell. This magic instantly raises a characters tech bar to full, very useful indeed, especially if you have other strong fighters on your team like Duran or Riesz. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ God Hand: Possibly his best class. One point weaker than the Death Hand, but still has Pressure Point, and he learns Aura Wave! Yes! This spell is awesome! Use it in combination will fullscreen techs to decimate the opposition in record time! Especially since he has a fullscreen tech as well. Very fun! ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== GOD HAND: In my opinion, the best fighter in the game. Heal Light, FST, Aura Wave and pressure point. Even if you wanted, you couldnīt ask for much more. Coupled with Riesz or Duran makes a enemy eater. It seems to be somewhat less useful in boss battles, but, hey, who loses to bosses anyway? ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== God Hand is better in virtually all parties without Angela than the Warrior Monk. Even with Angela, I personally choose God Hand and then just carry lots of Walnuts and the claws that cast Leaf Saber. Oddly enough, God Hand has a stronger HL compared to the Warrior Monk along with better attack power. AuraWave is simply killer, especially with people who have a L3 FST (Duran except Lord, Vanadies, Nightblade plus Kevin's 50% chance of an FST), because it can basically clear a screen of regular enemies quite quickly. Even without a L3 FST, you still do like 3.5 times normal damage which is highly useful; one of the fighting classes can easily do 800+ with the L3. IMO, God Hand is the best of Kevin's FC's simply because of the massive usefulness of AuraWave. -------------------------- Warrior Monk (Light-dark) -------------------------- Good: Has multi-target healing and leaf saber when he's low on MP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Lowest stats of all his classes. His strength is very low compared to his other final classes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: I particularly don't like this class since Kevin is to be mainly used for physical fighting. If you want to use him for multi-target healing, then I would suggest using Carlie in your party. Carlie specializes in the healing area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Genbu 100-Kick, Blow Impact New Spells: Heal light (all allies), Leaf Saber Class Change: None Best Weapon: Holy Glove Best Helmet: Darkshine Band Best Armor: Genbu Uniform Best Accessory: Tohsei Armband Max Stats: -------------------------------------- Strength 17 ||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Agility 16 |||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Vitality 22 |||||||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Intell. 16 |||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Spirit 16 |||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Luck 17 ||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== Warrior Monk: My favorite Light Class. Gains multitarger Healing which makes him double as a healer. He also gains Leaf Saber which is a great way to steal MP. A Wonderful Healer (Heal and Leaf Saber) as well as an alright fighter. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Warrior Monk: This is also a good class, all of Kevin's classes are, really. The Warrior Monk loses power over the Godhand, as well as Aura Wave, however, he gets the extremely useful Multitarget Heal Light! Basically, this class is most useful if you don't have Carlie. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Warrior Monk: Definitely weaker than the other classes in terms of power, but Multi-target Heal Light is useful, and the Warrior Monk is strong enough so that I'm actually considering forgoing Carlie next time I play. Leaf Saber is the other major plus to this class; he perfectly offsets Angela in every way. This class is a keeper. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== WARRIOR MONK: I thought this one was better, but oh well... Even with the lowest attack power, it still does great damage, and with MT Heal Light and Leaf Saber is a different thing to try. Loses to every aspect to the Lord and Carlie is generally more useful. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Only useful with Angela since nobody else really runs out of MP because most other characters can do similar damage with physical attacks to spells. The exception is Hawk's Light classes but they can recover MP through spells so they don't need Leaf Saber either. The only other point that Warrior Monk truly has over God Hand is the MTHL, which while useful, is easily replaced by Poto Oils. Just remember to refill your Poto Oils before bosses and you should be fine. If you choose the Warrior Monk over God Hand without Angela, you are basically choosing MTHL over a L3 FST, attack power, and AuraWave. Not a good trade-off. With Angela, the picture muddies since she can drain her MP very quickly against bosses, especially if using Ultimate Spells. Even Angela can usually last her MP long enough to severely damage the boss, with the use of Walnuts. And also, using an Angel's Grail not only revives Angela but refills MP completely, thus netting another 8-11 uses of her Ultimate Spell. I would only recommend this class to newbies who need MTHL and are using Angela. Otherwise, God Hand is far superior. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (End of Kevin) ============================================================================= CARLIE/CHARLOTTE hhhh ============================================================================= Gender: F Age: 15 Weapon: Flail Charlotte is a little blonde girl with a huge pink hat on. Grand-daughter to the Priest of the "Holy City", Wendel. Within her flows the blood of elves, which causes her growth to be slower when compared to others. In a word, she is "cute" incarnate. Bright and talkative, she is immediately liked by others. Her insatiable curiosity gets her involved in all sorts of events. However, she has a superstitious side, which brings out the timidity in her. ----------------- Cleric (Neutral) ----------------- Opinion: She learns heal light very early in the game! That means you don't have to use up many healing items. ^_^ Tech: Bonk Bonk New Spells: Heal light, Tinkle Rain Class Change: Level 18 Beginning Stats: HP: 84 MP: 13 -------------------- Strength 2 || -------------------- Agility 2 || -------------------- Vitality 2 || -------------------- Intell. 5 ||||| -------------------- Wisdom 6 |||||| -------------------- Luck 5 ||||| -------------------- =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== Carlie is the best healer with out a doubt. Even though she can't attack if Her life depened on it, she will guarantee you wont have to use up all your Potos Oils. ------------------- Enchantress (Dark) ------------------- Good: You get to learn level 1 summons that do some pretty decent damage during that area of game play. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: The spirit isn't as high as I would suspect it to be since she's Supposed to be the best healer in the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: This is an ok class in terms of its summons. The summons are quite powerful in the beginning but will be rendered quite useless when fighting the God Beasts and thereafter. Both final dark classes will make up for this class. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: Dash New Spells: Unicorn, Golem, Heal light (all) Class Change: Level 38; Requires Special Item Class Change Items: Bottle of Ashes to become Necromancer Bottle of Blood to become Evil Shaman Max Stats: ----------------------------------- Strength 15 ||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Agility 18 |||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Vitality 15 ||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Intell. 15 ||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Spirit 14 |||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Luck 17 ||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== Enchantress: Gains Summon Golem and Unicorns. These are pretty basic summons (Dont worry it will get better!) Multi Target Healing. Not bad class at all. Her Dark Classes get much better. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Enchantress: She gets a multitarget Heal Light, don't worry, plus a couple crappy but fun summon spells. >D This is a fun class, but the Priestess is better. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Enchantress: Not a bad class; summons occasionally come in useful when facing bosses and large groups of enemies. Stronger attack than the Priestess. Pick this class if you're doing Hawk's quest or plan to skip the Black Rabite. ------------------------ Evil Shaman (Dark-Dark) ------------------------ Good: This class contains most of Carlie's serious damage spells. She has spells such as Demon Breath that could deal lots of damage and also cause some status effects. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: I haven't really used this class in a while. Give me some time to try this class out and I will get back to it in my next update. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: This class is better than the Necromancer because of its summon spells. If you need some decent attack summons, this is the class to choose. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech: HugeHuge New Spells: Demon Breath, Antimagic, Gremlin, Great Demon Class Change: None Best Weapon: Juggernaut Best Helmet: Bitium Ribbon Best Armor: Bitium Dress Best Accessory: Black Onyx Max Stats: ------------------------------------- Strength 17 ||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Agility 16 |||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Vitality 18 |||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Intell. 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Spirit 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Luck 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== Evil Shaman: A Fun class. Highest attack. Gains Summon Demon which is pretty powerful. Also she gains Anti Magic which resets an enemy's counter and undos effects. (Great for the saber enemies). Demon Breathe is added which does good damage and lowers stats. IMO her 2nd best dark class. ======================= Opinion by GoodluckDie ======================= Evil Shaman: A very good Class. The Evil Shaman has the strongest of Carlie's summons, and she'll learn Antimagic and Demon Breath. Antimagic is awesome - it will cancel any and all magic effects an enemy can use to its advantage, stat-up spells, elemental sabers and even their very elemental property! Demon Breath is real good too, as it heavily damages all enemies, and lowers their magic effectiveness and defense as well. Problem is that it heals Dark-type enemies, but then again that's something Antimagic will solve in no time. And of course, as with all of Carlie's final Classes, the most powerful form of multitargeted Heal Light casted almost the very second you start the spellcasting. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Evil Shaman: Here, Carlie becomes quite an attacker with her Demon's Breath attack, as well as some very cool summons. It's certainly worth a shot, although it doesn't appeal to everyone. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Evil Shaman: Strongest attack out of all the classes. Great Demon is insanely strong; combined with Explode, it'll kill any regular enemy. Demon Breath pairs nicely with Angela, and Anti-magic is useful against the God-beasts and Black Rabite. ======================= Opinion by blueshirt32 ======================= Evil Shaman- IMO this is the most fun of Carlie's classes to play. The Evil Shaman does have Carlie's highest attack, but also lowest spirit. She gains a couple new spells (Demon Breath, AntiMagic) and the strongest summons (Great Demon, Gremlin). The only one of Carlie's final classes that doesn't get to MT Tinkle Rain, but IMO that's not much of a loss. In return, the Evil Shaman gets Demon Breath, arguably one of the best magic spells in the game. It's MT, does good dark damage (use with AntiMagic against dark enemies), and lowers the enemies' magic power/resistence. The Evil Shaman also gets Carlie's strongest summon, Great Demon. Great Demon is great at dealing some good non-elemental damage to an enemy. Antimagic is also useful to cancel statups and elemental resistences (hint! use this with Demon Breath). The Evil Shaman is Carlie's best "mage" class with her spells, and the best for dealing pure damage with less focus on support. ------------------------- Necromancer (Dark-Light) ------------------------- Good: There is mainly one good use of this class. Carlie is able to cast Black Curse on the enemy. This spell is able to lower all stats at the same time which will give your party a big advantage over that enemy. ~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Besides the Black Curse spell, there's not really much use with class anymore. The Ghost spell isn't that effective until you cast Black Curse and a mind up. Basically, most everything relies on the Black Curse spell before doing anything else. ~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: If you don't take my bad point too harshly, I think this class would be pretty effective if paired up with Riesz and another player. Riesz as a light class will provide the stat ups while Carlie can black curse on everything. Your party will be dealing more significant damage to the enemies. Tech: Craaaazy New Spells: Black Curse, Ghost, Ghoul, Dark Saber Class Change: None Best Weapon: Maul of the Dead Best Helmet: Undead Ribbon Best Armor: Undead Suit Best Accessory: Black Onyx Max Stats: ------------------------------------ Strength 16 |||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Agility 15 ||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Vitality 18 |||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Intell. 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Spirit 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Luck 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== Necromancer: Gains Summon Ghost/Ghoul which are alright summons. Multi Healing. Her best thing is the Black Curse! This spell has to be one of my favorite defensive spells. For 6 mp you lower all of one enemy's stats. Most useful if you can STAT UP and have a powerful attacker ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Necromancer: All I can say is that Black Curse is COOL! It lowers all the enemy's stats, and is especially good with Riesz as a Star Lancer, or even a Vanadies. Other than Black Curse, unfortunately, she's really not all that handy... >_< ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Necromancer: Summons aren't as strong as Evil Shaman, but Black Curse is a very nice spell. Works wonders if teamed with a Star Lancer to totally cream all bosses. Plus she has the almighty Dark Saber! Which is totally useless except against Lightgazer, where it will save you much agony. ======================= Opinion by blueshirt32 ======================= Necromancer- Ahh...the Necromancer. It only has one good spell, but that spell really is amazing. Black Curse lowers all stats (yes, every single stat)! You can't beat this...use Black Curse on everything, and laugh as they try to even phase you with their attacks and spells, then chuckle again as you destroy them with Carlie's attacks. Feel the wrath of Bonkle! *ahem...* In addition to Black Curse, the Necromancer also gets two more summons (although not as powerful as the Evil Shaman's summons) and Dark Saber (useful in some situations, namely Lightgazer and Heath). Strategy with the Necromancer revolves solely around Black Curse, and using other characters to back Carlie up. The Necromancer is a wonderful support class, staying back and layering Black Curses on bosses while healing as necessary. ------------------ Priestess (Light) ------------------ Good: She'll have the sabers to provide your power attackers and good healing capability. ~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Her attack stinks and other than leveling up a lot to deal decent damage would be her Holy Ball spell. ~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: If you are doing Kevin/Carlie's quest, then I would recommend taking the light path. You might end up with the Bishop. If you have two power attackers in your party with Carlie, then making her a Priestess and then Sage would be suitable. Tech: Jump New Spells: Heal light (all), Holy Ball, Fire Saber, Thunder Saber, Ice Saber, Earth Saber Class Change: Level 38; Requires Special Item Class Change Items: Holy Water Vial to be a Bishop Bottle of Salt to be a Sage Max Stats: ----------------------------------- Strength 14 |||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Agility 16 |||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Vitality 15 ||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Intell. 14 |||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Spirit 18 |||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Luck 18 |||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== Priestress: Low Low Low Attack power and Single Target Tech but she does make up with saber and healing. She can now multi target Healing Light which is very usefull. She also gains Fire Ice Thunder and Diamond Sabers which makes her useful as well. Overall shes a pretty good Defensive char. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Priestess: IMO, her better choice for a first class change. She learns the multitarget Heal Light, which you are sure to love to death, as well as several cool sabers. The class change of choice for her first one. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Priestess: Slightly more useful than the Enchantress. Sabers are fairly useful, especially for the God-beasts, but Holy Ball is pathetic. Enchantress is stronger, but I'd rather have the sabers. Priestess' healing is also stronger; higher Spirit. --------------------- Bishop (Light-Light) --------------------- Good: Best healing in the game. Saint Saber is a good plus to your saber accessory. ~~~~~~~~~~ Bad: Its not as advantageous as some of the other final classes. ~~~~~~~~~~ Opinion: I think this class would be suitable if you are doing Kevin/Carlie's Quest. The Turn Undead spell would provide useful in the Mirage palace since that place is filled with undead enemies. With the consumption of one MP, you are able to kill off a screen of undead enemies. Her heal light spells are instantly cast after selection. Tech: ChopChop New Spells: Tinkle Rain (all), Saint Saber, Magic shield Class Change: None Best Weapon: Judgmentes Best Helmet: Bishop's Helmet Best Armor: Bishop's Robe Best Accessory: Moon Flower Max Stats: ----------------------------------- Strength 16 |||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Agility 16 |||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Vitality 18 |||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Intell. 18 |||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Spirit 22 |||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- Luck 18 |||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------- =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== Bishop: Gains Saint Saber which has to be the best saber of them all. Multi Heal/Tinkle Rain which makes her great. Magic Sheild is another cool spell that makes sure that magic wont leave you searching for an Angel Grail. And *drum roll* Turn Undead! Turn Undead is the Death Spell but for undead creatures. Think of the Carlie being the Exorcist. If you are doing her quest this comes in very very handy. For 1 MP you can do 999 do Dark Liche. Her Best Light Class. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Bishop: Huzzah, this is cool. Carlie gets Saint Saber and Holy Ball, which are pretty helpful in themselves, PLUS Turn Undead, which'll instantly do 999 damage to any undead enemy. My favorite Carlie class, especially if you're doing her's or Kevin's quest. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Bishop: A very useful class; learns Saint Saber and Turn Undead. If you're facing off against the Dark Lich or the Black Rabite, the Bishop will be invaluable. Otherwise, she's actually not that great... Though she will make Zable-Fahr much easier. ======================= Opinion by Blueshirt32 ======================= Bishop- The best healing class in the game, hands down. Has an instant MTHL spell, along with Carlie's highest spirit making this the best HL in the game. Also comes complete with MT Tinkle Rain (for those who don't like abusing the Chibikko Hammer bug), elemental sabers, and Holy Ball for a nice light spell (again, the most powerful Holy Ball in the game because of Carlie's spirit). The Bishop also gets Saint Saber, the most useful saber in the game. However, Carlie also has two more incredibly useful spells. The first is Magic Shield, which lowers damage from all magic spells. Good against virtually every boss, and especially against Koren and the final bosses in the game. The Bishop's final spell is the amazing Turn Undead. For a cheap 1 mp, Carlie kills all undead on the screen, great for clearing out full rooms in her storyline. The Bishop is a good mixture of support spells (HL, Magic Shield, sabers) and attack spells (Holy Ball, Turn Undead), and is her recommended path on the light side. ------------------ Sage (Light-Dark) ------------------ Good: Only class able to multitarget sabers other than Swordmaster. This class also has the strongest Saint Beam Attack in the game. ~~~~~~~~ Bad: Not much of variety to make this class unique ~~~~~~~~ Opinion: I generally like this class since I have two power attackers with Carlie. Her ability to quickly cast Sabers without a lost of MP would be beneficial since you would most likely use her to cast Heal Light. Basically, you want Carlie to have as much MP as possible to provide as many Heal lights as possible and not worry about Healing Items. Tech: BoomBoom New Spells: Fire Saber (all), Ice Saber (all), Thunder Saber (all), Earth Saber (all), Saint Beam Class Change: None Best Weapon: Gigas Flail Best Helmet: Sage's Ribbon Best Armor: Sage's Robe Best Accessory: Moon Flower Max Stats: ------------------------------------ Strength 15 ||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Agility 17 ||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Vitality 18 |||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Intell. 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Spirit 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Luck 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ ================== Opinion by Rakarr ================== The Sage: Many people say the sage sucks, but this is not so. She can be very useful in many combat situations, especially elemental bosses. Her sabers are multi-targeted, which can save time and MP inside of battle. She can multitarget her healing spell, and can also multitarget her holy ball spell. The sage, although not having the pure damage versus undead and evil, is a fantastic support class, and should be taken into consideration when not doing the Kevin/Carlie quest. (Maybe even if you are, but that will make things harder) =================== Opinion by Morbius =================== Sage: This class I hate! Gains Multi for Priestress and thats it. Even Her techs arent good. Go Bishop instead! ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Sage: I don't like this much... the only thing she does is get the ability to multitarget Sabers, and even that has limited uses. >_< ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Sage: Not as bad as everyone makes her out to be. Multi-sabers save time, if nothing else, and Saint Beam is a really useful spell to have. If you're facing the Black Rabite, the best party I can think of is Duran as a Paladin, Carlie as a Sage, and Lise as a Star Lancer. Then you have Saint Saber, Saint Beam, and Stat-up spells. Maybe even Anti- Magic and Black Curse from the seeds... ========================= Opinion by DragonEmperor ========================= Sage- Decent class that will help significantly with many battle. Her ability to multi target heal light and tinkle rain is very useful. The sabers come in handy when fighting monsters, bosses of that element otherwise they don't serve any other dire purpose but since you can multi target them and they cast quite fast it is a plus, and its even better if you have duran with light saber and kevin with moon saber then you're almost unstoppable. Anyways overall it has some low point and high points, the lvl 3 tech only hits one person and it still doesn't do that much damage but at least she has a nice outfit :). ======================= Opinion by BlueShirt32 ======================= Sage- This class tends to get a fairly bad reputation because it learns no new spells. However, the Sage is useful in some situations. The Sage does learn to MT all her old spells, and also learns a new MT Saint Beam. The Sage's Saint Beam is the strongest in the game (because of Carlie's high spirit, yet again). If you've ever used the Archmage, you know how good MT Saint Beam is...well, imagine it even more powerful with Carlie. MT Sabers also help save time at the beginnings of battles. The Sage is better than most people think (but not much better) as a more attack-magic based class, but I only recommend the Sage for people who have played the game before... her lack of new (or useful) spells demotes her under the Bishop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (End of Carlie) ============================================================================= HAWK/HAWKEYE iiii ============================================================================= Name: Hawk/Hawkeye Gender: M Age: 17 Weapon: Knives He has an indigo like hair color and has a long pony tail. He heads the Thieves of Navarre, and Nikita, one of the thieves is like a brother to him. Member of the desert bandit tribe, Navarre. Flippant, yet romantic at heart, at times it is difficult to ascertain whether he jests or to take him seriously. However he is adamant in his loyalty to friends. His movements are with precision, and his eyes take on a gleam in battle. ---------------- Thief (Neutral) ---------------- Tech: Back Slash New Spells: None Class Change: Level 18 Beginning Stats: HP: 86 MP: 8 --------------------------- Strength 3 ||| --------------------------- Agility 6 |||||| --------------------------- Vitality 3 ||| --------------------------- Intell. 3 ||| --------------------------- Spirit 3 ||| --------------------------- Luck 6 |||||| --------------------------- ------------- Ninja (Dark) ------------- Tech: Silhouette Slice New Spells: Shuriken (single), Water Justsu (single), Fire Justsu (single), Earth Jutsu (single), Thunder Justsu (single) Class Change: Level 38; Requires Special Item Class Change Items: Nighteye Die to become Nightblade Bullseye Die to become Ninja Master Max Stats: ---------------------------------- Strength 15 ||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Agility 18 |||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Vitality 15 ||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Intell. 15 ||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Spirit 14 |||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Luck 17 ||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- ==================== Opinion by XZeroSSJ ==================== Ninja-A better class than the Ranger in some ways. He has a higher attack power than the Ranger. He also learns all the elemental jujitsus. Too bad his technique only attacks one enemy. I recommend this over the Ranger. Then again all of his classes have their good and bad points. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Now this class is good. One of the best second classes in the game. While his tech isn't fullscreen, he has cheap and damaging attacks that also lower stats. Kill several birds with one stone. He will have very high agility, and so there is a likely chance that he'll be able to do his tech twice in a row. At least, I have an easier time with his than anyone else. Fairly strong, too; is definitely useful. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Ninja: Now THIS I like. He gets awesome stat downs, an excellent attack power, and a good tech. And his later classes are awesome, too. I'd pick this class, personally. ========================= Opinion by Question Mark ========================= Ninja: Useful class if the rest of your team aren't much of fighters. Gets jutsu spells. Justu rocks. They pretty much replace Angela's magic. ----------------------- Nightblade (Dark-Dark) ----------------------- Good: Has the highest strength out of all classes. The only final class for Hawk that has a level 3 Fullscreen Tech. A bunch of new spells to try out. ~~~~~~~ Bad: Most of the new spells the Nightblade learns are useless. ~~~~~~~ Opinion: The Nightblade is one of the popular classes written in many FAQs. I would recommend getting this class if you are in need of a strong attacker for your party. Otherwise, if you want to do a stat down/stat up combination, I would suggest the Ninja Master. Tech: Split-Image Slice (all enemies) New Spells: Blow Needles (single), Poison Breath (single), Flame Breath (single), Deadly Wrench (single), Black Rain (multi) Class Change: None Best Weapon: Deathstroke Best Helmet: Bloody Mask Best Armor: Black Garb Best Accessory: Stealth Guard Max Stats: ------------------------------------- Strength 18 |||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Agility 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Vitality 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Intell. 17 ||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Spirit 17 ||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Luck 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Cheesypoof ====================== Hawks best class, but only second best if you don't have a magic attacker. Black rain is strong, but like the dark saber argument, when you get it, unless you level up like crazy early, its pretty useless. High attack. Nice looking, nice damage full screen tech. Cool colors and ok subscreen pose. blow needles and big wrench are good. ==================== Opinion by XZeroSSJ ==================== Night Blade-This class is extremely good because of the Full Screen Technique. He splits into however many enemies there are on the screen and attacks them with a lot of slices for good damage. He learns all of the elemental magic jujitsu's, and some other non-elemental magic. He also has a higher strength than Ninja Master. The bad points about this class is that his technique is weak against bosses and his Black Rain isn't all that useful. If you already tried this class, I strongly suggest using Ninja Master because Ninja Master's Shadow Dive technique is stronger against bosses. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Nightblade: Lives up to everything the Ninja hints at before. Has the powerful full-screen tech that the Ninja lacks, learns more useful status-chaging skills like Deadly Weapon, Blow Needles, and Black Rain. One of the most useful classes in the game, IMNSHO. Stat downs plus power attacks. What more do you need? ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Nightblade: Good class. He gets a nice full screen tech, and while he can't multi-target his stat down attacks, he gets some good spells. And his attack power is good. ========================= Opinion by Question Mark ========================= NightBlade: Nice class. Doesn't get to multi-target his jutsus, but gets interesting spells, although most of them aren't that useful. ======================= Opinion by Meeple_Lard ======================= Night Blade: Another Great Class. He has the Best Attack Power of Hawk's classes, and an FST to boot. He is great for lowering a bosses stats, but not so much for Reg Enemies, as his Agility is Lower and can't MT the spells. Also, another problem about this Class is 3 of his 5 new spells are not very useful. Poison Breath does not do enough damage, Black Rain is too selective since its Dark Elemental (Many enemies are immune or Abosorb this) and its FS, meaning you can't choose the enemy to hurt, it hits all whether you like it or not. The last useless spell is the Mother of All useless spells, Flame Breath. Despite its Name and Looks, its not elemental, and costs more than Shurikens yet does considerably less than Shurikens, has no Side effects, and takes longer to cast. It does look cool though. His USEFUL spells are Deadly Weapon which is good to start Boss battles off with, and Blow Needles, good for eliminating the Threat of Spell Casters and Tech Users. This Class is best used in a party without an Strong Fighter (Or in Conjunction with the God Hand because of Aura Wave + Split Image Slice Combo) ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== NIGHTBLADE: Fun as hell, useless as hell. Except for the Deadly Weapon, itīs just a lot of useless spells with good attack power. Puttin it this way, the Ninja Master does the same work much better. If you donīt have Riesz as Riesz or Star Lancer, though, this one is a good choice. ===================== Opinion by bing ling ===================== Nightblade- Hawk's strongest physical class, has a nasty FST (which charges up quickly thanks to Hawk's double attacks). Deadly weapon is excellent against bosses. -------------------------- Ninja Master (Dark-Light) -------------------------- Good: Multitarget stat down spells deal damage to enemies. These justus are able to perform at its maximum standards because Ninja Master has a max agility of 22. ~~~~~~ Bad: Not much different from the Ninja class except for the new tech and ability to multitarget stat downs. ~~~~~~ Opinion: This is an alright class. If you want to do stat downs quickly and efficiently, then this is the class to choose. Otherwise, I would recommend the other final classes. Tech: Shadow Dive New Spells: Shuriken (multi), Water Justsu (multi), Fire Justsu (multi), Earth Jutsu (multi), Thunder Justsu (multi) Class Change: None Best Weapon: Kongo Aakan Best Helmet: Stealth Hood Best Armor: Wind Demon Mail Best Accessory: Stealth Guard Max Stats: -------------------------------------- Strength 17 ||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Agility 22 |||||||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Vitality 19 ||||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Intell. 18 |||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Spirit 16 |||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- Luck 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| -------------------------------------- ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Ninja Master: If you want to be able to nail regular enemies quickly, the Ninja Master is very useful. But there's no reason why Angela can't do the same job even faster. Higher attack power than the Nightblade, but no full-screen tech, and doesn't learn the new skills. Just multi- targets the old ones. If you don't have Lise or Angela in your party, however, you might want to consider taking him, just because he can eat through regular enemies like butter. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Ninja Master: I like this class too. While he doesn't get a full screen tech or any new spells, multitargetting his stat downs makes this worth it. His tech deals heavy damage, and he's fast. ========================= Opinion by Question Mark ========================= NinjaMaster: Now your talking. Multi-target jutsus. Useful if your looking to take out enemies quicker. Gets a strong tech. Nice colours. My fav. ======================= Opinion by Meeple_Lard ======================= Ninja Master: Out of all the classes in the game, I like this the Most. The Highest Stats in the game tied with the Rogue, and cheap effective MT Spells. Now, his Jutsus not only deal good damage to enemies, but also Lower Stats. Because of this Duel Effect, I find him a lot more Useful than the Fenrir Knight, who also has MTSD's, but the difference is that his deal damage. Also, under the Right Conditions, his Shuriken Spell does 400 points of damage for 1 MP and can be casted in 2 Seconds at most, not to mention lowers Hit Rate!!!!!! Now, if that's not a cost effective Spell, I don't know what is. ONly Downside? No only one of his Classes with out an FST at all (the Light Classes have a level 2 FST), but since Shurikens can be casted Quikly and on all enemies, an FST is not that much in Demand. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== NINJA MASTER: Power, power, power... Yep... The perfect Partner for my beloved Riesz as a Star Lancer (What a couple!). Rips thru normal enemies like a hot knife thru butter, and is as versatile as the NightBlade in the long run. Tough luck if you donīt have Riesz as Vanadies and Star Lancer: His usefulness is greatly reduced. ===================== Opinion by bing ling ===================== Ninja Master- No FST, but multi-target spells can devestate any group of enemies. Especially deadly when combined with Lise's light classes. Multiple shurikens = pain. --------------- Ranger (Light) --------------- Tech: Flying Swallow Toss (All enemies) New Spells: Arrow, Spike, Sleep Flower, Body Change Class Change: Level 38; Requires Special Item Class Change Items: Good Luck Die to become Wanderer Bad Luck Die to become Rogue Max Stats: ------------------------------------- Strength 14 |||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Agility 16 |||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Vitality 15 ||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Intell. 14 |||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Spirit 15 ||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Luck 18 |||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Ranger: Much like the Delvar, in that it's an extremely pathetic class. Learns two crappy, weak traps, and two completely useless skills. Only good thing about the class is a full-screen tech. Unlike the Delvar, though, taking this class does have its rewards later in the game. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Ranger: I don't care for this class all that much, because it's not all that strong and only gets two crappy spells. He does have a full screen tech, though, and if you suffer through this class, You can get very good ones a little later. ========================= Opinion by Question Mark ========================= Ranger: Not exactly a very good class in my opinion, but it's later classes make up for it. If you choose the Ranger, It's best to have the other members of your team go onto the stong side. The Ranger gets a FST, useful in the God-Beast era. It also gets some weak spells. ----------------------- Wanderer (light-light) ----------------------- Good: A lot of support spells. ~~~~~~~ Bad: The weakest of Hawk's final classes. ~~~~~~~ Opinion: I think that this class has a lot of uses if he is teamed up by two other power attackers. Hawk has the ability to make your party _invincible_ for several minutes by casting counter magic and transhape on one character to make him/her immune to any type of attacks. If you have Angela AND Carlie with Hawk, I would suggest not to use this class unless you want to have a challenging game. Tech: Dance of Roses New Spells: Half Vanish, Lunar boost, Poison Bubble, Transhape, Counter Magic, Energy Ball, Aura Wave, Lunatic Class Change: None Best Weapon: Orihalkon Best Helmet: Wind Spirit Hat Best Armor: Phantom Cuirass Best Accessory: Lucky Card Max Stats: ------------------------------------- Strength 16 |||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Agility 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Vitality 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Intell. 16 |||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Spirit 18 |||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- Luck 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------- ======================== Opinion by Lord Pikachu ======================== Wanderer - Another good class. It has the most variety in the entire game, and learns almost every Dryad and Luna spell in the game (which are very useful I might add). Though I can't say much for his attack (it sux), his spells are AWESOME! Good for any team with Duran or Riesz b/c he also learns Aura Wave to power them up. Oh yeah, he's also good for the 'magician' battle fights b/c he learns a spell that reflects the damage back at them. Basically an extremely useful class. =================== Opinion by Unlocke =================== He's my favorite class in the entire game. Most of his spells aren't useless, unlike some of his other class(Nightblade). He has the best colors (Dark Grey and Pastel Green). The best character to have on Duran/Angela's quest. Cast counter magic on everyone against koren, and watch him kill himself. The only bad points are his weak attack power, and horrible sub screen pose. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Wanderer: This class is what makes the Ranger worth playing as. Some of the most useful spells in the game, including Aura Wave, Counter Magic, Poison Bubble, Lunatic... Hee hee! Weak atttacks, but then, that's not why you play this class. Wonderful skills! ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Wanderer: This is a good class, as it gets very cool spells. In particular, Lunatic and Aura Wave. Aura Wave is one of my favorite spells in the game. Unfortunately, his attack power sucks, and his tech, while funny to watch, isn't all that great. It's up to you to decide if you wanna use this... you either love it or hate it. ========================= Opinion by Question Mark ========================= Wanderer: A great class if your looking for something different. Nice colours, great spells. I'd recommend this class to more of an advanced player. Attack not so good, but spell make up for it. Gets the very useful Trans-Shape and Counter Magic spell. ======================= Opinion by Meeple_Lard ======================= Wanderer: Ah yes, a fun class. Not Hawk's best, but a good one nonetheless. HIs Spells like Counter Magic and Lunatic make boss battles a breeze, and with the Spell Poison bubble, say good bye to Running out of magic. Problems with this class is that it has the lowest stats of all of Hawks classes, and can only deal significant Damage to a boss is through Poison bubble, but that takes a while to cast. All in all, a great support character, and good to use if the 2 other characters can hurt the enemy Physically. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== WANDERER: I donīt really like the Wanderer, but I have to agree thatīs the most fun character to play in the game. Transhape, Aura Wave, Poison Bubble, and so... His attack power blows, and while itīs fun, itīs probably not useful. ===================== Opinion by bing ling ===================== Wanderer- Weakest class physically, aura wave makes him an excellent support character in a team of physical fighters. Temporary 'invincibility' and unlimited mana are also useful. ------------------- Rogue (Light-Dark) ------------------- Good: Lots of new attack spells. He has a unique spell for each elemental weakness. ~~~~~~~~ Bad: Not really necessary when you have Angela in your class. ~~~~~~~~ Opinion: I think this class is a very good class. If you don't have Angela, you can pick this class since his spells can act like a substitute for Angela's spells. Tech: Thousand Slice New Spells: Silver Dart, Land Mine, Rock Slide, Cutterglass, Pumpkin Grenade, Rocket Launcher, Crescent, Axe Bomber Class Change: None Best Weapon: Man Slaughter Best Helmet: Silver Wolf Garea Best Armor: Silver Wolf Pelt Best Accessory: Lucky Card Max Stats: ------------------------------------ Strength 17 ||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Agility 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Vitality 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Intell. 17 ||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Spirit 17 ||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ Luck 22 |||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------ ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Rogue: Not quite as useful as the Wanderer, IMNSHO. Instead of useful spells, he learns semi-useful skills. Some of these, like Silver Dart and Axe Bomber, can be very good, but none of them are multi-target, and they don't really do anything special. Spells are better. Wanderer looks nicer too. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Rogue: This is a pretty cool class if you don't have Angela, as the Rogue will get elemental spells, plus Luna and Dryad spells! O_O He gets some nice spells like Silver Dart, and pumpkin bomb assures that he won't run out of MP, plus he has a fairly good attack power, but IMO he's a little boring. If you don't have Angela, you can use him, but if you do, he's too redundant to be useful. ========================= Opinion by Question Mark ========================= Rogue: Get this class if you don't have a offensive magic caster. Gets some elemental spells. He is very useful for the last bosses, for he has the Silver Dart which does about 500 damage to the enemy. Stronger than it's Wanderer counterpart, attack wise. ======================= Opinion by Meeple_Lard ======================= Rogue: Another Great class. This class has the Highest Stats in the game, tied with the Ninja Master. His High luck means NO Traps in chests Ever, and high Critical hit rates (well, not that high) His best spells are Silver Dart, which is my Fav Holy Elemental Spell in the game, as its as Strong as Saint Beam, and Cheaper. The Other is Grenade Bomb, which gives Hawk almost unlimited amount of MP and is the Rogues Strongest Attack. In order to use this class to its greatest potential, pretend its Angela in a way, but that it can fight as well. Problem: No MT Spells that hurt the enemy. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== ROGUE: I think itīs better than the Wanderer (go figure), but itīs not as fun Ž_Ž... A better attacking character, and, I think, better character as well. Has many good spells, and can be thrown on any party without Angela (In my case, almost any party). ============================================================================= LISE/RIESZ jjjj ============================================================================= Name: Lise/Riesz Gender: F Age: 16 Weapon: Spear/Lance She is the tall blond girl with the little "wings" in her hair. Daughter to King Joster, ruler of Laurent, the Kingdom of Rolante. She appears to be no more than a little girl, but has the will, consideration, and sense of responsibility of an adult. She is also a bit stubborn and always maintains a realistic point of view. Her patriotic and filial side is expressed by her commitment to leading a group of female guardians. ----------------- Amazon (Neutral) ----------------- Tech: Whirlwind lance New Spells: none Class Change: Level 18 Beginning Stats: HP: 87 MP: 9 ---------------------- Strength 5 ||||| ---------------------- Agility 5 ||||| ---------------------- Vitality 4 |||| ---------------------- Intell. 4 |||| ---------------------- Wisdom 4 |||| ---------------------- Luck 3 ||| ---------------------- ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Good damage, long physical swing range. Since you're just picking the character for the FC's, I'll mention some of the specialties of Lise. Lise has several advantages over other characters, such as getting a FST in both of her second classes and having the useful SU or SD spells. Overall, a nice character with good physical strength. ------------------- Rune Maiden (Dark) ------------------- Tech: Flying Heaven Spear (all enemies) New Spells: Power Down, Defense Down, Mind Down, Speed Down Class Change: Level 38; Requires Special Item Class Change Items: Knight Dragon Chain to be Dragon Master Gleipnir to be a Fenrir Knight Max Stats: ---------------------------------- Strength 16 |||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Agility 17 ||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Vitality 16 |||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Intell. 16 |||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Wisdom 15 ||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Luck 15 ||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Rune Maiden: Slightly better than the Valkyrie, because stat-up items can be bought, but when push comes to shove, I'd rather have the stat- up spells than the stat-down ones; they're more universal. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Rune Maiden: This class is basically the same as the Valkyrie, only with stat downs instead of stat ups. In addition, the Rune Maiden is slightly stronger than the Valkyrie. Basically, let your final classes pretty much choose what you get for Riesz's first class change. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Superior to the Valkyrie IMO. Higher physical strength and SD spells. SD's are better than SU spells because you never need to worry about the enemy nailing you with Black Curse, DemonBreath or the other SD spells canceling out your spells and forcing a recast of your SU spells. Also, you can always buy items to handle SU spells, but SD items cannot be bought, making Rune Maiden's SD spells more valuable than the Valkyrie's SU spells. The dark final classes are quite good and have damaging summons. The only real time that I would definately not recommend picking Rune Maiden is with Hawk as a Ninja, since then both Lise and Hawk have SD spells and the spells become redundant. If you have Ninja Hawk, pick Valkyrie Lise, then either one of the Light FC's, so that you avoid having two people casting basically the same spells. -------------------------- Fenrir Knight (Dark Dark) -------------------------- Good: Multitarget Stat Downs. Fenrir Knight summon does a lot of damage. ~~~~~~~ Bad: N/A ~~~~~~~ Opinion: This class has the highest overall stats out of all her classes. The multitarget stat downs make a nice addition to the class and Lamia Naga is the strongest summon in the game. However, if you plan to make another character of your party become a class that knows stat downs (i.e Necromancer and Hawk's Dark Classes), then I would suggest making Riesz become a light class. Tech: Hundred Flower Dance New Spells: Power Down (multi), Defense Down (multi), Mind Down (multi), Speed Down (multi), Lamia Naga Class Change: none Best Weapon: Giant Spear Best Helmet: Wolf Helmet Best Armor: Scale Mail Best Accessory: Giant's Ring Max Stats: ---------------------------------- Strength 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Agility 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Vitality 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Intell. 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Wisdom 17 ||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Luck 17 ||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- ======================= Opinion by GoodluckDie ======================= Fenrir Knight: This Class is absolutely fearsome. Her stats are damn high for Lise her standards, making her both physically as well as in magic defense even tougher than the Vandis, which is a lot tougher than you might think. Best of all, the Fenrir Knight actually gets to multitarget her stat-down spells, meaning with this Class you'll practically own your enemies in every way. I personally think this Class is much better than the Star Lancer, her cosmic mirror image, cause the Fenrir Knight is physically stronger, while her Lamian Naga summon causes more damage than Marduke as well. Lamian Naga doesn't cause any status effects though. Magnificent Class for Lise either way. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Fenrir Knight: Ah.... this is my favorite of Riesz's classes. Not only does she get a decent attack power and single-targetted tech, she can multitarget her stat downs, making this great to use right off the bat. It's a great class, but if you have Hawk and he went to the Dark Side, poor Riesz is going to be a little redundant. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Fenrir Knight: A very useful class with high attack power and a very powerful summon. But multi-target stat-downs aren't nearly as useful as multi-target stat-ups, as when an enemy dies, the spell dies with it. And multi-target isn't necessary for bosses. A good class, but the Light side is better. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== FENRIR KNIGHT: This controversial class (Both dark classes have been debated to death) get MTSD, which allows you to eat dragons for breakfast, while not as useful as the MTSU. Gets Lamia Naga, which, as my research taughts me, is just a midly powerful summon. Good attack power, and is the best partner for a Death Hand or a Dervish. ======================= Opinion by Meeple Lard ======================= Fenrir Knight: Personally, I don't like this class. Not that its bad, just boring IMHO. Anyway, although I said I don't like to use this Class, it is a bit better than the Dragon Master, since she does get the Occasionally Useful MTSDs, and her Summon, although inferior to Jormungand on the Rom, is still pretty powerful and could be good to use if you need to deal some Quick damage to all the enemies. A Good Class, especially if you Like Stat Downs, just Boring IMHO. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Stronger of the FC Dark classes, but the summon has no status effect and MTSD spells aren't that useful. MTSD spells sound nice, but most people only use SD spells on bosses and only one boss has multiple parts. The choice between this and DM is only really deciding whether yoiu want slightly higher physical power or a slightly more useful summon. I think the physical power of the Fenrir Knight is better, but Dragon Master is still a nice choice. ===================== Opinion by bing ling ===================== Fenrir Knight: 2nd strongest class physically, plus her MTSD make her quite effective against regular enemies and bosses alike. No FST, plus she is redundant in a team that has Hawk (either Dark class), or Necromancer Carlie. Nonetheless, this is one of the favorite picks for Lise's final class. --------------------------- Dragon Master (Dark Light) --------------------------- Good: Level 3 Summon Jorgunmand. ~~~~~~~ Bad: Single Target Stat Downs. ~~~~~~~ Opinion: This is another dark class. Although I don't find this class to be as useful as the Fenrir Knight, this class does have its advantages. You are able to learn the level 3 summon Jorgunmand after growing one level. The stat downs are single targeted. I generally use them on bosses so that single target isn't an issue. Jorgunmand does damage and can poison the enemy, including bosses. If you can't deal with the fact that the Dragon Master only has single target stat downs, then go for the Fenrir Knight but I suggest you at least use this class once. Tech: Dragon Fang Spear New Spells: Jorgunmand Class Change: None Best Weapon: Dragon Lance Best Helmet: Rising Dragon Best Armor: Dragon Knight's Armor Best Accessory: Giant's Ring Max Stats: ---------------------------------- Strength 18 |||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Agility 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Vitality 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Intell. 18 |||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Wisdom 18 |||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Luck 18 |||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- ======================= Opinion by GoodluckDie ======================= Dragon Master: A pretty good support Class, especially against bosses. Though she can't multitarget her stat-down spells, she does casts them faster than the Rune Maiden or the Fenrir Knight, and she also gets what I consider to be the very best summon. If you've ever had Jormungand cast on you while you were fighting Heath, you'll know how powerful this summon really is. Jormungand not only heavily damages all enemies, it also poisons them all right afterwards, making them much softer and easier to kill. If you like Lise cause of the summonings make sure to have chosen this Class. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Dragon Master: Many people complain about the uselessness of this class. The Dragon Master is actually very powerful, and is ALMOST as good as the Fenrir Knight. Fenrir Knight has better stats, which do make a bigger difference in the long run. But the Dragon Master looks cooler, and has a better summon. I'd still recommend the Fenrir Knight, but not by much. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Dragon Master: Not bad, but it could be a heck of a lot better, too. Riesz gets a summon which can poison a lot of bosses and an extremely powerful single-target tech, but at the expense of a bit of raw power and multitargetting her stat downs. I'd try this out at least once, but if you really wanna win, I have to say to go with the Fenrir Knight. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== DRAGON MASTER: So... you get STSD. Good if you arenīt casting magic everywhere. You get a somewhat powerful attacker, good stats. The point of this class is the powerful Jormungand, which really damages enemies greatly, and poisons them. Also gets a really cool tech. I prefer this one above the Fenrir Knight, but since there are so many encountered opinions, your best bet is to try it yourself. ======================= Opinion by Meeple Lard ======================= Dragon Master: Many people say this Class is useless. I have to disagree, well, at least on the Rom its not. The Dragon Master gets her Summon 4 levels faster than the Fenrir Knight, and its Stronger as well as Poisons the enemies too (I want someone to confirm if Bosses can be poisoned) She may have only STSDs, but I only wish I had MTSD's on Zable Fahr, as I only use SD's on bosses. Her Colors and Tech look really cool as well. SO what makes this class inferior to the Fenrir Knight as far as power? Worse Stats. The Fenrir Knight wins in 3 Important Stats, while the Dragon Master wins in only 2 Semi Important Stats All in all, a fun class, and this is the class to choose if you use Lise as a Summoner. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Nice class. Jorgamund is a great summon, with high damage and the ability to Poison. SD spells are great against bosses and enemies. True, the DM has only STSD spells, but remember that the main use of SD spells is against bosses, since you can often destroy the regular enemies without trouble even not using SD spells. By the time that the second CC is possible, the only boss with multiple parts is Zable Fahr and since it is only one time, the STSD isn't that big of deal. Decent physical strength, although weaker than Fenrir Knight and Vanadis. ===================== Opinion by bing ling ===================== Dragon Master: Lise's weakest class physically, however she has the most powerful summon of Lise's classes (supposedly poisons some bosses, although I don't have proof of that yet). No MTSD, no FST, so she's generally considered the lousiest of Lise's final classes. Still, she has some uses against bosses (assuming it's possible to poison some of them). ----------------- Valkyrie (Light) ----------------- Tech: Vacuum Wave Spear (All enemies) Spells: Power Up, Protect Up, Mind Up, Speed Up Class Change: Level 38; Requires Special Item Class Change Items: Briesingamen to be Vanadis Morning Star Chain to be Starlancer Max Stats: ---------------------------------- Strength 17 ||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Agility 16 |||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Vitality 16 |||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Intell. 15 ||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Wisdom 16 |||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Luck 14 |||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Valkyrie: If you ask me, the Rune Maiden is a bit better than the Valkyrie, but they're both pretty much even stat-wise. The Valkyrie gains cool stat-ups, while the Rune Maiden gets stat-downs. Either direction is fine here, as all of Riesz's classes are pretty good. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Valkyrie: There is an eternal debate as to which class is better; the Valkyrie and the Rune Maiden. The two are almost alike, except that their max stats are slightly different, and that the Runde Maiden learns stat-down instead of stat-up. The Valkyrie has higher attack power, and while you can buy stat items, I still recommend the Valkyrie, as her later classes are very strong. Either way, you have an excellent second class. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== Gets Stat Increasing spells, which are useful. True, you need to cast them 12 times, and that can be an annoyance, but it doesn't take much time, just lots of menu accessing. Unfortunately, Valkyrie isn't as good as Rune Master due to lower physical strength and SU spells being slightly less useful than SD spells because SU spells are often canceled by the enemy casting spells on you. Regardless, the real reason to choose Valkyrie is for the FC's, both of which are highly useful. If you are new to SD3, picking Valkyrie, then choosing Star Lancer makes for an easy game. ----------------------- Vanadis (Light Light) ----------------------- Good: Strongest class for Riesz. ~~~~~~~ Bad: Level 3 summon Freya chibikko the enemies and you gain 0 exp. Single target Stat Ups. ~~~~~~~ Opinion: I think this is generally a better light class for Riesz. Although Star Lancer has the multitarget stat ups, this class has overall general power. The stat ups aren't quite the issue since the Vanadis provides the extra damage to the party. I would suggest this class if you want the extra addition of power to your party. Tech: Light Shot Spear (All enemies) New Spells: Freya Class Change: None Best Weapon: True Spear Best Helmet: Vanir Helmet Best Armor: Goddess Armour Best Accessory: Draupnir Max Stats: ---------------------------------- Strength 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Agility 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Vitality 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Intell. 17 ||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Wisdom 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Luck 16 |||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- ================= Opinion by Koren ================= Call me crazy, but I really hate using the Star Lancer for her second light class. This is because for one, I like to be able to physically attack the enemy, right into it, and charge up a tech which I know will be insanely powerful very quickly. This is why I like Vanadis. It is the strongest Tech she has (Correct me if i'm wrong) and I rarely use either summon at all, i prefer to save her MP for stat ups, and when i do summon, it is always Freya to Chikkobo the enemy, because silencing tough enemies like Zombie Dragons and Bloody Wolves (Which appear in the Mirage Palace, my current location) does nothing because they cast no magic. I'd rather Chikkobo them, stay alive and gain no exp. than get almost slaughtered and kill them. I have no healer in my party. It varies on your current situation though. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Vanadis: There is also a great deal of debate on how useful this class is. If you have Aura Wave, I would say that this class is very good, as her level 3 tech is extremely powerful, and multi-target stat-ups is more of a convinience than anything else. Her summon is useless against regular enemies, though, so don't bother using that there. ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Vanadis: If you want pure power, I'd recommend the Vanadis, as she has a very high attack power and an EXTREMELY useful full-screen tech. This class is good, however, only if you can live with just the single- target stat ups and a really crappy little summon. It's nice if you can use it right, but otherwise, I find it more of a burden. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== VANADIES: The most powerful female warrior, the third most powerful FST in the game, and looks plain lovely. This character does a good work at fighting, and with STSU is a good plus which she could probably lack, getting the same opinions. Honestly, chosing her means that you wonīt be casting magic that much. Freya, as PW and me agree, itīs the Death Spell of the level hikers. Anyone else will hate her. ======================= Opinion by Meeple Lard ======================= Vanadis: Ok, now, I've said this many a time, but, I HATE THE VANADIS. Now, most of the other sources hate the Vanadis only because it Can't MT Stat Ups, or that it has a bad summon. Well, those are reasons why I hate this class, but I hate it for other reasons as well. First of all, I can't picture Lise as an all out attacker, since I use her Full inventory of spells. Next, she has the Worst Magic Def of Lise's Classes because of her Low INT. Now, sure, she may be a little Stronger than her Other classes and have a Level 3 FST, but Personally, I don't need FSTs, and level 2 FSTs are strong enough to kill enemies anyway, at least for me it is by the time I build up my Attack Gauge. And, although I said MTSD's won't be needed much, that's because you will be casting each SD once per boss part, and bosses are usually just one enemy, so with SDs, you can finish the Job in 4 spells. With STSU's, your casting them on your Characters, so you need to cast each spell 3 times, thus totalling 12 spells. Now, the Summon, Freya, is by far the Worst. Freya turns enemies into Shell Hunters, and causes you to lose all your EXP, and does the worst damage of all the summons too. Personally, I'd only use this class in 2 situations, an All Girl Party and a Single Character Challenge. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== High attack power, plus a level 3 FST. This class is generally considered to be inferior to Star Lancer, but I don't see it as all that bad. The first reason that Star Lancer is supposedly better is the summon gets you no EXP. This isn't that important with Vanadis since with her killer ATP, two hits will do more damage than the summon against bosses and you can easily rely on Lise's L2 or L3 FST to finish regular enemies. The only truly correct point where Marduke is better than Freya is the silencing effect of Marduke on regular enemies, which is helpful. The other complaint is you have STSU. However, people live with it as Valkyrie and using STSU items in parties without Lise, so I don't see how it makes that big of difference. Finally, remember that you don't really have anything else to use the MP on, since Freya does as much damage as roughly 2 physical hits, so its basically a waste to cast Freya. The only real time MTSU is much better than STSU is against regular enemies, but generally you can easily shred the 3 or 4 enemies without even needing stat spells. MTSU is mainly just for convienience, but is highly helpful. Personally, my choice of Star Lancer versus Vanadis basically comes down to whether I need the physical strength or not. If my party is already decked out with physical power, then I'll go Star Lancer. If my party is a bunch of wimps, Vanadis is better. ===================== Opinion by bing ling ===================== Vanadis: Lise's strongest physical class, her FST is one of the deadliest, in fact during daytime, all of the UNBOOSTED Kevin FST's are weaker as well than light shot spear. Her summon attack has very limited number of uses (sure it gets rid of enemies, but you gain no exp for it). No MTSU means that she's not that great against regular enemies, but still quite deadly against most bosses. Personally, I prefer to use this class in an 'all girl' team. ------------------------- Starlancer (Light Dark) ------------------------- Good: Multitarget stat ups. Level 3 summon Marduke silences tough enemies. ~~~~~~~ Bad: Weakest of Riesz's final classes. ~~~~~~~ Opinion: The Starlancer is good in its multitarget stat ups efficiency. The increased attack power of the Starlancer with power up still doesn't compare to the increased attack power of the Vanadis. Marduke is able to silence enemies but not bosses. The silencing exceptionally good if you are in a screen full of magicians, wizards, and spell casting machines. This class is a good choice if you plan on using a stat up/stat down combination. Tech: Shooting Star Spear New Spells: Power Up (multi), Protect Up (multi), Mind Up (multi), Speed Up (multi), Marduke Class Change: None Best Weapon: Star Geyser Best Helmet: Stardust Helmet Best Armor: Polaris Armor Best Accessory: Draupnir Max Stats: ---------------------------------- Strength 19 ||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Agility 18 |||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Vitality 20 |||||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Intell. 18 |||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Wisdom 18 |||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- Luck 17 ||||||||||||||||| ---------------------------------- ====================== Opinion by Land Umber ====================== Star Lancer: This is Riesz's most popular class, and I can see why it's popular. Riesz gets the power to multitarget her stat ups, which make nearly all battles easier, and a nice summon which deals damage and it can silence the enemy. Her attack power isn't great, and she doesn't get a full-screen level 3 tech (only the Vanadies gets a level 3 FST), although her single-targetted tech is quite handy, and her stat ups alone make this class worth using, especially if she's paired up with Hawk as a Ninja/Ninja Master/Nightblade. ================ Opinion by JIge ================ Star Lancer: Personally, I like this class better. Multi-target stat- ups save a lot of time and HP in boss fights, and allow you to use them anytime, anywhere, very easily. A better summon with the chance to silence, and a nicer color scheme, the Star Lancer is one of the best classes in the game. She will make many areas much easier, and I highly recommend her. ===================== Opinion by Lord Zero ===================== STAR LANCER: So there, the best support class in the whole game. You get MTSU, which help at the final stages of the game when you start fighting those legions of enemies (Mirage Palace anyone). And you get Marduke, which in my opinion is the best spell in the game. Silences enemies, which stops any tech or magic they could use. Good stats, the best class for her. ======================= Opinion by Meeple Lard ======================= Star Lancer: While I hate one Light CLass SO much, that does not mean I hate them all. In Fact, The Star Lancer is her best Class IMO. Reasons being that she is the only Character in the Game with MT Stat Ups. These are better than SD's on Reg ENemies, but worse than SD's on bosses, since you might have to recast them a lot. Anyway, this Class also has the Most Useful Summon to use on Reg Enemies. Marduke deals less than Jormungand and Lamia Naga, but more than Freya, and causes the Enemy to Be Silenced, rendering them Useless more or less. By the time you learn Marduke, your characters will be taking 1 point of damage from Reg attacks at later Stages in the game anyway, so the only threats from Reg enemies are Spells and Techs. Now, another great thing about the Star Lancer is that she's Compatable with basically Every Party you can put her in. Sure her Dark Classes might be a bit better in some areas, but she still can be put into a team and work well in it as well. I suggest this Class if your gonna make Lise Light. And besides, there is no better 2 character combo than the Ninja Master (My Favorite Class) and the Star Lancer, as you get everything you need (except Healing) between these 2 classes. ==================== Opinion by Magus999 ==================== MTSU and Marduke are the best spells Lise has. MTSU improves the entire party and gives a great bonus to effectiveness against bosses or regular enemies. Marduke isn't that damaging, but has a Silence effect, which takes those annoying Tech users or Wizards out of the battle. By the time you hit the FC anyways, the only truly significant damage will be from FST's or spells, both of which can be prevented by Marduke. Star Lancer is very useful for beginners, but there are always items to cast SU spells, so feel free to try some of Lise's other FC classes, as most of them are highly useful. ===================== Opinion by bing ling ===================== Starlancer: Probably the best class to use against regular enemies. Her summon will prevent enemies from using their deadlist attacks, while the stat ups = short work of enemy. Less power than Vanadis, no FST, but definitely the ideal support character in a team. In a team with stat downs (Necromancer Carlie and Nightblade/Ninja Master Hawk) Starlancer is ideal complement. ============================================================================= IV. WALKTHROUGH kkkk ============================================================================= Warning: This section will contain spoilers that will probably ruin the fun of the game. If you want to find things out for yourself, then just skip this section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duran Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- His introduction will begin with something like this. Voice: "Hey Duran you're up next! Show 'em what you're made of!" In the beginning, you will start off by fighting in a tournament against another fighter named Bruiser. The battle is arena is restricted to the rectangular area. This battle shouldn't be that hard. Just press the A button to attack and avoid Bruiser. When the sword points, go towards Bruiser and attack him. Continue to do this until her flies across the arena and King Richard declares you victorious. Go towards King Richard and information of his family background will be seen. You are now placed on duty. You are very sleepy. The guard standing next to you begins to make a trip around the castle to survey everything again. You fall asleep and begin to dream about your past. You wake up to see that there is a lot of commotion inside the castle. You go to look who it is. A group of magicians have invaded the castle. Go talk to the fallen soldiers and a mysterious red magician appears. Follow him and try to attack him. He will now attack you until your almost dead. King Richards reinforcements arrive and Duran's life was spared. Duran will end up at the pub being really ticked off about losing to the magician. His sister, Wendy, comes in and starts to talk to Duran. But she then runs away because she thinks Duran is a crybaby. Now you have to exit the pub and go north. When you see a set of stairs, go up the stairs and through the door. Talk to the fortuneteller and he'll tell you about Wendel. Now you will have to go back home. You live next to the weapon and armor shop, which is located directly to the right of the pub. Go to your room and open the chest. Leave the house and Aunt Stella will show up and tell you to talk to the King. Go and talk to the King. Now go exit the castle and town and go south, south, east, south, and continue on the trail. Cross the bridge and you'll get to see the animation. ***Go the the "City of Jad" Section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angela Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will start off with a dialogue description of Altena. You will see Koren talk about the disappearance of Mana. He also claims that the only way to live in the cold climate is if the country was able to obtain the Mana Sword. After that brief scene, we now go into Angela. She is the princess of the Magic Kingdom of Altena. She was never able to learn magic. She tries to cast magic but her mentor says that she's doing it all wrong. You'll then see her run off. She'll then talk to Victor and then a scene about Angela's history will appear. Now you'll be able to control Angela. Start by going to the right. You'll enter the boiler room. Exit out the southwest. You'll come to the place with trees. Keep on going south until you see a flight of stairs. Go down them and continue south. When you enter a room with to stone goddess statues on each side of you, go through the right door. Go up again. Now go through the door to the very right. Now talk to the people in this room. Eventually, Victor will come and tell you to see your mom. Now leave the room from where you came from. You should be going in reverse order. You'll eventually come across Victor. Talk to him twice and then go to one of the Altena soldiers. They will tell you to pass. Now you'll be watching a scene. Watch what Koren and Queen Valda has to say. Angela will soon disappear from the throne room and eventually appear outside the gates. Now venture off and fight the enemies until you pass out. You will wake up in someone's house. Talk to the woman blocking the stairs and exit the house. Now enter the inn. There should be two people to the right of the inn person (the guy who is dancing). Talk to the person on the left. This person is the fortune teller who will tell you to go to Wendel. Alright, now leave the inn and Angela will start talking to herself and then leave to Wendel. Thats her introduction. ***Go to the "City of Jad" Section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin's introduction will start off with Deathjester going into the throne room and talk to the Beast King. Deathjester will persuade and join the Beast King. Now the story goes to Kevin. "Kevin, the son of the Beast King and a human mother, was never accepted by humans..." You will see Kevin playing with Karl, his best friend. After he is done talking to Karl, leave the screen by going west. Then go west again to leave the screen and then go north. Walk a little bit and then you will see that Karl has gotten a lot bigger and then will attack you. If you want to get past this part as quick as possible, then I would suggest letting Karl attack you until you lose all your HP. Now watch the scene of what Kevin does to Karl. You will now enter the next scene. You will now end up inside the Beast Kingdom. Leave through the exit that is not guarded by a beastman. Go east and talk to a golden statue to heal and save the game. Now exit the golden statue area by going east and then head south. Head south again. You will now see a flight of stairs in between two doors. Go through the door to the left of the stairs. Go north and you will see Lugar with many beastmen. Talk to Lugar and then go back out to the area with the stairs. Go up the stairs and talk to the Beastman at the top. Then go back down and an animated scene will occur. Watch at the amazing power that Kevin unleashes at the wall. Now run up the Beast King and try to attack him. He will hit you up into the sky. Now you will end up in the place where you first saw Karl. Heal at the Golden Statue and leave the screen. Fight the wolves to gain experience and head north. In this screen, you will see Deathjester who is running away from you. Go up to him. Deathjester will now tell you that he knows of a way to revive Karl. He tells you to go to Wendel and will open up a path for Kevin. Defeat the wolves and head northwest. Now watch the animation. Thats the end of Kevin's introduction. ***Go to the "City of Jad" Section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carlie Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not up yet. To be completed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hawk Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will start off his introduction by going inside someone's house and steal a treasure. Listen to his lecture and then he will run out the door. You will end up in your home, Navarre. Watch the scene of Hawk talking to Flamekhan and Isabella. Isabella will now tell you that Navarre soldiers will attack the Wind Kingdom of Rolante. Now you will end up in Hawk's room. Jessica comes in and starts talking to you. At the end of the conversation, she will smack Hawk. =P Go down the flight of stairs and leave through the green door. Now go north through the door with the carpet. Go up the flight of stairs and go east and then south and go through the exit at the bottom. Go up the flight of stairs that you see in the bottom right of your screen. Go up the stairs and then head south. Continue heading south and then down another flight of stairs. You will now enter the room with Eagle in it. Eagle and Hawk are best friends. Jessica is the sister to Eagle. Go and talk to Eagle and reply with a "yeah." Eagle will now leave the room. After leaving Eagle's room, head north, north, north, and through the door that are in between two Navarre Soldiers. You will now see Flamekhan on the bed and Isabella is talking to an unknown man. Hawk and Eagle burst in to ruin their conversation. Isabella will now put a spell on Eagle and Eagle will start to attack you. Defend yourself by moving around and attacking Eagle. After a while of attacking Eagle, he will come back to his senses. Isabella will now kill Eagle off with a fireball. Go and talk to Eagle. Now Navarre Soldiers will come into the room and think that you have killed your best friend, Eagle. You are now placed in jail. Isabella blackmails Hawk by saying that if he ever told anyone, Jessica will die because a cursed necklace have been placed on her. After Isabella leaves, press A to the gate four times. Jessica comes to you and says that she knows that you didn't kill Eagle. She asks who is the person responsible for her brother's death. When you were about to tell her, Hawk realizes that Jessica could die if he told her. Hawk keeps the secret to himself and Jessica assumes Hawk really did kill Eagle. When Jessica runs away, go north and press "A" in the area where it is colored differently. Nikita will then show up and help you escape. After escaping and going up the flight of stairs, Nikita will tell Hawk that he has heard everything. He advises Hawk to go to Wendel and tell the Priest about the cursed necklace. Now go through the door and be prepared to fight ninjas. Go up the stairs, over the bridge, and head south to a cave. Follow the linear cave path and exit through the top one. Exity by going south and watch the animation. Thats the end of Hawk's Introduction. ***Go to "City of Jad" Section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Riesz/Lise Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will start off Riesz's introduction by fighting a Needle Bird. Just move around and kill it. If you die, then there's nothing to worry about since one of the other Amazon soldiers will revive you. Keep on fighting and you'll eventually win. Now a little background will be shown about Riesz. You end up in an area within the Rolante Castle gates. Riesz will now wonder where Eliot, her younger brother, could be. Go north and you will eventually encounter and talk to your dad. Riesz's dad, the king, will now try to sense Eliot's location. You must now try to find Eliot. To be completed... ============================================================================= Main Walkthrough ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- City Of Jad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you arrive at the City of Jad, you notice that this place is taken over by beastmen. The person who stands right above you is called Lugar. He is the general of the Beast Kingdom. You cannot buy anything here. You can go just look around the city since you won't die. If a Beastman asks you to fight, then fight him and see how you end up. =) Go to the INN and sleep. The guy will charge you for free since he can't earn any money from the Beastmen. Make sure you wake up at night. If you do so, you will be able to escape and the city and enter the Rabite Forest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rabite Forest ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This area isn't very hard to navigate. Nontheless I will tell you where to go. Right after leaving Jad, you will face two wolves. Follow the paths since there are only one way to go. When you reach an area where it splits into two paths, choose the south one. Now you have the option to go east or south. Go east. Continue going east and you'll bump into area and fly backwards. It will say that it seems to be protected by some barrier. You need to do this to activate what will happen next. Now go back to the previous area and go south. You have reached Astoria. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astoria ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lakeside Shore of Astoria is a small town. If you have chose to raise to level 4 before reaching this town, then drop by the item shop and weapon shop to buy round drops and a new weapon. Just make sure to have at least 10 GP. Go and talk to the guy in the southeastern most part. He will tell you about the light he saw flying around and that you might see it tonight. Go the inn and sleep. Now you will be an animated scene of the light flying around. Your character will wake up and go outside. Its time to... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the Light ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave the town of Astoria. Go north and west follow the linear path. At the end of the path, you will see the light fade away and a faerie will fall to the ground. Walk up to the faerie and try to talk to her. She will then say that she has chosen you. More of this will be explained later in the game. You now see the a burst of red light from Astoria. The Faerie tells you to go back there to see what has happened. Listen to her and go back to Astoria. The Faerie now joins your party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to Astoria ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The town here is now a desolate place. You will see that the whole place is in ruins. The faerie will then explain to you that the Beastmen from the Beast Kingdom have done this crime and that they are going to attack the City of Wendel as well. You would now have to venture into the... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cave of WaterFalls ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave the town of Astoria and go northeast. You will then encounter your second character. Listen to his/her story and then he/she will join you. Now go inside the Cave of Waterfalls. Proceed to the very right of the screen and go down. There should be a Golden Statue here. Heal up and save. Proceed by going south of the screen. Now go east and south. Go west and you should go into a screen where you see a little girl hanging at the edge of the pathway. Go up to her and leave her out. If you want, try to leave through the left of the screen and listen to what she says. After talking to her, you will save her. She will introduce herself as Carlie and you will hear her story. If you have chosen her as your third character, she will join you right now. Now go east and continue in the linear path. You will eventually reach the... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy City of Wendel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you enter the Holy City of Wendel, make sure that you go into the weapon shop to pick up new armor for your main character. In the weapon shop, make sure you go down the stairs and there should be a light brown barrel. Press A on it and you should recieve an Angel's Grail. Now exit the shop and proceed north of the city. Continue to go straight up north and you'll reach the Priest of Light. Your characters will tell the Priest his/her story and the Faerie will eventually start talking. Now you will hear about the legend about the Mana Stones. The Priest will now tell you that Wisp, the Spirit of Light can be found nearby. Now you need to go back to the Cave of Waterfalls to find... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The First Spirit Boss: Full Metal Hugger ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now re-enter the Cave of Waterfalls and go back to the place where you had rescued Carlie. The faerie will then appear and fly up and down. She will then tell you that there is a passageway up there. Go east, north, and west to get to that area. You character will now ponder on how to get over the waterfall. Select the Spirit Category and use the Faerie to get across. From here, attack all enemies and leave the screen. The screen that you come into will split into two paths. The left path will be where you can heal up and save while the other is to continue with your quest for the first spirit. Gain some levels before continuing. The higher the level the better. When you think you are ready to continue, then proceed in the linear path and you'll eventually fight your very first boss, Full Metal Hugger. ****Boss Strategies can be found in a different section After the battle, there should be an opening to the southeast of the screen. Go through it and head southeast. Use the faerie to cross the waterfall. Watch the animation and then you'll end up in Jad's Prison. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Escaping Jad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're characters will end up with 1 HP in the Jad Prison. Go the front of the jail and press A. Now a person in the next jail cell will say something. Now go to the wall and this person will tell you that he/she will get you out of here. Now watch the scene of the Beastman get trap in the jail cell due to his stupidity. If you haven't gotten your third character, this character will join you now. Heal and save with the Golden Statue and escape Jad by going to thhe ship. Once you go up the stairs, keep on heading south and you'll leave the building. Now go through the tunnel next to the Inn and climb aboard the ship. You're newly joined character will now tell his/her story. After that, the ship will then head towards the... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- City of Maia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you reach the City of Maia, head towards the weapon and armor shop for some new equipment. Head west and you will that a person is blocking the exit. Talk to him and then he will move out of the way. Now you are ready to head towards Forcena. If you need a heal, then do so at the inn and also plant any seeds that you have found while fighting enemies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Journey to Forcena Boss: Machine Golems ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, after exiting the City of Maia, you should be on a golden path. Well, just follow the path until you reach a cave that breaks off from the path. Don't worry since it is really easy to detect. Just enter the cave and there should be a grey statue that you can save at. After saving, continue heading west and then follow the path to the bridge. Try crossing the bridge and you will encounter three females that are aligned with Altena's forces. They will declare that you are part of the enemies forces and then they will send out the Machine Golems. Defeat them and you will see that one of the Machine Golems are still functioning and that it will walk and then self destruct. Now your characters are stuck on the wrong side of the bridge and that you cannot proceed to Forcena. So what should you do now? Well, you should... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revisit of Maia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Maia, go to the northeastern most home and enter it. Talk to Bon Voyage, who is the guy with a funny looking hat. When you talk to him, he will reveal to you his latest invention, Cannon Travel. He seems excited and this could be your chance to be shot into Forcena Castle. However, one thing is missing. He will tell you that Gunpowder is needed. You characters will now leave his house and then talk among themselves about the whereabouts of obtaining Gunpowder. Well, you should go talk to the guy found south of the Inn. He will tell you that there is a secret entrance somewhere to the Gnomes. This conversation is the key to opening up the next part of the game. So make sure you have talked to him. Now head back to the cave where you have found the grey statue earlier. Try talking to the grey statue. This time a menu will pop up and ask you what do you want to choose. Choose wisp and he will appear and reveal a secret path. Enter the path and go all the way down. At the bottom of the staircase, enter the entrance found to the northeast. Go north again and you have entered a village. This is a great chance for you to buy new weapons and armor for your characters. When you are all done, go to the middle store in the top floor of the village. Talk to the guy and he will tell you that Watts is not here and that he is in charge right now. He will then jump behind the counter and sell you items. I would suggest buying 9 angel grails if possible, but two or three is sufficient enough. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Search for Watts/The Second Spirit Boss: Jewel Eater ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well now that you have talked to Watt's Assistant, leave the village and then head east and talk to the guy. He will then blow up a wall and create a passageway for you. Head east and then be prepared to fight enemies. The passageway should be pretty straightforward. Continue on the path until you see Watts above you. Head west and then head northeast. Follow the path and you will meet up with Watts. He will try to sell you Gunpowder but I would suggest you keep on refusing until he leaves. You will find out that you have saved quite a bit of money later on. Well proceed in the path and you will eventually pass a grey statue where you can save and then see a path that leads way south and you see a dark entrance to your left. Make sure you are healed and have healing items in your item ring. Now enter and you would see Watts standing still. Talk to him and then a tremor will happen. Watts will run away and then Jewel Eater will appear. After defeating Jewel Eater, Gnome will appear and then join your party. Try to head south and Watts will be there. Talk to him and he will be amazed that you are friends with Gnome. He will give you Gunpowder for FREE. He will also give you the option of using his magic rope. If you want to level up, then say no. Otherwise, say yes and you will be brought back to the entrance. Head back to the city of Maia. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revisit of Maia Again ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you haven't yet, make sure you placed your gunpowder into the inventory box so you can free up your item ring for better items. Now head to Bon Voyage's house and talk to him again. This time, you are able to use the cannon. One problem though, due to Bon Voyage's miscalculations, you end up somewhere near Forcena. So now you must travel there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Molebear Highlands ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you have gained control of your characters again, head north and you will end up seeing a grey statue. After saving, go into the hole and then proceed. It is not that hard to find your way around in this area. If you do not have Duran in your party, you will see in this area next to a gargoyle statue. He will talk to you momentarily and then run off to his home. You can estimate where to go next by heading east and then north to get to Forcena. The bees here are good to kill last since they drop treasure chests that may contain Honey Drinks. These items heal you to the max HP. If you want, then you could spend a few minutes or so trying to get them. Otherwise, you will eventually end up in Forcena. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forcena Castle Under Siege ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right when you enter Forcena, you will notice that this is not the time to relax. The place is under attack by Altena. This is your job to end the assault. Your characters will end up inside the castle and will not be able to leave until the attack is over. Your main objective is to get to the king. The two entrances both have gold statues so this might be an ok place to level up. Proceed by going north and then enter through the main entrance, which is the very big doorway. Proceed going north and killing enemies who get in your way. When you enter the main chamber of the castle, you will see Koren the Red Magician talking to King Richard and he is about to finish off the King. Thankfully, your characters appear and get ready to attack. Just swing once at Koren and he will vanish from the King and then the assault is over. Now you will be having a conversation with King Richard and then he will be amazed with the fact that you have a Faerie and he will reminesce about the time he had a faerie but she died at the hands of the Dragon Emperor. Then he will tell you that you should recruit the remaining spirits. The nearest one would be the wind spirit Jinn. NOTE: If you did buy the gunpowder from Watts, you will not have fought the Jewel Eater. He will tell you about the Gargoyle statue in Molebear Highlands. Just go back there and talk to it. The Gargoyle will open up a path and you will fight the Jewel Eater. Anyways, once King Richard is done talking to you, it is time to head back to Maia and then proceed to the Merchant City of Byzel. However, in order to head back you need to unlock the cannon found in the courtyard of the castle. In order to do this, head outside of the castle and into the town. If it is daytime, then head to the southwestern most home and enter it. Talk to the woman and she will exclaim, "I wonder why there is a cannon set up in the courtyard" or something similar to that. If it is nighttime, then head to the inn which is north of the most southwestern home. Talk to one of the ladies and she will say the same thing. Now head to the courtyard by entering the castle. Talk to the guy and he will blast you in the sky with the cannon. This time, the aim of the cannon is perfect so you can longer get lost in your cannon targetted destination. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Journey to Byzel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will land back in Maia. Go through Bon Voyage's house and talk to Bon Voyage if you want. He will tell you that his Cannon Travel is a success and that it will probably get even more popular. Leave the City of Maia and then head towards the Merchant City of Byzel. Just follow the yellow road. This will lead to your next destination. Once you have entered Byzel, you are able to enter the Black Market. Make sure it is nighttime since this is the only time you can enter it. If you have a DREAMSEE herb, use it to make it nighttime IF it is morning. Enter it and you will be able to buy some very good items. You have the chance to buy Poto Oils which heal your entire party. I recommend buy over 9 of this item since you will probably use this item a lot. Other neat items are stat up scales and elemental coins. I would recommend buying 9 light coins for future uses. After you have gotten everything you needed, leave the black market and head east to the port. You need to have money to pay for th ship service. Go aboard the ship and then you will head towards Palo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Palo and the Flower Garden ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you entered Palo, you will notice that the town is taken over by Ninjas. Make sure you go to the store and stock up on new weapons and armors and healing items. Feel free to talk to the people in town. After you are done talking, leave Palo by going west. You will now face monsters. Fight them and proceed to leave the screen by going north. Keep going through the screens until you have reached an area where there is a big staircase in the middle. Do not go up this staircase. Rather, go east and into that screen. The path should be linear and you will see a grey statue for a save. Eventually, you end up in an area where you see pretty flowers. However, these flowers place you under deep sleep. You wind up waking in a secret hideout. You will notice that there are Amazon fighters preparing to recapture Rolante. Once you have regained control of your characters, proceed to the strategy room where you will find people having a meeting on how to enter Rolante. They will mention about a great strategist named Don Perignon. However, he is a chibikko and he does not take kindly to big people. Your characters will eventually volunteer to take the mission of meeting with Don Perignon and they will wish the best of luck. Now exit the hideout and go north. You will eventually see Merci next to the cannon. Use the cannon and you will fly high into the sky. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Venture into the Corobokle Village ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- First thing first, you will need to find a way to make your characters small. If you have no clue on where to go, then go back to the Merchant City of Byzel. Now make sure it is night time and then enter the Black Market. There should be an old lady in the northwest section of the Market. Talk to her and she will eventually give you the key item, Chibikko Hammer. Make sure this is in your item ring at all times. If all your characters are poisoned or silenced or have some kind of status effect. Use the chibikko hammer once or twice to make your characters normal again. Anyways, since you have found a way to shrink yourself, you need to head to the Corobokle Village. Head towards the port and choose the ship that is heading towards the City of Jad. Once you have reached the City of Jad, leave the town and follow the path that is leading you to where you have found the faerie. When you have gotten to the golden statue, make a save. Just when you leave that screen by going south, use the chibikko hammer on all of your characters to make yourself smaller. Now move towards the middle of the screen. You will see a Corobokle person run away from you. Now have your characters walk up to the Gargoyle statue and talk to it. A path will open up. Follow the newly found path and you will end up in Corobokkle Village. Right when you enter Corobokkle Village, a guy would approach you and talk to you. Your characters will ask to see Don Perignon but the old guy would not tell you where he is and that you must look for him. Well, you should go and talk to _EVERYONE_ in the village. If you do not talk to everyone, you will not be able to see Don Perignon. When you have completed the task of talking to everyone, the last guy will say, "Hey wasn't there someone outside?" This is your hint to go outside and talk to that old guy again. He will reveal to you that he is Don Perignon. Just keep reading the conversations and he will tell you how to invade Rolante. The first thing you need to do is ask for Jinn's help and then you would need to use him in the flower field where you have fallen asleep earlier in the game. Don Perignon wishes you the best of luck and you gain control of your characters again. Now head back to the City of Jad and use the ship to head back to Palo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Third Spirit Boss: Tzenker ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Palo is the same as it always been. If you want to, stock up on healing items. Other than that, exit the city. Now you will want to take all the northern paths and you will end up seeing a cave. You will need to enter this cave in order to find Jinn. When you have entered the cave, go directly north until you reach the top and then west. You should be in a room where you see statues blowing wind. If you remember, Don Perignon said that there are switches within the cave that can switch these wind directions. Well press a on the first one you see and then continue on the path. To be continued... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rolante Castle Boss: Genova; Bill/Ben ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ghost Ship's Spirit Boss: Gorva ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bucca Island ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Forcena ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... Note: you can either choose to go to get Undine or to Salamando. It does not matter but for my walkthrough, I will choose Undine first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subzero Climate Boss: Machine Golems ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scorching Heat Boss: Bill/Ben ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moonlight Forest Boss: Lugar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bashful Spirit Boss: Gilverdine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Island of Oblivion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rolante Revisit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mana Holyland ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... ***If you have Hawk/Riesz as your main character, go to "Navarre Castle" Section ***If you have Duran/Angela as your main character, go to "Altena Castle" Section ***If you have Kevin/Carlie as your main character, go to "Moonlight Kingdom" Section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Navarre Castle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Altena Castle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moonlight Kingdom ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be continued... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle of the God Beasts! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= V. ITEMS llll ============================================================================= =================== :::HEALING ITEMS::: =================== -Round Drop: Restores up to 100 hit points. -Pakkun Chocolate: Restores up to 300 hit points. -Honey Drink: Restores your hit points fully. -Angel's Grail: Restores consciousness with full Hit Points and Magic points. -Puipui Grass: Restores some status during battles. -Stardust Herb: Restores all status completely during battles. -Poto Oil: Restores hit points, one or all allies. -Mama Poto Oil: Cures status ailments, one or all allies. ======================== :::STAT UP/DOWN ITEMS::: ======================== -Needlion's Eye: One enemy's agility down. -Bulette's Scale: Increases defense during battle. -Bird's Scale: Dexterity up during battle. -Bee's Eye: One enemy's defense down. -Sahagin's Scale: Intelligence up during battle. -Slime's Eye: One enemy's strength down. -Drake's Scale: Strength up during battle. -Battum's Eye: Decreases one enemy's Intelligence/Spirit. -Shadowzero's Eye: All enemy abilities down. ====================== :::SABER ITEMS::: ====================== -Molebear's Claw: Adds earth power to your weapons. -Siren's Claw: Adds wind power on weapons. -Poseidon's Claw: Adds water power on weapons. -Kerberos's Claw: Adds fire power to your weapons. -Demon's Claw: Adds dark power to your weapons. -Papa Poto's Claw: Adds light attributes to one ally's weapon. -Carmilla's Claw: Adds moon power to one ally's weapon to steal HP. -Crawler's Claw: Adds leaf power to one ally's weapon to steal MP. ========================== :::STATUS EFFECTS ITEMS::: ========================== -Basilisk's Fang: Petrifies one enemy. -Harpy's Fang: Silences one enemy. -Specter's Eye: Disables enemy target system. -Pakkun Oil: Halves magic damage. -Porobin Oil: Increases your maximum HP. -Luna Statue: Makes one enemy's max HP decreased. -ChibiDevil's Eye: One enemy chibikko damage. -Wolf Devil Oil: Increases your critical rate. -Dryad Statue: Makes one ally transparent. -Myconid's Eye: Puts one enemy asleep. -Assassin Bug's Eye: Poisons one enemy. -Grell Oil: Maximizes one ally's attack bar. -Matango Oil: One ally magic reflection barrier. ====================== :::ELEMENTAL DAMAGE::: ====================== -Earth Coin: Causes earth elemental damage on enemies. -Gnome Statue: One enemy gets hit with powerful earth attack. -Storm Coin: Causes lighting elemental damage on enemies. -Jinn Staff: Cast a strong wind magic when used. -Ice Coin: Causes ice elemental damage on enemies. -Undine Statue: Cast a strong ice magic when used. -White Dragon Fang: Enemy's become Snowmen -Flame Coin: Causes fire elemental damage on enemies. -Salamando Statue: Fire magic damage. -Fire Lizard Fang: one enemy charred/fried. -Shade Statue: Cast a strong dark magic when used. -Darkness Coin: Causes dark elemental damage on enemies. -Ghost's Eye: Casts Death Spell on an enemy. -Light Coin: Causes light elemental damage on enemies. -Wisp Statue: Cast a strong light magic when used. -Moon Coin: Causes Lunar elemental damage on enemies. ================= :::OTHER ITEMS::: ================= -Magical Rope: Use to escape areas when you need to. -Item Seed: Plant it, and it will give you a random item. -Magic Seed: Plant it. and it will give you a magic item. -Mysterious Seed: Plant it. and it will give you a recovery item. -Flying Item Seed: Plant it. and it will give you a flying item. -??? Seed: Plant it. and it will give you a Class Change item. -Hand Axe: Throw at enemies for damage. -Shuriken: Damage distant enemies. -Dart: Throw at enemies for damage. -Pumpkin Bomb: Throw at enemies for damage. -Gunpowder: Firepower for the Cannons. -Chibikko Hammer: Shrinks one/all allies. -Moogle Badge: Turns one/all allies into moogles. -Pihyara Flute: Call Booskaboo the Big Turtle. -Wind Drum: Use to call Flammie. Mana Goddess will give this to you. -Dreamsee Herb: Changes between night/day. ============================================================================= VI. BOSS STRATEGIES mmmm ============================================================================= Note: The recommended levels that I have used for my strategies might be a little bit high but these are levels that can be used if you want to take the time to level up and don't have to worry about any bosses. FULL METAL HUGGER Recommended level: 5-7 My Strategy: This is your very first boss battle. Its main attacks are Eye Beam, Bubble Breath, Holy Ball and Diving Press. Attack it physically and do your techs. Heal with round drops when your HP is below 60 HP. When the Hugger loses an eye, it would heal itself. Continue attacking and it would be dead in no time. You would get the Light Spirit, Wisp. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Full Metal Hugger Put whoever your best fighter is in front and start whacking at him. Hawk and Kevin are the best characters for this battle, as they can get two whacks in per attack, but if you don't have either of them, you can use Duran or Riesz, too. Hopefully, your party won't consist of Angela and Carlie. Anyways, try to be on level 5 or so, and pack at LEAST 6 round drops for this fight, although more is much better. FMH can poison you, so some Puipui grasses are a good idea too, as well as Angel Grails.. He'll cast Holy Ball, Diving Press, and Eye Beams, as well as poison bubbles. Other than that, there's not too much strategy involved except for wailing on him and keeping your HP above 50. ========================= Contributed by Jormungand ========================= BOSS: Full Metal Hugger If you chose Charlotte as your third character you should have no problems, make sure you have some candy and use either Reisz, Duran, or Kevin to control, if you have none of the afore mentioned chars use Hawk, if you don't have him your dead. Whack, whack, whack, heal(if needed), and repeat. =================== Contributed by JIge =================== Full Metal Hugger Can't say too much here; I've never actually had any trouble; I always picked Carlie third, because of her Heal Light. But anyway, just whack at him, heal when life gets yellow, Level. 5 is good, carry at least 5 Round Drops, too, as his Bubble Breath and Dive Attack cause large damage to everyone. Keep above Level 40. (End of Full Metal Hugger Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MACHINE GOLEMS (first encounter) Recommended level: 8-12 My Strategy: Right in the beginning, your characters should go southward. Don't press the attack button yet. The Machine Golems would fire missiles that could greatly damage a character. Don't use any spells here. The Golems would counter attack with a devastating Rocket Launcher that could instantly kill a character. Heal when your HP is below 80 HP. If you have Kevin in your party, control him. Attack physically with Ashura Dream fist whenever possible. ======================= Submitted by Land Umber ======================= BOSS: Machine Golems These guys are pretty tough, because there are two of them, and if given the chance, they can rack up some serious damage together, including about 100 damage to one character, and about 30 to everyone. The best strategy is to try to isolate one and pound the living crud out of it. If you're using Kevin or Hawk, take control of them so you'll win faster, and if you're using Angela, have her cast Holy Ball on both of them to keep them at bay. Once you destroy one, the other is a snap. Just remember to stay healed in case they manage to double-team you. ===================== Submitted by Dangaard ===================== Machine Golems Control your fastest swinging character with the highest attack power. If you have Kevin, use him AT NIGHT. That will make things easier. Right when you start, press down, to avoid the projectiles they shoot at you. Then just tackle them one at a time. I'm not too sure about holy ball though. When I casted holy ball on them, they sort of seemed to retaliate, so I didn't do anything but smash on them ever since. I highly recommend around level 7 or 8. Just keep healing with round drops, and if you have Carlie, get her to cast heal light. Eventually they should die. =================== Contributed by JIge =================== Machine Golems They suck. Period. Carry at least two Angel's Grails and heal up before the battle. Otherwise, when they use Rocket Launcher on somebody, instant death. Just be careful and don't press the attack while they're attacking. Keep HP out of the yellow. (End of Machine Golem Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ JEWEL EATER Recommended level: 8-12 My Strategy: Your second boss. The Jewel Eater stays at the ends of the of the battle scene. The Jewel Eater's main attacks are Gem Missile, Grand Slam, and Super Punch. Have some healing items in your item ring, preferably 9 Round Drops and 9 Angel Grails. Attack physically for all of your characters. If you have Angela in your party and has already learned Holy Ball, have her cast that until she runs out of MP. Then have her attack physically. Heal the character who has been attack after getting Gem Missile. After a while, the Jewel Eater would fly across the scene and the whole party loses HP. Heal and keep on attacking. The Jewel Eater would be dead in no time. You would get the Earth Spirit, Gnome. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= I highly recommend around level 10. There's not really much you can do at this stage. If you cave Carlie, then you can heal, and if you have Angela, then you can cast holy ball, but it doesn't really speed up the process very much. The most you can do is smash and heal with either Carlie or with round drops, and if you wish, use the occasional holy ball. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Jewel Eater Try to be on level 10 or above. Like the old Full Metal Hugger, you can't do too much here except attack. However, if you have Carlie, she can use Heal Light, which is EXTREMELY useful in this battle, and all other battles, in fact. And if you're using Angela, she'll have Holy Ball that she can cast for some extra damage. The Jewel Eater will sometimes decrease your stats, and he can cast Gem Missile. Sometimes he'll zoom across the screen for some heavy damage to everyone; keep your HP above 100 to avoid being killed by this. Basically, keep attacking and healing and you'll eventually win. =================== Contributed by JIge =================== Jewel Eater Really? Level 10? I beat him at Level 8! All five or six times! But basically what you do is whack at him some more, again, Level 1 techs when bar is full. If you have Angela, use Holy Ball. It does more damage than her attacks. Carlie is EXTREMELY useful-Heal Light. I recommend you ALWAYS use her for this reason. It makes most bosses much easier. (End of Jewel Eater Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TZENKER Recommended level: 12-15 My Strategy: This boss mainly spend its time flying in the air. If you have Angela in your party, I would suggest that she learned Gem Missile and continuously use Gem Missile on Tzenker. Earth attacks is Tzenker's weakness. Tzenker is able to swoop down an attack one of your characters and make he or she fall asleep. Be careful since it can Air Blast your whole party. Carry some healing items just in case your HP go below 70-80 HP. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Tzenker I'd recommend level 12 or so. With Angela, dressing this turkey is a surprisingly easy task, as Gem Missile does a lot of damage. If not, then it's a little tougher. Tzenker will fly around the top of the screen most of the time, and you won't be able to hit her until she swoops down and starts circling. When that happens, pound the stuffing out of her. If you have Earth Coins or Molebear Claws, those will prove very useful, too. Tzenker will swoop down and make your characters fall asleep, cast Air Blast, and cast Sonic Wave (80-120 damage to everyone). Be sure to stay healed! ==================== Contributed by Riesz ==================== For Tzenker it's simple. If you have Angela pound away with diamond missile until she runs out of MP then slash away at Tzenker while she's flying round the bottom of the screen. If she gets one of your characters asleep simply use heal light or a healing item to wake the character up. If you don't have Angela just pound away when she's flying at the bottom of the screen. It might also be worth while to have a few claws that cast diamond saber and earth coins. =================== Contributed by JIge =================== Tzenker Easiest boss in the game. If you have Angela, use Gem Missile. One Magic Walnut, and continue. Tzenker is dead. If not, buy Molebear Claws at Byzel and use those on everyone. Tzenker will take NO time at all. (End of Tzenker Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GENOVA My Strategy: Recommended level: 15-18 This battle would go much easier if your party are all at level 18 and have class changed at a Mana Stone. In this case the only Mana Stone you know of right now if the one you saw earlier before your battle with Tzenker. In the battle Genova would summon Shape Shifters out of its mouth to attack your party. Kill them quickly and go back to Genova. Be careful of your HP since Genova casts power up on your enemies and can also casts traps on your party. Keep on attacking physically and you'll defeat this boss in no time. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Genova Be at least level 14, and be sure to attack with your best fighter. This guy will send out a couple shape shifters, which turn into a bunch of different enemies. Just have your partners attack these guys, while you focus on the head honcho. Genova will use some traps, and he'll power up his buddies. Still, he's not all that hard. ==================== Contributed by Riesz ==================== For Genova make sure that you are controlling the strongest character. As soon as you enter the battle Genova will send out shape shifters. You supporting characters should take care of them while you take on Genova itself. Genova uses all sorts of trap type moves and fire attacks that shouldn't hurt you too badly but it would be wise to heal with poto oils or heal light. If Angela's there use any of her magic and have the main character pound away at Genova. =================== Contributed by JIge =================== Genova Really easy, or really hard. If you take the proper precautions, he's no sweat. Stat-up items and Poseidon's Claws make this battle remarkably fast. Even just having one will make the battle many many times easier. If you don't have either, be prepared for a LONG and FRUSTRATING battle. I know; because that's what I did the first time I played. Never again, let me tell you. Level. 13 is good. (End of Genova Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BILL & BEN My Strategy: Recommended level: 15-18 Bill and Ben can be very annoying and deadly if you do the wrong things. Don't even try to use attack spells or items on these guys since they Will counter attack with several Shadow Dives that could kill your allies. I would attack physically continuously until Bill and Ben split into two bodies. Then try to attack one of them at a time so you wouldn't end up with them casting two multi-targeted shurikens or ninjustsus. Heal when you're low on HP or else you could end up dying in this battle and you would have to start over with the battle against Genova. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Bill and Ben Brutal! You'll fight these guys right after Genova, so be sure to be prepared. Keep your HP as high as possible to survive these guys' attacks, and be careful, because they merge and split a lot. There's not much strategy here except fight and stay healed. Defense is the word of the day here. Hope you survive.... ^_^ ==================== Contributed by Riesz ==================== For Bill and Ben only 3 words. FIGHT, HEAL, and FIGHT. The idea of this battle is to be quick so the duo won't overwhelm you with their arsenal of ninjutsu type moves that reduce your stats. When they are together pound away and cast any sabers if you have any. When they separate things become more dangerous as their spells become multi-targeted so try to get them together and hit them both at the same time. Stick to Level 1 techs or else they might counterattack with shadow dive. Magic is useless in this battle so don't bother with it. =================== Contributed by JIge =================== Bill and Ben The most IRRITATING boss in the game, next to the Machine Golems. All four stat-up items will help in keeping you alive. Speed up makes their attacks do almost no damage at all. But without those powerups, they can cause serious hurt, quickly. Don't use magic, as they will counter with Shadow Dive, which hurts. They're not vulnerable to most magic, anyway, though I've heard that Poison hurts them a lot, if you have Assassin Bug Eyes... Keep HP above 100, and carry Angel's Grails just in case. ===================== Contributed by Kyros ===================== Well, these guys are NOT fun. To start out the battle they'll combine into a stronger form that does considerably more damage, attacks twice. Later on in the battle they split into two. Now it gets worse. They're basically members of the Ninja Master class...meaning they cna use multi-target Jutsus and multi-target Shurikens, which they like to. A lot. Never use spells if you can avoid it, and NEVER multi-target them if you're a low level. Why? Well, its not much fun when you get Shurikenned twice. In essence, they counter all spells with Shuriken, a Jutsu, or Shadow Dive (their tech). HEAL OFTEN. Use any scales/eyes that you feel you need to. And by the way, they EACH attack twice when they're seperate, too. And they're fast...very fast. (End of Bill and Ben Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GORVA My Strategy: Recommended level: 18-21 You only have two characters in this battle so I would suggest having Spell items in your inventory. I would suggest having light coins since it's Genova's weakness. Attack Genova physically when he's near the ship and is in your range for a punch attack or sword attack. When he is out of reach, have the character with the highest intelligence use those Light coins. When you run out of Light Coins, he is either dead already or he's on the verge of death. Attack him physically several more times and he's gone. If you have Angela during this battle. Have her cast Holy Ball while someone else uses the Light Coins. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Gorva Okay, you only have two party members for this fight, so you need to choose the one you leave out wisely. If you have Angela, use her and your best fighter, if you have Carlie (but not Angela), use her and your best fighter, and if you have neither, just pick your two best fighters. The person who talks to Mataro is the one who gets left out of this fight. Anyways, Angela's Holy Ball spell makes this one of the easiest fights in the game, and Carlie's healing and Tinkle Rain is very useful. If you don't have Carlie, use Puipui Grass, Round Drops, Pakkun Chocolate, and Poto Oils. Gorva will teleport around a lot, and he can only be hit when he's up against the side of the boat. Just beat on him as best you can, using techs as you get them. Some of his attacks include Ghost Road and Black Rain (100-200 damage to everyone), Black Curse (lowers all your stats, use Stardust Herbs to counteract this), and his normal attack which also casts Silence on a person. Just hang in there, and you'll win soon enough. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Gorva For Gorva, If you have them, take either Carlie or Angela, and your best fighter. If you have both Carlie and Angela, I recommend taking Angela for her Holy ball, which will make this fight a lot easier. When Gorva is in range, beat on it, and when you can't reach it, then have Angela cast Holy Ball, or if you don't have Angela, use light coins that you can buy from Byzel. (If you don't have Angela, and you didn't buy light coins ahead of time when you could have gone to Byzel, then just wait for Gorva to come back down and take the opportunity to heal) When you're not casting Holy Ball or throwing light coins, or beating on Gorva, heal with round drops, maybe pakkun chocolates, and use all those other healing objects if necessary. OR, use Carlie if you have her. Make sure to keep healed at all times. =================== Contributed by JIge =================== Gorva Not really very hard, though he's irritating without Angela. Holy Ball makes killing him very easy. If not, stat-up items will make the battle go much faster. Just heal when you get in the yellow; his only really dangerous attack is Ghost Road, and it shouldn't kill you if you stay in the white. Same thing with Black Rain. (End of Gorva Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MACHINE GOLEMS (second encounter) My Strategy: Recommended level: 21-24 Its virtually the same type of battle like the first encounter. Except this time, they're even more deadly. They can cast level 2 spells like Thunderstorm and Earthquake. I would try to kill one off at a time before they start doing they're spell combinations. I would suggest healing after every time they cast their spells. Kill each one and you'll earn 256 EXP. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Machine Golems PartII VERY IMPORTANT-->class change. I highly recommend getting a class change now as it will make thing A LOT easier. Go for level 18/19. It's pretty much the same as last time, just that they are a ton harder. Cast wind elemental spells, and take them one at the time. Use your best attacker, and again, if you have Kevin, do this at night. It will greatly shorten down the time taken to destroy them. Smash smash smash and eventually they will die. Be VERY careful and heal often, because they will do number of techniques to blow you away (literally). Hopefully, you will not die. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Machine Golems, Part II Just what we need... some more of these guys. And this time, there are three of them. I'd be at level 20, and make sure you have your class changes. Here, stick to your level 1 techs, because they can counter your shiny new level 2 techs... if you use one that's full-screen, you can consider yourself dead. Make sure you set your computer-controlled friends to do level 1 techs, too. Any who, the same basic strategies work here, with Angela's multi-target spells, hold them off (if you have her), isolate one of them, and kill it as quickly as possible. If you have Carlie, she'll probably have her multi-target Heal Rain... this is your new best friend. =================== Contributed by JIge =================== Class Change. That will save your life. Especially if you have Carlie. Be level 19 so she has Heal Light multi-target; it will keep you alive when they cast their level 2 spells on you. Never use a full-screen tech, or if you do, start casting Heal Light first. The way that works is she'll start casting, the tech will come out, one of the Machine Golems will counter with a spell, then Heal Light will come out, so that when the others also counter, you're still alive. If you use Angela's magic, use Air Blast and target only one enemy at a time. Same thing with Hawk and his attacks, though I'd just fight with him. If you remembered to buy stat-up items, this battle is much easier, too, as the level 2 spells will no longer cause the serious hurt that they do. Mind up is ESSENTIAL! (End of Machine Golems Part II Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BILL & BEN (final encounter) My Strategy: Recommended level: 24-27 Basically, all I can say is the same strategy that you used when facing Bill and Ben the first time. They just take longer to kill this final time. Good Luck facing it and you'll be all set to continue on your journey. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Bill Ben PartII Again this is very hard. They will cast lots of jutsus, and you might want to use a few Stardust Herbs to get rid of the status lowering. When they join together, beat on them as hard as you can. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE DONE A CLASS CHANGE otherwise they will whip your butt. Try not to cast very many spell b/c they will retaliate. Heal mega time, and get the person in your party with the highest spirit to throw poto oils, or cast full screen heal light with Carlie if possible. Just beat on them when they are together, and just concentrate on one when they split. I highly recommend level 20 or higher. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Bill and Ben, the Finale This game has a knack for bringing back enemies you don't want to see more of, it seems. These guys are even worse than before, too. Anyways, I'd be at level 22 or 23 for this battle, and the class changes are a must. They won't counter level 2 techs, either, but refrain from using offensive magic, because it doesn't seem to work all that great here. Once again, you want to hit fast and hard, but at the same time, keep healed. Have Carlie ready to use her multi-target Heal Rain at all times if you have her. Riesz's or Hawk's stat downs work well if you have them, but the stats up can be counteracted by their jutsus. Even if you have Carlie, bring plenty of Poto Oils and Angel Grails... if B&B double-team someone with their Shadow Dive attack, they probably won't survive. Basically, you just have to tough this one out, and once you do, the gruesome twosome is gone for good! Huzzah! =================== Contributed by JIge =================== In many ways, they're not as hard now, because you will have changed classes. With Speed Up, Defense Up, and Power Up, they'll fall fairly quickly. Be sure to heal whenever HP gets in the yellow, or Shadow Dive will kill you, and don't bother with magic; it's still useless against them. Stick to Level 1 techs, unless you have a full-screen level 2. If you do, get ready to heal after the counterattack. Irritating, but not nearly as hard as the Machine Golems. Level 20 is recommended. (End of Bill and Ben Part II Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LUGAR My Strategy: Recommended level: 25-28 This guy can be either tough or very easy. First off, I would recommend that you would not use any level 2 techs or attack spells at all. Lugar can counter with any of Kevin's dark techs. This includes Water-Moon Slice, Bastard Slam, Seiryuu Death Fist, Dead Crush Slam, Sazuka Sky Dance, and Veritubach. These techs are pretty devastating and he usually tries to do two of these techs in a row so be prepared for some healing. Use _ONLY_ level 1 techs and physical attacking on Lugar for an easy defeat. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Lugar This guy can be kind of tough, so you'll want to level up to about 23 or 24. The biggest thing to watch out for here is when he counterattacks a tech higher than level 1: He'll use Seiryuu Death Fist. And a couple of these will kill basically any party. So, only use level one attacks as far as techs go. If you have Carlie, Duran as a Knight, or Kevin as a Monk, take advantage of their Heal Light spells, otherwise use Poto Oils. In addition, Riesz and Hawk's stat lowering spells will help greatly here, especially Attack Down ones. Angela won't be doing much in this battle though. Just remember to stay healed in case Lugar decides to use his techs without being prompted. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Lugar: HARD (for me at least) Make sure that before you go in, set all your characters to 1st level techs and DO NOT use magic on him, or you'll have to deal with 3 Seiryuu Death fists in a row. My way? The first time I fought him I killed myself because I tried to do whirlwind sword and ended up having instant death when Lugar did 3 techs in a row. So, After I died, I reloaded, and I went to the safe side. I took a round drop right when my HP went down 100 or 150. That way, if he does Seiryuu Death fist, you don't have that much of a risk of being killed, because then you just throw a poto oil after that. I went to level 25, and I still died the first time. Very hard boss for beginners. =================== Contributed by JIge =================== Lugar Is it just me, or is Lugar really not that hard? He's irritating, but if you've got Carlie, he's ridiculously easy. Stat-ups first, those will give you breathing room when he nails you with a tech. Always be ready to heal after you attack him with a Level 2 tech or a magic spell. Dark Force and Saint Beam do wonders against him. Hawk's Jutsu's will do nicely as well, especially Water, as it lowers attack. Use Earth at least once; it'll make the others stronger. But even without stat-ups, he's very beatable with Carlie. Just keep ready to heal, as his techs will leave EVERYONE in the yellow without stat-ups. (End of Lugar Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GILDVERDINE My Strategy: Recommended level: 28-32 If you are able to cast Thunder Saber, then cast it in the beginning. Little Bees will pop and try to attack and poison you. The Gilverdine is able to cast sleep flower and poison. Have yourself run around and whack the bees while your other two characters are whacking at the main boss for this area. Heal when you think is necessary here. After a while, the Gilverdine's head will pop out. Now the Gilverdine's main attacks will be Jet Pollen, Sleep Flower, and Poison Bubble. Be careful since the Gilverdine can do a combination of Jet Pollen, which lowers magic defense, and then Poison Bubble, which will inflict quite a lot of damage at this point. Continue whacking and heal when necessary. It'll be over quicker than you think. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Gildervine Okay, if you could beat Lugar, Bill and Ben, and the Machine Golems, whacking this weed will be a delightfully easy task. All Gildervine will do at first is cast Sleep Flower, poison bubble, and he'll summon up some wimpy enemies which you can easily kill. Just concentrate on Gildervine with your strongest character, and if he puts Carlie or Angela to sleep, don't worry about them too much. Eventually he'll shift into his second form, which actually focuses on offense, but at this point he'll be so low on HP that he won't pose a threat. Easy, easy, easy. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Gildervine: Ha! This guy is really easy. He's just annoying. (Well for me at least) Take the chibbiko hammer with you, so if one of your characters fall asleep, or is poisoned, chibbiko them, and then undo it. All fixed! This is plain easy. If you leveled up a lot for Lugar, then Gildervine will be a cinch. Just attack and do techs, and heal when needed. All you have to be is not much over 20, but since you needed to level up for Lugar, you barely have to level up for Gildervine, let alone level up at all. =================== Contributed by JIge =================== Gildervine Fairly easy, considering I always forget to go and buy more powerups to fight him. Without powerups, the battle is long and irritating, but nobody should die. Sleep Flower is the most irritating part, because then you lose a character for a time. Just whack at him. Thunderbolt does good damage if you have it, if not, use whatever attack spells you have. Machine Golem, Jutsus, Dark Force... Level. 23 is more than enough. (End of Gilverdine Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GOD-BEASTS WARNING: This is a general warning that if you guys want to face the God Beasts without any hints or strategies on what they will do, I advise you not to read the following things. Also I advise you not to read the rest of the boss strategy section since it would lead right to the endings and Bosses. This might spoil the fun for first timers but I have WARNED you. I will not list the recommended level here since you can fight each God Beast at any time. Basically, try to be at the same level or 2 to 4 levels higher than the enemies. DANGAARD My Strategy: Dangaard has the most HP out of all the God Beasts which will probably make this the longest God Beast Battle if you save him (her?) for last. In the beginning of the battle, cast any stat up or stat down spells or items you choose to use. Diamond Saber will be very useful in dealing extra damage to Dangaard. Keep whacking Dangaard in the first battle view and try not to use too much MP. After you deal a certain amount of damage on Dangaard, battle views will switch. When the battle view changes, you must cast everything again. As you deal more damage to Dangaard, it will frequently use more spell based attacks on you. Heal after 2 attacks. I would recommend this since I have experienced spell spamming from Dangaard. Repeat the same strategy for every view and you should be fine. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Dangaard After Dolan, this guy shouldn't pose too much of a problem. Basically, all he'll do is fly around and attack you with magic sometimes. Every time his HP decreases by 1/4, the view will change, and stat modifications will be removed. I'd recommend using only your favorite stat modifications. If you have it, Gnome magic and Earth saber work EXTREMELY well. Basically, cast these if you can, then pound the heck out of him. It's not very hard. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Dangaard: Yay! My favorite. I think Dangaard is cool (no, really, just because my user name is Dangaard). Anyways, if you do him sometime first, he'll have much less HP, making him much easier. I think the most important thing you should do in this fight is to cast earth saber EVERY time he changes views to make this fight much faster (that is only if you have earth saber). Other than that, cast Angela's earth attribute spells, and Hawk's earth ninjustsu. If you don't have either, you should've bought earth coins. Heal when necessary. This shouldn't take too long if you fight him early. (End of Dangaard Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++***** DOLAN My Strategy: When you characters draw your weapon, do not give them sabers. Its not really needed for this God Beast. Dolan doesn't have a lot of HP but he does a lot of damage by using howl and other slew of spells. Cast stat ups and stat downs if you have any. If you are two levels higher than the God Beast, he won't be dealing a lot of damage on you. Look at the number of damage he does on your party. Make sure your HP is always higher than that. Keep pounding him and he'll be defeated. Items I recommend bringing would be healing items along with Angel Grails. You might need it. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Dolan This one is probably the toughest of all the God beasts, and I would fight him first. This guy has an annoying tendency to block your physical attacks, and he can swing his arm around the battle field for his normal attack, so watch out; it has a very wide range, although it can't hit you if you're hiding in the lower-right-hand corner. In addition, he can cast Lunatic, which decreases your max HP, Change Form, which uses Chibikko on you (Use the Chibikko Hammer to counteract this), and a few other attacks. When he makes hand motions resembling a Dragon Ball Z type blast (O_o), it means he'll be using Spiral Moon, his strongest attack. Keep your HP high using Carlie or Poto oils, and if you have Angela, Dark Force or Thunderbolt work pretty good, and stat ups/stat downs work well here. He's tough, but hang in there and you'll win. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Dolan: Ouch! He's hard. For Dolan, you might even want to be 3 ahead of the enemies to speed up the process. Heal constantly. Take along the Chibbiko Hammer so if he Chibikko's you, then use the Chibikko Hammer to get back to normal. The key thing to do is always heal. Once you lose 200-300 HP (depending on how much HP you have and how much your heal light/poto oils can heal) quickly heal. (End of Dolan Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FIEGMUND My Strategy: Fiegmund is all spell based. Make sure your guys are prepared for it. I would recommend casting Mind Up (if you have it) before anything else. Fiegmund will cast level 2 and 3 ice spells on your characters, so be prepared to heal. Cast fire saber on your party if you have it. After hitting it for a while, it will jump underneath the platform. During this time, the only way to hit it would be through spells and spell items. Fire Based attacks will greatly reduce the battle time. Keep whacking with an occasional heal, and you'll be fine. ============================ Contributed by Question Mark ============================ He looks quite tough. Very tough actually. Be sure to stock up on lots of grass and Stardust Herbs, because he's going to turn your party into snowmen! Remember to re-cast a saber of you used a stardust herb on someone. When he first comes out, attack him with all you've got. If you don't have any Magic beans, don't use attack magic right away. After a while, the beast will jump off the screen and land under the ice. That's the time to use attack magic, because you can't hit him. This is also the past where he'll use Cold Blaze. Be sure to have herbs on hand. After a while, he'll jump back onto the surface. Then you attack some more. Fiegmund isn't so hard, just annoying. He'll die after about maybe the 3rd time on the surface if you don't have attack magic. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Fiegmund Another boss that's not all that bad to kill. If you have Angela, her fire magic will make this battle a snap, and stat modifications are always a good idea. This guy attacks almost exclusively with magic, and he'll hop around a bit too. If he turns your guys into snowmen, use whatever you can to cure them. Sometimes he'll jump on the bottom of the platform you're on and hop around there, casting spells and defying gravity in general. If you don't have Angela, that's a good time to use Fire Coins if you have them. As with all bosses, stay healed. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Fiegmund: Gee. I really seem to hate this boss. He's annoying. Especially when he goes under the ice. Coward! Anyways. He has a spell that turns someone in your party into a snowman that also gives you damage. It hurts a lot. I forgot if the Chibbiko hammer gets you out of this position, but try it anyways, b/c its better than wasting an item or something. When he is above the ice, it is important to cast fire a saber or attack-up, or both on your party to speed up the process b/c he stays under for quite a while. Once he goes under, use Hawk's Jutsus and Angela's Fire aligned spells. If you don't have them, use Fire coins. Whenever he makes one of your characters a snow man, correct it and heal the character. Also heal when he casts...I forgot the name. The one where you're all stuck in icicles for a while. You'll recognize it. (End of Fiegmund Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LAND UMBER My Strategy: This Boss is extremely easy when compared to, for example, Dangaard. He will pop in looking all tough and big but don't be intimidated by it. Cast stat ups or stat downs if possible as well as Thunder Saber. Use level one techs with the Thunder Saber to deal more damage. Land Umber will occasionally roll up one of your characters and throw him/her around the screen. He will also cast Stone Cloud. Heal when necessary. Land Umber has the lowest HP of all the God Beast, so it shouldn't be much difficulty to defeat Land Umber. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Land Umber Prepare to battle... *deep voice* the mecha of the gods! Kind of an old inside joke, but any who, this guy isn't bad either. Once again, stat modifications, Thunder Saber, and Jinn's magic will all do the trick here. Note that unlike the other God Beasts, this guy uses a lot of physical attacks, including one that tosses you all over the place and another that adds sleep. But don't worry, he also uses magic: Mainly earthquake and stone cloud. Anyways, pound on him, and he'll die soon enough. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Land Umber: Shouldn't be too hard. He's got a lot of nasty attacks though. Like the one where he throws you around the room. That one hurts. Make sure you heal whenever he does that. Use Hawk's lightning jutsu and Angela's lightning aligned spells. Make sure to heal whenever he casts earthquake or stone cloud. (End of Land Umber Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LIGHTGAZER My Strategy: I think this is the most annoying God Beast. If you have the ability to cast Dark Saber, then do it right in the beginning and attack as soon as possible. Later in the battle, Lightgazer will be mostly teleporting around in the screen, which makes it difficult to attack 100% of the time. Be sure to heal when he casts Prisoner and Saint Beam on your characters. When your characters become moogles, use Mama Potos or use the Chibikko Hammer twice to get rid of the status. Be careful when casting spells since you have to time it to hit Lightgazer. If you miss, you lose some of your MP. Hang in there and it will be all over. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Light Gazer This one isn't so much difficult as it is annoying. >_< All he really does is bounce and teleport around, while he shoots beams and casts magic. He can also cast Prisoner, which damages and turns your party into Moogles (use the Chibikko Hammer twice when this happens), and high level Saint Beams/ Holy Balls. Use stat modifications that'll increase the damage you do and decrease the attack power of his magic. If you have Angela, use Dark Force if she's a Delvar, and Evil Gate if she's a Sorceress, and Dark Saber if you have it. Magic should be your main type of offense here, coupled with normal attacks. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Light Gazer: He looks like a pokemon...(yech! I don't like Pokemon) But he also looks like a giant purple berry, or a super ball. oh well. He's not hard at all. He's just annoying. Dissipating and appearing somewhere else. Most of the time, you'll be the only one doing the word because your other characters (if they are computer controlled) will just sit there b/c they don't know where he's going next, but you will b/c you'll see his shadow appear first. Use black rain if you've got a class change, you've got Hawk, and he's a Nightblade. Otherwise, use Angela's dark aligned spells, and if you don't have Angela, use darkness coins. Make sure you have about 5 or more items that can cast sabers or characters that can cast sabers b/c Light Gazer will cast light saber on you and therefore you will heal him, unless you immediately cast a saber, throw an object that makes your weapon have an attribute that is not light, or use a stardust herb, or mama poto oil. (End of Lightgazer Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MISPOLM My Strategy: Mispolm definitely sets the mood for something like Halloween. Its a Giant Pumpkin Head. Anyways, I think your main offense would be through physical attacks. After several minutes, Mispolm will cast counter magic so any elemental spells will attack you instead. Thunder Saber will be effective here. Just attack him physically and with the occasional healing, you'll be all set. One of the small pumpkin heads will attack you. If the small pumpkin head isn't able to attack, Mispolm won't do anything else. Just have your character run around in circles while your other Characters are beating up Mispolm. The battle will end before you know it. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Mispolm A giant... pumpkin... with the disembodied head of Tropicallo and Boreal Face from Seiken Densetsu 2 as his helpers, on vines of their own. O_o He's certainly the oddest of the God-Beasts. But fortunately, he's not that hard. None of the God Beasts are after Dolan, really. You'll have to rely mainly on normal attacks and stat modifications that affect your characters here, because he'll cast Reflect Magic early on in the battle. He can cast Pumpkin Bombs, a bigger pumpkin bomb at a single character, sleep flower, poison bubble, and a special attack that damages everyone and poisons them. In addition, the heads will sometimes come down and try to bite you... and they're persistent little buggers. However, if you let them chase you around, Mispolm won't do anything else. He sounds tough, but he's not. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Mispolm: Easy. Just annoying, as most of the other god-beasts are. Take the Chibbiko Hammer with you so that if he makes you fall asleep or poisons you, use the Chibbiko Hammer twice to fix it. I usually just healed when I received 250-300 damage. Do as many magic attacks on him right at the beginning if you can b/c he'll cast reflect magic. Very easy. (End of Mispolm Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XAN BIE My Strategy: The Fire God beast. Right off hand, cast the necessary stat modifications if you can. Cast Ice Saber if you can as well. I would mainly focus on the the flying flame head. Xab Bie's main attacks are explosion, lava wave, heat beam, and fire saber. Just cast ice saber on your character if he has the fire saber. Keep whacking him with physical attacks and ice/ or anything other than fire spells to weaken him. After a while, Xan Bie will cast Power Up but it won't really matter since Xan Bie doesn't physically attack. You'll win this one pretty easily, unless your 10 levels lower. =P ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Xan Bie What, were you expecting a hard God Beast now? There are two parts to Xan Bie, the floating fiery head thing, and the furnace behind him. He can enter the furnace to heal himself too. Anyways, what I do is pound on the furnace while my computer-controlled friends kill the head. Stat modifications, Ice Saber, and any of Angela's Undine spells will do the trick here, and even if you don't have them, he's not too bad. One other thing he'll do is cast Power Up on himself (Although I've never seen him do a normal attack, so this is completely pointless O_o), and Flame Saber on your guys. Be sure to counteract this right away, or you'll end up healing him. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Xan Bie: Three parts to Xan Bie. The fire ring and the furnace which Xan Bie can go into to heal itself. Attack the furnace and let either one, or both of your partners attacking the fire ring. Again cast any ice/water-aligned spells like water jutsu and Angela's water/ice spells at the furnace. That goes for Ice coins too. Just keep healed, it shouldn't be too hard. (End of Xan Bie Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ZABLE FAHR My Strategy: Recommended Level: 40-45 This is probably the most difficult God Beast. Make sure your characters are well equipped. The battle will begin with two heads. If you have the ability to cats Saint Saber through the Spell ring or with items, then do so. The left head is mainly spell based, so try to take this head out before anything bad happens to you. The right is more physical in attacks. After a while of attacking, the third head will appear and revive the two heads you have faced and here is the real challenge. Try to continously attack the top head to end the battle. Detroying the side heads won't do anything since it will get revived again. Beware of the Hell Cross and Dark Force. These spell attacks will make your characters lose quite a bit of Damage. Heal when necessary. By being at a level of 40 or higher, your characters won't face the horrific Death Spell. Keep whacking Zable Fahr and if you have Saint beam, then use that as well. The battle will end and you'll be led into the final battles. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Zable Fahr After this guy, there's only the end bosses for individual quests. It'll start off as a couple of really big Fiend Heads from Seiken Densetsu 2, which you can take out pretty easily. Don't bother with stat modifications that affect these two until a little later. The head on the right will cast magic (Including Demon's Breath), and the one on the left will use mainly normal attacks. After you kill both heads, they'll be revived, and above the platform will be... the disembodied head of Rita Repulsa! Anyways, the center one will cast Hell's Cross (which does very heavy damage) as a little counter attack at first for killing the heads, and if you kill them again, the center one will use Hell Cross, but the head you killed won't come back. At this point, if you have stat modifications that affect enemies, use them! Zable-Fahr will also cast Death Spell and some other nasty little Shade spells like Evil Gate and Dark Force. Stay healed, and use Wisp Magic and Light Saber if you can. He'll go down eventually. ======================= Contributed by Dangaard ======================= Zable Fahr: Get ready for the final god-beast. The god-beast of darkness *rumbling sound*. Yeah sure. Anyways. This is a god-beast. He's hard. you'll start off fighting 2 heads. One on your right and one on your left. The one on the right will mostly cast magic, while the one on the left will mostly attack and maybe a few spells here and there. Don't do any major spell casting right now, because you'll just be wasting MP b/c the battle has just begun. Start tackling the right head first, then once it's little horn on it's head is broken, start on the other one. Once you kill both of them, you think you're done. Easy right? The last god-beast, the god-beast of darkness can't be that easy...*BOOM* ~REVIVIFY~...BLEEP! They're back, and they've got a friend with them. And then, when you think it's bad enough that you've got 3 heads watching you and trying to kill you, the new one that just came up casts Hell Cross. That's a big OUCH. Well, heal up and start battling. ONLY fight the new one that came up, because if you kill one of the side heads, you'll get another Hell Cross. Battle and battle some more. MAKE sure that you have Angela cast holy magic, or use light coins. VERY IMPORTANT. Cast light saber if you have it. Instead of doing 1 damage, you'll be doing around 3. Once you lose 200-300 HP (300+ is starting to risk dying) make sure you heal up. Make sure you carry lots of Angel Grails, because he casts death spell too. For Zable Fahr, My 2 levels above the enemies does not count. I would go higher than 2 levels ahead. I went 5 levels ahead. It helped a lot. (End of Zable-Fahr Strategies) (End of God Beasts Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DARKSHINE KNIGHT My Strategy: Recommended Level: 41-46 DarkShine Knight is a physical attacker. Do NOT attack with level 2/3 techs or attack spells. Casting Saint Saber would be useful. If you use only level 1 techs, you probably don't have to face the Darkshine Knight's spam techs. He might do three techs in a row- Whirlwind Sword, Vacuum Sword, and Eruption Sword. Thats the main fear of this boss. Other than that, try not to get hit too much by his attacks. Heal when appropiate, preferably above 400 HP and you'll be fine. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Darkshine Knight Okay, I'm going to say this right off the bat: Do NOT use level 2 or 3 techs! If you do, the Darkshine Knight will counter with three nasty full screen techs! Just one of these is probably enough to give your guys a run for their money, but three is just plain ouch. Other than that, though, this is just a good old fashioned pound-the-crap-outta-him type of battle... there really aren't many strategies. Just be at level 45 or so, use stat modifications, and keep healed in case he does his techs! (End of Darkshine Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ KOREN My Strategy: Recommended Levels: 45-48 Koren is the Red Magician. In case you haven't figured it out already by his title, he will mainly use spells on you. If you have taken the time to retrieve Matango Oils from the Forest of Wonder, then you'll be more than ready to take on this guy. If you have Hawk as a Wanderer, Counter Magic works the same as the Matango oils. If you don't, then your main tactics is the physical attacks. Heal after every two or so spells that uses against you. If you have the Counter Magic casted on you, then the spells should be repelled and attacks him. I am telling you to keep your HP high since he will cast Ancient which Counter Magic cannot repel and will hurt you for quite a bit of HP. Other than Ancient, Koren isn't that hard at all. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Koren Of all the ''rival'' characters in the game, I found Koren the easiest. The only thing he'll do is fly around and cast magic at you, and none of it is too bad, except for Ancient, which hurts. O_< A lot. There are a couple ways to go about this fight: Use stat modifications to up your magic defense or decrease his magic attack (or both) and pound on him while he's weakened, or use Reflect Magic (I forgot which Light Class of Hawk's has this... I always preferred his dark classes) or Matango Oils. This way, you'll reflect any spell he tosses at you back at him, and he'll pretty much kill himself for you... but Ancient will still hurt. (End of Koren Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ JAGAN My Strategy: Recommended Level: 43-48 The battle with Jagan will be quite interesting if you don't light up the area with a Gargoyle lantern found before the battle. Anyways, cast Earth Saber on your entire party since that saber does the most damage on Jagan. Kill off the Carmilla Queen and Bloody Wolf before they annoy you later on. Jagan will attack you with Ghost, Psychowave, Death Spell, and Black Rain. Make sure to heal after every spell he casts. Try to trap him in a corner and pound him with level 1 techs whenever appropiate. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Jagan Be around level 45 for this guy, and get ready for what is possibly a tough battle (sometimes he was really easy, sometimes he was really hard). He'll start off with a couple friends backing him up: A Carmilla Queen and a Wolf Devil. Kill these two off as fast as you can, or the three will quickly overwhelm you. Jagan himself will cast numerous Dark Spells, including the all-powerful Death spell, as well as a telekinetic attack which tosses your characters all across the room. He'll also teleport around from time to time. Wisp Magic and stat modifications are handy in this fight, but not necessary. Hang in there and you'll beat him eventually. ===================== Contributed by Kyros ===================== Alright, now this guy can be QUITE annoying. The battle starts out with him, a Bloody Wolf, and a Carmilla Queen, the two monsters are at LV 44. Take them out first using magic, summons, etc. Jagan can use Death Spell (but rarely does), Black Rain (which usually does 0 damage), Dark Force (which does crap damage), and Psychowave(which HURTS). ALso, he will almost always cast 2 spells in a row, one right after the other, before you have any time even to use an item. After all tht's left is Jagan and you've SU'd/SD'd if necessary, attack him PHYSICALLY! Using spells will just slow you down in this fight, and make it harder. It is MUCH quicker(and easier) to beat him with just using physical attacks after the Blodoy Wolf and Carmilla Queen are gone. Just heal after Psycho Wave(which does 200+ damage) and you'll beat him quick. (End of Jagan Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BIGIEU My Strategy: Bigieu isn't an extreme power attacker but she has a lot of HP. Attack her physically or with spells. Bigieu will eventually use her tech High Rose Claw on you. Heal when you lose half your HP. Be careful since Bigieu will cast Jorgunmand and Lamia Naga which will deal quite a bit of damage on your party. Heal and continue with the physical beating on the cat. The battle might take a while with her high amount of damage but hang in there and you'll be fine. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Bigieu Upon meeting her, Bigieu will turn into a cat-lady and go completely nuts. She doesn't do too much except run around and beat on you at first, but my, it smarts. >_< Later, she'll cast Moon Saber and launch a little combo where she gains HP and damages you. Finally, when she turns into a little kitty, she's getting ready to cast Jormungand! This hurts you a ton and poisons you. Bigieu is pretty tough, and she has a lot of HP too. But with stat modifications and well placed attacks, you'll be able to win. ======================== Contributed by RPG King ======================== Bigieu HP:16,000 MP:?????? Recommended level:52+ Recommended items:9 Angel Grails,9 Poto Oils,9 Honey Drinks,9 Walnuts,9 Mama Poto Oils My party:Duran,Lise,Angela My classes:Swordmaster,Star Lancer,Rune Master This battle is pretty tough since Bigeau has a huge amount of HP and defence. She can summon Lamia Naga which does 200-300 points of damage. She can use Moon Saber which is dangerous. Have Lise use stat-ups and if you don't have her,use scales on everyone. If you have Carlie,she can use her multitarget Heal Light which is a big help. But if you run out of Walnuts, use the other healing items to heal HP.If you don't have Carlie in your party, it will be tough. If you have Hawk,use some of his Jitsus.Stone Cloud does quite a bit of damage. If have Angela, use Double Spell if your a Grand Divina. If you have Archmage, use Rainbow. Rune Master can use Death Spell and if you have Magus, use Ancient. Have Duran attack or use Heal Light if you don't have any healing items or Carlie. Lise is great for this battle with her stat-ups. Also,attack with her for some heavy damage.Bigieu can use Body Change so you have to heal it and then you have to use your stat-ups again. (End of Bigieu Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DEATHJESTER My Strategy: Recommended level: 40-45 *Read Land Umber's Strategy* ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Deathjester Ah... my personal favorite villain from this game. What he'll do is divide into 3 Deathjesters, and the three will start hopping around a bunch, hitting you with attacks and Shade magic. All three can hurt you, but you can only hurt the real Deathjester! Start hacking away at them randomly, and keep an eye on your friends... if you're attacking a fake Deathjester, it won't do anything, but if damage shows up on one, then that's the real Deathjester. I found it a good idea to just use weapons here. Also, periodically in the battle, Deathjester will switch his place with another of the Deathjesters... when this happens, find him again. This is tricky, but fun. (End of Deathjester Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HEATH My Strategy: Recommended Level: 48-52 Heath is, in my opinion, the most annoying boss in Seiken Densetsu 3. He will cast all level 3 summons during the duration of the battle along with Black Curse. Try to attack him as much as possible since he will heal himself with Heal light a lot! If he casts Black Curse on any of your characters, use a stardust herb on him/her and keep attacking. Your party should heal a lot as well since some of the summons are just plain devastating. Be careful of being Black Curse and Jorgunmand afterwards. The damage dealt will make you hurry in bringing up the item menu or spell menu to heal yourself. I recommend you trying to cast stat downs on Heath since they will be permanent. Just keep attacking and the most annoying boss will be over soon enough. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Heath >_< Heath is TOUGH! Be at the highest level that you can, I'd say in the realm of 48. First thing on your to do list should be stat modifications, specifically ones that affect Heath, because his Black Curse will negate all your positive stat modifications. I'd start by decreasing his defense and magic, or increasing your attack power and magic defense. Don't use Sabers here, as I found them to be a big fat waste of my time. Heath will cast a whole ton of powerful spells, and you're just going to hold on until you win. Kill Heath as fast as possible, because he will heal himself. And in the name of all that is good, stay healed! (End of Heath Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FINAL BOSSES WARNING: This is the last section for the boss strategies so if you want to defeat these final bosses on your own, don't read that section. I have warned you. ARCHDEMON My Strategy: Recommended Level: Try to Max out all stats for you characters. Never cast sabers in this battle since they will eventually heal him. Try to have as many advantages as possible. Otherwise, I suggest you read Land Umber's strategy. =) ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Archdemon I don't get what the fuss about this guy is; the Dragon Emperor was much tougher. He's certainly cooler looking than the D.E., though. Anyways, this guy has the whole color change bit going for him too, but he seems to align with Salamando and Shade more often than others. The Archdemon has a few nasty attacks like Death spell, Ancient (I think he has this, or have I been staring at the screen too long?), Hell's Cross, and the ever annoying Black Curse. Again, stat modifications are important to victory here, this time use ones that affect him, though. Stay in good shape to survive his powerful attacks, and keep in mind that he has two forms, although his second one isn't too difficult. If you beat the Dragon Emperor, you can beat this guy. =========================== Contributed by Meeple Lard =========================== Arch Demon: This Guy is hard. First, he knows ALL strong Spells and skills. That includes all those spells that act like Jutsu's except Stronger, Black Curse, Death Spell, and some other powerful one. The FIrst Form is a bit harder, but not by much. Keep HP high, that's All I can say. Raise stats when he lowers them. Lowering his Stats will really help in this battle. In his Second Form, he attacks Similarly, except a little weaker but lowers stats more. BEWARE, though, unlike The DE, you will not be able to anticipate when he using the most powerful attack that an Enemy has in this game, Catastrophe. This Spell is stronger than the DE's Flare spell. What also makes him harder than the Dragon Emperor is that he attacks about once every 5 seconds, much faster than the Dragon Emperor, and all his Attacks are Magical, meaning you can't avoid them in anyway. In fact, most go through Counter Magic as well. Good Luck on fighting this guy. (End of Archdemon Strategies) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DARK LICH My Strategy: Recommended Level: Max out all stats for characters My strategy is the same as Land Umber's strategy. ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Dark Lich (AKA Kamen no Doushi) He's definitely the easiest boss around, and although he's undead, don't use Saint Saber! He can occasionally shift his alignment. However, if you have Carlie as a Bishop, Turn Undead works WONDERS. 999 damage for 1 MP, it doesn't get much better than that! So if you have Carlie, constantly cast Turn Undead and you'll win. If you don't, just pound on him, and he still won't be that tough. However, he has a nasty little spell called Death Ecstasy, which hurts your guys a lot, and he can cast Ancient. Keep healed to avoid these. Congrats! You just beat the easiest End Boss in SD3! :) (End of Dark Lich Strategies) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DRAGON EMPEROR My Strategy: Recommended Level: Max out all stats of characters. Dragon Emperor will appear at the top of the screen and will end up flying to the bottom of the screen. After being at the bottom of the screen for a while, The Dragon Emperor will fly away and appear at the side of the screen. He will use his most powerful attack called Flare. Heal after this attack and continue to attack. Now look at Land Umber's strategy to finish my strategy. =) ========================= Contributed by Land Umber ========================= BOSS: Dragon Emperor I hate this guy a million times over! >_< He's tough and annoying and everything you could hate in a boss. So, now, to kill this sucker... stat modifications, as usual, work wonders, so be sure to use them, especially the ones that affect your party. When he changes colors, it means he's aligned with a new element, so use the opposite color if you have it. Fire counters Water, Wind counters Earth, Dark counters Light, and Tree counters Moon, and these go vice versa too. So if he changes the color of a certain Elemental, use an opposite Elemental. However, DON'T use Sabers! They ended up making this fight tougher than it should've been. Use whatever you can to win... Techs, spells, normal attacks, and in the meantime he'll be pelting you with lots of different attacks that deal a ton of damage. Stay healed is the only advice I can offer for these. You'll eventually win. =========================== Contributed by Meeple Lard =========================== Dragon Emperor: Now this guy can be a pain, but not that hard. Basically, just keep HP and high and watch for when he brings his Head Back. That's when he's doing a physical Attack. Just dodge it and attack. Anyway, if he lowers your Stats through Giga Burn or something like that, just Heal and Re Raise them. When he jumps to the Bottom of the Screen, be Prepared. Get your HP to MAX, as he's doing a few prepatory Fang Rushes, which are not that strong, but the spell that comes after it is. He then uses his Strongest Attack, FLARE. This attack is Stronger than Ancient. But don't worry, if you Raised your Stats and had Over 250 Hp, you should be fine. Just heal after that, as he does Cast Ancient Sometimes Right after, or another powerful FS spell. (End of Dragon Emperor Strategy) (End of Boss Strategy Section) ============================================================================= VII. ENEMY LIST nnnn ============================================================================= <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Submission of the following mini FAQ is by Eternal Spirit ( THANKS! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HERE IT IS!!! My incomplete guide to all the enemies in the game, mostly, and the items they give you. Please note this and take it seriously. IF I SEE THIS LIST ANYWHERE BUT THIS FAQ WITHOUT MY CONSENT, I WILL SEND ALL HELL TO RIP OPEN A HOLE TO HELL AND SEND YOU DOWN THERE!!! Now then. Quick note about this list. I based it on Hawk/Lise's quest, so not all the enemies are here. Also, every enemy gives you a trap roulette. I'm pointing this out right now. Some enemies will only appear at a certain place at a certain time (EG. Bound wolf at Jad Castle after the escape, Zombie at night). Please send any corrections and additions to ok? Get it? Got it? Good. Here is the list: Enemy Item Location ------ ----- -------- Armor Knight Angel's Grail Corridor of Wind Dreamsee Herb Rolante Castle Assassin Bug Assassin Bug Eye Golden Road Honey Drink Molebear Highlands Puipui Grass Basilisk Basilisk's Fang Glass Desert Honey Drink ??? Seed Battum Dreamsee Herb Cave of Waterfalls Round Drop Dwarf Tunnel Stardust Herb Golden Road Molebear Highlands Beastmaster Battum's Eye Moonreading Tower Needlion's Eye Slime's Eye Black Fang Angel's Grail Moonlight Forest Pakkun Chocolate Beast Kingdom Bloody Wolf Round Drop Moonreading Tower Moon Coin Boulder ??? Seed Cave of Darkness Jungle of Illusion Glass Desert Boundwolf Pakkun Chocolate Jad Castle Puipui Grass Moonlight Forest Round Drop Outside Jad Entrance Bullette Angel's Grail Desert of Scorching Heat Bullette's Scale Puipui Grass Buster Bug ??? Seed Jungle of Illusion Pakkun Chocolate Carmilla Carmilla's Claw Moonreading Tower Puipui Grass Stardust Herb Carmilla Queen ??? Seed Dark Castle Honey Drink Mirage Palace Chibi Devil Chibi Devil's Eye Corridor of Wind Item Seed Ghost Ship Puipui Grass Path to the Heavens Rolante Castle Summit of the Skies Cockatrice Flying Item Seed Bucca Island Cockabird Stardust Herb Desert of Scorching Heat Navarre Castle Valley of Flames Dark Battum Battum's Eye Moonlight Forest Magic Seed Puipui Grass Dark Lord ??? Seed Dark Castle Stardust Herb Dragon Hole Dark Priest Angel's Grail Bucca Island Pakkun Chocolate Desert of Scorching Heat Navarre Castle Valley of Flames Darth Matango Dreamsee Herb Forest of Wonder Matango Oil Stardust Herb Death Machine Weapon/Armor Seed Dragon Hole Glass Desert Mirage Palace Dragon Zombie Angel's Grail Dragon Hole Puipui Grass Mirage Palace Weapon/Armor Seed Duck General Honey Drink Valley of Flames Item Seed Pumpkin Bomb Duck Soldier Item Seed Desert of Scorching Heat Pumpkin Bomb Round Drop Element Sword Dart Dark Castle Weapon/Armor Seed Mirage Palace Evil Shaman Magic Seed Dark Castle Pakkun Chocolate Jungle of Illusion Spector's Eye Evil Sword Mysterious Seed Rolante Castle Puipui Grass Storm Coin Firedrake Angel's Grail Valley of Flames Drake's Scale Frost Dragon Magic Seed Labyrinth of Ice Walls Puipui Grass Dragon Hole Gal Bee Item Seed Bucca Island Puipui Grass Molebear Highlands Ghost ??? Seed Cave of Darkness Darkness Coin Mirage Palace Flying Item Seed Ghost's Eye Puipui Grass Giga Crawler Hand Axe Forest of Wonder Puipui Grass Goblin Hand Axe Cave of Waterfalls Item Seed Dwarf Tunnel Round Drop Goblin Lord Battum's Eye Bucca Island Magical Rope Dwarf Tunnel Molebear Highlands Gold Bullette Mysterious Seed Desert of Scorching Heat Pakkun Chocolate Stardust Herb Gold Unicorn Weapon/Armor Seed Dark Castle Great Demon Weapon/Armor Seed Dark Castle Mirage Palace Great Rabite Honey Drink Jungle of Illusion Stardust Herb Weapon/Armor Seed Grell Grell Oil Bucca Island Magic Walnut Grell Mage Flying Item Seed Ancient Ruins of Light Grell Oil Gremlin Darkness Coin Glass Desert Puipui Grass ??? Seed Guardian ??? Seed Jungle of Illusion Flying Item Seed Harpy Harpy's Fang Corridor of Wind Round Drop Path to the Heavens Stardust Herb Summit of the Skies High Wizard ??? Seed Dark Castle Magic Seed Dragon Hole Round Drop Kaiser Mimic Round Drop Trap Roullette Kerberos Pakkun Chocolate Carmilla Spawn Weapon/Armor Seed Cave of Darkness King Rabite Mysterious Seed Mana Holyland Round Drop Lady Bee Bee's Eye Lampflower Forest Honey Drink Puipui Grass Lesser Demon ??? Seed Cave of Darkness Shade Statue Navarre Castle Weapon/Armor Seed Jungle of Illusion Machine Golem Hand Axe Forcena Castle Round Drop Cleft of the Earth Stardust Herb Sub-Zero Snowfield Altena Castle Magician Flame Coin Forcena Castle Ice Coin Light Coin Mama Poto Mama Poto Oil Ancient Ruins of Light Wisp Statue Labyrinth of Ice Walls Poto Spawn Mega Crawler Item Seed Lampflower Forest Pakkun Chocolate Molebear Earth Coin Dwarf Tunnel Molebear's Claw Molebear Highlands Pakkun Chocolate Round Drop Myconid Myconid's Eye Bucca Island Puipui Grass Cave of Waterfalls Round Drop Dwarf Tunnel Rabite Forest Necromancer Flying Item Seed Mirage Palace Weapon/Armor Seed Pakkun Chocolate Needle Bird Bird's Scale Corridor of Wind Round Drop Path to the Heavens Storm Coin Summit of the Skies Needlion Gnome Statue Valley of Gemstone Needlion's Eye Nightblade Weapon/Armor Seed Cave of Darkness Glass Desert Ninja Dart Navarre Castle Hand Axe Rolante Castle Round Drop Ninja Master Flying Item Seed Navarre Castle Shuriken Valley of Gemstone Stardust Herb Altena Castle Ogrebox Round Drop Trap Roullette Pakkun Baby Hand Axe Bucca Island Pakkun Lizard Mysterious Seed Sub-Zero Snowfield Pakkun Chocolate (Lizard only) Round Drop Pakkurri Baby Mysterious Seed Ancient Ruins of Light Pakkun Dragon Pakkun Chocolate Pumpkin Bomb Papa Poto ??? Seed Jungle of Illusion Papa Poto's Claw Mama Poto Spawn Poto Oil Puipui Grass Petit Dragon Assassin Bug Eye Valley of Gemstone Magic Seed Dragon Hole Puipui Grass Petit Poseidon Angel's Grail Labyrinth of Ice Walls Pakkun Chocolate Petit Timiat ??? Seed Cave of Darkness Mysterious Seed Dragon Hole Weapon/Armor Seed Glass Desert Porobin Hood Dart Lampflower Forest Myconid's Eye Porobin Leader Flying Item Seed Forest of Wonder Porobin Oil Round Drop Poron Dart Golden Road Pakkun Chocolate Round Drop Poto Angel's Grail Seashore Cave Poto Oil Round Drop Power Boulder ??? Seed Dark Castle Angel's Grail Mirage Palace Dragon Hole Queen Bee Honey Drink Forest of Wonder Item Seed Round Drop Rabbillion Item Seed Bucca Island Round Drop Mana Holyland Stardust Herb Rabite Forest Rabite Item Seed Golden Road Pakkun Chocolate Mana Holyland Round Drop Rabite Forest Sahagin Item Seed Sub-Zero Snowfield Puipui Grass Sahagin's Scale Sea Dragon Ice Coin Labyrinth of Ice Walls Mysterious Seed Sea Serpent Ice Coin Sub-Zero Snowfield Magic Seed Pakkun Chocolate Shadow Zero Pakkun Chocolate Mana Holyland Weapon/Armor Seed Shapeshifter Pakkun Chocolate Mana Holyland Weapon/Armor Seed Silver Knight Papa Poto's Claw Ancient Ruins of Light Puipui Grass Silver Wolf Angel's Grail Moonreading Tower Item Seed Beast Kingdom Pakkun Chocolate Siren Dreamsee Herb Ancient Ruins of Light Siren's Claw Slime Puipui Grass Dwarf Tunnel Slime's Eye Ghost Ship Slime Prince Angel's Grail Valley of Gemstone Honey Drink Pakkun Chocolate Spector Magic Seed Ghost Ship Puipui Grass Moonlight Forest Spector's Eye Swordmaster Carmilla's Claw Labyrinth of Ice Walls Poseidon's Claw Valley of Flames Unicorn Head Angel's Grail Forcena Castle Dart Puipui Grass Werewolf Moon Coin Moonlight Forest Mysterious Seed Beast Kingdom Stardust Herb Wizard Jinn Statue Sub-Zero Snowfield Salamando Statue Altena Castle Undine Statue Wolf Devil Weapon/Armor Seed Cave of Darkness Jungle of Illusion Zombie Dreamsee Herb Cave of Darkness Magical Rope Golden Path Puipui Grass Path to the Heavens ============================================================================= VIII. SPELL LIST oooo ============================================================================= Wisp/Light Spells Spells Description Mp Requirement Who Learns it ------ ----------- -- ----------- ------------- Holy Ball Lvl. 1 Magic 2 Int. 6 Angela, Carlie (Priestess) Saint Beam Lvl. 2 Magic 5 Int. 6 Angela, Carlie (Sage) Heal Light Recover HP 3 Pie 5 Carlie, Kevin (Monk) Duran (Knight) Tinkle Rain Heal Status 2 Pie 7 Carlie, Duran (Lord) Ailments Magic Shield Halves Magic 4 Pie 18 Carlie (Bishop) Damage Saint Saber Light Attribute 4 Pie 6 Carlie (Bishop), to weapon Duran (Paladin) Gnome/ Earth Spells Spells Description Mp Requirement Who Learns it ------ ----------- -- ----------- ------------- Diamond Missile Lvl 1 Earth 2 Int. 7 Angela Magic Earthquake Lvl 2 Earth 4 Int. 7 Angela (Sorceress/Magus) Magic Stone Cloud Lvl 3 Earth 7 Int. 7 Angela (Runemaster) Magic/Petrify Protect Up Defense Up 2 Pie 10 Riesz (Valkryie) Protect Down Defense Down 4 Pie 10 Riesz (Rune Maiden) Diamond Saber Earth Attribute 4 Pie 7 Carlie (Priestess), to weapon Duran (Gladiator) Jinn/ Wind Spells Spells Description Mp Requirement Who Learns it ------ ----------- -- ----------- ------------- Air Blast Lvl 1 Wind Magic 2 Int. 8 Angela Thunderstorm Lvl 2 Wind Magic 4 Int. 8 Angela (Sorceress/Magus) Stun Wind Lvl 3 Wind Magic/ 7 Int. 8 Angela (Runemaster) Silence Speed up Hit Rate/Evade Up 2 Pie 10 Riesz (Valkryie) Speed down Hit Rate/Evade 4 Pie 10 Riesz (Rune Maiden) Down Thunder Saber Wind Attribute to 3 Pie 8 Carlie (Priestess), Weapon Duran (Gladiator) Shade/ Dark Spells Spells Description Mp Requirement Who Learns it ------ ----------- -- ----------- ------------- Evil Gate Lvl 1 Dark Magic 2 Int. 9 Angela Dark Force Lvl 2 Dark Magic 5 Int. 10 Angela (Delvar) Death Spell Kills Enemy of 8 Int. 18 Angela (Runemaster) lower level Anti-Magic Cancels Sabers/ 4 Pie 18 Carlie (Evil Shaman) Tech gauge Black Curse Lowers all stats 6 Pie 18 Carlie (Necromancer) on one enemy Dark Saber Dark Attribute 4 Pie 8 Carlie (Necromancer), to Weapon Duran (Duelist) Undine/ Ice Spells Spells Description Mp Requirement Who Learns it ------ ----------- -- ----------- ------------- Ice Smash Lvl 1 Ice Magic 2 Int. 10 Angela Mega Splash Lvl 2 Ice Magic 4 Int. 10 Angela (Sorceress/Magus) Cold Blaze Lvl 3 Ice Magic 7 Int. 10 Angela (Runemaster) Mind Up Magic Effect./ 2 Pie 10 Riesz (Valkryie) Magic Defense Up Mind Down Magic Effect./ 4 Pie 10 Riesz (Rune Maiden) Magic Defense Down Ice Saber Ice Attribute to 4 Pie 9 Carlie (Priestess), Weapon Duran (Gladiator) Salamando/ Fire Spells Spells Description Mp Requirement Who Learns it ------ ----------- -- ----------- ------------- Fireball Lvl 1 Fire Magic 2 Int. 10 Angela Explode Lvl 2 Fire Magic 4 Int. 10 Angela (Sorceress/Magus) Blaze Wall Lvl 3 Fire Magic 7 Int. 10 Angela (Runemaster) Power Up Attack Up 2 Pie 10 Riesz (Valkryie) Power Down Attack Down 4 Pie 10 Riesz (Rune Maiden) Fire Saber Fire attribute to 4 Pie 9 Carlie (Priestess), weapon Duran (Gladiator) Luna/ Moon Spells Spells Description Mp Requirement Who Learns it ------ ----------- -- ----------- ------------- Body Change Chibikko Enemy 3 Int. 11 Hawk (Ranger) Half Vanish Half Current Hp 3 Pie 16 Hawk (Wanderer) Lunatic Lower Max HP 5 Int. 15 Hawk (Wanderer) Life Booster Raises Max HP 4 Pie 16 Hawk (Wanderer) Energy Ball Increases 6 Pie 13 Hawk (Wanderer), Critical Hit Kevin (Death Hand) Frequency Moon Saber Moon Attribute 4 Pie 10 Kevin (Dervish), to Weapon/ rasps Duran (Swordmaster) HP with every attack Dryad/ Tree Spells Spells Description Mp Requirement Who Learns it ------ ----------- -- ----------- ------------- Sleep Flower Causes Sleep 3 Int. 10 Hawk (Ranger) Poison Bubble Causes Poison/ 5 Int. 15 Hawk (Wanderer) Steal MP Transhape Immune to 2 Pie 16 Hawk (Wanderer) Physical Damage Aura Wave Max out tech 3 Pie 8 Hawk (Wanderer), meter Kevin (God Hand) Counter Magic Reflects 4 Pie 16 Hawk (Wanderer) Elemental Magic Leaf Saber Tree Attribute 4 Pie 10 Kevin (Warrior Monk), to weapon/rasps Duran (Swordmaster) MP every attack Skills/Summons/Final Spells Spells Description Mp Requirement Who Learns it ------ ----------- -- ----------- ------------- Arrow Lvl 1 Trap (Weak) 1 Agility 13 Hawk (Ranger) Spike Lvl 1 Trap (Strong) 2 Agility 14 Hawk (Ranger) Rock Fall Lvl 2 Trap (Weak) 3 Agility 15 Hawk (Rogue) Land Mine Lvl 2 Trap (Strong) 4 Agility 16 Hawk (Rogue) Silver Dart Light Damage 1 Agility 17 Hawk (Rogue) Crescent Darkness Damage 4 Agility 17 Hawk (Rogue) Rocket Launcher Fire Damage 5 Agility 17 Hawk (Rogue) Cutter Missile Neutral Damage 3 Agility 17 Hawk (Rogue) Axe Bomber Neutral Damage 6 Agility 17 Hawk (Rogue) (Strong) Grenade Bomb Tree Damage/Steal 7 Agility 17 Hawk (Rogue) MP Shuriken Damage/Hit Rate 1 Agility 13 Hawk (Ninja) Down Water Jutsu Ice Damage/Attack 3 Agility 14 Hawk (Ninja) Down Fire Jutsu Fire Damage/Mind 3 Agility 15 Hawk (Ninja) Down Earth Jutsu Earth Damage/Speed 3 Agility 16 Hawk (Ninja) Down Thunder Jutsu Wind Damage/Defense 3 Agility 17 Hawk (Ninja) Down Poison Breath Tree Damage/Poison 3 Agility 18 Hawk (Nightblade) Flame Breath Fire Damage 3 Agility 18 Hawk (Nightblade) Blow Needles Damage/Silence 3 Agility 18 Hawk (Nightblade) Deadly Weapon Damage/Lower Max 4 Agility 18 Hawk (Nightblade) HP Black Rain Darkness Damage 6 Agility 19 Hawk (Nightblade) Turn Undead 999 Damage to 1 Spirit 19 Carlie (Bishop) Undead Unicorn Head Lvl 1 Summon (Weak) 1 Spirit 12 Carlie (Enchantress) Machine Golem Lvl 1 Summon 2 Spirit 12 Carlie (Enchantress) (Strong) Gremlin Lvl 2 Summon (Weak) 3 Spirit 18 Carlie (Evil Shaman) Ghoul Lvl 2 Summon/Poison 3 Spirit 18 Carlie (Necromancer) (Weak) Ghost Lvl 2 Summon 5 Spirit 18 Carlie (Necromancer) (Strong) Great Demon Lvl 2 Summon 5 Spirit 18 Carlie (Evil Shaman) (Strong) Demon Breath Dark Damage/Lower 6 Spirit 18 Carlie (Evil Shaman) Magic Defense Marduke Lvl 3 Summon/ 6 Int. 15 Riesz (Star Lancer) Silence Lamia Naga Lvl 3 Summon 6 Int. 15 Riesz (Fenrir Knight) Freya Lvl 3 Summon/ 7 Int. 15 Riesz (Vanadis) Chibikko Jorgunmand Lvl 3 Summon/ 7 Int. 15 Riesz (Dragon Master) Poison Double Spell strong neutral 9 Int. 17 Angela (Grand Divina) Rainbow Dust strong neutral 10 Int. 17 Angela (Arch Mage) Ancient STRONG Neutral 12 Int. 20 Angela (Magus) Magic Pressure Point Werewolf Attack 1 Vitality 13 Kevin (Monk) Power ============================================================================= IX. PARTY RECOMMENDATIONS pppp ============================================================================= This section is for people who submits their party combinations. If you are reading this section, it must mean that you would want to try out some of the same party combinations that other people have played. So enjoy. ============================================================================= :::Duran, Angela, Kevin::: ============================================================================= My Team: I personally think that the classes for this party would be a Paladin, Grand Divina, and God Hand. The Paladin and God Hand can double up on the healing and attack. The Grand Divina can use the stat ups that you might've bought at the Black Market. Have her cast the spells that you think would be most effective against a particular enemy (or enemies) or boss. Either the God Hand or Paladin can attack the enemy while the other can heal Angela when necessary. Have the God Hand Aura Wave himself or Duran to do the level 3 tech. =================== Submitted by Riesz =================== Duran-Duelist Angela-Arch Mage Kevin-God Hand No multi-target healing but poto oils can make up for that. Besides Kevin and Duran usually have high HP anyway. Angie as usual has the elemental spells and Rainbow dust to boot. Duran and Kevin are strong as usual. Duran has the sabers Kevin can use aura wave on Duran so he can use his techs more often. The aim here is for Angela to weaken the enemies with a spell then Duran and Kevin can mop them up with attacks and techs. ====================== Submitted by XZeroSSJ ====================== The Dark Side: Duran- Duelist Kevin- Dervish Hawk- Nightblade All great techniques, fighting power, and STRENGTH, DAMN IT! STRENGTH! ============================ Submitted by Paul Wolfstien ============================ Duran: Lord Kevin: Death Hand Angela: Rune Master This team is to good to be true! Duran/Kevin are great attackers, Duran has MTHL/TR, and Angela is there with MTLV1's (which RULE with the Lord/DH as your attackers) and she OWNS BOSSES! There isn't really anything wrong with this team at all except for Angela's weak attack, but that's OK. What everyone brings to this team to make it special... Duran: His MTHL/STTR, STR, Magic Circle, awesome evade, and he can't be hurt by status effects (Final Equipment). Kevin: His awesome STR, and his FST. Period heh. Angela: Her MTLV1's RULE with the Lord/DH attacking ... it's like they were MADE for each other. Her LV3's are awesome for certin enemies, and the Death Spell OWNS BOSSES! Overall: This team "flows" together really well. Add in two awesome attackers, great combo, MTHL, and you have the best team out there. ============================================================================= :::Hawk, Kevin, Duran::: ============================================================================= My Team: I would make this all male team into a Sword master, God Hand, and a Ninja Master. The Sword master could provide all the sabers needed for your characters. The God Hand has the healing capability if the moon saber isn't good enough. The Ninja Master could damage the enemy and stat down them when Kevin and Duran are attacking them. This would result in faster kills and experience. ===================== Submitted by Unlocke ===================== Hawk- Wanderer Kevin- God Hand Duran-Sword master all 3 have great techs, incredible attack power Wanderer-the best support character in the game. He can make ur party invincible for a while by casting counter magic and transhape. God hand-with this range of HP, u won't be needing multi target, Especially with Duran moon saber. Anyways, the god hand is a better healer than the Warrior Monk because he has a higher spirit. He has one of my favorite techs in the game, looks cool, and is insanely powerful. He also has the ever so useful pressure point which gives him that slight edge over the dark classes. With 3 of the best attackers in the game (I think hawk is a better fighter than Lise) u can never have too many aura wave casters swordmaster- good attack power (though weakest of Duran's classes) and tech, combined with all the sabers to pinpoint the enemies weakness(except for dark and light), Have hawk cast transhape and counter magic on everyone. Then have both him and Kevin cast aura wave on all. The boss can try to cast a spell to counter, but he'll only end up hitting himself. Cast the right saber on everyone, and the battle will be over in a few minutes. =========================== Submitted by Question Mark =========================== My speed squad: Duran - Paladin Kevin - God Hand Hawk - Ninja Master Duran and kevin will provide the healing. Hawk, the multi-target stat down/elemental-damage spells. All 3 have pretty good attack power, kevin can double as a Poto Oil thrower. Great techs by all three. =================== Submitted by Riesz =================== Duran-Paladin Kevin-Death hand Hawk-Wanderer In my opinion this is a pretty good ass kicking team. Duran has saint saber and a full screen tech as well as the best shield. Kevin can whoop ass as the death hand and Hawk is the secret to this party's success. Cast sleep flower on all your enemies then Aura wave on your party then laugh as techs fly all over the place. In addition to this Hawk has counter magic (handy against Koren) and lots of useful spells though the trap spells are a tad lame. =================== Submitted by Koren =================== The ''Untouchables''. This is Duran as a Paladin, Kevin as a Death Hand and Hawk as a Nightblade. Duran heals and uses his rather powerful tech when given the opportunity, Hawk stats down the opponent (Also coupled with HIS tech) and Kevin unleashes into him with all his fury. Because Death Hand has the highest attack power of any of Kevins classes, it lets you take full advantage of it. If you fight at night it makes him even more powerful. And the party I have beaten every character's story with, my Ultimate Team. Hawk as a Nightblade, Duran as a Swordsmaster, and Carlie as a Bishop. These are three damn powerful classes. Hawk stats down, Duran provides the Sabres and Carlie Multitaget heals. This is the way to go if you are a player who is new to the game. ====================== Submitted by XZeroSSJ ====================== Duran: Sword Master, Kevin: Death Hand, Hawk: Night Blade I'd like to call this The Slayer Squad or The Maverick Hunters. I think either on will do fine. Kevin for attacking with maximum damage at night. Duran for saber magic and maximum damage during the day. Hawk for elemental magic, stat down spells, and agility. =========================== Submitted by EternalSpirit =========================== Duran - Lord, Kevin - Death Hand, Hawk - Nightblade All I can say is.. WOW WHAT AN AMAZING TEAM!!! MTHL and good attack power with Duran, plus his shield protects against all status effects. And Magic Circle OWNZ. Kevin, being Kevin, he just bashes through enemies like there is no tomorrow. Hawk can lower stats (JUTSUS AND DEADLY WEAPON, YEAH!!), has a great FST, and has some crappy spells that you might find a use for. ========================== Submitted by Major Damage ========================== Duran- Duelist Kevin- God Hand Hawk- Ninja Master My favorite team. This one is meant for guys who like tearing up his foes physically... Ninja Master can weaken all enemies in the screen, God Hand can Aura wave Duran and Duran... you know the rest. Healing isn't a problem, since God Hand does it well. Everyone can fight well here, so, no one who needs to be saved in tough times (like Angela, for an instance...). A damaging reliable team... I like this. ========================= Submitted by blueshirt32 ========================= All-Male Team: Kevin: God Hand Duran: Swordsmaster Hawk: Rogue God Hand is pretty self-explanatory, Aura Wave + STHL + Vacuum Sword equals instant death for enemies. Swordsmaster is for the MT sabers (useful in the all-male team), although you can substitute Duelist or even Paladin here. The Rogue is the main difference here. While most people suggest the Ninja Master or Wanderer, I prefer the Rogue. The last thing this team needs is another power attacker, so the Nightblade is out. Although the Ninja Master would be nice with MT Thunder Jutsu, that isn't really necessary. Not many enemies live through Vacuum Sword (or Eruption Sword/Flashing Sword) period, regardless of whether they've had their stats lowered or not. The Wanderer would be nice, except that most of his spells aren't that useful. Also his useful spells are basically already covered in this party. Aura Wave- Kevin has it. Poison Bubble- Rogue has a better version. Half-Vanish/Transhape/Life Booster- Not that useful. Counter Magic- Use Matango Oil if you must. Energy Ball- Don't get me started. The Rogue is a perfect combination of both useful support spells and strong elemental spells. MT Sleep Flower is the Rogue's best support spell. With it, you can selectively target certain enemies, and get in a few hits while they're asleep and recovering. Also, the Rogue gets some nice non-elemental spells, including Cutter Missile, Axe Bomber, and lvl 2 traps. These are useful if you don't know which element to use on a certain enemy. Finally, the Rogue also gets fire/holy/dark/grass elemental skills. The Rogue is the only non-Angela class to get all these spells in one cast, and one of only 3 classes. Silver Dart alone is enough reason to use the Rogue (good holy spells are hard to come by period). Finally, with Grenade Bomb, the Rogue's MP problems are solved. The Rogue could use any of his useful spells during all normal battles without worrying about wasting MP. Finally, the Rogue gets straight damage spells, unlike the Wanderer who only gets support spells. IMO I'd much rather kill the enemy straight out instead of waiting around casting useless spells. Finally, don't forget, the Rogue has the highest total stats in the game. ============================================================================= :::Kevin, Duran, Lise::: ============================================================================= My Team: The Death Squad. This consists of Duelist, Death Hand, and Fenrir Knight. A perfect combination for destructive chaos. The Fenrir Knight could stat down on all enemies and bosses. Duelist could cast a saber(s) on one ally or everyone. It doesn't matter if its multitarget, since the Fenrir Knight needs to cast each stat down as well. If you have stat up items in your inventory, you could use them and your whole party won't lose a lot of HP. =========================== Submitted by Question Mark =========================== My battle squad: Duran - SwordMaster, Kevin - Dervish, Lise - Vanadis Both Duran and Kevin can provide Moon saber, while Lise has the poto oils. All 3 have extremely high attack power. Duran takes care of sabers, Kevin attack, lise attack and stat ups on the group. This team can blaze through enemies with ease and bosses don't stand much chance against the three strongest fighters. ====================== Submitted by XZeroSSJ ====================== Riesz-Fenrir Knight, Duran-Sword Master, Kevin-God Hand I'd like to call this team The IMF (it stands for Impossible Mission Forces, because after all, they can handle Imposible Missions). :). Since this is already a strong team with lots of attack power, you don't need the Light side of Riesz. She can stat-down multiple enemies, which is pretty good. She's got decent attack power and she also has one of the most powerful summons of all her final four classes, Lamia Naga (considered the most powerful by some). The bad thing is that she doesn't have a Full-Screen-Technique. Duran has a wide variety of Saber Magic which is good if you're fighting the Dragon Emperor since he changes weaknesses. He has a Full-Screen-Technique and decent attack power. Too bad he can't heal himself. As I always say, with a shield, all his Dark classes would be perfect. (Getting an idea)? Kevin as God Hand could heal, has great attack power. Even greater at night and if you use the magic called Pressure Point on him. He gets a spell called Aura Wave which puts your technique gauge to full. His Full-Screen-Technique, Byakko Shockwave is awesome. If only he had Multi-Target Heal Light.... But with that, he'd be all to perfect. I'd recommend this team to a new player because this would probably be the perfect team. :) ========================= Submitted by Meeple_Lard ========================= Dragon Master, Paladin, Warrior Monk This is an interesting team. Not one of the best, but an interesting one nonetheless. You have MTHL for starters through the Warrior Monk, and a back STHL through the Paladin. The Dragon master will serve as both the Support Magic user, and the Offensive one. She can Lower Stats at the beginning of the battle, and then cast Jormungand on annoying Reg Enemies. The Paladin can use Saint Saber, which IMHO, is an overrated spell, when up against enemies weak against Light power, and can use his FST to wipe out the enemies. I would not choose this team for these characters, as I would Rather Go Lord/Sword Master, Dervish/God Hand (Depends on what duran is), and Fenrir Knight Lise. But try this team for an interesting display of awe (ok, that was a wierd Sentence, but still) ======================= Submitted by DavieZBoy ======================= Duran-Duelist Riesz-Vanadis Kevin-Death Hand If you couldn't tell, it's a power team, hehe, the three strongest characters with their strongest classes. You don't need healing with this team, since you should just be whomping the enemies... I never need healing anyways. All characters will get a really powerful FST, you have sabers and stat ups for added strength... You can beat the game really quickly with this team, since there isn't that mush spell casting, you basically rely on strength, which is quite reliable in this game. If your style of playing is more of a magical one... this team isn't for you, but you should try it and see how fun it is to just beat the crap out of all enemies, and it's less time consuming than using magic. =) =========================== Submitted by TheIlluminati =========================== -Expert Party #2- God Hand - Duelist - Vanadis Bring death to your enemies with the God Hand's Aura Wave, allowing the Duelist and the Vanadis, whom possess the greatest FSTs in the game, to destroy enemies in a second. The God Hand also possesses STHL, just in case you run out of healing items. Combine that with sabers, and STSUs, and this party is brutally effective. Note that while the God Hand does have a very powerful FST of his own, his propensity to revert to his single-target tech causes one to be reluctant to use Aura Wave on him instead of his more reliable partners. Also, it's not quite as powerful as the Duelist's and Vanadis' FSTs anyway. ============================================================================= :::Lise, Angela, Kevin::: ============================================================================= My Team: I think that Fenrir Knight, Arch Mage, and Dervish would be a good combination here. Fenrir Knight could stat down the enemies when needed and could help boost the attack power of Angela mentally and physically when all stat downs are casted. Angela is able to heal if necessary. Dervish is able to provide moon saber to all characters which should reduce the need of using healing items. ========================== Submitted by Lord Pikachu ========================== Angela - Grand Divina - multitarget lv2 spells, double spell..hehe the works, highest attack power(though it doesnt make thaat much of a difference) Riesz - Vanadies - stat ups (though not multitarget), great summon freya (and the minimize doesnt work on bosses so it just does good damage) highest attack power and a FST Kevin - God Hand - the best light class, higher attack power than the Warrior Monk, FST, more powerful heal light (though not multitarget), aura wave for riesz, if you need it.. This literally is a team effort...ha! maybe you could interchange kevin w/hawk the wanderer, but im not really a big fan of offense to all you hawk fans out there but i just think of him as an Angela with two hits instead of one and less magic power...hehe ===================== Submitted by Unlocke ===================== Kevin, Angela, Lise God Hand Arch Mage Fenrir Knight Kevin is the main attacker, but it wouldn't be practical to make him dark, because of angela's vitality. she's really the only one who needs to be healed very much, so you won't be needing FS heal light. aurawave is useful for both him and lise. Angela should usually be light, because delvar really is crap. GD and AM are pretty much the same, but rainbow does do slightly more damage. normally, I'd recommned GD because she can cast double spell 2 more times, but I think Archmage might be a *TINY* but better here, maybe not I've always prefferred stat downs to stat ups, because stat ups can be bought, and wear off after a while. even if u turned lise light, u'd probably need multi targeting, and star lancer has pretty bad stats. ========================== Submitted by Major Damage ========================== Warrior Monk Dragon Master Rune Master Boss fighting team and one of the few where the Rune Master is a good option. Her MP consumption problem is solved by Warrior Monk's Leaf Saber. Since we're talking about powerful magic, why not taking Dragon Master and her hefty summon, Jormungand, her strongest one? She has SD, what is NICE for boss fights. Level 3 spells and Jormungand freely, due to Leaf saber, on a boss with Magic Defense down... You do the math. ============================================================================= :::Lise, Duran, Hawk::: ============================================================================= ======================= Submitted by DavieZBOY ======================= Riesz-Dragon Master Hawk-Wanderer Duran-Lord Dragon Master- 2nd strongest attacker in the game, at least during the day, at night she gets moved down to 3rd. Only single targeted stat downs, but it's not really like you need stat downs on regular enemies, just bosses, so the only boss you'd really need multi stat downs on is Zable Fhar, but why not just cast it an extra time, or two! Awesome tech as well, and IMHO, the best summon, and at least the coolest. Wanderer- Pretty decent attacker, because of his double swing. Has a whole slew of awesome spells, like Poison Bubble (poisons enemy and sucks up MP, even on certain bosses such as Bigieu), TransShape (makes you invincible for a while), Aura Wave (raises tech gauge to full), and a whole bunch more. And has a very cool, sorta amusing tech, even though it's not FS. Lord- Multi targeted healer, sabers, best attacker in the game, though this class isn't really the best in attacking, but he's still strong. Pretty cool looking tech. ===================== Submitted by SS Goku ===================== Duran(Duelist) Lise(Star Lancer) Hawk(Nightblade) Lise has multi-target stat ups and Marduke. Marduke is useful because of silencing and also causes a lot of damage. Her tech isn't that great, but its still pretty useful. Hawk has jitsus, shuriken, and a good full screen tech. Also, he can use deadly weapon to lower max hp and healers like God-Beast Lightgazer can't heal to their full capacity. Duran has good sabers, Eruption Sword and good attack strength. Eruption Sword is full screen and very powerful. Overall, this is a great team. Eventhough it doesn't have a healer, the first time I beat this game, I used this party and didn't have any trouble. ========================= Submitted by Meeple_Lard ========================= Rogue Fenrir Knight Lord Healing, 3 good attackers, SD's Come in handy, MTSD's might come in handy (well, fine, they will come in handy once and that is against Zable Fahr) but they are still good for back up. You have almost an Unlimited amount of Elemental Magic (Grenade Bomb, that's all I have to say) and for Backup Magic Power, you have Lamia Naga, which will prove better against Reg Enemies while the Rogue's spells will prove Effective against Bosses (700 point Silver Dart on Zable Fahr, YEAH) ===================== Submitted by Unlocke ===================== duran, hawk, lise swordmaster, wanderer, fenrir knight Err...a lack of healing, but that won't be too much of a problem with this group. Everyone has fairly high HP. If u ever run low, just use items, moon sabre, or one of hawk's fantastic spells Wanderer provides an amazing amount of support as wanderer, esp for this team. Aurawave is useful on everyone, so are transhape and counter magic. His attack power isn't bad, and he has a fun tech to watch. Swordmaster is a very hard hitter, and has the sabres to let everyone deal significantly more damage. Fenrir knight can stat down everyone. she also has a really cool, damaging summon. ======================== Submitted by EpisodeMST ======================== Hawk/Ninja Master- MT Jutsu and Shuriken help not only with any enemies you run into, but they work on bosses as well. Any problems using them can be fixed with a specter's eye. Also well balanced stat and class-wise. Lise/Star Lancer- MTSU are a true blessing, and this I emphasize as being important by the point in the game you SCC. Her abilities are also a double-team with Hawk's Justsu spells. Another of the most well-balanced characters stat-wise along with class-wise. Duran/- Has a higher evade than even Hawk thanks to his shields, and MTHL is also a help in case you don't have many poto oils. Being a strong attacker he also adds damage to attacks on your enemies. A group that can be expected to SCC change early, and one that has advantages over enemies in the field or in boss combat. As a bonus all their spells are relatively low in cost for what you get, and each member has a good agility to help them through things. Hawk's Shuriken also adds to the agility advantage by lowering enemies hit/evade rate. Healing is taken care of by Duran or curative items. No holding scales and such for this group! ============================================================================= :::Kevin, Hawk, Carlie::: ============================================================================= ====================== Submitted by Dangaard ====================== I think a well rounded team is Kevin: Death Hand Hawk: Ninja Master/Wanderer Carlie: Bishop Healing with Carlie, Great attack with Kevin, and either fairly good attack and some spells, or not too good attack power with a whole big slew of spells. ===================== Submitted by Unlocke ===================== kevin, hawk carlie 1-if doing kevin/carlie quest - death hand, bishop, nightblade 2-if not - rogue, death hand, evil shaman 1-Bishop's turn undead will be invaluable. her healing is unmatched Nightblade's attack power and FST will also be very helpful, as well as his stat downs. Dervish just attacks... 2-once again, Death Hand attacks Evil Shaman is overall a better class than necromancer. the only thing it lacks is black curse, which u can get from bottles of ashes. Also, she has my second fAV tech in the game. Rogue has some pretty powerful attack magic, something for every occasion. Wanderer would be good too, but i think this team has enough support from carlie ============================================================================= :::Kevin, Lise, Hawk::: ============================================================================= ====================== Submitted by Dangaard ====================== A nice attacking team would be Kevin: God Hand Riesz: Vanadies Hawk: Nightblade Three good attackers who all have powerful FST's. And it still has a healer, PLUS you've got Aura Wave. Just blow the enemies away with this one. Not much to say about this one other than POWER. =================== Submitted by Riesz =================== Hawk-Ninja master Riesz-Star Lancer Kevin-God hand My all time favourite team. Stat down your enemies stat yourself up and if you need a little help cast. Aura wave and watch the Techs fly! The only downside is that Kevin can only heal one character at a time, to counter this have a good stock of Poto oils in your inventory for the harder battles. =================== Submitted by Kyros =================== Kevin(God Hand), Hawk(Ninja Master), Lise(Star Lancer) Well...what can I say? This team is AWESOME! At the beginning of a battle you have Lise cast all her stat-up spells on the whole party, while Hawk blasts away non-stop with his Jutsus and Shuriken. Meanwhile, Kevin can use Aura Wave on himself and them pull off a Byakko Shockwave. Seeing as he's been Stat-Upped and the enemy has been stat-downed.... well, you get the idea. I give a 10 out of 10, and its not often I give out a score like that!! =========================== Submitted by TheIlluminati =========================== -Expert Party #1- Star Lancer - Death Hand - Night Blade Who needs Heal Light, you say? Good for you! ^_~ This is definitely not a newbie's party, I mean, it lacks Heal Light- but with the best class in the game the Star Lancer, using her unique MTSUs to raise the already massive attack powers of two of the best fighters in the game, this party demolishes bosses in record-breaking time. Not to mention that the STSDs will make bosses even easier to defeat. ============================================================================= :::Angela, Lise, Carlie::: ============================================================================= =================== Submitted by Riesz =================== Riesz-Vanadis Angela-Arch Mage Carlie-Bishop This team is also great (all teams that have Riesz are great :P). Riesz is strong and has a good full screen tech as well as stat up spells if you need them. Use Freya against bosses only, dont bother using it against enemies unless you are in a bad situation. Angela has handy multitarget saint beam and Rainbow dust. Carlie has the sabers for Riesz and Turn undead is handy if you are going up against the masked mage or undead enemies. Vanadis is also a nice change if you use the Star Lancer class a lot. ====================== Submitted by XZeroSSJ ====================== Riesz: Vanadies Angela: Grand Diviner Carlie: Bishop I like to call this team The Angels. Riesz can use her stat ups and attack. Angela can be used for attacking and can multi-target her elemental spells. Pretty good against bosses like Zable Fahr who have three heads. Carlie would obviously be used for healing. ======================= Submitted by DavieZBOY ======================= Dark Angels Riesz-Star Lancer Angela-Arch Mage Carlie-Sage Star Lancer-great offensive attacker, can stat herself and team mates up, with her multi-targeted stat ups, has a great, powerful tech, not full screen though, great summon. She's a very strong character too. Arch Mage-great offensive magic, good stats, high spirit, has Rainbow Spell, a good magic user. Sage-has all the Sabers, multi targeted, has multi targeted healing, cast the sabers on your party, at least Riesz to do extra major damage on bosses, make sure you use the right element, she's a great healer to. This is actually a pretty fun team, and they go well together, try this team...if you're just looking for a fun team. =================== Submitted by Nadia =================== Girl Power! Riesz: Star Lancer Angela: Grand Diviner (feel free to swap in Arch mage) Charlotte: Necromancer Riesz is the power of the team and casts Stat Up spells on the group, plus the occasional Marduke (though I didn't cast it too much, or Stat Up spells for that matter). Angela provides all the spells and makes boss fights go much quicker with them. Charlotte heals and lowers all of an enemy's stats with Black Curse. I used that constantly when fighting the Prince of Darkness... ============================================================================= :::Kevin, Lise, Carlie::: ============================================================================= ======================= Submitted by DavieZBOY ======================= Aku Buntai Team (Evil team) Kevin-Dervish Riesz-Fenrir Knight Carlie-Evil Shaman Dervish-High Strength, good stats, has Moon Saber but you don't really need it since you have Carlie, mainly a good attacker, you could also go Death Hand, but this is supposed to be an all Dark-Dark team. Fenrir Knight-High Strength, good stats as well, multi targeted stat downs, cool tech and lvl 3 summon. Evil Shaman-Very good Healer, lvl 2 summons I believe, mainly your healer, has Anti Magic, have her as your 3rd party member so you can have 3 people to Fight Full Metal Hugger with. This team is a very powerfull strong team, should clear out the enemies in a room really quickly, and Carlie will heal you when you're low on MP. =========================== Submitted by Kuro Madoushi =========================== Death Hand Star Lancer Necromancer A good team to work with. You'll have everything here. MTSU, the best SD spell, Multi-target healing, and excellent physical attack power. There are really no disadvantages to this combination other than the lack of attack magic and Carlie, but Necromancer's just so good and you can cast attack magic with items. ============================================================================ :::Lise, Hawk, Carlie::: ============================================================================ ======================= Submitted by DavieZBOY ======================= Kami Buntai Team (God Squad) Riesz-Vanadies Hawk-Wanderer Carlie-Bishop Vanadies-High Strength, FST, cool lvl 3 summon, single target stat downs, but you don't need multi targeted stat dons, since you only really need stat downs against bosses. Wanderer-Cool tech, okay attacker, and a whole slew of awesome spells like Poison Bubble (poisons enemy, even some bosses like Bigieu, and consumes MP), TransShape (makes you invincible for a while), Counter Magic (Reflects spells enemies cast on you back to them, doesn't count elemental damage), Aura Wave (raises Tech Guage to full), and more. Cast Aura Wave on the Vanadies, then have her do her tech, everones dead, except you. Bishop-Best Healer in the game, also has Turn Undead, Sabers, she'll be your main healer, and have her as your 3rd member so you have 3 people to Fight Full Metal Hugger with. A well balanced out team, it's really a team effort, a good team for newbies and experts, fun team as well. ====================== Submitted by Armisael ====================== Ninja Master Star Lancer Bishop There are better teams, but this remains my favourite. Stat up, stat down, multi-target healing and sabers. Good mix of support magic and attack power. ============================================================================= :::Duran, Carlie, Angela::: ============================================================================= =================== Submitted by Koren =================== Of late, I have been playing with what I have named the ''Suicide Three'' for a challenge. This is a party which consists of Duran as a Lord, Carlie as a Sage, and Angela as a RuneMaster. This party will test even the most experienced player. However this is no mean feat to beat the game with these three. If you are new to the game and want to try this, put Carlie as your lead character, because the Dragon Emperor will prove insanely difficult whereas the Masked Mage will be a great amount easier to defeat. Duran can provide the multitarget healing, Angela can provide the elementals, and Carlie can provide the multitarget Helaing of status effects while providing the sabres. But this is ALL you can do with it. No full screen techs make it difficult, no REALLY useful spells (The level 3 elementals and Death Spell are Semi Useful, but in no way are they GOOD). The only way to do a good amount of damage on the Final Boss is to get Angela to a really high level and get her to continually use Death Spell over and over. This kind of a party is definitely a challenge. ============================================================================= :::Duran, Hawk, Angela::: ============================================================================= ====================== Submitted by XZeroSSJ ====================== Duran: Lord Hawk: Rogue Angela: Great Deviner I'll call it The Light Side. It has attack and quickness. Also magic with Angela. Duran will attack. Hawk can set traps and use some magic. ============================================================================= :::Duran, Lise, Carlie::: ============================================================================= =================== Submitted by Koren =================== Carlie: Bishop Duran: Duelist Lise: Fenrir Knight I call these The Untouchables. They make for a powerful team with Lise to Stat Down the enemies, Carlie can give the elemental sabres and Duran can lay into the enemy after it being weakend and with the corrosponding sabre. Carlie can then Multitarget heal, with Lise backing up with the physical attacks and Carlie can throw in a Turn Undead if the situation allows it. With this kind of a team it makes it hard to lose.....It is useful in basically every characters Storyline.....and immensly useful against the God Beasts. ======================= Submitted by bing ling ======================= "No item" team: Duran (swordmaster), Lise (Starlancer), Carlie (Necromancer). Carlie does healing, stat downs, Lise does stat ups, Duran does sabers. When you need mana, simply use Leaf saber. Never stop back in town again, don't even need to visit a gold statue. You won't quite kill as quickly because nobody does double hits. ============================================================================= :::Hawk, Angela, Kevin::: ============================================================================= ========================= Submitted by Meeple_Lard ========================= Rune Master Ninja Master Warrior Monk You have Healing, the Rune Master's Disadvantage as an Intensive MP user is gone, since you have Leaf Saber to to counter that. Also, the Lack of MT Spells is gone too, just cast a Level 1 with the RM and an MT Jutsu or Shurikens, and you could easily wipe out the enemies, and if they are not dead, they are weakened both Stat Wise and HP wise. Against Bosses, just use Leaf Saber on all 3 characters, and that means Ulimited 400 Point shurikens (although you won't need Leaf saber for that all that much), Unlimited Death Spells, and Unlimited Healing. Not the best team, but it is not the worst either. ============================================================================= :::Kevin, Duran, Carlie::: ============================================================================= ======================= Submitted by Gyara Man ======================= God Hand Duelist Necromancer This is like, one of the MOST POWERFUL teams. For one, Aura Wave+Byakko Shockwave and then you use that with the Duelist's tech(eruption sword?), Almost an instant kill. And Necromancer, One word: BLACK CURSE. This team lacks magic, but it makes up for it in sheer power, this is definatly a good team. =========================== Submitted by TheIlluminati =========================== -Newbie Party- Warrior Monk - Lord - Bishop With an astonishing three characters capable of MTHL, it's pretty hard to die with this party. Couple that with Leaf Saber to refill MP and the fact that Turn Undead is awe-inspiring in the Kevin/Carlie quest, any newbie will find it easy to complete the game with this party. =========================== Submitted by TheIlluminati =========================== -Intermediate Party- God Hand - Duelist - Bishop Now that you, the intermediate player, has gotten used to carrying around Poto Oils and Honey Drinks, you no longer need three characters with MTHL. In this party, with one character with MTHL and one with STHL, though, there's still plenty of healing to go around. Additionally, there's the Aura Wave of the God Hand which will allow the Duelist to instantly perform his Eruption Sword, the best FST in the game. And again, there's always Turn Undead, useful in the Kevin/Carlie quest. ============================================================================= :::Hawk, Duran, Carlie::: ============================================================================= ============================ Submitted by Eternal Spirit ============================ Wanderer - Duelist - Necromancer To state the obvious beforehand.. Black Curse + Aura Wave + power up item + Eruption Sword = world of pain for enemies. Now, on to the more technicalities. Black Curse is always useful, and this is one of the parties that makes that stand out more. Duelist starts doing significantly more once that is cast. The Wanderer just kicks ass with his Aura Wave and MANY support spells. The Duelist can just cast a saber on himself for MORE damage while he's powering up his tech, and the Wanderer just speeds it up with Aura Wave. The Necromancer also has MTHL, a bonus for this group if you ever run low on HP. MP will NEVER be a problem either, Hawk has that one spell that will let him gain MP back. Carlie conserves MP pretty nicely, and Duran only needs it for sabers. ======================= Submitted by bing ling ======================= Duelist, Wanderer, Necromancer- Regular enemies die quickly to aura wave/Eruption sword, while Carlie takes care of boss fights with her stat downs and healing (buy items for the stat ups). ============================================================================= :::Lise, Hawk, Angela::: ============================================================================= ============================ Submitted by Eternal Spirit ============================ Star Lancer - Ninja Master - Grand Divina This party is incredible. MTSU's and MTSD's with added damage help a LOT. The Grand Divina hammers away with her deadly spells. The Star Lancer also has one of the best summons available. And the Ninja Master has a nice, damaging, MT shuriken. HL isn't really necessary for this party, as you will be taking out enemies with extreme ease, and bosses won't be hard either. The GD can be replaced with the RM too, making bosses even EASIER. ============================================================================= X. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS qqqq ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Q: How come when my characters see the enemies, they won't attack right away? > A: You need to press A in order to command them to attack. If you don't want to attack, then don't press A and all of your characters won't attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Q: How come I can't get the Faerie to appear in the beginning of the game? > A: The only way I have found to get the faerie to appear is to go to that sealed cave north and then east of Astoria. Run into the most east side and you should be flying backwards. Now go back to Astoria and you should talk to the guy in the most south eastern part of the town. He should be telling you about a light that could appear again tonight. Now go the Inn and rest for the moment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Q: Am I able to get my second class change before fighting the 8 God Beasts? > A: Yes you are able to if you are doing Hawk/Riesz's Quest. After you give the Mana Sword to Bigieu and Jagan, you will end up outside of Navarre Castle. Go back in and go straight up to where Bigieu and Jagan used to be. You will encounter Lesser Demons. These enemies will drop ??? seeds. Plant these seeds at an inn and you will get class change items. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Q: I keep on getting the same item over and over from my ??? seeds. What can I do to change the results? > A: If you are using a rom, then I would suggest you to use the in game save (not the save state one) and then try planting your seeds. If you get the same problem, then just go to a different inn and plant the seeds. If that doesn't work, then just go and get more ??? seeds. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Q: How many players are there for the game? 2 or 3? > A: There have been people who have claimed that it is 3 player playable, but I have been only able to do two players. Therefore, I say two players. =P ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Q: I have found this game to be way easy. How can I make it more challenging? > A: There are lots of ways for you to make the game harder. You can try a low level game, no class change game, single class change game, or single character game. For more information about the last one, there is a FAQ devoted to it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Q: Is this ever released in the US? > A: No, this was never released anywhere except in Japan. But thanks to a translation group (Neill Corlett), an english patch is available. The english cartridges that you see on auction sites such as EBAY are just hacked so don't bother buying them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Q: What is the best party combination? > A: There is no best party combination. It all depends on your playing style. The party that you think is the best might not be the best party for many people. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Q: If this is SD3 and Secret of Mana is SD2, then what is SD? > A: The answer to that is Final Fantasy Adventure on the original gameboy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Q: I have the japanese version of the game. Is there a translation for this? > A: Yep. The translation can always be found at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Q: Your FAQ is awesome! Keep up the good Work! > A: Well that was not a question, but thanks for the compliment. My original intent for this entire FAQ is so it would not be biased towards certain characters and classes. I have found this to be quite a success and it wouldn't have been possible for the readers or gameplayers of SD3 who have submitted them to me. ============================================================================= XI. MY REVIEW OF THIS GAME rrrr ============================================================================= Seiken Densetsu 3 is one of the best Super Famicom games that I have ever played. Its a shame that the game never made its way over to the United States. I believed that it could've sold a lot of copies if the timing was right. Anyways, here are my reviews on this game. Storyline 8/10: There are six characters to choose from. Depending on the order of the three characters you choose, the storyline will differ each time. The gameplay is pretty straightforward with the exception of one side quest known as the Black Rabite. Gameplay 9/10: As I have said, gameplay is pretty much straightforward. I gave a 9 for this because the battle system is too unique to consider it a bad thing. You are ''in realtime'' battling enemies. The enemies don't wait for you to do something and then they attack. The enemies just charge at you whether you are ready or not. The day can go from morning to night while battling. Just make sure you don't battle werewolves on a full moon! =P Graphics 10/10: The graphics are just mind blowing for the SNES. The 3-D map that you see in the game gives the touch of smooth graphics and awe. Music 10/10: There are many music that you could listen to in the game. You can use a cheat (hold L + R Buttons and reset) to listen to all your favorite music. The first few times of playing the game will leave you humming a tune. Replay Value 10/10: I gave a ten for this because of your choices to choose from six characters. While you choose only three characters, the order of characters will vary in the storyline. In addition to this, each character will reach a certain level where they could class change by going standing in front of an object called a Mana Stone. You have the ability to go either Light or Dark. The Dark classes focus more on offensive tactics while the Light classes are more in defensive tactics. This is the strongest point of the game. Overall 10/10: This game is too hard to put down. If I were you, I would recommend trying to obtain a rom or game for this and try it out for yourself. If you try to get the rom version, there are already people who have translated the game in english so you can get that version if you don't know japanese. Anyways, I hope any of you who have played this game enjoyed this as much as I do! ============================================================================= XII. CREDITS AND CONTRIBUTIONS ssss ============================================================================= This is to show that I didn't rip off anyone's work, meaning plagiarism. This section is created to help recognize the people who deserve recognition. If you know that you're not listed here and have seen your work posted in this FAQ, please notify me of this and I will be sure to have you placed in here. ->Magus999-for pointing out some of the mistakes that I have with Angela's light spells. ->Land Umber, Dangaard, Question Mark, JIge, Jormungund, Koren, Riesz, Unlocke, Lord Pikachu, Cheesypoof, DavieZBoy, Rakarr, Koren, Morbius, XZeroSSJ, Nadia, GoodLuckDie, Meeple_Lard, Lord Zero, SS Goku, Kyros, Armisael, Paul Wolfstien, Gyara Man, Unlocke, Rpg King, EternalSpirit, Major Damage, EpisodeMST, BrazilianMagus, blueshirt32, Magus999, bing ling, TheIlluminati- Thank you for contributing your opinions to my FAQ. This will help my FAQ not to be extremely biased. =) ->Unlocke- You have contributed your spell list to me and I have taken responsibility to revise it. It has been converted to this FAQ now. Thank you! ->Nightblade- Thank you for influencing me to create my own guide. I hope my guide will be good as yours someday. I also have to thank you for allowing me to use some of the info from your guide to use as my own. ->EternalSpirit- For sending me in his part of the enemy FAQ. Hope you send me future updates of the FAQ! =) ->GameFAQs- Being able to provide a place where many people come to help or to socialize at the boards for game help. Also thanks for accepting my FAQ so the people from all over can read and...hopefully... are enjoying what I write. ->Metapad- I have used that program to continue writing my FAQ. My Seiken Densetsu FAQ was getting too large and my Word program kept on crashing. I would like to thank the creator of this program since I was able to continue working on it. ============================================================================= XIII. Version History ============================================================================= -v2.8 -August 16, 2002 -A LOT More opinions from fellow gameplayers are added -Worked more on the walkthrough -Changed a stat that Meeple mentioned -Hopefully, made an easier way to navigate -v2.7 -July 14, 2002 -Updated the Walkthrough -v2.6 -March 22, 2002 -had an inspiration to update this FAQ -v2.5 -February 25, 2002 -redid the layout of the guide -added more of the structures for the walkthrough section but haven't add any details to it -v2.4 -February 14, 2002 -Added more opinions in the Class Sections -Fixed some errors that someone pointed out for Angela -Fixed the final stats for the Rogue Class -v2.3 -September 4, 2001 -Worked more on the Walkthrough -Fixed some grammatical mistakes -Added some things to the Frequently Asked Questions section. -Added more contributions to the party section, Class section, Boss Section -Fixed Carlies Final Stats -v2.2 -August 19, 2001 -Continued with the work on walkthrough -v2.1 -August 15, 2001 -Added more opinions on classes -Worked on Walkthrough in a different file -Added some more party choices -Finished Kevin Introduction Walkthrough -Finished Hawk Introduction Walkthrough -v2.0 -August 11, 2001 -Finished Angela Introduction Walkthrough -Made a new section called Frequently Asked Questions -Worked more on the Walkthrough -v1.9 -August 9, 2001 -Added to the Credits Section -Worked on the Walkthrough -Added opinions on Hawk Classes -Finished Duran Introduction Walkthrough -v1.8 -July 30, 2001 -Finished Class Section -Adding opinions to party recommendations -v1.7 -July 29, 2001 -Work Slightly on the Walkthrough -Finish Spell List Section -v1.6 -July 26, 2001 -Worked on and "Finished" Boss Strategies -Began with the structure of of the Walkthrough -v1.5 -July 23, 2001 -Worked on the Boss Strategy Section -Worked on the Spells Section -Worked on the Walkthrough Section -Worked on the Character Section -v1.4 -July 22, 2001 -Added Spell list for each Spirit (Thanks Unlocke) -v1.3 -July 20, 2001 -Added class opinions by more people -Trying to Organize and rearrange the FAQ. -Began to work on the character introduction walkthrough -Revised errors thanks to several emails. -Added best weapons/armor for final classes -v1.2 -July 12, 2001 -Added Eternal Spirits complete enemy list -v1.0 -June 30, 2001 -Decided to end all process in the walkthrough area for the moment -continued to update -v0.9 -June 6, 2001 -Did some catching up on opinions and classes of each character -v0.8 -March 10, 2001 -Added more of my strategies in the Boss Section -Continued Revising the Character Section -More Contributions were added -Submission of Enemy Item FAQ by EternalSpirit -v0.7 -December 29, 2000 -Continued improving the Character Section and added strategies in the Boss Section. -Added a lot of information in the Character section -New contributions were added -Some of Party Recommendations are up -v0.6 -December 16, 2000 -Revision is made to this guide according to the Gamefaqs standards. -v0.5 -December 14, 2000 -Added all the characters in the Character Section and provided the max stats of each class. -v0.4 -December 9, 2000 -Added a Basics Section Thanks to Nightblade! -Added Max Stats of each class. -Added and Completed Items Section -Revised the FAQ. -v0.3 -December 6, 2000 -Added Opinions about Duran's Class -Revised errors located in the FAQ -Added Angela in the Character and Class Section -v0.2 -December 4, 2000 -Added Character and Classes Section- Have Class info on Duran -Revised some information -Added Credits Section -v0.1 -December 1, 2000 -Creation of the guide -Boss Strategies ============================================================================= ============================================================================= DISCLAIMER: This is a Copyright 2000-2002 RyuSeiryuu. This may not be distributed in any way without my permission. Any content that you would like to add to your website or own FAQ please email me first at Without my permission will lead to immoral issues. If I find out about this, I will file a complaint of plagiarism. This FAQ should be only found on the following sites: ============================================================================= =============================================================================