PRE FULLY TRANSLATED VERSION OF WALKTHROUGH ______________________________________________________________________ _________ _____ __ ____ _________ / ___// /_____ ______ / __ \________ ____ _____ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \__ \/ __/ __ `/ ___// / / / ___/ _ \/ __ `/ __ \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ————————— ___/ / /_/ /_/ / / / /_/ / /__/ __/ /_/ / / / / ————————— _________/____/\__/\__,_/_/ \____/\___/\___/\__,_/_/ /_/ _________ ______________________________________________________________________ Sorry folks! Since the new DeJap patch has been released, I cannot find any more time to work and rewrite this star ocean FAQ. You can still follow the walkthrough, but many of item names there are most likely different to that in the current patch. ////////////// ///////////// ///////////// Proposal -> If anyone WANTS to, I don't care anyone DOESN'T want to fix the walkthrough -- item names, etc, and its format, which is rather messy and add whatever you want just e-mail me and I'll give you permission to format this FAQ as you wish, you will not get full credit for formatting the guide however, it will be like a 'joint' FAQ. I really don't care if anyone doesn't want to, i just don't have the time to do this all over again. Too much work o_O. ////////////// ///////////// __________________________________ //ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\\ || FAQ / Walkthrough for || || Star Ocean || || for the SNES || || By CC || || [c_2_c(at)] || || Sunday 7th April 2002 13:15:31 || || Copyright İ 2003 CC || || Version 2.1 || || Press CRTL+F and type Contents || || to find it. Its hard to spot. || \\________________________________// ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ * Note * All of the places may not have the list of items you can get, if any one would like to do this they will get credit. Send in your ZSNES Save State endings, so far i have Cius and Fear, Tinek and Joshua. Don't send in one i've already got. There is a weapon list, but no armor list because you cannot smith them, they are too easily found. * Note * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This file FAQ/Walkthrough for Star Ocean on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System is copyrighted CC 2003. This file cannot be used in any illegal way, which is being used on your website without confirmation, used and published in a book without conformation, sold to anybody for a profit without notifying the author, editing any part, ANY part of this file then using it in an illegal way. You are not allowed to take a portion, any portion of this guide which relates to this to use it in your own illegal use. This file cannot be used electronically or physically without the authors permission or notification. This means that this cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, websites or any other un-mentioned form of illegal use. If any or other illegal rules are violated then beware. But remember, inform the author - CC - before you think of using this guide in any form. Printing this document is fine, so long as you don't sell it. Also, asking the author is the safest thing to do, folks! This file can be found on the following sites: If you want this on your site, please mail me for confirmation. If another site contains this guide, please inform me straight away, and I'll see if they are actually on this list, if not, I will driect them to take it down from their site. Remember, *PLAGIARISM* is *NAUGHTY*!! And for security reasons, and spam reasons, i have replaced all @ signs with (at) so people's e-mail adresses will NOT recive spam... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Histories ---------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0 -- Started this file, and made some starts. -- Controls finished -- Characters finished -- Some walkthrough done v1.1 -- More walkthrough (just a little) -- Put in another speech scene in Astral Castle town -- Fixed a couple of spelling errors. -- New e-mail! v1.2 -- More walkthrough :) But Game FAQs didn't put it up for some really strange reason... v1.3 -- Fixed up ASCII art heading -- More walkthrough -- Also found Star Ocean Menu Patch, full version! Oh yeah! -- Figured how to learn special Ougis -- in FAQ section -- Start e-mail shut down so I'm using hotmail v1.4 -- More walkthough -- FAQ added (useless one) -- Rules added v1.5 Was v1.4 posted up? Oh well, but here's some more updates... Oh and folks, sorry about the big delays in updates now because of stuff i have to do and my laziness... -- Even more walkthrough -- Spelling errors fixed up (not all though, there might still be some) -- Tips & Secrets section -- Finally, the Gabriel secret REVEALED (if anyone reads this) -- Added 2 FAQs -- Another spoiler, sort of v1.6 -- Finished walkthrough!!! -- Also finished Secret Dungeon walkthrough. -- Weapon List Added -- Another Secret -- A tiny bit more in the Controls/stuff (you won't notice it) -- Fattened up the heading. -- Arena List done... -- Easy finding section devised. -- Fixed up minor mistakes, but yet still to spell check all of the guide. -- Look at the bottom, removed some text. -- At the bottom put alternate heading. Tell me if you like it. -- Look at FAQS section and you will find a URL for the ROM and the patches you need (text, menu, graphics) -- Made the contents look better. -- Update finished 25th December =) but not posted in yet. v1.7 -- Fixed up ugly part at the start -- Also the heading, was 1 character over the limit -- Skill list put in, but not entirely sure of it (not completed) -- Then changed the ASCII heading -- Put in more in the Legal stuff -- Skill explanation list put in. v1.8 -- Fixed up minor difficulty in heading -- New job for you to do. -- Changed up top v1.9 -- Deleted unnecessary Spoilers (kb smaller now) -- Fixed up and put puffy's game in secrets -- Changed some other various stuffs -- Looks a lot neater! -- New rule added v2.0 -- Revised Legal Copyright Stuff section -- New Layout at top -- Switched around some other stuff as well -- Various tidbits added -- Fixed up the notes up the top so its neater -- Split Weapon List into another guide (kb even smaller now) -- Secret... in the secrets section. -- Fixed up a note for Ecdart -- New e-mail! v2.1 -- Disclaimer Fixed -- Confirmation on what the sword techs do (thx) -- new link -- removed skill list, since Dejap patch includes everything in the menu -- yay. -- thanks from The23rdMagus for getting some info about the sneezing scene -- thanks to jemStone for clearing up the games most puzzling puzzle :D ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ======== Contents ======== -------------------------------------- 1. Introduction NTRD -------------------------------------- 2. Controls/Stuff CTRS -------------------------------------- 3. Characters CRCT -------------------------------------- 4. Starting Tips STPS -------------------------------------- 5. Walkthrough WLKT -------------------------------------- 6. Tips & Secrets SCRT -------------------------------------- 7. Arena List & other info RNLS -------------------------------------- 8. Skill Explanations SLPN -------------------------------------- 9. FAQs QUTS -------------------------------------- Note that the words on the right are to help you, just press CRTL+F and type in the word to go to the desired place without scrolling! Don't worry, i didn't randomize the letters, they are all in the word. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction NTRD ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yo! This is my FAQ for star ocean. Since ZSNES hasn't finished debugging and translating the ROM yet, you'll have to wait till later to see all the stuff i promised. IMO, i think that this is probably the best SNES games along with FF6 (Final Fantasy 6), ToP (Tales of Phantasia), Terranigma and Chrono Trigger! If you're looking for a game with exactly the same sort of graphics, choose ToP or FF6. If you're looking for a different type of RPG go for Terranigma, but this FAQ is Star Ocean so you better be reading the right FAQ bud! Contact -- [c_2_c(at)] A couple of rules.... 1. Ask politely when asking questions. Things like 'Answer me or you will be hacked' will not answer your question... 2. Ask your question in detail. Things like 'How do I do this?' will not get you anywhere again, because, 'how do you do WHAT?' would be my answer. 3. Make sure that the question you are asking is not in the guide!!! For example, 'how do get past the first dungeon', or 'what are the controls?' are already answered, so don't wait for a reply. Always use Ctrl+F (find) and type in a key word to find what you are looking for. 4. Also, for this last rule, when e-mailing, state which game you are asking. I've got e-mails so far (since i have made some FAQs) and some of them don't even state which game they are talking about. Please tell me, for one e-mail I've had to ask them which game they were talking about. Otherwise, YOU WILL NOT GET A REPLY. 5. Don't send anything more than 2kb in my e-mail if you just e-mailed me, because i'll think its something bad. Otherwise, the e-mail just won't be opened. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Controls/Stuff CTRS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The controls for Star Ocean can be changed via menu but i will list the default controls. TOWNS/DUNGEONS/WORLD MAP/CASTLES A - Talk/Pick up/Open (treasure chest)/Use/CONFIRM B - Hold to dash (need skill) X - Menu Y - Nothing L - Nothing R - Nothing MENU A - CONFIRM B - CANCEL X - Will be described later. Y - Highlight over item to see what it actually does. L - In item menu - Forward a page of items R - In item menu - Backward a page of items BATTLE A - Target enemy, press A to attack B - CANCEL X - List of options Y - Nothing L - After targeting enemy, press this to do a skill (if equipped) R - After targeting enemy, press this to do a skill (if equipped) _________ | | | M | | E | | N | | U | |_________| Star ocean's menu is much like Tales of Phantasia, or Tales of Destiny. So are the graphics, but much better. All they did to the menu is just switch it around. Your menu has its options up the top, Time, Money (Fol), and battle numbers. In the middle are your characters. If you have more than 4, and you want to equip them just keep going down the character slot bar. There are a total 8 slots. If you can't read Japanese, like me (stupid ZSNES pplz) the following options (in english) are: Special Items Custom Options Equipment Skills Status Save [Well, I'm copying off SO2] ####### Special ####### This is where you equip a skill or use a skill (get it by upgrading your skills in the other skill section. The more levels you gain, the more battle skills you will get. On the other hand, spells, for some characters, you cannot equip them. But you can disable them using Y. Why would you want to disable them? Why? Because, sometimes the character who's in your party keeps casting an annoying spell over and over again, and consuming his/her valuable MP. Also, once you have upgraded certain skills, you can do certain things, eg. Create music. To get into here, its pretty easy. Learn your skill, then when you go into the option, 2 or more options will come up. One is techs/spells, and the other one is the one you gained. ######### Equipment ######### You would be kind of dumb to not know what this is. Well, you customers your character's equipment. There is: Weapon Armor Shield Helmet Boots/Shoes Accessory 1 Accessory 2 Also, there is this 'equipment wizard'. It automatically equips new items found if they are better then the ones you have on. But beware, it turns off when you equip something MANUALLY. Do you see the hand pressing the X button near your name? Press that and a little screen will pop up. The first option is 'Best', which equips your best equipment if EW isn't on, and the on below is EW. Left is ON and right is OFF. ##### Items ##### Well, here is where you get to view your items. The layout is the same as Tales of Phantasia's item menu, i wonder how it got to Enix?... Anyway, a O next a item means that it can be used here at this present point in time. This includes healing items, ones that recover HP, MP or status ailments. Sometimes other items could do different things. They don't necessarily have to be healing items. An X next an item means that it cannot be used at this point in time. These includes: battle items: things that you can use to inflict damage, minerals/rocks: things that you can create items with, or sell, ?items: use your identifier to make an item, other items: some of them are no use and some you can create items with. An E next an item means that you can equip and item, to a character, and sometimes a certain character depending on the item. Now, if you press X and menu will come up. There will be seven options you will fist see, then 2 below it. The seven options are: NEW, BATTLE, ALPHABETICALLY, WEAPONS, ARMOR, ACCESSORY, ITEM. If you choose one of these options it will sort accordingly to the option you chose, e.g, if you chose NEW, the items would sort from NEWEST to OLDEST. BATTLE sorts to th items you use in battle, and ALPHABET pretty much explains itself. WEAPONS sorts all weapons, staffs, swords, bows, etc, ARMOR sorts to ALL armor to top, ACCESSORY sorts all the accessories up top, and ITEM sorts all of your potion/healing type items up top. To make your list neat, choose BATTLE then WEAPONS then ARMOR then ACCESSORY and finally ITEM to make your list all neat so you have equal piles. Now below that is INDIVIDUAL skills, and this is for -item creation-, everybody's favourite part of SO and SO2. To get skills you must go to the skills section (via main menu) and upgrade stuff till you get it. Since my game's still in Japanese and i cannot read it, i do not know the skills. I think the option below is story items, like important items.... ###### Skills ###### Here you can upgrade you skills, using SP, Skill points. You get skill points by leveling up, or by specially gaining it. The max amount of skill points is 999, so don't try to save up. When you upgrade certain skills, like say there was 'art', you would need to upgrade all art components, drawing, sketching, etc, before you acquire this skill. Keep upgrading the skills to get your skill (e.g. 'art') up. Then that will make it the skill work better. The max amount you can upgrade a skill is 10, and it would take around 400 SP to upgrade it. To gain skills (to upgrade) you must buy it from the skill guild. Battle skills are not like the other skills, they are used in battle. If you want to decrease the amount of skill points used, upgrade Perseverance to 10, although it requires A LOT of skill points, but it decreases then amount of skill points used. Plus, there's no way you can get ALL skills by level 99, so Enix/Tri Ace put the levels up to 255! Also, some skills upgrade your stats, if they say so. Like in SO2, you upgrade one of the cooking skills you upgrade 10x STR or something. (Not actually 10x str, but your strength increases) ###### Custom ###### Here there are 3 options: Tactic, Formation and Change. In tactic you can change a character's tactic, so that he may conserve MP, attack fiercely or retreat and think well, to adjust to the battle. You cannot change Ratix's tactics, because you control him. In formation you can choose how your characters are set when you enter a battle. Here are the formations: (i will list them in order, since i cannot read japenese) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 4 1 4 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 4 1 3 1 4 3 2 3 4 2 1 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 1:This is standard formation. 2:This would be used for a battle where you have 4 attacking characters, and enemies on both sides. 3:This would be a 3 attackers, and a healer/spell caster. No.4 would be the spell caster/healer. 4:This would protect the spell caster/healer more if you don't like 3. 5:This is a spread formation. Used for lots of enemies. 6:Concealed formation. Only use this when you really need to. 7:Same as 6. 8:The best formation! Use 1,2,3 for attacking and let 4 stay behind. In change you get to change your characters around, but you can only change if you have 5 or more characters. Well, it can work for 4 or 3 or 2, but they will me removed from the party... temporarily. [NOTE: READ IKELLY's FAQ FOR MORE INFO] ###### Status ###### Here you get to see your character's stats, and change name if you want to. When you press [A] you enter the naming screen. When you press [X] you see all your character skills. ####### Options ####### Here you can change message speed : 1 - fastest 8 - slowest Then battle type, then controls. You can change around the cotrols, go over one then press a button to change it. Next is menu/message colour, the colours are: blue, red, pink, green, standard colour, yellow then white. Below that is the color tone. $$$$$$ EXTRAS $$$$$$ Private Action Press Y when it says so, when you are about to enter a town, and the party will split up. Various things can be done, but the main one is ARs, Approval Ratings. They are altered by talking and making decisions. Approval Rating In this game and SO2 there are 'approval ratings'. They are feelings toward each other, and can be altered by PA's, Private actions. You can talk to them to get your AR with them up or down. Certain decisions determines your AR rating. Why is there AR's? This is here because AR's determines the outcome of the ending. The people or person with the highest AR ratings will be in the ending. Anger Explosion! Assuming you have read the AR part, or you know, in this SO, (not SO2) if in battle, a character dies and another character currently fighting has a high AR with him/her, he/she will have a 'anger explosion', where him/her will turn red (beserk!) and when dealing damage, will deal up to 3 times normal damage! (P.S. Critial hits can deal as much as 4 times as much as normal Anger hits!) Full Motion Active Battle - FMAB SO has a unique battle system, you could probably guess what it is without playing it, only looking at the name. In SO, when you enter a battle, you will sort of control your character, choosing who to fight and when. You will never stop fighting until you or the enemies are dead, meaning unlike FF, how you have ATB (Active Time Bar) you don't have that and you control them all the time. Also, with the enemies, if/when they are casting a spell, you can hit them to cancel out the spell, one of the benefits. But a downside is its the same too. Oh, there's one more thing, unlike ToP, you can move around more, up, down, left and right. (Unlike SO2, you can't use the controller to walk around, you must quickly press X (i think) and very quickly drag the pointer to where you want to and Ratix or whoever you control will move over there. In SO2 you hold the square button and use the controller to run and move around) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Characters CRCT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++ Ratix Farrence ++++++++++++++ Age: 19 [typical] Race: Fellpool Origin: Clatos village, Moore continent. Class: Fighter Height: 174cm Weight: 68kg NOTES: The main character of the game. He comes from the town of Clatos, and protects the village with his friend Dorn from pirates whom invade the town a lot. He's very strong, and has lots of stamina. ++++++++++++ Milly Kiliet ++++++++++++ Age: 18 Race: Fellpool Origin: Clatos Village, Moore continent. Class: Healer Height: 164cm Weight: 46kg NOTES: Milly has a very high AR rating with Ratix, mainly because Milly has a crush on Ratix :). She's a healing person and not a fighting person do don't put her out front in the battle because she will get killed. ++++++++++ Dorn Matro ++++++++++ Age:19 Race: Fellpool Origin: Clatos Village, Moore continent. Class: Fighter Height: 181cm Weight: 75kg NOTES: Dorn is Ratix's best friend. You only get to keep him until you travel to the past. Dorn is a very strong character. He has high AR towards Milly. Bad luck you can't keep him for long. His sister died from a past pirate invasion and he keeps her music box, as a memento. Before he dies temporarily he gives it to Milly. ++++++++++++++++ Ronixis J. Kenny ++++++++++++++++ Age: 38 Race: Human Origin: Earth Class: Mage Height: 179cm Weight: 64 kg NOTES: Ronixis is the captain of the ship Calnus. He is weak in attacking but strong in magic. Roxinis's wife died from an incureable disease and Ronixis wishes he could save her, even with his magic. With his magic, try put the tactic on Save MP otherwise he'll run out quick. He also fights with a bow. OTHER NOTE: Yes yes! I did manage to realise after playing SO2 again, that Ronixis' last name is actually Kenni and is the father of the main char in SO2... weird... but in SO2 he is still human, nothing special, though his son is the main character, Claude. That is probably what birthed SO2. +++++++++++++++ Iria Silvestoli +++++++++++++++ Age: 23 Race: Human Origin: Earth Class: Warrior Height: 171 cm Weight: 48 kg NOTES: Iria comes from the same ship as Ronixis, the Calnus. She is slow but her skills are powerful. She's also very weak in defense, but her raw base strength makes up for it, as her raw base strength is stonger than Ratix's!! But her last of strength in weapons makes up for it, but after all, Ratix is the main character! +++++++++++ Cius Warren +++++++++++ Age: 20 Race: Highlander Origin: Astral continent Class: Fighter Height: 190 cm Weight: 90 kg NOTES: Cius is a free-lance traveller. He speaks his own words, and his words are foul. He swears a lot. Cius comes from the town of Astral, and his father is Warren. His power is high but his speed is slow. +++++++++++++ Joshua Jerand +++++++++++++ Age: 20 Race: Featherfolk Origin: Sylvalant continent Class: Mage Height: 172 cm Weight: 20 kg NOTES: Joshua starts off very weak. Make sure that he doesn't eat up your MP as well. Joshua's race is a fairy- sort of race. Joshua's parent's were killed one day and his sister was taken away. Joshua searches for his sister in hope she's still alive. Joshua has dark and light magic, and can also fight, with a staff. +++++++++++++++ Ashlay Barnbelt +++++++++++++++ Age: 50-60 Race: Highlander Origin: Astral continent Class: fighter Height: ???? Weight: ???? NOTES: Ashlay is a old war hero. His levels when you aquire him are very high and he is very strong. But when you progress through the game he'll get weaker because your characters are gaining levels. Ashlay cannot equip a shield because his arm is injured. Also, Ashlay has very high HP. +++++++++ Fear Mell +++++++++ Age: 18-23 Race: Highlander Origin: Astral continent Class: Fighter Height: ????? Weight: ????? NOTES: Fear is one of the Astral kingdom's knights. Also she is a childhood friend of Cius, and also is very foul mouthed. Fear's weapons are very unique, she can throw them, hitting up to 4 times. But again she is very slow. +++++++++++++ Marvel Frozen +++++++++++++ Age: 19-23 Race: ????? Origin: ????? Class: Dark Skill user Height: ????? Weight: ????? NOTES: Marvel is a mysterious character. She sold her body to an ancient race which once lived on Roak, because she wanted to avenge her family's death. She is a very weak character. Make sure that she has the best armor all the time. +++++++++++++ Tinek Arukena +++++++++++++ Age: 14-16 Race: Lycantrope Origin: ????? Class: Fighter Height: ???? Weight: ???? NOTES: Tinek is from a special race, in which he can change into a wolf, in which is is bigger. He spends his time in the arena fighting people and has no real friends. Tinek is very fast. +++++++ Perisie +++++++ Age: 6-10 Race: Lesser Fellpool Origin: Moore continent Class: Neko (cat) Height: ???? Weight: ???? NOTES: Perisie is a 'lesser fellpool'. She is nearly the last of her kind. She has the ability to change into a cat whenever she wants. She likes to play the ocarina but she loses it when you see her. She is fast and strong. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Start-off Tips STPS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -When you get the chance, try level up a level or two. -Don't save up too much SP or you'll won't get anymore past 999. -Item creation! Make sure you try this to get powerful items. -Take time to adjust to the environment (by leveling up till the enemies deal 0 damage). -Remember to change tactics, and formations. -Remember to explore, explore, explore!!! -Save up FOL to buy weapons, item creations items, and items. -If you are stuck please e-mail me! -Try to remember the storyline when you play this or the game mightn't make sense! -If a boss/enemy is too hard, its time to level up! -Don't go into the Mt.Metox in the early stages of the game till you get to lv.40+. -Control + F in this guide helps. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Walkthrough WLKT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |W|a|r|n|i|n|g|!| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This walkthrough of Star Ocean for the SNES contains many spoilers which could make or break the game for you. Please, PLEASE, if you do not like to read spoilers then please do not read the following walkthough here, and go or try to find a non spoiler walkthrough. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |W|a|r|n|i|n|g|!| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Start a new game, and then put in your name, defualt: Ratix. Then the the into will roll. The intro will all be said in ENGLISH... but cannot be heard very well. You watch it. Then after the scene turns to a person with a tail -? running. The scene changes to two people. ****************** My party selection ****************** Ratix, Iria, Ronixis, Milly, -Ashlay-, -Joshua-, -Tinek-, -[Marvel]- then -Perisie- -name- = optional character -[name]- means optional and loseable, ********Note******* The basic layout of the places heading is like what you see underneath. They have the name of the place, MY level, how much fol _I_ have, and MY play time, and items. Although people think I'm a showoff, I'm not (sort of), because some people might want to check with my levels, and try to match it, or see how I'm going with the game. [Or maybe they can brag that they are better than me?!] ====================================================================== Clatos Village Ratix lv1 Fol-0 Play time:0:05 Items: Revive Bottle, Flare Bomb, Blackberry, Fanzine Magazine. Blueberry x4, Tailsman ====================================================================== Ratix's Inital Equipment Weapon Long Sword Body Leather Armor Hand Wood Shield Head -- Legs Leather Boots Etc1 -- Etc2 -- Dorn's inital equipment Weapon Long Sword Body Leather Armor Hand Wood Head -- Legs Leather Boots Etc1 -- Etc2 -- A man called Dorn will start talking. They start talking about how its so quiet around here. Ratix, your main character agrees so. Then they will talk about a girl called 'Milly'. Dorn will say she's egotistical and a tomboy. At the same time Milly comes in a overhears Dorn. Then Dorn calls her dumb and a loudmouth and Milly gets angry. Ratix notices her. But Milly asks Dorn who's he talking about and get on with your work. Then the 3 of you go on patrol. Make sure you pick up the Revive potion, Flare Bomb and Blackberry. When you exit, there will be pirates, invading the town!!! Get ready for tough fights! Run down the stairs, then head left past the bridge. Enter your first battle against the two pirates. You should be alright fighting against 2 pirates. You gain 60 Fol, and 2 EXP, and 2 Blueberries. Now head past the bridge again and head down to fight the next two. You should receive the same as last time. Now, the scene will switch to the leader, Bitts. They challenge them to fight. You should receive 190 FOL, 8 EXP, and a Bluberry and blackberry and a Fanzine Magazine. The people will thank you and Milly will say something... about Ratix, because Milly has a crush on Ratix :). They'll have tea and then go to bed. Next next morning Ratix's mother has to wake Ratix up, to go to work (patrolling). You can exit Clatos, to level up, so if you want to exit via south entrance. If you don't want to, go to work (the house you came out of at the start of the game). When you are ready, go up the stairs and you will see Milly, angry. She'll tell you, you're late. Dorn's already inside, she says, and when you enter Dorn will say what Milly said. The elder will give you a letter. It will say there is a disease speading in the town Cool (well, that's what i think it says). They suggest getting the herb on Mt.Metox. Then Milly's father runs in, suggests he gets the herb, then runs out to Mt.Metox. Then night falls upon... Then the next day, you will hear Milly and Dorn. Head out. Dorn will have a letter from Milly's dad. The letter says that he's got the disease and its contagious. Milly head to Mt.Metox, up north. ====================================================================== World Map -- Moore Ratix lv12 (no joke) Fol-7040 Play Time: 1:35 Items: (to the south) Blueberry, Necklace. (to the north) 200 FOL, Savory x2, Blueberry, ====================================================================== Dorn says Milly must of headed to Cool. After a few steps Dorn comes out and looks like he's hurt. Dorn says its nothing. Head to Cool, it's a pretty straight forward path, the ones leading off are treasure paths. When you reach Cool, the old man says he's already infected. Head up the stairs then you will see Milly run. Follow her into a house. Then Milly's father will tell her not to touch her and then Milly cries. Back to Clatos. ====================================================================== Clatos Ratix lv12 Fol-8240 Play Time: 1:50 Items: none ====================================================================== Milly is about to leave when Dorn stops her and tells her its too dangerous. Dorn will learn fall (again) and Milly will call Ratix. When they get there Dorn will look like he's fine. By now you should of figured out about what's going on with Dorn.. Head to Mt.Metox, north of Cool. By now in Cool Village everybody is stoned except for Milly's father. Now go exit to Mt.Metox via north entrance. ====================================================================== Mt.Metox Ratix lv12 Fol-10740 Play Time: 2:14 Items- None ====================================================================== Dorn will tell you that there are Fellworms here, so becareful because the attach their eggs to you... and if the eggs hatch you're in trouble. Further on is a water spring, and that will heal HP/MP to max and remove any bad status. This is also a good place to level up. Keep heading further to reach a place with plants. You will stop and Dorn will come out. You will then realise that Dorn is infected, and he got infected when he touched the carrier pigeon when the letter was sent to Dorn from Milly's father. Dorn says he's OK and they move on. You will reach a cliff the the herb on it. When you approach it two beams will appear and two people will appear, a man and a woman. They introduce themselves as Iria and Ronixis. They say that the herb here on Mt.Metox cannot cure the disease that is spreading. They talk about how Ratix and co. are undeveloped beings and how this disease was spread. Then you talk then get warped onto a ship. ====================================================================== Calnus Ratix lv14 FOL-13870 Play time: 2:56 Items: none ====================================================================== You will appear on a ship. Ratix is suprised at what this is. Iria tells how they are more advanced than Ratix's planet and how that they'll catch up sometime. They head to the medical center. They introduce themselves then the scene goes to the medical room. They put Dorn in this Tube thing. Then you get to explore. Head on the left side of the conveyor belt. When you get to the next room Iria will tell you about the elevator ports. You can access a number of levels using one of them. Step on the left and desend. Go into the room above you. This is the holodeck room. Here Iria says you can basically do anything, from battling to sports. In the lower room is the Refresh Room. Iria will explain what it is. Go down and 'refresh'. You will end up back at your home planet. There is nothing here, so go back out. Go down again, to reach the rooms. There are two, and a man is in one of them. Descend down again. When you reach there Iria will tell you that this is the exit. Then a voice will come over. It will tell them to go back to the Medical Center. Ratix asks Iria where the voice cam from. She tells him that she uses things called 'communicators' to talk to people when they are far away. When you go back the doctor will tell you Earth medicine will not cure the disease. He says that the microbe transforms itself at tremendous speed. He says you have to get the 'hosts' blood, the only vaccine to the disease. Then they talk about Dorn, and he'll be petrified in 2-3 hours. Then they talk about Roak, Ratix's planet. Ratix doesn't know what they are talking about because they gave the name. Intruders will then come on the deck. Head where the man said so. You should find Fellworms in the deck. You will have to fight 2 sets to 2 Fellworms. You will receive 120 EXP in total. Ronixis is suprised at how the enemy disappeared. Now you head to the medical center. They talk about if Roakians have different bodies as of those from earth. The organs and stuff are the same but the blood is different. Part of the blood is made of copper, so that's why Roakians were turning into stone from the disease. You will start talking and then the doctor will tell you to head to the bridge. Go to the elevator pods, and then head left up to the bridge. You will find out that in Roak 20 Million stoned people were taken without Calnus seeing. Then you head back to the medical center. Dorn's vital organ's are starting to petrify. Dorn has a request that he dies in his home. They head back. Dorn has a request, that Milly take's her sister's masic box. Dorn likes Milly (well, you can tell by now that Dorn has a crush on Milly, but Milly has a crush on Ratix... ^_^;) and then Milly cries exactly when Dorn petrify's completely. They head back on the Calnus. Then Ronixis st the destination for Earth. Then Resonia's ship appears, and only Ratix and Milly can detect it. Calnus's crew didn't even know it was there. Then you wil board the Resonians ship. You will talk about the virus, and how you want them to collect the vaccine or the host. But they say its impossible to collect the vaccine. Then Ronixis has a plan. To travel to Planet Stream, where a time warp exists. In the ship Ronixis tells you that you need to travel to Roak, in the past. When you reach the planet and gate, Ronixis tells the gate keeper to open the gate and 'it' agrees, but, only if you throw away communicators and weapons (damn!). All head in. 'Dorn.....wait.... ...i'll save you....' ====================================================================== Clatos Village Ratix lv14 FOL-13990 Play Time: 3:37 Items: none ====================================================================== You will wake up. Iria is near you and Ratix wakes her. They realise that there are only 2 of them, and Milly and Ronixis are missing. They got separated during the warp. Its night, and you will not get encountered by enemies, because you have no weapons. When you approach Clatos village, Iria will stop and tell you that the clothes she has won't do. You have two options: 1. I'll look for some 2. It's none of my buiness If you choose [1] AR for Iria will go up, and if you choose [2] AR for Iria down. No mattter what option you choose, you must go to get clothes for Iria. There are 3 ways of getting clothes for her: -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- a1. Ouside the old lady's house are some clothes. You can: 1a. Steal the old lady's clothes -> AR with Iria down. 2b. Back off and don't steal it. b2. Ask the old lady if she has any clothes, and she'll give you her daughter's old clothes. Iria doesn't mind about them. AR with Iria same. c3. Go to the store and ask the guy about the clothes. He'll ask if its a present for a girlfriend :). Ratix will get embarrassed and deny it (typical of everyone) but he charges you 10 FOL. You get two choices: 3a. Seems suspicious, but okay. -> AR with Iria up. 3b. Quit -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- Once you have chosen a place to get your clothes from, go back to Iria. She'll say no peeking ^_^; and Ratix will be polite enough to not peek at her. Now you can do you first provat action, and i'll cover the private actions too. ______________________________________________________________________ PRIVATE ACTION - CLATOS VILLAGE To get into your private action, go up to a town, but don't enter it. Wait until it says Private Action up the top right screen with a Y and a hand. Press Y to enter your Private Action. When you press it Iria will come out and you get 2 options: 1. Okay (truthful) 2. Okay (lying) I'm pretty sure the the Okay (lying) makes AR with Iria go down.... There are 3 different places Iria will be, they are... :Iria will stand near a tree and talk about how little people to ask there is in this town. :Iria will talk to a local man and ask if he's seen a guy and a girl. Talk to the guy and he'll tell to to look in Portmis or the town of Hot. :Iria will stand near a mailbox and wonder if there is a postal system on even on this 300 year in the past Roak. Ratix said that in the present time they used carrier pigeons. Ratix also remembers Milly trying to use a carrier cat because she loves cats but it didn't work. Then Ratix calls Milly 'dumb' but in a different structure of the sentence, and Ratix called her 'slow in the head'. Iria says 'Isn't that a good thing?' ^_^;. -The scene switches to Milly and Ronixis. Milly sneezes and Ronixis asks 'what's wrong?'. Then Milly wonders if anyone's talking about her - ??? (i think its some japenese thing) and then Milly and Ronixis move on to get some clothes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "The 23rd Magus" Happy new year! I'd like to help you out with a little reference in your FAQ. Actually, it IS a Japanese thing. It's an old Japanese proverb that states if you sneeze once, someone is saying something good about you. Twice and someone's saying something bad about you. Three times is just a cold. ^_^ Glad I could help! -The23rdMagus ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Now keep on moving along the track to the town of hot. ====================================================================== Hot Ratix lv14 FOL:13990 Play time:3:52 Items - ====================================================================== When you enter you'll see an angry man talking to a salesman. He'll storm off. Head up the stairs, and the right (below the bridge) to receive the Flare bomb. Then when you cross the bridge you'll see a traveller, Radol. Tell him to head north. Now keep heading right till you see a place with a magnifying glass and item bag. Head inside. Talk to the guy. Choose (1) and accept the job. Now go left and talk to the middle buy and buy ALL 3 skills. Now go to the skill furthest down on the left side of the skill screen. Upgrade it ONCE and you'll be able to dash (holding B). Now you will need a weapon. Go to the weapon shop guy and talk to him (he's the guy who someother guy got angry with) and either: 1a. Buy the longsword for 20 FOL 1b. Decline You must choose 1, and that strange man will come in again. He'll tell the guy not to sell stuff to people who don't know what they are buying. Head back to the tool shop and then Badam,at the counter will tell you the strange man took the job. The man comes and offers for Ratix and Iria to come along. Badam isn't too sure but Ratix agrees and the man will give you weapons, and will join your party! Rest up at he inn and go back to the tool shop and get the Pass off him. Your new guy is name Cius.. Cius Warren. ____________________________________________________________________ PRIVATE ACTION - HOT Go to the Tool shop to find Iria. She'll be looking at a 'pretty' earring. You have 3 choices: 1a. Shall i give it to you as a present? 1b. I wonder if it will look good on you? 1c. But it looks cheap, huh? a. She'll say 'ugh, aren't you saying that line to the wrong person?' -...- well, she says that because of Milly. Ratix gets embarrassed and Iria asks Ratix if he did that for Milly, and she wonders if she would be delighted. Then you grab the ring, buy it and then give it to Iria. Iria will go 'Thanks Ratix...heheheh...' AR with Iria up b. She'll say 'why, thanks!' and then she'll walk off. AR the same. c. Iria will get angry and tell Ratix its not about how cheap it is. AR with Iria down But I recommend NOT to buy it, because you can do this later when you find Milly and get your AR with Iria and Milly up! When you do that, Cius and Iria will be at a wall painting. He tells you that the tool shop guy got some inspiration from an ancient race. He's a wandering artist. You ask about the ancient race. You get two choices: 1a. Tell us! 1b. I already know. a. Cius will tell you they existed long ago, and they have enormous power... *_*;.... well, duh. Cius starts walking around now :). b. Cius will not tell you about it.... ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Now head to Mt.Metox, north of Hot. ====================================================================== Mt Metox to Portmis Ratix lv14 FOL-13990 Play time: 4:12 Items- ====================================================================== This place looks cleaner than Mt.Metox 300 years in the future. There's still that healing water thing there and there's that cliff. There's new treasure and you actually get past that damn cliff! Also, the part near the waterfall is a good place to level up. When you get near waterfall, Cius will come out and Iria will ask what's his real purpose. Cius will say its to polish his swordsmanship! Arrgh! Anyway, its a straight forward path. ====================================================================== Portmis Ratix lv20 FOL-41830 Play Time: 6:43 Items-none ====================================================================== First, you will need to go to the weapon store, to get a statue for Badam. Then you get to buy your stuff. You should only spend around 1000 to 1200 FOL. Now go to the item shop and buy a couple of Cure Poisons, they're the red berry with blue leaves. Now you need to go back to Hot and give the statue to Badam. Badam will not believe how fast you were in getting the statue. You receive 600 FOL for your efforts. Alright, exit the tool shop and you'll have to make a decision.. to keep Cius or not. These are the following options: -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- 1a)Shan't we travel together? 1b)Treasure? 1c)Let's split up here. a) Cius keeps in your party, but you cannot get another secret character, Ashlay. b) Cius tells you about some ruins on Mt.Metox. Choose again. c) Cius leaves you, and you can get Ashlay to join. NOTE: If you leave Cius, you don't necessarily have to get Ashlay. -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- After your decision, go back to Portmis. Okay, back at Mt.Metox, if you have Cius in your party, he'll tell you where the ruins are. But if you left him, go to the first blue flower you see, then head 3 steps notrh then keep going west into a gap. That's the ruins. Its very tough, and i recommend you come back when your levels are 30+. Back at Portmis, go to the docks, and talk to the sailor Ben. He'll tell you that there are pirates. Oh, before you do that, go to the tool shop and buy the Knowledge Level 2, Sense skill lv2 and battle skill lv1, all for 1800 FOL. Now go and tell ben that you will help him get rid of the pirates. ====================================================================== Velacant Pirate's Cave Ratix lv21 FOL-45050 Play time: 7:31 Items- ====================================================================== When you reach the dock, you'll notice a cave. Enter that, unless you want to go back to Portmis. Now in the cave, if you head left into the door you'll notice some gas. Now head to the far right door. Pick up the item there and return to the first door you saw. Ratix will say that the door can be broken down by a body blow. You will need the skill 'dash' for this, and keep running into the wall. Head down the stairs. Ignore the gas to the far right, and go down the left part of the screen. Go and open the two chests and then keep going right to pick up a Revive potion. Now go past the gas. The door there is locked so you need to go right and flip the switch to open the door. Go down the stairs. In the next room you'll notice a girl... doing what? Anyway, head right and you'll see some really strange thing. What is it? Anyway, step on it. Open your menu and you'll have the save option working! So... its a save point! NOTE: It only works when you transformed into ball-thing. Crack open the door there with body blows and get ready for your first 'real' boss of the game! --------------- V e l a c a n t --------------- H P 2550 M P 50 This boss is very easy, since my level is 23 for Ratix :). 20 or above and the Velcant will deal 0 damage to you. But if your 15 and below beware and keep your HP high. Also, this guy comes with 2 henchmen, kill them first then take on the Velacant. When you kill him, your aqauire FLINT STONES. Get the 3 chests. Now equip the FLINT STONES on a person (probably Iria). And when you press A now you'll notice a thing come out, its sparks, to make a flame. You remember the gas? Well, you must go up to it, and press A. But if your standing IN the gas at that time your HP will be reduced to 1. Get rid of the first gas you see, but that will do nothing. Get rid of the second gas, and it will open a path up. Ignore that and go back up the stairs. Go to the first one you saw and that will open up a path to 2 treasure chests. Now go back to the path you opened up. In this room DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT blow up the place here, it will create a will in which you cannot get through, which leads to 2 treasure chests. After you collect them you are free to that, but try to do it on the door side, not the spikes side. Go down the stairs. Now save, then go left, and get rid of the gas, to open up a path to get the treasure. Now go back to your save point and head up. Body blow the door, and the next door,... and the next door. Now get ready for the REAL Velacant boss. ------------------------ V e l a c a n t B o s s ------------------------ H P 5200 M P 50 760 TOTAL FOL 1500 TOTAL EXP This guy has twice as much HP as the other boss. The henchman he has has at least 2200 HP. For me it was weird, in was on 1 HP and i didn't know that :). Try avoid his rocks, they could deal some damage ( and to my Ratix and Iria on 1 HP!!! ) so try dodge them. Use normal attacks, your Techs shouldn't do as much damage as your sword. Now go up the stairs. Go into the room ans pick up the item you get, then move left. Ratix complains that this is a horrible place. Iria hears something. It seems to be a flute. Its from inside a room. Grab the chest then enter the last room and grab the chest. Now go and speak with the little girl. Iria will try to get the little girl to understand you, and then you take her back. ====================================================================== Portmis Ratix lv23 FOL-54040 Play time: 8:16 Items- Ocarina ====================================================================== The little girl will say something, then drop her Ocarina. Pick it up, its on the far left of the screen. If you don't pick it up now, you will not be able to get it later, and get a secret character. ______________________________________________________________________ PIRIVATE ACTION - PORTMIS When you enter the PA, Cius will go to bar to drink :). If you talk to Iria, then she'll say she likes the ocean. Go to the bar, and have a drink with Cius. Keep having a drink with Cius (by re-entering the bar) and by the fourth time Ratix is drunk. When you enter Cius is starting a fight with a thug, Arc. You can help Cius to fight. You can pass out in the battle, so finish it quickly. When you exit the town, Iria's AR with Cius goes down, and Cius's AR with Ratix goes up. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Now go and talk to the sailor Ben and travel to Otanim. ====================================================================== Otanim Ratix lv23 FOL-54040 Play time- 8:18 Items- none ====================================================================== When you dock, you might want to go and explore before you exit the town. To get some useful info, when you head down the stairs from the port, go through the gap and talk to Young Person Ray and he'll tell you that if a person eats his/her favourite food he or she will regain full HP/MP. Rowell, will say that you can receive a Ougi/Ougisho in the Arena at Tataroy. If you talk to the artist near him, and request a portrait of Ratix or Iria, you'll receive scribbles (arrgh!). Rodua will tell you where Tataroy is, but you don't need to know; you've got a map! Go to the skill shop and buy technique level 2 now. You might want to upgrade on skills, I like the first skill, i think in English its Biology, but it costs 20 SP+ for 1 level up (skill level up of course!) and it will increase the amount of HP you have. Since im lv25 right now, i got my HP up to 2000. Now go to the middle of the town, you notice it when you get to the 3 people. You can buy a useless item off them for 980 FOL, and its not worth it. Right of them is a weapon shop. Time to spend some money!!! _____________________________________________________________________ PRIVATE ACTION - OTANIM When you are about to enter, the world magically turns into night straight away. Go to the inn and pay 30 FOL. The scene will switch to Ronixis and Milly. Milly is staring out the window daydreaming (or should i say nightdreaming!?) about Ratix. Ronixis asks 'what are you thinking about?'. Milly will quickly turn around and make up an excuse, that she was offering a prayer to god. Ronixis thinks that she is talking about space. Then Ronixis rambles on about that 'why does believe in gods' and he talks about 'gods and faith are like relics'. Milly will object to Ronixis belief, and then Ronixis will ramble on, about Roak and religion. Ronixis will then say (in a word) I don't believe in gods. Then Milly will talk about Ronixis and about him not 'believing' in this world, Ratix, Milly and everyone else and then she'll say if it was a dream, it wasn't a very good one. Ronixis sort of gets in denial, and tells Milly that its just to hard to believe because it happened so fast. Then Milly tells Ronixis to learn Crest Magic, and Ronixis agrees. Now it will switch back to Ratix. You can exit and do the PA again, without the night sequence. But there's nothing to do. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Now head to Tataroy, and the paths there are good places to level up. Stick to the path, and don't wander off to Tropp or a place called Parj Temple. When you see the stairs on the path, thats the entrance to Tataroy. ====================================================================== Tataroy Ratix lv26 FOL- 84125 Play time: 9:32 Items- ====================================================================== Firstly, enter Tataroy and buy the Battle Skills level 2. Some of the locals here will talk about a skilled fight Ashlay. If you go to a girl and she says pay 600 FOL, ignore that for the moment. Go near the north part of the town and you'll stop and ask the guard about stuff. He'll talk about the arena, and people fight 1-1 battle. When you enter the arena, you can enter the door right of the 3 guards. Many of the people talk about the game, and how you should do this and that. You should see a strange looking old man. Talk him and he'll say something about hammers. Then he explans what he means. Anyway, go back and talk to the middle guard, and you get to fight in the arena. The first round of battles are very easy. Then the second is very easy too, but the third is a little harder, plus the Velacant Boss is the last battle. The fourth, is harder. The blue fox, keeps throwing those annoying 3 punches, and the last keeps multiplying and shooting out bloody damn annoying rocks. In the fifth round you'll face a advanced-velacant boss, who's hard to beat, but is beatable, on my level 27. Don't bother trying to do the next one, until your stronger, because the last monster will kick your butt. Now, go to the docks, IF you talked to Ashlay. He joins your party after talking. Now go back to Tataroy, after you see 'Fear' kill the guards, and enter Astral cave, west of Tataroy (via Tataroy's west exit). NOTE: If you don't want to get treasure and get your levels up, take the way to Astral castle by the boat. OKAY NOW, HEAD IN ASTRAL CAVE. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO, SKIP THIS PART AND GO TO ASTRAL CASTLE. ====================================================================== Astral cave Ratix lv28 FOL-89185 Play time: 10:45 Items- ====================================================================== The in interior of the cave is a good place to level up Ashlay if you have him, since he should be on a lower level. If you're terribly in a rush, don't head under the bridge. Instead, keep heading forwards and grab all the treasures there then go back under the bridge. If you've gone the right way the room you've entered should be a puddle-filled room. Head north. In this room you have a save point, and several ways to go. Go into one of the rooms, grab the spectacles, and then in the room north of it should be a switch. Flip it and go back to the save point. Well... save your game, then head through the open door. Don't worry about the other one. Head up the stairs. F1 Now keep heading down and then there's a room containing 1200 FOL. Now head back and go right now. Go into the first door you see, because the lower route leads to a dead end. Head up the stairs (also, you cannot read thw writing on the wall) F2 Now, keep heading south, and south, till you get to 4 doors. Take the lower-left one, which contains 3 chests. Now head through the upper-right doorway. Now head up, and most people don't notice that there is a gap in the right side of the wall. Now, head up. You should be at a save point. Now head up. F3 Go up the stairs up to the switch. Flip it and the lower door will open. Flip it back. Now go to the left wall, and you'll notice you can go right through it. Enter the door. There is now upper door and lower. The lower contains abosolutely nothing (by that i mean no treasure) so go into the upper door. Now flip the switch, and the upper door will be open. Flip the switch again and a path to the right will be open. Get the treasure down the bottom room via right chamber, then go back to opening the upper door. You'll notice you opened the right chamber's door, but there's nothing. Keep following the path till you get to a gold statue. Save, heal with the statue, then take the right path. Once you get to a room where the south room contains a treasure chest, do not go down the stairs (the room should have 3 doors), well, you can but when you enter the next level and go through the door it will take you back to the first level of the floor. *sigh*. Since i was in a rush, i accidentally went through the door... whoops ^_^;. Once you are done exploring head past the statue to outside. ====================================================================== Astral Castle town Ratix lv31 FOL- 150205 Play time: 13:01 Items ====================================================================== Depending on which character you have, the situation will change. NOTE: I don't think there is a cutscene for this with Fear in it.... but if there is and you play on ZSNES please send a save state of it. If you chose 1, go around the town and explore, and you can learn some useful info from some of the people, such as people called the featherfolk. Make sure you fork aout 25000 FOL to buy Technique level 3 and Battle skills level 3. And buy some armor as well... Anyway, once you done exploring. Go back to Ryas' place, if you have Ashlay. Enter the door on the first floor. You will see Ashlay and Ryas. Ryas will walk about how Cius left the cavalry and stuff. Then if you enter after they talk Ryas will get angry... :) Go back to the inn or Ryas's house and sleep. Then another scene will play. ====================================================================== Astral Cave Ratix lv31 FOL- 124855 Play Time: 13:25 Items- ====================================================================== NOTE: If you just have Iria and Ratix (and Fear) then don't worry about this part, although you need to go through here. You must go back to the entrance. Take the right path. Before you do, IF you chose to get to Astral by boat, then i strongly recommened you level you here, to at least level 22. Of course, being a FAQ writer, I level up like crazy. The right path should eventually lead to the entrance, providing that you don't enter any rooms with treasure, except for ONE, on the way. When you get to the entrance Fear will be there. You will have to fight her in the monster form. --------------------- D a r t h W i d o w --------------------- HP 10000 MP 50 TOTAL FOL 1200 TOTAL EXP 2400 Very easy, if you are my level, but if you are 20-25, it may be tough. Kill the two enemies with Darth Widow first, with Ratix while Iria and Ashlay/Cius & Fear hold off Darth Widow and make sure that they don't inflict too much damage. --- Depending on who you have in your party, if you have Ashlay... Then you have to walk all the way back. Ashlay will leave you and you will have to walk back with the monster's head. Go into the castle and the King and Fear will thank you. Fear will reward you with some goodies and you'll end up in the inn. Ashlay talks about Cius. You get two options: 1. Could Cius be.... 2. Say nothing. if 1: Fear with be suprised you met him, and she'll tell Ratix if you see him again to call him a 'asshole'. Ratix thinks he'll get killed if he says that to him :). if 2: You carry on. Then Fear suggests you go to Parj Temple to find the Eye of truth. Then you get 2 options: 1. Let's try going to Parj Temple 2. Let's try making a very thorough search of the town. If you choose 1, you won't be able to get a character and you don't go to Parj Temple. If you have Cius.... You go back to the palace. A soldier will tell you Ryas will be alright. He leaves, then Fear suggests Cius goes and sees his father. Then, he tells Fear why he left Astral. Fear suggests then he comes back, but Cius wants to travel with Ratix. Fear understands and Cius leaves. Fear then calls Cius an idiot. Scene switches back to Ratix and he wakes up from his sleep. A soldier will then come in and give some goodies to Ratix and co. Then soldier suggests they go to Parj Temple to find the Eye of Truth. Then you have 2 options: 1. Let's try going to Parj Temple 2. Let's try making a very thorough search of the town. If you choose 2, you won't be able to get a character and you don't go to Parj Temple. If you have just Ratix and Iria... Fear will talk about stuff, and then ask Iria if she can join them. Iria declines because of what she 'did' but then Ratix gets 2 options: 1.Let's let her ask! 2.Say noting. Ratix says for Fear to say what she wants and Iria gives in. Fear is looking for the Eye of Truth, in the Park temple. It is used for seeing stuff and Ratix asks if it can be used to see Milly. Fear says it probably can and she asks if she can tag along. 1. Let's try going to Parj Temple 2. Let's try making a very thorough search of the town. If you choose 2, you won't be able to get a character and you don't go to Parj Temple. Plus, now you get Fear!!! ______________________________________________________________________ PRIVATE ACTION - TATOROY Well, there's not much here in Tatoroy. But if you goto Puffy, Ashlay will be playing her game. Watch the amusing scenes. Iria will talk about how the fighters fight (in the spectators seats) and if you talk to Cius (further on from Iria) he'll complain how weak they all are and he'll jump down. You'll control Cius in this easy battle. I don't know if this effects AR or not, but you get EXP for Cius :). Oh yeah, there's some guy who walks around who tells you that you can find items from rocks, etc... ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Exit Astral castle town, and then exit Tatoroy. In Tatoroy, if your level is 30+, you might be able to get the 7-Star Ougi, which is a powerful and useful technique. Exit Tatoroy, and go left from Tataroy. You should reach a sign which says West:Tropp and North:Parj Temple. Head north. Follow the winding path to Parj Temple. There shouldn't be any MAJOR lead-offs, the only ones are dead ends and treasures. When you see 2 caves, enter the left one to get some chests. You should reach a place with 2 statues and a temple. ====================================================================== Parj Temple Ratix lv33 FOL-185765 Play Time: 15:30 Items- ====================================================================== You will notice in here that the enemies are A LOT TOUGHER. Take your time to level up. Go into the upper-right door, the the upper right door again and flip a switch. Head back into the big room, and the locked upper-left door is open. You will gain 6 SP. You will then figure out that there is nothing here! Exit the Parj Temple, and exit then go right of the statues. Go up some stairs, then Cius/Ashlay will figure there's some hidden door here somewhere. There are two different scenes, depending if you have Cius or Ashlay. Ashlay: You look around. Then a winged person will come along and ask Ashlay for his help in moving a boulder which looks like a secret entrance. Ashlay moves the boulder which reveals the entrance to the REAL Parj Temple. Ashlay doesn't want a magic user in the party so the featherfolk person goes in first. Cius: You look around. The same thing happens with Cius, but when Cius moves the boulder and Joshua is about to enter, Cius stops him and asks 'I've never heard of a featherfolk adventurer! Don't you live in mountains all the time?!'. Then Joshua makes a remark about them 'fleeing the capital' and Cius gets angry. You get 2 options: 1.Stop them 2.Say nothing and watch If you choose 1 then Ratix will come between them and stop them. Ratix's AR for Joshua and Cius up. If you choose 2 then Iria will come between them and stop them. Iria's AR for Joshua and Cius up. I would choose 2, because I don't want Iria to get the AR rating!! Then Joshua will say that wasn't very adult like but Cius is still angry. He heads inside while Joshua stays. He says that 'fleeing the capital' remark was bad. Of course, Cius IS fleeing the capital, making it harsher. Iria will explain why he's like that to Joshua. They talk, and then Joshua tells what he is looking for to Cius. You will see a cutscene where there are Featherfolk (2) dead on the ground and the other one is getting dragged away. That one is Joshua, and Eris, her sister, calls out to him. Scene changes back to Joshua and Cius. He exlplains what happened, what his parents were killed and Joshua was thrown off a cliff (ouch), but he survived (bull!...) and he's not sure if his sister is alive. He blames the Crimson Shield then Cius asks if its the Crimson Shield who uses Edal Sword fighting style. Joshua asks if he knows him, then Cius lies by saying no. Cius changes the subject, to go looking for the Eye of Truth. Ratix and Iria step in. Cius complains that they are late. Iria apologizes. Joshua joins your party. He starts at level 15. Enter the cave (unless you have Cius) and go through the left door, because the right door is locked. You will notice some blue spheres. They take you to place, but the first one takes you back to the start. You don't need to go past that, because the switch you need to pull, is right in front of you!! Now go through the right door. In this room, you can go north and east. Go east, get the treasue and 6 SP in total. Now go through the north door. You should see a whole lot of blue spheres. Quickly run up the left side (with dash skill). Try not to touch the blue spheres. NOTE: If you enter a battle when a sphere touches you, you will not enter a battle and when you finish the sphere will go right through. When you get up to the top where it goes like this: Door Blue Sphere ________|____<--__ | | Okay, if you are on the left side, beware. If you did it in less than or 5 seconds, the blue sphere will not come past the exit. If you are scared, then wait, but not for too long, because a sphere nomally creeps up on you. Oh, did you notice that in most rooms that there is a face and that cool looking purple light? Coooo-ooool! (not really) Go into the next door. If you have Ashlay in your party, Joshua, the featherfolk, will be there (the one who Ashlay helped). A Velacant will be there. You will help him. You would be very weak if you could not beat him, he was your first Past Roak boss! (Yeah... this game has lost all meaning!) After the battle Joshua will thank you... For some reason, he thinks it wasn't a wise move although it was brave, then Joshua tells what he's searching for. He says he is searching for his sister, because they were separated when they were young, then you will see a flashback. You will see Joshua, getting dragged, two other featherfolk and one more up on a cliff. Eris, Joshua's sister, calls out to him. The scene changes to the temple. Joshua says his parents were killed, and he was thrown off a cliff, and he survived (bull...!) and he's not sure about his sister. Then he names his attacker as 'Crimson Shield', well, because of his shield. Ashlay asks if he just said Crimson Shield, then lies to Joshua when Joshua asks if Ashlay knows him. Ashlay changes the subject to the Eye of Truth, the thing you are looking for, and then you head off with Joshua in your party. Proceed through the left doorway. Keep heading north till you get to a switch. Now there will be some of those spheres... but don't touch them! Head left, and there should be a door facing south. If you're in the room I'm talking about you should see a blue sphere going down. This room looks awfully familiar, but the door to the east has another switch. Press it and go back to where you found Joshua. Go through the east chamber, and go through the doors at the far-left of the screen. There is a tombstone saying the following: 'The red flame is thine ememy, the reverse shall lead the way' Okay, in the next room, its basically a bunch of nothing, for no reason. There's no treasure and the room is HUGE! Anyway, the east side of the room has the door. In this room the door on the right has 6 SP in total while the left room has those SP crystals but nothing. Go east again. Be careful of those red spheres, they take you back to the last room. There's 6 of them, so run past them and touch the blue spheres. When you appear, don't touch the sphere there, it'll take you back to the save point room. You will fight 4 hound shapes. ------------------------- 4 H o u n d S h a p e s ------------------------- HP (each) 5000 MP 50 TOTAL EXP 2412 TOTAL FOL 2520 Beware in this battle, because a hound shape will appear behind you! Make the character closest to Joshua (usually Cius or Ashlay) guard him because he's probably on low levels, right? Most likely 2 of the wolves will attack Ashlay and Joshua so get Iria to take care of two while Ratix and Ashlay take care of the other 2. Joshua should just heal. This shouldn't be hard. Enter the next door. Iria notices how this is the deepest part of the temple. Iria notices the green energy flowing (ff7?) and she says it looks a lot like earths' (ff7 again?). Ashlay / Cius will try to approach it but will get thrown back. Then some strange things will appear. 3 of them, to be exact. They descend down. The red one, wants you to leave, and the green one, says for the red one not to speak harshly. The green one asks nicely for them to leave, and the 'ones from the other world'. Iria and Ratix (from the other (furture) worlds) are suprised that they know that. The yellow, explains how, that there is a disturbance in the axis. The green, tells the yellow to stop talking, then Joshua talks. They are 'runes', according to him. They are the orginal race of the world. The yellow, tells that they ar normally called the "source of magic power". Joshua exlains why he is here (again). Yellow replies instantly with "she's not here" ... then Joshua states that the eye of truth will help him. Red says that its not here... but that Ratix and Iria are searching for something. Ratix says who, a man and a woman (Ronixis and Milly). They can 'sense' where they are so they do not need to search for them, because of their disturbance as well. Then you will see a projection, and you will see Ronixis and a woman (??). They are in Van kingdom... well, Ashlay says so because Van continent is where leaves drop and pile up. The 'runes' dissapear and you get warped, back to the entrance of Parj temple. Outside, Cius/Ashlay, will say that this was a waste of time, but there was somethng we gained. 1. Yeah, you're right. 2. Nah... I don't think so. 1. Ashlay/Cius says that it good because you know that Iria and Ratix's companions are safe, and not dead in the Van kingdom. He says you need to hurry. They decide to head to Van. Cius/Ashlay AR up with Ratix. 2. Ashlay/Cius says that time is a treausure thats hard to change. Ashlay/Cius then talks about some crap, which makes Ratix sort of upset. Then Ashlay/Cius will say what he said what he says in 1. Cius/Ashlay AR to Ratix down. Now you will have to make a decision, whether to keep Joshua or not. Its a simple 'Yes' or 'No'. I would rather keep him (please do). Persuade him to join your party for a future subquest. Now you must head to Tropp. Remember that fork east of Tatoroy? Well, take left. Soon you should reach grass and water. Its a long way to Tropp. Pick up various treasures scattered everywhere. You should see a cutscene where a light falls... (i wonder what?). I's quite obvious. Its that Starship! You now get 2 options. 1. Go back from a place like this?? 2. Let's definately go!! I would choose 2... Iria will then say that go to Tropp first, and see if you can get a ship from Tropp to Portmis. Yes, go to Tropp. ====================================================================== Tropp Ratix- Lv38 FOL- 320365 Play Time: 18:26 Items- ====================================================================== Make sure you visit the tool shop. Also, the locals will talk about the strange light. Remember to get your expensive armor and weapons. Nothing much happens in Tropp, and there's no PA in Tropp!! If you chose to get the speccial boat to Portmis, you will get it but if you chose not to, it will not be there. Remember the mines on Mt.Metox with the ultra-hard enemies? Come back later but if you defeat them now you're good but I DON'T CARE! Anyway, please don't. Come back in your mid-40s or so. You can use it as a level up, but its not worth it considering the difficulty of defeating the enemy and the EXP recieved. When you reach the crash site, Iria will talk about the starship. There are a lot of locals around... They don't know whats going on here. Oh yeah, for some strange reason you cannot PA Clatos Village it won't work for some reason. Now you have to backtrack ALL the way back to Tropp. By the way, drop by Tatoroy's arena a fight some more battles. I can't seem to beat B rank (yet). Anyway, once you have done that, take a boat to Ecdart. ====================================================================== Ecdart Ratix lv39 FOL- 328485 Play time: 19:33 Items ====================================================================== A cutscene will activate if you have Cius in your party, hopefully. If not, and you have Ashlay, or nobody, don't worry, it's not a bug, you will not see this but will see an alternate scene later on in the game. Anyway, you will see Milly (!!) run into the inn. You should follow her into the inn. When you reach the inn, Ratix will call out Milly's name and she will trun around, in suprise to see Ratix. Ratix says he's glad to see her. Cius/Ashlay asks if she was the person you were separated from and Ratix says yes. Ashlay/Cius introduces themselves, and so does Joshua, if you have him. Ratix will wonder where Ronixis is. So where Ronixis? Well, Milly will say that 'the two of them were gone when i woke up'. ?? WHA? Well, remember that woman you saw from Parj Temple? Thats her. Milly says that Ronixis took 'Marvel' to Ionis. Iria is angry, and suprised. Ratix asks Iria why she is. Milly says that the day before a person called Crimson Shield (!!) came to Ionis. Milly then says stuff about Marvel and how beautiful she is. Iria will start to get REAL angry. Milly will then yap on about Marvel and Ronixis, and Ratix stops her from talking even more. Milly then realizes that Iria is angry. Milly then says that Ronixis didn't go with Milly for love... Iria, says she knows (although she won't know if he is/is not....) and she'll say that Ronixis wouldn't do something like that. Iria then suggests they go and find Ronixis and 'Marvel'. Ratix asks Milly why they went to Ionis, and Milly says that Marvel had to see an enemy there. The conversation will vary according to who you have in your party, and if you have Ashlay, Ashlay will be suprised at what she said. Ratix asks 'what's up?' to Ashlay, but as any other person, he says it nothing... If you have Cius, he'll wonder if its the Crimson Shield person, he he'll say that Crimson Shield is a famous fighter and it is not like him to murder. Joshua, tells Milly that he is looking for his lost sister, and he thinks the Crimson Shield is responsible for the dissappearance of Eris, his sister. But Joshua is not sure if it was him or not. Now your party regroups. In this town you can buy a lot of music items. In the bar you can learn that compounding 2 items can make better items. You can also learn other stuff, but you can learn more in the next town. Exit. If you have Joshua, a subquest will be activated. You will have to visit a old man who saved Joshua. ====================================================================== SUBQEUST for JOSHUA : Forest Path Ratix lv39 FOL- 328875 Play time:19:39 Items- ====================================================================== Beware of the enmies because Joshua can get killed easily. Make sure he heals often, and that he doesn't get killed. Ratix, Iria and Cius/Ashlay should be fine. The path isn't that hard. At the old man's house Joshua will call out 'Foster', which is the name of the old man. He comes out, and Iria and Ratix introduce themselves. Foster comments of how a shy person could have so many allies. Foster invites you inside. Foster asks Joshua if he has found his sister yet, but of course the answer is no. Then Joshua notices that there are no bows around, and that Foster is not hunting. Foster tells you that because there are too many monsters he can't hunt. You get 2 options: 1. Let's get rid of them 2. Say noting, 1. Ratix suggests that they all get rid of the monsters. Foster doesn't want you to because you are guests. They all decide to help Foster anyway. Foster gives in and lets them. Foster tells you that the entrance is at the back of his house. He tells you not to overdo it. 2. Foster lets you stay the night. You you will be healed but the downside is that the monsters are gone so you can't fight them. Go in the forest. I suggest you save it, if you are on low levels. There are 7 Groups of monsters (i think) here in this forest. You must touch a monster to encounter a battle. They are pretty easy at my level, and some monsters can duplicate. There is a 4 way intesection, head left first, get treasure while killing the monsters. Head right, and head right again (not north), because that leads to the upper path. Grab the treasures, one is a helm for Ratix. EW should equip it for you. Grab the last treasure and you should be killing the last enemy. Go back to Foster's home and he will give you a bow. In the Van continent on the world map, the enemies are a little tougher but give out the same amount of EXP as the enemies in Parj Temple. Make sure you don't miss Ioinis on the way otherwise your STUPID! ====================================================================== Ionis - The town of item creations! Ratix lv40 FOL-338095 Play time: 20:11 Items: ====================================================================== When you enter, Ratix will spot Crimson Shield (you know, that guy Milly was walking about, and the guy who Joshua says killed his parents...). If Ashlay is with you, he'll say his name, 'Argasi!....' Then you will hear Crimson Shield's convesation. He has no idea as to what Marvel is talking about (nor do we... yet!) then Marvel says 'you killed my parents and brother!!', but once again, Crimson Shield denies it. He says you've got the wrong person. Ronixis asks Marvel if its really that man (well, duh, thats what she's trying to say). Then Crimson Shield says 'value your life' and walks off. If Iria is in your party and Milly, Iria will talk to Ronixis and ask if he likes Marvel, then Iria introduces herself to Marvel. Scene changes to the bar. ______________________________________________________________________ (!)Spoiler Alert(!) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ There are 3 different scenes, (or maybe 4?), well, so far, i have 3. These are in my order, 1. Cius / nobody (im pretty sure its the same (the part at the end)) 2. Joshua 3. Ashlay The other ones are, Cius and Joshua, but that is Joshua/ Ashlay and Joshua's scene. And Joshua by himself, but that is the same as above. This first part is in every one of the scenes. A C next to a name means Cius A A next to a name means Ashlay CCius: Bartender! Bring 6 Alcohols! CIria: What's with that way of ordering? CRatix: Yeah, say it a little more poilitely! CIria: You're wrong. What is "alcohol"? Don't be vague. There are various kinds! AIria: Let's see... can i have that "Mukansa"? ABartender: Oh, you know quite a bit don't you. This is good alcohol with a taste higher than price. AIria: Heheh.. AIria: Can you handle alcohol, old man? AAshlay: Hhmph. don't poke fun at older people. Alcohol is just the same as water. I'll just have the "Hiirazu". AIria: Oh, your're a conoisseur? CCius: If I can drink it, anything's okay! (saying it in an angry voice) CIria: I see. Then this person will have the cheapest stuff. It's heavy stuff. The following day your head is going to be POUNDING. CCius: H-hey!!! CIria: I'm kidding. CIria: ! Bartender, what else is there, i wonder? CBartender: Well, how about Senchuu? CIria: Dry, right? That's good. Give me that please? Ratix: Iria, when did you learn about the alcohol of this world? Iria: Men don't worry about such little things. AAshlay: Hm... CMilly: Um... I would like a Blueberry shake... AMilly: Um, I'd like a apple shake... C/ABartender: Okay! Ronixis: S-shall we start soon? Iria: Oh, sorry, Ronixis: Ahem... well then... AMarvel: Um.. I don't feel very well.. so i'll be outside... Bartender: Okay, sorry for the wait. They're chilled. Cius: Okay! It's here!!! [Ronixis gets angry at Cius] C/AMilly: Oh, i had the shake. [They start drinking] Iria: Ah, this is good. Iria: Here, Ratix, you try drinking some too. [Ratix drinks some] Ratix: Ah, you're right! AAshlay: Hmm, this fragrance, this taste, this aftertaste... i can't get enough of it! C[Milly goes up to the counter] CMilly: Mister, you made a mistake! Even though I said Blueberry, this is mango-flavoured! AMarvel: ...... A[Milly goes up to the counter] AMilly: Mister, you made a mistake! Even though I said apple, this is mango-flavoured! AMarvel: ...... 'Several hours later...' [Everyone is drunk... and Iria has fallen asleep.... well, Ronixis hasn't drunk and so hasn't Marvel, plus how could Milly get drunk?] ====================================================================== 1 Cius / nobody (meaning no Ashlay or Cius) ====================================================================== This section only contains what they speak and what it happening. Ronixis: Oh geez... [He goes to Ratix. Ronixis: Ratix? Get up! [He goes to Iria] Ronixis: Even Milly? Oh... [Ratix gets up] Ratix: Ugh... Ratix: Ugh... Ronixis.. Ratix: !! [Ratix falls back down :)] Ronixis: What's wrong, Ratix?? Ratix: My head.... hurts. [Ronixis is angry at Ratix. Marvel walks out] Ronixis: Oh... Marvel. [Ronixis walks out] Ronixis: Marvel? Ronixis: Sorry, it's nothing but noisy, troubled guys. Marvel: That's not so.. They're all nice people and i had fun after such a long time. Ronixis: I see... If so, that's good, but... Marvel: I think i would like to continue my journey after all. Ronixis: Why? Didn't you just say it was fun? Marvel: That is why. Ronixis: Huh?? Marvel: If i lose myself within fun times, i think i might forget everything.... my brother, my parents, and my grudges... Ronixis: I'm not saying for you to forget them, but there's nothing to that extent... Marvel: ...I'm sorry. Nothing remains in me but revenge. That's what this "body" is for... Ronixis: ??? What do you mean? Marvel: Ronixis, I want only for you to know this form, is not my true form. I exchanged my body for the power of an ancient race. All to avenge the foe of my brother and parents...!! Ronixis: Exchanged? Just because of that? Marvel: I have the experience of being brainwashed by a crest wizard who was a ally of the swordsman with the strange name of Crimson Shield... and until recently I came to be killing completely sinless people... Ronixis: ...... Marvel: Don't you understand??? The more i despise the guys who killed my brother and parents, the more the weight of the sins I committed until now weigh down on me.... I cannot forgive myself for the reason that i was being manipulated... After all.... I am the same kind as them...!! Ronixis: Marvel...? Marvel: ...I'm sorry, i got distracted... But, I have only one request. Ronixis: hmm...? Marvel: If someday, you find my true body, please, don't touch it. Since i'm not allowed to talk about it, I can't talk about it anymore... Ronixis: Alright.... I won't touch it. I'll remember. Marvel: I am truly sorry. I am glad I was able to meet you Ronixis... I promised Milly I would go with you, but.. Please tell her I apologize... Ronixis: Marvel... Marvel: Take care.... Marvel doesn't join... [Scene changes to inn.] ====================================================================== 2 Joshua ====================================================================== This section only contains what they speak and what it happening. [All is drunk but Ashlay, Joshua and Ronixis] Ronixis: Oh geez... [He goes to Ratix] Ronixis: Ratix? Get up! [He goes to Iria] Ronixis: Even Milly? Oh... [Ratix gets up] Ratix: Ugh... Ratix: Ugh... Ronixis.. Ratix: !! [Ratix falls back down :)] Ronixis: What's wrong, Ratix?? Ratix: My head.... hurts. Joshua: Come to think of it, how's Marvel doing? Ronixis: Come to think of it, you're right! [Ronixis and Josuha head out] Ronixis: Marvel? Marvel: That is fate... it is too horrible... Ronixis: Marvel....? ...are you crying...? Marvel: !! Oh, Ronixis... and Joshua too... Ronixis: I wonder if its best to leave you alone? Marvel: No... its okay now. Ronixis: If it's okay, won't you talk to us about it? Marvel: No... I'm okay now... And anyway... Ronixis: huh? Marvel: I was thinking of continuing my journey alone, but if I can go with you after all... Would it be a bother? Ronixis: Of course not. It's to the extent that we would like to ask you to. Marvel: Thank you. Marvel: Well... it's getting late... Good night... Ronixis: Okay... Good night... [Marvel goes off] Joshua: ... She's hiding something, and there's a feeling she doesn't know what's she's thinking, don't you think? Ronixis: Yeah, I suppose so. Joshua: This might be rude to say, but esaily forgiving her heart has a dangerous feeling. It's like I can't sense the living breath from her... Ronixis: Hey now, Are you saying she's dead!? Joshua: I'm not saying that... Even if you use advanced fall spirit Crest Magic, you can only create dead souls called zombies, and the corpses can't retain form to that extent of the world. It's okay if you think it's just my overthinking. Ronixis: I don't really want to think about bad things... Joshua: As for that, I'm the same way. It's just hypothetical. Marvel Joins.... [Scene changes to inn] ====================================================================== 3: Ashlay ====================================================================== Ronixis: .... Oh geez... [Goes to Ratix] Ronixis: Ratix, wake up... [Goes to Iria] Ronixis: Iria, you'll catch a cold... Ronixis: Even Milly... man... [Ratix gets up] Ratix: Ugh... Ratix: Ugh, Ronixis... Ratix: !!! [Falls down] Ronixis: What's wrong, Ratix?! Ratix: My head... hurts.... [Ronixis gets angry, Marvel leaves] Ronixis: Oh, Marvel... [Scene changes to outside] NOTE: PART OF THIS SCENE IS VERY MUCH LIKE THE FIRST ONE Ronixis: Marvel? Ronixis: Sorry, it's nothing but noisy, troubled guys... Marvel: That's not so.. They're all nice people and i had fun after such a long time. Ronixis: I see... If so, that's good, but... Marvel: I think i would like to continue my journey after all. Ronixis: Why? Didn't you just say it was fun? Marvel: That is why. Ronixis: Huh?? Marvel: If i lose myself within fun times, i think i might forget everything.... my brother, my parents, and my grudges... Ronixis: I'm not saying for you to forget them, but there's nothing to that extent... [Ashlay comes out] Ronixis: Ashlay. Ashlay: I wonder if it is inelegant of me to come. Ronixis: No, of course not... Marvel: Ronixis, Well then... now I will... Ronixis: H-hey! You're not going in such a rush are you?! Marvel: No, the longer my time with you becomes, the more it seems like I will lose my determination... Ronixis: But... Marvel: Take care.... [Marvel starts to walk off] Ashlay: Wait! Marvel: ...Is there still something? Ashlay: I hear you are following the Crimson Shield. Marvel: Yes. I don't think he's gone far yet, so I think i'll chase him. Ashlay: ... It's pointless. Marvel: ..... Ashlay: Oh, don't be offended. What I want to say is, even if your true foe were Crimson Shield, he's a completely different person than the man you went after earlier. Marvel: ...? Ronixis: Are you saying there's an imposter? Ashlay: ...It's easy to accept him as a imposter. More than anything the real one is not separate. Ronixis: Neither the real one nor an imposter? Are you talking in riddles? Ashlay: He was a war buddy. Not particularly a "buddy", but I can't find the appropriate word. At the closing of the Demon World War, he received the king's secret orders and searching a cave... Seeking something.... According to legend, it was the secret treasure of the Ancient Race... Ronixis: What's that? Ashlay: It is called the Mirror of the Mortal body. Ronixis: A mirror? Ashlay: Indeed. But it is not an ordinary mirror. It has the power to duplicate whatever it reflects. The king thought about using this as a trump card of the Demon World suppression and create weapons. However, the mirror was not a secret treasure. It was a demonic mirror that held the evil purposes of the Demon World. Ashlay: The mirror of the Mortal Body warps things and reflects them... what a pity... the creation of the evil spirit called Crimson Shield... Marvel: Then, the "Shadow" of that killed my brother and parents?!!? Ashlay: Maybe... there's probably no mistake... And... Ashlay: When we first met I too could only see real power. The moment I was off guard... Ashlay: The result was that I lost the use of my left arm. Even if I can use it now I can't use Ougi... Only knowledge. Marvel: ..... Ashlay: Marvel. Won't you come with us? I think it will be useful for you, how about it? Marvel: ...yes. Marvel joins! [Scene changes to inn] NOTE: If you have seen all 3 scenes it is very easy to understand them. ______________________________________________________________________ (!)Spoiler Alert(!) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Phew! By writing what they say took me ages! Phew! Gee... Well, anyway, after your big SPOILER, you'll wake up in the inn... IF YOU HAVE ASHLAY AND JOSHUA (WITHOUT MILLY) THE SITUATION WILL CHANGE. Okay, when Ratix and Iria come in, Ratix asks Ronixis where Milly is. Ronixis says that soon after they came here they were attacked by monsters, and they were separated. Ronixis was seriously injured. Marvel stepped in and helped Ronixis but Marvel did not see a girl. Marvel is pretty sure that Milly is safe. When you wake up, you'll know where you are going, the kingdom of Van. Then they talk about the Demon King you have to 'capture' not 'kill', Asmodeus (they didn't make the name up). Then you are free to go. Ionis is a very useful place. Talking to the people here will give you very good tips on stuff, like in Ecdart's bar. In the weapon shop, it tells you about indentifying ?items, and in the grocery store there are some tips. The little girl in the top-right of the town tells you about Santa! MAKE SURE YOU VISIT THE ITEM SHOP. It has very VERY useful items, like Smith Hammer, used for making weapons!! Now try to level up your skills to get the weapon forging one, or upgrading one and tryit out to see what good weapons you get! Or, just level up skill which level up your stats. Acess this by going to the item screen, not by the skills screen (with your skills/spells). Also, if you press Y on the special screen (where you can level up your skills), you can check how your special skills are doing, such as cooking, indentifying, etc... Also, you should have the special skill Perseverance, a skill which lowers the cost of leveling up your other skills, which you should have by now. Although the cost is high, its worth it! Once you have done that, you might want to level up your characters, especially Marvel if you have her in your party. Okay, it's time to head to the kingdom of Van. From the world map, head south, then west and you should reach a fork, another west and north-east. Head west first, and go down the stairs to the beach and pick up the treasure in the bottom-right of the screen. Head up the north east way now. The sign near the cave should say kingdom of Van, so that means you're going the right way. When you reach the stairs and the two pillars there, head north to the Van. ---NOTE--- By now, you should have all the skills, not techs, but skills. I've got this Practice skill, and I'm not sure what the hell it does. It has a Train and Don't Train, and at first I thought it increases EXP by twice the amount, by that's not the case. Can someone tell me please? Oh, and stock up on Mag.Colours because they can duplicate items... just do it! I know an easy money trick, but i'll feature that later. ====================================================================== Van I II Castle Town Ratix lv.42 FOL-385225 Play Time:22:08 Items- ====================================================================== When you enter, Ronixis firsts suggests to go meet the king. Iria says that the king will not know them and its like your party is going to se a president or idol they don't know. Ronixis says that there is nothing that we can do. We don't have any connections or anything. Iria agrees. If you have Ashlay, he'll say he'll talk to the king. You might want to explore the town. You can talk to the people around here and they'll tell you why they call it Van Castle town, because Van I II Castle Town is too long to say. Oh, and in this town is a footwear store (^_^) so you can buy all your footwear needs. Talk to a guy in a bar, and he'll tell you, you cannot get into Sylvalant without a pass from the King of Van. Once you have done shopping for stuff go to the castle. From the gate, you should be able to get in, somehow, whether you have Ashlay or Cius. The Chancellor takes you to the king. When you meet the king, he's been told that you have announced to be the supressors of Asmodeus, the King of the Demon world. Ronixis says yes, and the king asks what kind of chances they have of survival. Ronixis doesn't know how they are going to do. The king says that normally when people say this kind of stuff they get sent away, but the king, will test you for your strength, and if you don't suceed, well then.. Then the chancellor asks the king, that are you going to show them? Well, show what!? Well, the king says he'll show you to the trial grounds. Ratix is suprised and he doesn't know what the 'trial grounds' are. You'll be sent to the 'trial grounds'. ====================================================================== Trail Labyrinth Ratix lv42 FOL- 385225 Play time: 22:17 Items- ====================================================================== When you appear, Ratix will be in front of a door. He asks the chancellor if thats the one. The chancellor says 'that's for later'. Iria asks 'for later???'. The chancellor says no, this one, for later (i wonder which one it is then?). Then the chancellor starts explaining. He says there is a door to the left of you. And once you have done that safely, the trail is over. Its time to do the TRAILS! You can find Joshua's Ray spell in here, but i wouldn't worry to much. The enemies here are a little tougher than the ones on the Van kingdom map, but they give out nearly 500 EXP to each character sometimes. The stairs you see lead to the castle, so when you are low on HP or after you level up head there to the inn and heal up. Head into the labyrinth. In this first particular room, there is a upper-right door and upper-left. The u-right has nothing, so the u-left is the way to go. Then you will come to another fork, this time left again, pick up the treasures, and go back and enter the right door. In this room there is a stone tablet which says 'make no footsteps'. In the next room you should see some shiny crystals. I don't think you need to equip Pickaxe or not but do it anywway. Head up to it and mine the mineral in the crystal. Apart from that, there's no treasure in the room. Head into the next. Save now, and read the stone tablet. NOTE: This is possibly the hardest mind-boggling puzzle in this game It reads: 'O X O O O X X from the place where the sun rises'. Push the switch in the next room and into the next room you go! Now this, is the puzzle room. I will give you hints... 1.Where does the sun rise from? East or west? 2.The 4th O represents the lower middle door 3.O means the switch is pressed 4.You MUST press the switches in the right order 5.You must press switches from where the sun rises You got it? Well, i will put up the solution.... *****SOLUTION***** Well, if you know, the sun rises from the east, so, the switches now represent X X O O O X O. Since the 4th O is the lower middle door, you can eliminate that having a switch in the room. O means that you have to press the switch, and you have to press the switches from right to left (east to west). If you skip a door it will reset and the middle door won't open. So from far right, press the far right switch (XXO O OX[O]), then ignore the next switch, press the switch after that (XXO O [O]XO), and the first one on the left side (XX[O] O OXO. The center O represents the door, and the O's in [] means that that is the door you should press. (XXO O OXO). The order of the doors: 3 2 1 Enter the next door, and you SHOULD enter a battle. ------------------------------------------ 3 W h i s p e r s && P e r r y u t o n ------------------------------------------ Whispers HP: 3000 each MP: 50 each Perryuton HP: 6800 MP: 0 TOTAL EXP: 2400 EXP TOTAL FOL: (i forgot) A tough battle. Bring Milly/Joshua along for healing, but beware because you start off the battle with the whispers behind you. Try to keep the healing up. First, the Perriton launches an attck to the middle of the screen, so bring Cius/Ashlay and Iria along to take care. Move Joshua/Ronixis/Milly/Marvel to a corner because they are sure to be at least 10 levels below your other characters. Use your strongest techs and spells. It shouldn't be THAT hard! Once you have defeated the (not)hard boss, just go into the next room and head down past the puddle to the exit. When you reach the exit, the Chancellor will be there, and he'll be suprised that you made it out of the labyrinth. He says to go meet the king. When you appear, the King of Van will tell you were the location of the Demon world is located, and it is a secret, not stupidly told to anyone. The king of Van also says that from this world it cannot be opened, only from the Demon World side. It only opens when the Demon World monsters ceom through and invade Roak. He also says in the past there was man who invaded the Demon world. He came back half-dead, and half-alive. According to what he said, it's 'truly deserving' of the name Demon World, its a very terrible place that you can never think of in this world. Then the king asks if you can really defeat Asmodeus. Ronixis replies 'yes'. Then Iria asks a question, if the King said that you cannot open it from this side. The king says 'as a rule', and that there is another way. The ones who orginally found the demon world were of this world itself! Ronixis is confused and asks 'the people of this world?'. The king explains them as the 'Ancient Race' and that their true names were the Moorians. Ronixis is confused again, asking about Moore, the continent. The king explains a legend, that they gave their own name to the land in which they were born. So that means that the Moorians were the first ones to inhabit the continent. Then he explains that race, that the Moorians didn't take form of children from when they were young, they appeared as full-grown adults, and without warning they suddenly appeared red on the land. They were given the names from the gods. Iria thinks to herself ('suddenly appeared?.... that could not be!!..). The people of science made a treasure and used that power to create a gate to another world. Ronixis asks why did they do such a thing?. The king tells them what that treasure was, the Eye of Truth, a scarlet-coloured jewel the size of a fist. Iria, Ratix, Ashlay and Joshua go !!!! (well, because they have been to Parj temple). Ratix carries on about the 'Eye of Truth', and how its supposed to reflect the scenery that its owner desires. Well, the king says that all of the people who had the jewel dissappeared and were never seen again. As for the Moorians, they told the royal family of each of the four kingdoms. You needed to learn all of them to get the Eye of Truth. Iria figures that you need to ask the 4 royal families about the Eye of Truth. Then the king asks the chancellor to 'bring it out'. The chancellor comes back and tells you to put a emblem on and meet the king of each kingdom. The emblem is a mark of ones who know the Truth about the Eye of Truth. You get the VAN emblem. The king then gives you the Four Holy Beasts Ougi. Then the scene changes to the inn with Iria and Ronixis talking. Iria asks what the Captain thinks about what the king of van said. Ronixis will just say ...gods. Iria says to put it in a way, the Moorians existense was sort of like Adam and Eve. Ronixis isn't sure but agrees anyway. Iria says since mysterious powers exist ordinarily on this planet, gods and buddahs probably exist. If you interpret it from Earth's concept's, they 'fell to the land', which is the same as what happened on Earth. Ronixis says 'is suppose so' (there, uncertainty again!), then says that this is a world where there is a "Demon World" and that monsters actually come from there. Gods might also exist. Iria and Ronixis say that when living in earth they haven't encountered anything like that at all. Iria, says that the people clung on to things that they didn't understand as supernatural things, if ti was like benefit and they connected it with the gods. And if there was suffering, the blamed it on the demons. Ronixis says that religion comes from salvation and such. Iria, agrees, and for example, in the European Middle Ages, there was a legend of a beast name Cerberos that would suddenly appear with the sound of a explosion and would burn an area in an instant. Iria asks Ronixis if he knows what real form it actually was, but Ronixis doesn't know, and Iria tells him it was a thunderbolt. Iria says that there are a few things she still doesn't know, like Crest Magic. She says she was suprised at the ability of Milly power, but that could be explained by science. Ronixis figures that Iria isn't convinced by what the king said earlier. If she recognizes the supernatural existense and powers as just that, it's a 'defeat'. Ronixis gets stuck on the word 'and' and then Iria asks 'and?' then Ronixis says he has a feeling that my constantly telling himself that it's Fate was the denouncing of a stereotypical thing. Iria asks if he's talking about his wife (^_^), and Ronixis says yes he is. Iria turns to the sickness, the one Ronixis wife died from, the unknown cause, couldn't be helped with Modern medicene, and that's just too bad. Ronixis agrees, and says if only Crest Magic could of helped his wife at that time. Ronixis says he'll regret it for the rest of his life. Iria says anybody would, then turn to the Roak disease, saying that the disease Resonia launched was not affected by Crest Magic. Ronixis says .... . Then Iria comes up and says you'll regret it for the rest of your life, but thats how it is... Ronixis says if he keeps travelling, he'll soon find the answer, and then he suggests sleeping. 1.I remember 2.Let's confirm for the time being. Don't choose 2 otherwise you'll hear a lot of crap from Ronixis again. Well, this is one of the few PA's you can do at this point. ______________________________________________________________________ PRIVATE ACTION - VAN CASTLE TOWN Before you enter, and you have Cius, he'll ask if he can lend 1000 FOL, for window shopping. 1.Okay, lend him the money 2.Nah If you choose 1, you lose 1000 FOL but AR for Cius up! If you choose 2, you keep 1000 FOL but AR for Cius down.... In Van Castle Town, you will find Ashlay near the loitering girl :) He'll ask you a question, and you will get two options, 1. Seeking to become strong 2. Because I like it... I won't tell you what to choose, but whatever you choose on from there affects your AR with Ashlay. It normally goes down because he always ends in 'I asked a boring thing, didn't I....', so I rather not talk to him. The others, are at the castle, west wing, except for Joshua. It's time to collect to emblems now... When you exit the PA, Cius will come back and he'll give you all these SWEET weapons worth 8000+ FOL and you normally can't buy them there. Ratix asks how he got them but Cius won't tell him... Oh, and a good thing to do in this PA is with Ratix, go back into the Labyrinth and get some good EXP, over 1000 each time in each battle, but watch out for those mages, they somethimes come in threes and pack a punch with their Fire magic!... ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Right now, some new character can be aquired (since you triggered a new objective), they are Tinek and Perisie. ====================================================================== QUESTS & SUBQUESTS Ratix lv45 FOL- 395320 Play time: 24:17 Items- A lot ====================================================================== NOTE: I will put up all the needed PA's after you collect the Eye of Truth and before going to the Demon World. Contents 1. (QUE)Gettin' Milly (if you haven't) 2. (QUE)Gettin' Sylvalant Emblem 3. (SUB)Gettin' Tinek & (QUE)Astral Emblem 4. (SUB)Gettin' Perisie & (SUB)Abandoned Mine 5. (QUE)Moore Emblem 6. (SUB)Sylvalant Ruins QUE means Quest (its compuslory) SUB means Subquest, (you don't need to do it if you don't want to) ITS NOT COMPUSLORY TO GET TINEK AND PERSIE. From Van head left, until you reach a bridge with two guards. Show them the emblem, and you will pass. When you reach the cave, there will be new enemies, from Sylvalant. They are tougher so get used to them. When you reach the town Dulce ( from the fork of north and west, choose north ) headl up from your battles from the enemies. I know i know, you're supposed to come here later, but if you do this its much easier travelling around! When you reach Sylvalant.... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1. Gettin' Milly (You'll have to get her anyway, probably.) ITEMS- If you don't have Milly: You come in and a paper plane will fall. Iria will notice it and that there is writing on it. Ratix reads it, and Iria asks what does it say. Ratix goes !!! and runs off without telling Iria and Ashlay. Ashlay noticed that Ratix had an odd expression on his face when he was running. The scene swicthes to Milly and Lucio, the inn keeper's son. Milly is writing a letter and Lucio is flying paper flanes. Milly will turn around and ask Luchio what is he doing. Luchio says it doesn't really matter, and Milly scolds him. Luchio calls Milly stupid (^_^) and he'll say those letters will never be delievered. Milly, of course, being a girl, will say 'leave me alone!'. Luchio will go ... and you will see what Milly is writing. 'Dear Ratix... It's Milly. Since you were always by my side, I'd never thought I'd be writing letters to you... But, since I don't know your adress, this is all I can do. Are you really here Ratix? I don't know how many days it has been. I want to see you. I hope I can see you soon...' Milly starts to cry and Milly then says I want to see you.... Luchio comes up and says 'are you crying?'. Milly says that it's not like her (to cry). She goes to the paper planes and goes to the window. She yells YOU STUPID RATIX!!!! Scene switches to Ratix, running. He looks around, and says Milly? He goes to the window, looks there, Milly is there, and then she dumps all the Paper planes on him ^_^. They are suprised to see each other. They go to the inn, and Milly thanks the inn keeper. The inn keeper call Luchio down to say goodbye to Milly but he doesn't come down. The inn keeper call Luchio a 'stubborn boy', then he comes. Milly goes to him and says she has to leave now with her friends. Milly leaves and Luchio start to cry. Milly joins your par-tay! If Milly is in your party: Nothing happens. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2. Gettin' the Sylvalant emblem ITEMS- Anyway, Sylvalant has the best BUYABLE weapons in the game. The rest are in chests or are ?items, or you need to forge them. Anyway, there's a soldier in this town who says he's seen a mysterious character. Near there are two trees, outside a house with fencing. On the right tree is the mysterious person, 'Santa'!. He sells the Tri Emblem, a mega stat booster acessory which costs 8000765 FOL, which is 8 Million, and all i've got right now is 399710 FOL! The other is Santa Boots, which when you rest in an inn there's a chance to get a item when you wake up, and its only 4.5 Million FOL! (4500000 FOL) Go to the castle, and talk to the guards. Ronixis would like an audience with the king. The chancellor comes out and takes you inside. The king says the time has come when the given people with the emblem appear again. The king orders the chancellor to dismiss the surrounding people, not your party, the guards! He says the that the loction of the entrance of thr demon world is located at a deserted island southeast of the Sylvanlant continent. The king says that there is a boat dock to the east of the castle. He'll make it so that you can use it anytime and it will be useful to use to go to Astral and Moore kingdom (THIS IS WHAT YOU CAME FOR). He'll give you the Sylvalant emblem and the Elder key. Ronixis asks what the key is for, its for some ruins which needs the keys. VOILA, you got 2/4 emblems! When you exit the castle, don't go down the stairs, but to the left and right are 2 treasure chests. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Go the Sylvalant port, on the right side of town, past the weapon shop. Choose to go to Otanim, in the Astral Kingdom. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3. Gettin' Tinek and the Astral Emblem ITEMS- From Otanim, go to Tataroy, of course, you should know where its located unless you have amnesia or something. Follow the path to Tataroy. Go to the Arena, and when you reach the 4/5th monster, a challenger will jump down and challenge Ratix! He introduces himself as Tinek, and changes into a wolf. The commentator explains Tinek from the race Lycanthrope, geniuses of martial arts... 'watch out Ratix!' You enter a battle. ========= T i n e k ========= HP: I'm guessin' about 2000 MP: I'm guessin' about 0 TOTAL EXP: 1000 TOTAL FOL: 0 DEFINATELY not hard. He should deal 0 damage to your ultra-strong Ratix. When you exit, Iria congratulates you, but Ratix still doesn't know who that strange man was. Tinek comes along, and asks if Ratix can take Tinek along. 1. It's fine by me 2. I'd rather not. You should choose 1 to gain Tinek. Head off to the Astral Castle. Pay your 80 x 4 FOL to get to the Astral Castle Town. When you near the castle (at the gates), Ronixis asks the guards if the party can have an audience with the king. The guard comes with Fear..! Well, they recognize each other (Ratix & Fear) and she asks how the journey is going. Ratix tells her that thanks to her, they were able to meet up with Ronixis and Milly. Fear denies that she helped them, she only spoke about the temple. Ronixis and Milly introduce themselves, and so does Marvel if you have her. Fear introduces herself, and then Milly asks why she is a female knight captain, but Fear says its not a matter of gender. Fear takes you to go see the king. When you see the king, he'll notice what emblem that is, the Van emblem. Like the last king, he'll tell the chancellor to dismiss the surrounding people/guards (why can't he say the 2 guards instead of 'surrounding people'??). The king of Astral will then tell you about the Eye of Truth. He says that the thing passed down from the royal family is not an object but rather sentences. Ronixis is confused because they are sentences. The king will tell you the sentences, but I'll type them up for you. "Do not grieve fate" "Have courage" "Until your future heirs and generations" "Without letting your strength die" Ronixis asks then is that all, then the king says yes, but then tell Ronixis that he doesn't know the meaning of these sentences. Iria is very confused, and says all of the lines, "Do not grieve fate", etc... but in question form. Iria thinks that they are cheap moral sayings, and the king thinks so too, but he thinks the King of Van gave you the emblem to unlock the mystery of the 4 sentences. The king prays for your success. You get the ASTRAL EMBLEM!!! Go out of the castle. It might be a little confusing. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: You must now head to Moore, so just go to Otanim and take the boat to Portmis. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4. Gettin' Perisie and Abandoned Mine When you get to Portmis, don't go to the Castle of Moore, instead, back track all the way back to Clatos Village. When you PA, you must have Milly. When you enter, Milly is near a cat. She tells you to name it and you have 4 options: 1.Pochi 2.Pomuga 3.Perisie 4.Rumi if1.Milly will get angry because Pochi is a dogs name(poochy). Ratix apologizes. if2.Iria and Milly: ..... Milly will then get angry and tell you that you ave no sense in naming. Milly asks you if you would hate it if you were called Pomuga. if3.The cat will like the name but Milly isn't too happy. The cat seems happy so they choose Perisie as the name. if4.Milly will say the name is 'pretty cute' but the cat won't like it. Okay, equip the Ocarina, and press A near the cat. Ratix will play it then the cat will transform into that girl from the pirate cave. She tells Ratix (you) to give the Ocarina back to her. Ratix notices her from the pirate cave and then Iria asks why she ran away earlier. She tells Iria its none of her buisness. She's by herself, she says, and 'that' is my only friend. Ratix asks if 'that' is the ocarina. Iria tells her not to cry, and she tells Perisie that she hadn't had much contact with people. Perisie doesn't seem to know, but Iria means 'Meeting Friends'. Ratix introduced himself and so does Milly. Everybody comes around. Iria tells them to come closer then she'll tell perisie that everybody will be her friend. Perisie joins!!! (Oh, quickly change her armor!!!) Perisie's Inital Equipment Weapon Hard Knuckle Body Bikini Hand -- Head -- Legs -- Etc1 -- Etc2 -- You should know where the Abandoned mine is, its on Mt. Metox, remember? If Cius is with you, you should know but if you have Ashlay or neither its quite hard to know if you don't already. Okay, from the Hot side of Mt.Metox (south), head up the stairs. From the big tablet, head to the blue flower partially hidden by the shade, from there, walk up to the bottom of the cliff. Then head west into the hidden entrance. This is the Abandoned Mine. *************** Abandoned Mine *************** Items- Blueberry, Emerald Ring, Redberry, Rune Metal x3, Orihalcon x3, ?Guard (Dwarven Boots) x2, Dwarven Sword x2, Cinderella Glass, Dwarven Helmet x2, Dwarven Shield x2,?GUARD (Dwarven Armor)x2, Liquor, Mind bomb, Astral Sword, Mithril Here, you should be at least level 35 and above for all 4 characters you are using at this moment. You may have some trouble defeating some enemies, like the black slime, which can multiply and deal heavy damage. But, if they come in heavy packs by themselves (meaning JUST black slimes), for your reward you get 1000+ EXP for each character! Other enemies may be a little hard, especially those really fast pirates. Have the best armor from Syvalant equipped because you will need it! Also, there's the plant like monsters, which can deal 600+ damage evern to some of your best characters! Plus, I think they are the monsters who like to stone you occsionally, so equip Stone Checks. Make sure that if you run into a Acolyte (healing mage) make sure you take him out straight away becasue if you don't, you'll be in for a long battle. He usually comes with 2 Lesasasn and 1 Balgral, but also comes with other enemies. Also, if you're fighting Blood Worms, don't equip Dwarven sword on Ratix of Ashlay because the Blood Worms absorb the damage you deal to them. Also, check the walls for minerals, like Orihalcons and Mithril. From where you start, there are two chests a little south. Pick them up. Okay, equip a Pickaxe onto a character, and go to the north-west side of the screen, and mine out a Rune Metal. Go to the far east now and go into the next screen. Find an opening up north to another room where you can mine out Orihalcon. Head to the far east again to another room (don't worry about the stairs yet). You can pick up the Dwarven Sword for Ratix, Cinderella Glass, Dwarven Helmet, Dwarven Shield x2. Also, mine out a Rune Metal in the upper-right wall. Now go back to the stairs and pick up the ?Guard and head down. You will now be in a different type of cave. The far left room has a Orihalcon which you can mine out of the wall. Go to the very north room, and that has some treasures you can pick up. On thr right side is a Rune Metal you can Mine out (again). Okay, then take the treasure in the upper right corner and go to the far right room. Take the Orhicalum out of the north room now. Take the south route which goes all the way around in a sort of U shape. Save your game, cross the bridge, and a big bad Pankponk is waiting for you, refusing to let you pass. --------------- P a n k p o n k --------------- TOTAL HP: 11400 TOTAL MP: 0 TOTAL FOL: 10420 TOTAL EXP: 1400 This battle isn't too hard... for me. It will be very hard if you haven't reached your 30's yet. Anyway, my Milly, on level 23, survived the battle without getting killed! Well, that's because I disposed of it in about 30 seconds! Do you have the special tech which costs 23 MP? That is very useful, it hits two times for about 1000 damage and then 2 beams for powerful damage. Use that and attacks. Take care of those little things then the big one. Okay, once you have defeated him, grab the 4 treasure chests and mine out the one and only Mithril!! (except for some reason I have 3).Exit the Abandoned Mine and head to Portmis. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5. Moore Emblem ITEMS- Ougi Script, Fantastic Sword x3, Fantastic Mail, Mental Ring, Fantastic Rod x2, Fantastic Armor x2, Piyohan, Neko Ougi The chancellor will greet you and he'll already know that you have been searching for the Eye of Truth by the King of Van, then he invites you inside. The chancellor Bolc will tell you that there is a problem inside Moore Castle. Monsters started pouring out from the treasury. It's closed up, and they are worried about management. He asks you if you can stop them from coming in. He tells you that there is powerful equipment inside there and he doesn't mind if you use them. Ratix accepts and the chancellor is happy. He'll take you to the treasury and you will go in. If you haven't got Perisie, get her now!! If you have no space, too bad. Anyway, head in. In each door should be some ULTRA-POWERFUL stuff, but it's not really yours. Each time you exit the chancellor will collect the equipment you gained in the treasury because he said they're Moores and he'll take it back! One of the swords in here should boost Ratix's sword power to 900 or so. There's a chest in here which you'll say It doesn't seem necessary now if you don't have perisie. If you do, you will get a Neko Ougi. Keep going down till you reach the boss. Also, in the treasury there should be another Ougi, for Iria i think. The Succubus says that she'll collect the treasure chests and to go tell the king that she has collected them. She changes her mind and decides to kill you instead. ================================================ S u c c u b u s & 2 S h a d o w B e a s t s ================================================ Succubus HP: 25800 MP: 50 Shadow Beasts HP: 5700 MP: 50 TOTAL FOL:6460 TOTAL EXP: 1300 A hard battle for low level characters (30 and under). Watch out for Succubus' spear attack, that can instantly kill one of the level 30 and under characters. Iria should automatically go for the shadow beasts, so get Ratix to hit the succubus. Ashlay/Cius should run around (if set to) and hit both. Get the weak characters (if you have them) to heal or do anything. This may be a tough battle since the succubus has over 25000 HP. Oh, if Ratix's Atk.Power is over 900, and he has anger explosions, he can deal 1000+ for normal hits and up to 4000 for critical hits!!! I'm guessing for Succubus's spear attack, a single spear can inflict up to 500 + damage to a weak (under level 40) character and there's about 7 spears ( i forgot exactly how many ) so that could deal about 3500 damage! Watch out! Ouch. Try not to bring Ronixis along, because he will be a sitting duck, he's not that good at attacking or spell casting in this battle. Okay, once you have done that, go up and get a chest, a ring, then go back to the chancellor, who is waiting for you outside the door. Once you get out, he'll congratulate you in getting rid of the monsters. He gives you 20000 FOL and 50 SP for each character and a Piyohan. He will then take all the Fantastic weapons off you, including that really good Fantastic Sword!!! Damn! Anyway, you go to the king now. He says that finally the people with the emblem have visited. He calls the chancellor to dismiss the surrounding people (2 guards) and they go. He says 'take this' and he gives you the Moore Emblem. Okay, by now you should have all 4 emblems! But there's one more dungeon to conquer (well, there's also another), the Sylvalant Ruins! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 6. Sylvalant Ruins From Sylvalant, take the left path, then go into the caves, past that, and when you reach a brige STOP! I know there is stuff further on, but there's (to be honest) nothing. If you go there, there will be stiars, but Ratix says the entrance to there is too blocked and you will not be able to enter. But wait! There's more! From the castle steps, head right, down the stairs, follow the path to the Cape, but there's nothing. Sigh. From the bridge, go onto the right (-->) side of it, and from there you should see a gap in the cliff there (with a shadow in a shape like /) Then move left and into the Sylvalant Ruins. ITEMS - ?GUARD (Mithril Mesh) x3, Sweet Syrup x2, -Reverse Sakura Ougi- (IRIA), Mithril Helmet x3, Mithril Greaves x3, Mithril Shield x3, Reverse Doll x2, Dwarven Boots, ?Mineral (Orichalcon), Dark Circle (magic for Joshua), Ignite Sword, Star Ruby, Air Slash x2, Rainbow Diamond, WARNING! This dungeon contains many useless rooms with no treasures. I HIGHLY ADVISE YOU TO SAVE IT AT EACH SAVE POINT.... Like my warning says, most of this dungeon has useless rooms with no meaning. Make sure you level up a lot in here to about level 45. Watch out for Hound Forms, they deal a great anount of heavy damage to low (below 30) levels characters. Plus, they are annoying, and can inflict 'Paralyze' a lot to your characters.... But watch out for the Beserkers, they can deal a lot of damage to your characters unless they are on high levels, like me :). No, I'm not bragging, well, I'm trying not to :). But level 50+ for any character should be enough for them to deal 0 damage. Once you reach your 60s you should be way alright (heheheh). If you need help with any skills just ask me. Anyway, back to the Ruins. From the 4 way intersection (first room) head north, and you should be in a room where there's a funny looking thing in the wall. This cannot be mined out or anything so leave it. Head left into the door and pickup the treasure. You know, if you keep going (down the left door below the treasure you got) and keep taking the south door, you'll soon reach a room which will have a switch with 'no relation'... lol ^_^;. There's another one, take the north path at the intersection, turn right and go down the stairs, then go left, and there will be 5 dragon statues and a switch with no relation. lol.. I don't really mind which path you take to the first save point (another 4 way intersection), i think there's two paths. You can take both to collect all the treasure but I'm not sure what you want to do. There are two different things in the dungeon, a boss and a SPOILER.... if.... A. You reach the second save point (the one with the 4 way wonky intersection... Go into the upper-left door, and you will enter a fight (automatically) with the boss, Ruin Guarder. ----------------------- R u i n G u a r d e r ----------------------- HP: 25000 MP: 150 TOTAL FOL: 20000 TOTAL EXP: 4000 Drops Dwarven Boots and ?Mineral (Orichalcon) Uh.... For some really strange reason when I enter this battle it switches to a grassy mountain background. Does any one else experience this? Oh well.... But any, this boss is HUGE! But, he looks really good! When you first enter the battle, beware that he shoots a beam in between his eyes which deals about 1000 damage to your characters, you get ready to heal. He likes to cast it often, about twice every 20 seconds. He also likes to stomp on your characters, which can deal up to 2500 damage to a character or characters. You can't cancel out that damn beam move by attacking him but use your best techs and all to try to kill him fast. Once you have killed him you can pick up all the treasures in each room (2 in each room, 8 in total). Now if you have Marvel and you want to keep her, please exit the dungeon. B. If you are at the first save point.... (the one with a straight 4 way intersection).... From there... head to the left door, till you get to a room with 4 doors. Choose the upper-middle one and go through the room with all the lit and unlit torches. Go to the next room and next to the bridge should be three torches (6 in total, 3 up and 3 down) and two lion statues. Go down the stairs, and then choose the upper path. In here there are doors on the left and right, containing treasures. Now head up..... if you dare.... BUT I'M WARNING YOU! IF YOU HAVE MARVEL AND YOU WAN'T TO GET RID OF HER GO INTO THE NEXT DOOR.... YOU BETTER OF SAVED IT!!! (but, if you want to know what happens just read and visualise... hehe) ______________________________________________________________________ (!)Spoiler Alert(!) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ====================================================================== IF YOU HAVE MARVEL AND JOSHUA.... ====================================================================== As you walk up, the party notices Raitx: It's a chamber with nothing in it.... Iria: It's the end of a hidden path that seemed to have a meaning, so I thought there would be something, but.... Milly: !!!! Milly runs up further into the room. Milly: Everybody, come here! Scene moves to a gril trapped in ice... Ratix: What's wrong Milly? Milly: ! That woman is trapped in Ice! Joshua: Eris!!.... Ratix: Huh? Joshua: Eris... Why this sort of form....!? Milly: I feel sorry for her! Let's help her! Ratix: ...... Joshua: .... trapped in this kind of ice!!! I'll save you now!! [Joshua tries to go up but Marvel stops him] Marvel: Everybody, please stop! Ratix: ??? Why? Milly: Marvel, why are you stopping us? Let's help her! Marvel: Please, don't touch her! Milly: Inside the cold ice... I feel sorry for her... [Ratix runs around Marvel and pulls out his blade] Marvel: Please Stop!! [Ratix stops.] Marvel: If you're going to no matter what, then... Milly: Marvel? Marvel: ....I will have to fight you! Ratix: What? Milly: What... You'll go that far?? Joshua: You!! Joshua: I've lived until now to save my sister!!! Are you telling me to leave my sister, Eris, like this!? Joshua: Don't joke around! If it's a fight, I'll fight!!! I'll sacrafice anything to save my sister!! Ratix: Marvel.... please move out of the way.... Joshua: Out of my way!! Don't stop me!! Marvel: Stop.... I'm sorry... Milly: I don't understand what Marvel is thinking...! Marvel: I don't like it anymore.... Marvel: I can't stand it any longer!! If you're going to think like this, I wouldn't have come with you!! Joshua: What do you intend to do??? Milly: Stop it!!! I don't wan't to fight you!! Milly: huh?? [A big rumble takes place, and Eris comes out of the ice] Marvel: I'm sorry everybody... I, wasn't as strong to the extent of being able to cling to a small desire... was bad. Marvel: I'm sorry... goodbye... Joshua: What does this mean? [They both 'dissappear'] Joshua: I think I.... Milly: I don't know... but Marvel... seemed sad... Joshua: Both my sister and... that woman dissappeared!... Joshua: Just what were you saying... To sum it up, Eris and Marvel died, and they don't exist. Marvel is gone, and you can't get back anymore. That's it, so if you wan't her, reset the game. ====================================================================== IF YOU JUST HAVE MARVEL.... ====================================================================== As you enter.... Ratix: It's a chamber with nothing in it.... Iria: It's the end of a hidden path that seemed to have a meaning, so I thought there would be something, but.... Milly: !!!! Milly runs up further into the room. Milly: Everybody, come here! Scene moves to a gril trapped in ice... Ratix: What's wrong Milly? Milly: ! That woman is trapped in Ice! Ratix: Is she dead? Milly: I feel sorry for her! Let's help her! Ratix: ...... 1. Help Her 2. Don't Help --1-- Ratix: Let's help her! [Marvel runs between ratix and the ice.] Marvel: Ratix, please stop! Ratix: ??? Why? Milly: Marvel, why are you stopping us? Let's help her! Marvel: Please, don't touch her! Milly: Inside the cold ice... I feel sorry for her... [Ratix runs around Marvel and pulls out his blade] Marvel: Please Stop!! [Ratix stops.] Marvel: If you're going to no matter what, then... Milly: Marvel? Marvel: ....I will have to fight you! Ratix: What? Milly: What... You'll go that far?? Marvel: Stop... I'm sorry... Milly: I don't understand what Marvel is thinking...! Ratix: Milly, never mind, let's quit now. [Nothing happens, Marvel doesn't die] --2-- Ratix: No, let's not. Milly: !! Why not?! That's terrible!! ###IF YOU HAVE NEITHER MARVEL OR JOSHUA...### I saw this last time, but I think that the statue just 'dissapears' again, and so does Marvel, where she is in Van. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ______________________________________________________________________ (!)Spoiler Alert(!) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Alright, so that's it for the subquests and quests!!! So far I haven't found any other secret dungeons, I've searched the whole of the DESERT in Astral, the forests in Van, Moore and Sylvalant. I haven't searched the grassy part of Astral. Oh, and that Money trick I promised? Right here. Make sure you have Mag. Colours. I think you need the talent Design to do this pretty much successfully. Okay, make sure you acquired Trumpet from the Tataroy arena, and then make sure one of your character's art level is 10. Choose Mag. Colour, and duplicate the trumpet. Each one of those sells for 30000, and 10 of them is 6000000! Ah... that brings my dream of the Tri-Ace emblem nearly a reality! Selling 19 Trumpets gives you 1 Million FOL! With patience, you can gain 9999999 FOL (9 Million 9 hundred thousand 9 hundred and ninety nine FOL) Anyway, head to Van. Wait... WOAH! I've gained a whopping 26 levels! ====================================================================== Van I II Castle Town Ratix lv71 FOL- 5683890 Play time: 34:11 5 Million Items ====================================================================== Approach the castle gates, and the guards will notice Ronixis, and the guards get you to meet the king. You go to see the king. The king first congratulates you for talking to all the kings and safely returning. Ronixis says what the king of Moore gave you, a key to some Ruins (actually, the Sylvalant king gave you the key to the Ruins), the king of Astral gave you the IMPORTANT sentences, and the king of Sylvalant gave you the location of the Demon World. The king also asks if you got the emblems as proof of visiting the kings and getting approval. Ronixis says that he has done that. The king of Van then says to head to the Parj Temple (!!). Joshua exclaims 'Parj Temple??!' Iria says that when Ratix and Iria and other members went to the Parj Temple, they didn't find anything there, of course if you went there (it was a choice thing, remember?). The King of Van says that the Parj Temple is located on the Astral Continent, and he wants you to NOW check out the temple in detail. He wants you to gain the Eye of Truth. Now head to the Astral continent and to the Parj Temple. Travel to Otanim, and go to Tataroy, and stop by the Arena for some battles or some levels. Make sure that you have pretty high levels (at least 40+) for the Parj Temple. Yes, there's a twist to the temple.... ====================================================================== Parj Temple, Revisited Ratix lv71 FOL- 5689090 Play Time: 34:42 Items- Check [Parj Temple] ====================================================================== Okay, if you have never been here before(because you skipped this), or you have forgotten where to go, check the walkthrough fro Parj Temple earlier in the walkthrough. I'll take it you know, so take the path to the 3 'runes' are, so go all the way to the end where you talked to the red, yellow and green things. (remember now? if not, try remember when you saw the projection of Marvel & Ronixis/ Milly & Ronixis). If you haven't done this yet, I'm not sure if you can still gain Joshua, because i've never tried it before. The temple should be a sinch. Just for a quick path, from the fork at the start, choose right, then keep running up. You should be in the teleporting-slime room, run down the left path without touching a slime, run down the left path in the room after the slimes, up the stairs, choose left at the fork, and choose the far left door and keep heading up. Read the tablet to refresh your memory, head into the right door, and head right again. Remember, in this room, dodge all the red slimes and go to the blue one, and get warped. Go to the 'runes' room. Ratix says that the King of Van told them that the Eye of Truth is here. Ratix shows the emlblem of proof. The rune says something weird: 'I see, so the ones to succeed Moore's dying wish have appeared......' Yes, i understand it, but there's always that strange twist... Iria, confused, asks the rune what it means, and the rune says 'well, i shall lead the way...' ====================================================================== Inner Sanctum of Parj Temple Ratix lv71 FOL- 5665795 Play Time:34:50 Items- Sweet Syrup x2, Lunatic Ring, ?HERB (Mandrake) x2, Fairy Ring, Mandrake, ?MINERAL (Metoerite), Sour Syrup x2, Savory x2, Security Card R, Fairy Glass, Security Card B, ?MINERAL (Moonite), Flare Ring, Aqua Ring, ?MINERAL (Rock), Wine ====================================================================== When you enter, you will be in a suspicious looking high tech place too far advanced for Roak. When you enter, Ratix asks where the hell they are, and Ronixis says that the technology here is far too advanced for this undevoloped planet... Okay, the party rejoins. The door below you takes you to the door before the 'runes' so if you need to go back for a certian reason, just take that then the big blob. Make sure that all your characters have the best item creation weapons, such as Iria's Knuckle +2, and Ratix's Aura Blade, which is EXTREMELY HARD to get. But don't equip -Light- elemental weapons, because the enemies here just absorb it. :( *Note* You know the upper platforms and lower platforms? Well, Enix/Tri Ace aren't very good in that department, and in this dungeon it has that. If you see a chest, and go either north, south east or west of it and press A (no matter if the chest is below or above you) and you will receive what's in the chest! Its a suspicious bug.... Okay, back to the Inner Sanctum. From where you startd, head to the right staircase, and go across the upper platform, and you can try to gain the chest from the upper platform. Also, watch out for Dual Forms (green) and Mail Form (yellow). They are annoying (especially the Mail). The Mail form keeps shooting out blue stuff which can hurt your low level characters. The dual shapes are really annoying, they hit you a lot.. Anyway, after that go down the stairs and through the door and down the stairs. Anyway, go around to the next room and up to the upper platform. There will be a lower chest, which in my case, I can open... And then, go down the next stairs to pick up more treasure. Okay, after you have gotten the Mandrake and Fairy Ring, go and get off the platform in the upper right part of the room. There are 3 paths: one with the treasure below the upper platform, a room which has a blue thing next to it (you need a KEYCARD B (blue)) to open the door. The last path id the path underneath the upper platform, via the right of the stairs near where you should be. Follow the -VISIBLE- path (its not hidden, folks!). Okay, down follow the path, till you get to the room with two lower and 3 upper doors. You'll notice the first door is open, and the second one (next to it) isn't, but there is a save point. Save, then go to the upper doors, and below the right door is a staircase. Head down. Now, the RED door is open, acessing you to 3 switches. Hit the top one, and that will acess you to the far left door in the room above you. Now, go back and hit the SECOND switch, and grab the ?MINERAL, go back and hit the third switch... and .... the red door will be closed! Oh no! Don't fret, press the third switch again, and leave the door till later... Anyway, in between the middle and right upper doors is another path... where, you can take an alternate where? In this next room, there sure are a lot of paths to choose. Of course, there can only be one true path... From where you should be(where you just came from), head south and there should be three doors; two on the left, one on the right. Each of those doors have 1 treasure in them. Collect those treasures, and from where you are (the three doors) go take the left path because the right path is blocked by the RED door, plus, the only other thing is a path which leads to a Sour Syrup. Go follow the path till you reach a room, where the treasure chest SHOULD be opened, in my case... ^_^;. Go to the panel and get Secruity Card R. Sorry about me saying Keycard :). Ronixis once again questions why is there such an advanced civilisation on Roak... anyway... its time to go back to the 3 switches and doors, don't worry about the right (right/left path) about now, because that's the right (right/wrong) way to go. This time, press the THIRD switch, and the door should close... once again. Remember the card you got? Go to the red flashing thing and press A...and it should open! In the third room, aquire a Fairy Glass and get the Security Card B! Go back to the first save point (which is directly south from the third door) and open the door via the panel above the save point. Get your ?Mineral. Go back to the room which leads to the Parj Temple... No, you're not heading out! Make sure you pick up Wine when you're heading past. This time, from the entrance, TAKE THE NORTH PATH. Go and follow the path, head down the stairs, and again, and hit the BLUE switch and go down the stairs again. Hit the switch. Now you have to.... Go back to the BIG room near where you got your Red Card. Go and take the RIGHT path now, heading up the stairs and going LEFT all the way. Go to the flashing panel and open the door and go down the stairs. Try to spot the partially hidden chests on the left side of the room, they are Flare and Aqua rings. Go to the very right room and go north till you reach a chest (Savory) and go into the door, and go left past the stiars, and hit the switch. Go back up the stairs and follow the path till you reach the first stairs, and go down them. You see the door? Don't go down it, but instead go LEFT of it to reach another set of stairs. There's a ROCK Mineral in the right path, and a door leading to near where you originally came from, in the left path. Go down, and go into the next room. Actually, i don't think you really needed a switch to open the door, beacause, you can walk through the wall! Okay... I won't tell you, i think its a bug in my game. Well, the next door should be open. If not, then you musn't of followed the guide properly. SAVE!!! Go to the panel, and Iria will ponder if that is the control panel device or not. Go to the door. Iria will notice that there are words engraved. Iria then read 'if you look at the sentences passed down by the royal family as armored knights' (?) ' there will be four helmets. Take off those helmets and line them up with the others. The helmets you arranged will be the key to opening the door.' Hm.. confusing. But, to remind you, these are the 4 sentences. "Do not grieve fate" "Have courage" "Until your future heirs and generations" "Without letting your strength die" This is a tricky puzzle, because I speak english. I think that this puzzle is a japanese one. I only got this one by luck, but I will try to get why and how the answer is gotten. SOLUTION Right, open the panel up next to you, and the panel asks to put in the 4 candidate letters. Choices are 1. A M T O 2. P H E L 3. K D F C 4. R T U H Anyway, choose 4, and input U as 1, T as 2, R as 3 and H as 4. It spells URTH. Iria will notice the letters inputted, U R T H. She figures out it matches with Earth, and wonders if it is a coincidence, that the name of a planet is the password. Ronixis says for Iria to calm down and go inside the room. This next part might spoil your game so.... >>>Thanks to JemStone (this is my writing though) He gave me the new translations lines which are... "Thy fate thou shall not grieve" "Until the era of futre generations" "Have courage" "Remain steadfast and resilient" okay okay, I was talking about the helmets and armored knights. JemStone's observation is that the Helmet is the start of the sentence (mine too) and the armored knight is the sentence (hmm i didnt know that :D) so take the first letters of each sentence, TUHR and rearrange it to URTH. Voila! Thanks JemStone. ______________________________________________________________________ (!)Spoiler Alert(!) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ [They enter the room] Ratix: What's that? [They look up to a big panel, of Earth, but what's that strange continent near South America?] Ronixis: A midair projection? Huh?... That's.... Iria: It's a world map of Earth.... But, what is that strange island in the center of the Pacific Ocean? [They zoom in] Ronixis: That sort of island isn't anywhere, right? Iria: No, according to the legend there was an island here! Iria: ... The Mu continent!... Ronixis: I suppose so... but just why is it here? Milly: Oh, a person! ???: We pray that the ones coming here to seek the eye of Truth, sealed up in this land because is an extremely secret dangerous treasure, do not have evil hearts. And that they are ones with the power to settle the mistakes we caused. The Eye of Truth is a thing that creates a gate that connects two different worlds. We used the technology we came to cultivate ourselves, and the Crest Magic we recieved from the Runes, the native race of this planet, to create this. But before achieving our goal, an unrecoverable accident occured. We summoned monsters of a different world. But even so, we could not interrupt our experiments to open other space. That was the strong wish of our few brothers. We wanted only to live and return to our home planet again... [He turns into the Eye of Truth] Ratix: This... is the.. Eye of Truth.... Ronixis: I don't understand well. Do you understand just what it means, Iria? Iria: I wonder if the ancient race came from the place on Earth called the Mu continent to this planet... Ronixis: Come, as in they came here not in their own free will? Iria: Yeah, but... Ronixis: Come to think of it... when we had an audience with the king of Van, didn't he say people with the form of adults suddenly fell to the land? Iria: Mu continent is the legendary continent that sank due to the falling of a meteor. And the people living there had a very advanced civilisation... Ronixis: That is certainly so. Iria: It's a hypothosis, but even in the federation strange events have been reported in which people have been enveloped by warped space and appeared in places they've never seen before. Cases where lost kids were discovered hundreds of kilometres away where it was physically impossible to move in terms of time... Ronixis: Are you saying the people enveloped in space warped by the falling of a meteor? Perhaps so, but no matter how you look at it, it's an evernt on one planet. I have never heard of large scale events going from Earth to Roak. Iria: That's right, but if it were the case, then it would explain why they created the Eye of Truth. ....They just wanted to return... Ronixis: That's what he said... Iria: There are no ways to know the truth.. but... Do not greive fate, Until the era of your future heirs and generations, do not let your strength die. I get the feeling the thoughts of Moorians are placed in the strange sentences that were told... [You head back to the Castle of Van] King of Van: That is the Eye of Truth... I believed you would come back without fail. So, you're finally going to break into the Demon World then? Ronixis: Yes. There's supposedly a hidden gate on a deserted island southeast of Sylvalant. King of Van: I believe in your victory. [A monster jumps in, and says:] Monster: It's too late. Our king, Asmodeus, has already created a new weapon. You can do nothing but surrender. [The scene changes to the remote town of Dulce, in Sylvalant] Mother: Lemia, come in now. Daughter Lemia: The sky's.... [The scene changes to the cliff off Mt.Metox, except its in Sylvalant, and you see explosions, then a massive explosion, which wipes out Dulce.] King of Van: What's that shaking?! Monster: heheheh, my this is entertaining. We annihilated a village as warning. Ratix: What did you say!? Ashlay: The work of the devil! Unforgiveable!!.. Monster: I will say it once more. Surrender, you have no other path. [The monster gets away] Ratix: Don't let her get away!!!! [A soldier walks in] Soldier: It's terrible! According to the report of the inspection garrison, the village of Dulce was completely annhiliated with a huge explosion! There's no way there are any survivors! Ronixis: Lets go to the Demon World immediately. If that were to be Van or Astral it'd be terrible. Iria: Right. ______________________________________________________________________ (!)Spoiler Alert(!) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Okay, all you have to do now is go to Sylvalant, and go to the Southeast deserted island, but if you do that, it's your near-last chance to go to Roak in the past and build up ARs. === -Buildiing up you ARs- Look, I'm never going to do this part so if anyone wants to e-mail me. === Okay, after you have built your ARs up to the point where YOU think you've done enough, its time to head to Sylvalant. Talk to the guy at the port (again) and head to the Southeast Deserted Island. (Remember?! That's supposedly the place where the portal is to the demon world) Okay, when you reach there, you might want to ensure IF YOU'RE PLAYING a Rom, that you have a backup file. DeJap or the Romming usually plays up on you, resulting in a freeze. Head up, and a certain character will say something, depending on who it is. Ratix then asks Ronixis to open the gate. He opens the gate, and Milly seems scared in entering the demon world. The someone tells her to have courage (normally Joshua, if you have him), then you go in the portal. ====================================================================== Tha' Demon World Ratix lv86 FOL-9506330 Play time: 37:07 Items- ?HERB (Mandrake) --> Only at the moment ====================================================================== *note* This part to the end of the walkthough (excluding the tips & secrets) has a lot of dialougue in it, mainly because its near the end, and it reveals a lot of truth. These are indicated in a * :::Recommended Party::: Ratix, Cius/Ashlay, Iria and Milly When you enter, you'll notice the landsacpe, this place is suspended in space. The first thing you should notice when you get there is the gold statue. Go up to it and it'll give you an option to LEAVE or not. Nah, dont. Grab the chest to the left, and go back on main path. You will stop and the...... Crimson Shield will appear!!! Two different scenes occur, again, then you enter a battle. =========================== A r g a s y (spelt Argasii) =========================== HP 15600 MP 50 TOTAL FOL 6000 TOTAL EXP 4000 Okay, a tough fight for low levels characters. I hope that you bring your high level characters along for this fight. Argasy will always start in rushing at you, make sure you do the same, so he gets no time in hitting you. I managed to finish him right after that, but his sword hits can deal some damage. He's real slow too, also in reacting... so thats a plus. 2 scenes occur here, about Astral being in danger, this time.. Anyway, the scene changes to Astral, and there are two different scenes depending on whether you got Fear or not. There willbe scattered bodies around and the Crimson Shield (shadow) will be there. Now if you don't have fear she will be holding a dead/injured soldier, holding off the shadow or a soldier will be holding the shadow off if you have Fear. Your characters get warped through a portal, right where they are. Crimson Shield says that he's actually the real one! ========================== A r g a s y -- S h a d o w ========================== HP 15600 MP 50 TOTAL EXP 4000 TOTAL FOL 6000 Well, this is the shadow of Asgasy - the Crimson Shield, so everything is the same, his HP and all. He's got the same attacks, but this Argasy is faster than the other one. He stills packs a punch... for crappy players ^_^. ********************************************************************** You go to Ryas' house.... Ryas:The thing he was aiming for was probably this. Just what value is in a thing thing like this... Ratix: It's really just a handle isn't it. Iria: ... Let me see it! [Iria takes it, and a beam comes out.] Ronixis: ...A beam sword! Iria: Its also a high powered one. I've never seen one like this even in the federation! Ronixis: It will be a trump card against Asmodeus! Iria: Yeah. Certainly they were terrified of that. ==Force Sword Aquired== ********************************************************************** Uh... why did i receive 2 Force Swords? Oh well :) The Force Sword is more powerful than the Fantastic Sword. (But Aura Blade is the strongest ^_^;) Now its time to head back to the Demon World, for your final battle....? But before you enter, and YOU have Ashlay, there's one more thing to do... PA in Sylvalant please. Ashlay will say he will be waiting in the castle for you. Go into the castle, from the big steps, go into the left door, and outside go into the right storage room, to find Ashlay. Ashlay: You came. Ratix: ...what is it? Ashlay: I continued with you on your journey, and I've seen your style of fighting all the time so far. Ratix: Yes. Ashlay: ..... Won't you listen to my last bit of egoism? Ratix: ...what is it? Ashlay: By means of a monster who took the form of a war buddy, my sword arm became unable to move freely. Ever since then, I've been looking for someone suitable to pass my knowledge to. Ratix: .... Ashlay: Won't you take it? My secrets of the Ougi! Ratix: I-is it really okay to? Ashlay: Because of the fact its you, yes. Ratix: I'm delighted. --==--Dragon Deity Ougi Aquired--==-- You can head to the Demon World now. *The new ougi aquired for Ratix is the most powerful. ====================================================================== Demon World Ratix lv86 FOL-1802154 Play Time-37:11 Items- ?HERB (Mandrake) --> If you hadn't got it, ?HERB (Lavender), ?WEAPON (Beserk Sword), ?WEAPON (Slayer Sword), ?MINERAL (Rock), Emerald Ring, Orichalcon, ====================================================================== ::Recommended Party:: Ratix, Iria, Milly and (your choice) (Ratix and Iria for power, Milly for Healing, and your choice for a change :)) In here the Puchidevils sure are a menace, they like to paralyze you a lot so beware.... Okay, from here, ignore the first 3 off leading paths (left, right and left) and then head left to get a ?HERB. There should be a big hole in the middle. There are two paths to take now, one leading to the right place and the other... treasure. Head left. There's not much here except for 2 treasures, for Fear and Cius I think. Go to the bottom right of the screen (on the RIGHT path). Go around and find the Emerald Ring, and then head to the north part of the level, and take the right path. Grab the Orichalon and head back and take the left path. Ignore the save point for now and take the narrow path to the Misty Shield/Symbol (dunno which it is). Go to to the Save Point and save it. Go right and.... WTF?! There's a building! Ratix will wonder what it is (what a dumbass). Iria will say it looks like a modern like building and Ronixis will wonder if Asmodeus is in here. Head in.. ====================================================================== Time & Space Lab Ratix lv86 FOL-1842285 Play Time: 37:27 Items- Reverse Doll, Duel Suit x2, Blackberry, Sweet Syrup x2, Star Crest, Protect Ring, Blueberry x2, Cure Paralyze, Duel Helm x2, ?HERB (Artmis Leaf), ?GUARD (Sylvan Armor), ?GUARD (Sylvan Helm), Piyohan, Starruby, Cure Stone, Cinderella Glass, Blueberry, ?JEWELRY (Fairy Ring), ?MINERAL (Mithril), ?JEWELRY (Star Ring) Items only acessable after defeating Asmodeus - Duel Suit, Cure Stone, Mithril. ====================================================================== First, head up the stairs, and your party notices monster specimens in test tubes. Then one character realises that they are ALL alive, and then... move on. Now here i take my time to build up my other characters, who all are on level 20 ^_^... So this will take a long time... Okay, before you go on make sure you get the chest below the stairs, which is a reverse doll.. I sure hope you know what this does. You are forced to travel by the stairs, take the first lead off and down the stairs and take the Duel Suit. EW should equip this on Iria. Then go back up the stairs and take the last (second) lead off and pick up the Blackberry. Then go back (where you got the Duel Suit) and keep going. Don't take the first stairs but keep going till you reach another room on the left side. Travel some stairs into another room. There should be a lot of test tubes. There are some rooms, the left room has a Duel Suit and Sweet Syrup. Go back to the stairs I told you to avoid. Go up them and go around. It should lead to a path anyway (because it goes in a square). Go down some stairs again there should be a narrow path which leads to a Star Crest and Protect Ring. Now go up the stairs and there should be lots off places and paths to choose. The north path leads to no-where, the stairs right of the path there should wind up to a Blueberry. Back up the stairs and the next stairs (right) is where you are going, because thats the only place left to go (the other paths go in a square). Now you should be heading right, ignore the red couloured door because you will want some treasure.. right?. Head right till you hit some treasure chests (Cure Paralyze, Blueberry). Back to the 4 way intersection you JUST passed, head north into the room. You'll soon get a Duel Helm from a red couloured door, which most likely be equipped on Cius. Head back to the first red couloured door to get back on track. Now heading up onto the strairs, go left and down then right to get yourself a Duel Helm. Then head back on track where you will climb the stairs to the next level. This part is a maze of test tubes, so becareful not to get stuck and fustrate yourself... Make your way around to the top-right part of the room to get yourself a Sweet Syrup. Don't worry about the path north, its useless (arrgh...!). The path right (lower-right) will get you to go up a level to get a ?HERB (Artmis Leaf). Go back and make your way around the tubes again and go to the path left. You'll be at a damn 4 way intersection again, head left. Ignore the red couloured door (FOR NOW, only a brief moment), and head left again and get ?GUARD (Sylvan Armor), ?GUARD (Sylvan Helm), and Piyohan. Head back into the red door, immediately head left and save, you are about to battle (easy for me... :D) Iria will stop, and realise that this is some research facility (obviously), and she tries to acess the data bank, and it comes up... THIS IS A LABORATORY OF TIME AND SPACE. WHAT DO YOU WANT? Iria then asks why is there such and advanced facility here? (who knows).. Then Ratix comments it isn't natural for monsters to take over the world. >CONNECT CONNECT WITH WHAT? >DATA BANK. ACCEPTED. WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Ronixis suggests putting in the name Asmodeus. >ASMODEUS CORRECT. PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD. They have no idea what the password is, so they guess. >***** NEGATIVE. PLEASE ENTER YOUR PASSWORD. Then... TIME IS OVER. WARNING. Uh oh. The security alarm activates.. then a man (lady?) comes out... with two other people. Then the man (lady?) asks what your buisness is, and Ratix says he wants to defeat Asmodeus, and it turns out... that the man (lady?) is Asmodeus!!! She talks and then sends his (her?) people after you... ========================================= D. C h a r o n x2 a n d D a r k e y e ? ========================================= D.Charon (Dark Charon) HP 800 MP 50 Darkeye? HP 25800 MP 50 TOTAL EXP 5006 TOTAL FOL 6060 Sometimes drops a ?item, i don't know what it is... Hm... This battle isn't too tough (aint tough at all!) The D.Charons are a sinch, with 800 HP each... and the Darkeye? is a different story. If you defense isn't high enough, his spinning attack will kill you, he'll hit a lot, and likes to stone you as well. Persist in spellcasting, attacking and using techs... Save... Then head in the door for more of this place... Go up the long platform and go down the first stairs you see, and head right to get 3 chests, Starruby, Cure Stone, Cinderella Glass. Then go back up the stairs and head left and down again. Head down the left path along to get a Blueberry and a ?JEWELRY (Fairy Ring). You should see a winding path to 2 chests in the middle of that part, go there and get a ?MINERAL (Mithril), ?JEWELRY (Star Ring). Now head to the north entrance, keep going up till you meet up with Asmodeus, and the guys who have entangled Asmodeus in a forcefield, so they can get his blood and spread the virus. You will now face Asmodeus... =============== A s m o d e u s =============== HP 28000 MP 650 TOTAL EXP 10500 TOTAL FOL 10000 Ahh! Big and fierce! Persist in attacks while he pummels you, Milly should take care in healing you. You will soon take off chunks of his armor and in no time he'll be a goner. Milly will ask if he's dead.. of course! But thats not the end... You will take the blood back to the king of Van. He will tell you that you will be now known as heroes. Bla bla bla, then the scene goes to Ratix and co. from the Present. They decide to leave in the morning. And go into the portal... There's no turning back. You must think its the end of the game. Think again. ______________________________________________________________________ (!)Spoiler Alert(!) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ronixis and the others, who returned to the present, synthesized the serum aboard the ship. [Back to Clatos Village] Milly: Dorn! Dorn: ...I...? Ratix: You're saved. Dorn: I see, so you did it. Ratix: Yeah, so now everybody is saved. Dorn: Okay, I'll take my music box back then. Milly: What? You gave it to me! Dorn: Haha, okay then, keep it. [Everybody laughs.] Dorn: Come to think of it, Spring's almost over, huh. Ratix: Yeah... Milly: I guess its time to say goodbye, huh. Iria: Yeah. Ronixis: As for the undeveloped Planet Protection Treaty, you don't need to worry about it. You're not that level of a problem, and.... Milly: And...? Ronixis: Nobody would believe you anyway. Ratix: Thats right. Ronixis: Well, now we say goodbye. We probably will never meet again.. Iria: Bye. Milly, Ratix... [They get warped up.] [Up on the ship...] Ronixis: Admiral, What's going on? Admiral Baize: That's the situation, Captain. Ronixis: What does this mean? Admiral: A vessel claiming to be a scout ship from the planet Farget suddenly appeared in Federation territory and we requested surrender. Ronixis: That's not the third group, right? Admiral: Yes. Admiral: We have decided to proceed with Operation Stardust. Captain Ronixis, you have been given the responsibility for this duty. Ronixis: We're going to... Admiral: When we had our science team investigate the area where their scout ship suddenly appeared, the existence of a wormhole was was confirmed. If you pass through there you can probably get to Farget. Ronixis: .... Admiral: Actually, Farget is now ruled by Jie Revorse, who was created by gene experiments which were disallowed even in Farget, and the impending invasion being done almost entirely by his orders. Ronisis: Okay. Admiral: Support for Jie Revorse on Farget is low, and there are very many opposing factions. Ronixix: Why does the Admiral tell me so much information about Farget? Admiral: Those opposing factions have secretly requested us the assination of Jie Revorse. Ronixis: Huh?? Admiral: As for Farget's coming invasion of the Federation, only Jie Revorse, his close assosiates, and Farget's army support it. Ronixis: I see... Understood. Admiral: I don't mind if you use the time gate. Ronixis: However, if we take the Time Gate, we cannot take our weapons, and with a goal of an assination the time gate probably won't let us through. Admiral: No, we're using it for something very different. [Scene changes to the cockpit.] Iria: How was it? Ronixis: It seems that we need to borrow some strength again. [Back on Roak.] Milly: Ronixis!! Ronixis: Well we said we would never use it again, but... Iria: We want you guys to lend us your strength. Ratix: What for? [bla bla bla] Ronixis: that's what's going on. Ratix: Let's go!... But just with us... Iria: Don't worry about that. Ratix: Huh? [back to the Cockpit] Depending on who you chose, they will say different things. Ashlay: It's been a while. You haven't quit your training have you? Joshua: Ratix and Milly, it's nice to see you again. Tinek: ... Ratix: Everybody..!! Milly: But is this alright? Iria: This time i have the approval of the Federation admiral. In other words, it's that big of a situation. [You get warped to Farget...] not end of spoilers... ====== Farget ====== - Configure your party, then head up. Then the enemy comes out... and they somehow know when and where you where coming!!! Don't worry, you fight an easy battle... And another one... Then you get completely surrounded... - Farget Soldier: The area is completly closed off. You are surrounded, quit your useless resistence. You end up in tubes... Then some people will come along and take out the guards. They will release you. Iria: Who are you? ???: I am Iveena. I am the leader of the Anti-Revorse faction. Ronixis: You're.... I'm Ronixis J. Kenny of the Federation. Iveena: I know. But why Roakians? Ronixis: They worked with us for a certain reason. Since then, I highly value their skills, and decided i couldn't do without them for this mission. Iveena: Understood. Well, then, let's go to the town.. Ronixis: No... if possible, we'd like to press on Jie Revorse's place like this on one trip. Iveena: huh? Ronixis: Now's our only chance. Iveena: ...understood. Well then, I will show you the way to the first floor. Ratix: Ah, wait a moment, who is this Jie? Even though i've been told that he's the source of making everyone unhappy, I haven't clearly heard a reason. Iveena: I might have to apologize to you all. Ratix: huh? Iveena: I too am completely uninvolved in all of this... Iveena: Farget is a desolate planet with scarce natural resources, water, and greenery. In order for people to live, In order to find a new holy land for people to live on, We continued to reaserch on space theory and genetic engineering for a long time. Originally I worked at that research facility. At least I thought it was research for the sake of the people. But the truth was that the devolpment of a bioloical weapon for invading Earth was the goal. Knowing the truth, i joined the resistance to prevent that. Jie is the only sucessful one born from that genetic research, and with a combination of a strong body and mind, he can be called a superhuman. All: .... Iveena: But what is truly dangerous is probably with his genes which had destructive instincts toward Earth written into them... Ronixis: Destructive instincts...? Iveena: Yes. Jie caused a revolution and set up a dictatorship but at the time he slaughtered the researchers. But the insane thoughts of those researchers are written into Jie's instincts. That is something Jie himself probably doesn't even realize. In order to mend the mistakes we cause ourselves, we must defeat him. But we lack the power to defeat him, so having to borrow the strength of you, who are the victims, is the reality... Ratix: Understood... Let's go!! Iveena: Well then, I will guide you part of the way. ______________________________________________________________________ (!)Spoiler Alert(!) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ====================================================================== Revorse Tower Ratix lv95 FOL - 3369135 Play Time: 40:00 Items-Sour Syrup, ?GUARD (Star Guard), Star Cloak x2, Magic Bikini, Elven Cap x2,Reflex x3, Meteor Storm (Spell), Doom Blade, Hermit Helm, Marvel Sword, ?GUARD (Cat Band), Sylvan Bow x2, Elven Boots, Duel Suit, ====================================================================== Iveena tells you she prays for you. Now head up and there's a Golden Statue. If your levels are low, eg. 35, 40, you MUST level up to at least 55. Then you'll be decent enough to just survive in this place. Watch ou for Medusa Eyes, they hurt and stone you a lot. A good way to level up is by using the Gabriel trick. Okay going on... you hit a save point. SAVE!!! Head left, and into the next part, where there will be a door, enter it and get Sour Syrup, ?GUARD (Star Guard), Star Cloak and Magic Bikini. The Star Guard, is actually, Ashlay's first Shield for some reason... It also registers as a shield for Cius and Ratix too... Head left then down, but dont go down a level, instead go left again to reach a door, with Elven Cap (Milly), Reflex, Meteor Storm (Spell), for Ronixis and Joshua (i think.) The door left of that leads on, ignore and instead there should be a door north of where you are, which has Reflex, Star Cloak, Doom Blade. The door next to it (left) will lead you to Hermit Helm and Marvel Sword if you take the north door. The door south will lead you all the way back to the big room with all the lead offs (that you just were in.). The north path leads to a gate which is supposed to go outside, but you can't open it, so go on and go through the door i talked about before. This will lead you up stairs and around, it'll lead you to two doors, one which is unopenable --??? and the other is the right way... The north door will have a Sylvan Bow, another one, and a ?GUARD (Cat Band). Heading south through long corridor, then right, through a good and another, you will soon reach a choice, down north or south, choose south and get a Elven Cap and a Reflex... and the north door leads you to a switch, flip it and the unopenable door before is now open for you to goto the next level. This level will be filled with Eyes... This is a short level, the right door leads you to the next level, the left leads you to a Elven Boots, and a Duel Suit. Okay onto the next level, it'll start off with a well earned save point, and then onto a damn puzzle!!! It's quite confusing, there's 5 switches and a door. Go to the upper left door, and past that and start there, press that switch, and work your way anti clockwise through the switches to open the door. Go up, the stairs, and then you'll hit a save point. Get ready. You'll meet Jie Revorse. ______________________________________________________________________ (!)Spoiler Alert(!) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Jie: You guys. I hear you intend to get in the way of my work to the very end. Ratix: Of course! Your work is to make people suffer. Jie: What?! The one that's truly making the people suffer is the Federation! Ronixis: What did you say!? Where in the Federation are we making people suffer? Jie: Forcing people to join the social intercourse club called the Federation, stealing natural resources, and making people slaves, where are you not making people suffer? Iria: We're not forcing anybody. It's the basis of mutual understanding, and it's not the case that we're stealing natural resources, and we are not enslaving anybody either. Jie: Mutual understanding? Armed with such powerful military powers and going to planets and thrusting weapons at their throats, you call discussion in that situation fair? Ronixis: It's not the case that we're thrusting weapons at them, that's just your twisted interpretation. Jie: Hmph, dogs of officials like you wouldn't undertsand the pain of the kind of suffering you're giving us!!! Ronixis: Your damage is already like that. That's why there is no excuse for invading. Jie: It's the logic of strong people. It seems it's pointless even in talking with you. Die! ______________________________________________________________________ (!)Spoiler Alert(!) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ==================== J i e R e v o r s e ==================== HP 31000 MP 250 TOTAL EXP 6000 TOTAL FOL 5000 This should be a sinch again. Watch out for his fist, it can deal a great amount of damage on low levels. His energy ball can also deal some good damage too, but pounding him with 7 Twin Slash is good and it'll get him down in no time. ______________________________________________________________________ (!)Spoiler Alert(!) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Jie: D, damn it....! The descendants of Moore, standing in my way! Iria: Descendants of Moore?! Jie: Unngh, hahaha! So you came all the way here knowing nothing after all! ... I don't know about the Federation monkeys. But if you verify origins, Roakians and Fargetians are connected by the same blood of Moore! Ratix and Milly: !!! Jie: ...The arrival destination of people who miraculously survived among the Moorians who were thrown into a different space by an anomaly was the planet Roak, and this desolate Farget! [Scene goes to map of the world in inner sanctum, then changes back] Iria: So then... That was the meaning of the Parj Temple's hologram after all... Jie: Well, asking what happened to the race is utterly meaningless. Or Roakians, or Fargetians, or even manufactured monsters for that matter!... Jie: But it can't be helped that without knowing such things that I despise the Earthlings who live comfortably like they're at the height if their prosperity!! Iria: .... Jie: This time I won't hold back!! I will show you just how powerless you are!! ______________________________________________________________________ (!)Spoiler Alert(!) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ==================== N e o R e v o r s e ==================== HP 32000 MP 250 . TOTAL EXP 12000 TOTAL FOL 10000 This is it. This is huge. This guy pummels you with his rockets and fists so watch out, and heal often. At level 100, like me, he'll deal no damage and be dead in no time. Congrats! (Don't worry, there's and even harder boss than this... in the secret dungeon... ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ()ENDING()()ENDING()()ENDING()()ENDING()()ENDING()()ENDING()()ENDING() ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Ratix: Did we do it? Jie: ...Ugh, this doesn't mean it's over. Heheheh a person like me will appear again without fail. I... look forward to that day... [Jie dies.] Ronixis: Iveena said what was driving Jie was the destructive instincts written into his genes, but... But what I saw inside this man was pure hatred for the people who created him and for himself... Iria: And sadness..? Ronixis: Yes, If you look at it in the end, he too was an ordinary victim. [Scene switches to the time gate] Ratix: Everyone, thank you so much... Different characters say different things Ashlay: Don't make such a miserable face. It's not the case that we'll never meet again, right? Joshua: If i said it was a good experience, I'd sound like an honour student, but i'd get the feeling that meeting you all was a true growth for me. Milly: Goodbye... everyone.. ====================================================================== You will then get a ending(s) depending on your AR with the characters ====================================================================== Then the credits roll. Ratix: This time it's really goodbye isn't it. Ronixis: Yeah, but we might come by again. Iria: Heheh. I pray that won't happen. Milly: Although you can't at anytime, please come back again. Ronixis: Yeah. But it might be the best for Roak to stay like this and not advance its civilization. Iria: Yeah. Even if advanced, the air will become polluted, the water will become dirty and the trees would die. There might not be anything good. Ratix: That's not true. Thanks to that advancement we were able to meet, and we were also able to have an exciting adventure. It's okay. We will make Roak better. Ronixis: Right. We'll come back at that time. Ratix: Right. See you later! Milly: We might not be able to meet you anymore, though. Iria: I'm glad I was able to have a journey with you. Ratix: Now this is the start of our real adventure. Star Ocean ~FIN~ ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ()ENDING()()ENDING()()ENDING()()ENDING()()ENDING()()ENDING()()ENDING() ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() BUT WAIT!!!! There's more! Reset your game, and when you go to continue, there'll be a star next to the save! Load it up, you'll be the in the Revorse Tower still. So what's so good? Have you ever wondered what the oracle option does? ORACLE ROOM There's 5 doors, which in those doors you can get hints and talk to the programmers. There are two lower doors, the left takes you to Tataroy 300 years in the past, and the right takes you to the Revose Tower, up the top. You can acess this anytime. So, what's good about it? Go to the past, and you'll end up at Tataroy. Head up and you will end up in the secret dungeon called... ====================================================================== Seven Star Ruins Ratix lv101 FOL- 5035295 Play Time: 41:06 Items- PeepBomb, Killer Poison, Damascus x6, Elf Powder, Luna Tablet x2, Stone Check, Gold Ring, Misty Shield x2, Fairy Glass, Artmis Leaf x2, Spectacle, Mag. Card, Reverse Doll x2, ?MINERAL (Mithril) x3, Rainbow Diamond, Mithril, Flare Spread, Assasin Dagger, Cinderella Glass x3, ?GUARD (Cat Armor), Elven Boots, ?GUARD Star Guard, Crown, Starruby x2, Purple Mist, Heal Ring, Meteor Crash, Mag. Colour, Savory, Protect Ring, ?JEWELRY (Fairy Ring), Green Beryl, Might Potion, Paralyze Check, Tailsman, ?WEAPON (Growthal Sword), Mirage Robe x2, Dragon Slicers. ====================================================================== ***WARNING! This dungeon has 30 levels, all going down, and NO SAVE POINTS! The enemies start off as hard as the Revorse Tower, and get even harder and harder! Be warned! WARNING!*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Recommeded Level - 50 MINIMUM. You will be greeted by a Tri-Ace member, who says you did well in reaching the ruins. He gives you a hint: Stone Statues that you can move can be very important. ## Strategies for B1-B10: If you just survived in the Revorse Tower you will just survive in here and ultimately perish soon enough. But if you found it easier than it shouldn't be such a hard task... ## Desecend down to B2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Down to B3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ...Down to B4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Take the first turnoff and you will reach a chest: PeepBomb. Then keep going, take the first door and get a... Empty chest. You soon find out that they are all empty, and when you try to go to B5, it'll say: Open in reverse, and the path will open. Quite easy, but quite confusing. Start from the far-east room, and open all chests going right. So you end up at the far west door. If done correctly when you open the last chest the screen should shake. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bigger room. Head right and get Killer Poison. Then head up from the chest, left, and down and then you should see a passageway right, which gets you MegaFlare Bomb and Damascus. Then go out and head down and the passageway left to a Elf Powder. Don't worry and the path north its just a loop. Head your way down to B6. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A far bigger level. Head right and up two rooms to a Star Ruby. Head down ONE room, go left, and up into a door where you will get a Reflect Ring. From outside that room head south to a Flare Ring. Head up, then south, down the stairs to B7. NOTE: Most of this level is a big BIG loop :(. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you really want to, open a chest and try to descend, but it'll block you saying: Toss away desire and the path shall open. Close the chest and descend. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Head down to B9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Down to B10. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Head south then left and get from the north and south doors: Damascus and Luna Tablet. Head back up then right into the door, you'll go into B11. Don't worry this isn't the right way. In B11 you'll be hitting all new harder enemies. Watch out. The only relief is that there is no Medusa Eyes (yes!!!). Anyway from B11 head left and get 2 chests, Damascus and Stone Check. Go back up. Head left (nothing right.) and go down and right. In this next part go up and around the top to get a Gold Ring. Go around and down and left and you should see two chests higher. They are Damascus and Misty Shield. Go right and there should be the correct stairs to B11, but you will be greeted by a "Ladies First" sign. Put any girl/lady, e.g Iria in front, and another second, and if you have another third and IF you have another one 4th. So inactual fact you need to put all your women in your party up front then you can pass. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B11 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| New enemies! - GrimFlower, PyreBeast, Ahalkola, Doomax, PunkPonk, Cloud Ogre, Carle Eagle, Resfina, Watch out for the Ahalkola, they're annoying and Doomax pack a punch as well. Recommended MINIMUM level- 60. +++ Stratigies for B11-20 Aint has hard as before, its that just those damn Medusa Eyes are gone! Woohoo! But beware, these enemies can pack a big punch and kill you easily. Remember, they're harder than the Revorse Tower enemies. Beware of Doomax, he can easily kill Milly, Ronixis, and people who can't equip very good armor. Beware. +++ This just contains a chest- Luna Tablet. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B12 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Right, down and left and chest is Fairy Glass. Right, up right down to the place that looks similar to before, but there are statues. If you try to get to B12, it'll say "Desire the beautiful statue". Just quickly push the girl statue (far left) above the stairs and descend. (I think i missed some treasures here) |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B13 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| To B14. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B14 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Hm, doesn't this look like B6?? Yep, i'ts exactly like it. Especially the damn loop! So the treasure should be in the same spot, left, noeth 2 rooms. Artmis Leaf is there. Go one room down and left and into the door to get Spectacle. Sadly there isn't a chest south so goto B15. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ B15 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEW LAYOUT! Its much like the Velcan't Pirates cave but in a different colour (this is such a good game!) New Monsters- Cannibal, DarkEye (and others from before) Naturally, you would go in the right door, but there is nothing there. So where do we go? The Left wall has a invisible gap which you can pass through. There is also a gap at the right, but it leads to a dead end. Anyway, go into the door you see, it has Damascus and Mag. Color. Get out, and the south wall will lead to a chest, Reverse Doll. But Upper left has a gap which leads to the next part and a Damascus. Again. Okay, which way to go? Up or down? Down first, to get Starruby and Reflect Ring. Go back and down to B16. Back to old layout. :(. Get ?MINERAL (Mithril) and Rainbow Diamond. when you go right are 3 chests: Mithril, Flare Spread, Assasin Dagger. Go back to where you got the Reverse doll and next to the chest at the wall is a passageway leading down. There's a set of stairs to B16 and a door which leads to 2 open chests (-???). Go to B16. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B16 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| To some familiar level, head right to get a Cinerella Glass and then head up left and down and right into the passageway to get ?GUARD (Cat Armor), Elven Boots, and ?GUARD Star Guard. And down to B17. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B17 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Another Puzzle, it'll say "free everything and the path shall open". There are 4 chests, get them closed. But it's not that easy. Hit the left chest, hit the chest that closed, hit the chest next to it then hit the far left chest. To B18. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B18 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| More familiar ground, get the Reverse Doll and Crown. To more familiar ground, the puzzle place, this aint a puzzle but get the Starruby, Purple Mist, Cinderella Glass, and ?MINERAL (Mithril). To B19. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B19 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| This next level has a chest closed - unopenable - and 2 opened, although the right one has a Heal Ring in it. And... you realise, its the big loop room!!! Adventurer Kuma is there telling you to becareful... go left and up into the door, and the screen will flash red and you will go into a battle with 2 Demon Eyes...!! All your characters have 1 HP!! Start with Milly Healing and you should be fine. Their petrifying rate is lower than Medusa Eyes. Good. Your reward: Meteor Crash and Mag. Colour. Goto B20. Only 10 more levels :D. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ B20 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Layout Again! Go down and K will tell "Yuu" not to worry about him and to go ahead. Get the Witch Powder. Go south. There will be 5 treasures inside the wall, but no entrance, find a gap in the upper left wall. Get: Starruby, Artmis Leaf, ?MINERAL(Mithril), Protect Ring, Savory. Go back up. Go down the stairs to get ?JEWELRY (Fairy Ring) and Misty Shield. Go back up. Go left and you will hit yellow ground... The two doors up top have nothing, further down you will reach a room with Adventurer Yuu and Pilon... Go down and get Green Beryl and go down the stairs. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B21 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| NEW ENEMIES- Gargantua, Fatfood, Evil Terror, GraveBit, Cocatrice, Back to old layout. Recommended MINIMUM level - 80 THIS IS WHERE THE BIG EXP POINTS RACK OUT, OVER 20000 EXP PER FIGHT! +++ Stratigies for B21-30 This is it. The last set of enemies. About, let's say 3 times as or more than Revorse Tower, or just then! Gargantua packs a punch to low level defensive chracters. Gargantua has a very very high defensiev rating and it'll take over 1400-1500+ attack rating to actually damage him, so thats when your Ougi's come in handy. Okay, watch out for FatFood! They are very very dangerous. One of the toughest they have a very very high HP and you need to heal often, with my Ratix lv106 (low? Yes.) it can deal about 1600 damage! GraveBit hit you for a lot of damage, Evil Terror are annoying and tough. +++ When you try to get past it'll say "beware of traps of death..." |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B22 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| You will see a statue of a stoned person. Get the chests, Cinderella Glass and Might Potion. The other chest in empty... Uh whoops, when you try to get to B23 it'll say " The adventurer follows the dream of the treasure". So.... go back and go in B22 and the chest in empty. Push the statue above the empty chest and proceed. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B23 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| To B24. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B24 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| To B25. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ B25 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Back to old layout. To get the treasure, head right into the door, at the 4 way intersection go south. Get Paralyze Check. Go north to Tailsman. Nothing else so go back. Go south and around. Ignore the first set of stairs you see and take the second one to B26. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B26 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Back to older layout :(. Gi past the lady statue and it'll say "Being Seen is embarrasing". Push her up to where she can't anymore then right. Goto B27. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B27 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Familiar level but no treasures here. B28 here we come. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B28 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Um, to B29. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| B29 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| This is the loop room. Head right and up, but beware, there is a deathtrap (reduces HP to 1) and puts you in a battle with 2 Evil terrors. Watch out. Your reward is a ?WEAPON (Growthal Sword) and Mirage Robe. The room left of that is another deathtrap and 2 Dark Stalkers. You get a Mirage Robe and Dragon Slicers. Goto B30. Get ready for the right of your life. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ B30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Back to new layout. Heal to MAX. Recommended MINIMUM Level - 100. Go Up and meet looter. Looter - Heheh. The treasure is mine. ==================================== L o o t e r x2 a n d R e s f i n a ==================================== Looter HP - 32000 (each) Looter MP - 0 Resfina HP - 27500 Resfina MP - 240 TOTAL EXP- 32767 TOTAL FOL- 32767 Okay. This is the 'hardest' battle in the whole of Star Ocean. The looters are extremely powerful, they can kill at lv90 person in a couple of seconds. Heal all the time and use 7TwinSlash all the time (with a combo of 4) with Ratix. I reckon lv108 with Ratix and 7TwinSlash, a Ashlay with all Ougis and Iria with all ougis can do fine in this battle. A good strategy is to corner them (for some reason i cornered them with Milly) and your chracters should pound them full out with their techs while Milly (tactic: Heal Party) heals/revives all the time. Each of their hits can take 2000 off your HP, and you should be able to as well. If not use Meteor Storm with Ronixis alothough he would probably die so take your most powerful attackers along. YOUR REWARD FOR DEFEATING THE LOOTERS!!!! ?MINERAL (Orihalcon) x2, ?WEAPON (Soul Eater), Magic Drop, Extension (spell), Sage Stone, Lightning Bow Now that you have finished the game... how about leveling up to 255??? heheheh. NOTE: Since this is a complex game, you still haven't got the ultimate weapons yet :D. Get them from Item Creation. ~Fin,Finally.~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Tips & Secrets SCRT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Although most of Tips & Secrets are listed in the walkthrough, here they are again....! ====================================================================== 'Charm', the accessory EXACTLY like Tri-Ace emblem.... ====================================================================== This is listed in the PA section of the walkthrough, and to obtain it you need NOT to get Ashlay in your party. Head to Sylvalant, and do a PA. Exit the PA whenever you are ready, and Milly will give you a 'Charm'. Actually, its translated from Ein or something, but its still good enough! Sadly, only RATIX can equip them. They give +200 STR, +15 DEF, +20 ACC and +20 EVD. Where as the Tri-Emblem is equippable on ALL CHARACTERS, and give an extra +60 DEF than the 'Charm's +15 DEF. You can get unlimited of these, but you can't sell them though, so its wise to obtain 2 of these. *I have recieved an e-mail stating that you CAN get the Charm with Ashlay, I'm not entirely sure... my theory is that its got to do with your AR with Ratix and Milly, or that you must of obtained Milly at the Van continent, not Sylvalant. ====================================================================== How to get the Bunny Whistle ====================================================================== You must need Perisie for this one. Go to Portmis, and PA it. Go up to Moore Castle, and you will meet Perisie at the gate. Ratix: What are you doing in a place like this? Perisie: Just now I heard it from the guards, they say that there's a huge mountain of treasure here! Ratix: Could that possibly be Moore Kingdom's Treasury? Perisie: Yes! That Ratix: And? Perisie: Let's go together! Ratix: Huh? Perisie: You come too Ratix. We'll certainly be able to feel like a prince and princess! Ratix: Hey, isn't that a crime? Perisie: ??? Ratix: Thats BANZAI! Perisie: What are you getting at? Ratix: ...That's MANNO. Both: .... Ratix: Who cares, let's go! Perisie: No!!! Perise: Could it be that... you hate me? 1.Why has it come to that? 2.Well, just a little bit. ((1))Ratix: It's not a question of hating, is it? There are things in this world that you musn't do, right? Perisie: ...i know... AR for Perisie a little bit down. ((2))Ratix: Oh okay... Let's try asking inside... Perisie: Yay!! I like you, Ratix!! AR for Perisie Up. Treasure Vault You will end up here, and you can fight enemies. There's sadly nothing in the chests, you emptied them before. Even if you didn't take it before you can't get it (i couldn't get Perisie's Ougi, damn!) Go into the second door you see (the second door from when you got in) and a watch a scene. Perisie: Huh? My friend was certainly supposed to be sleeping in this area, but... Ratix: F-friend? Perisie: Yeah. He's a rabbit thiiiiis roly-poly and fat. Ratix: .... Roly-Poly? Ratix: ...Fat? Ratix: Well, i've seen a stone statue like that before. (you saw it at Hot, remember? after delivering it.) Perisie: Bingo! When he's sleeping he looks like a stone! Where did you see him? Let's go there! Ratix: Are you looking for that?... Anyway, let's go back. Go to HOT village, and PA it. Goto the item shop. Perisie: My friend is here? Ratix: Maybe... I don't think that there are many ugly stone bunny statues around... Perisie: It's not ugly! Its RABU RABU! Ratix: RABU RABU? Badam: Is something the matter? Ratix: There was a sculpture i brought here earlier, right? Badam: Ah, this, right? What about it? Perisie: !!! Its bunny! Badam: Huh? Bunny? Perisie: This is my friend so give him back! Badam: Even if i'm told something like that... Perisie: Bunny, wake up! (Bunny wakes up....!) Perisie: ...did he wake up? You get Bunny! and Bunny Whistle! Go to your inventory, and use the Bunny Whistle (can be used unlimited times). You will ride him, as he is as fast as Ratix dashes, and goes even faster when he dashes. And for your effort, you will not encounter enemies!!!!! *MINI SECTION* ====================================================================== Gabriel, the ULTIMATE way of leveling up! -from me ====================================================================== *MINI SECTION* Always wondered how my levels are so high? Well, most of it is time, and some of it is this... enemy! She is extremely hard to defeat, but for your rewards she gives out 30000+ EXP and 60990 FOL each time you defeat her... and sometimes, guess what she drops?! She sometimes drops Fantastic Armor or Fantastic Swords!!! Funky eh? Well, you will need a lot to do before you would want to fight her... she's very VERY scary. Recommended Characters Ratix lv45+ Cius/Ashlay lv40+ Iria lv45+ Milly/Joshua (preferably Milly, she's a better healer) lv 40+ [Normally you bring the stronger characters first so its easier to fight later on, even if you have 3 strong and 1 weak] --- Getting prepared, in DEFENSIVE and WEAPON sense --- First you will need to level up your characters to about level 40-50, something fairly high. Then... you will need to configure... _____ _____/Ougis\__________________________________________________________ You will need to quire most of the Ougi's for Ratix, Cius/Ashlay and Iria. Those characters will be your main fighters. Have 7 Twin Slash as one of the first techs and 7 Flash Sword (its not really needed). Equip Firebird on the long range tech. Make sure Iria has Cherry Bomb, its very useful. Have Ashlay have Firebird as long range and 7 Thunder Sword as short range. For Ratix, use and I mean USE the other pages and put 7 Twin slash in them so that you can do 7 Twin Slash 4 times...hopefully you get what i mean. _________ _____/Equipment\______________________________________________________ Get the best possible weapons available at this time, Dwarven weapons for Ratix and Ashlay/Cius and whatever you have picked up for Iria and Milly. To make your characters better defensive wise, you could obtain Mithril equipment, most from the Sylvalant Ruins. You should equip every best possible weapon and armor from that Ruin. If you haven't been there, don't worry about it. Your stats should look pretty good, 300+ DEF for the attackers, over 500+ ATK for them as well. Milly shouldn't have as high stats. But, now she should of gotten Fariy Light (LV 42). Don't worry, I explain that later... Don't worry, the next battles you will face may need a little luck. If you are able to, customise weapons or use the smithy to make weapons. Of course, I tried VERY hard to do this, but no luck. :( _____________________ _____/Magic 4 Spell Casters\__________________________________________ Normally you would want to bring Milly along in this with pretty low levels (well, since LV255 is the limit). What i mean is, at least try get to LV42 to learn Fairy Light. That is your main healing source. Also you will need Dispel (is it dispel?) to un-stone your characters after or when the stone check breaks. If you manage to reach LV 46, you learn Raise Dead to, well... Raise Dead! Gabriel's attacks are really annoying! ______ _____/Skills\_________________________________________________________ Of course, you acess this from the second on the bottom option in the Main Menu. You will need to level up Biology (HP) and Kitchen Knife (STR) up to 10, and waste any other SP on any other useful stuff, whichever levels up your stats. For one character, which i will explain later which character it needs to be with special talents, will need to get the MUSIC level up to 10. All characters will need to level up Biology and Kicthen Knife. Oh, and about the music thing, use it on a character you will NOT use, there's no use in using it on characters that aren't going to fight. _____ _____/Music\__________________________________________________________ Ah, finally, MUSIC!!! As I said in skills, you need to have a character, well, at least with PITCH talent, but you really NEED a character with PITCH and RHYTHM talents. If one (only one) character has just PITCH, the way to get RHYTHM talent is to level up the MUSIC to 10, and buy a instrument, and go and 'write' a music piece (explained later). Once you have the intrument's 1 or 2 music piece, play it, exit, play it again etc... till you learn RHYTHM talent, and you will gain 50 SP. --- -N-O-T-E-S- --- If you play music without one of these talents, you graually lose SP. --- To 'Write' music, go to Ionis, and but Creator Pens (preferably 20), and go into your 'Special' menu, where you can write music, and its random when you get 1 or 2. --- To buy a instrument, go to Ecdart and go to the music shop and buy a CLARINET, the instrument needed to encounter Gabriel. --- CLARINET is the instrument that can only enoucounter enemies, other instruments do other things. --- If you only have one of the talents and you play Clarinet 2, you will encounter another group of enemies instead of the one desired. --- Well, i thinks that all for that part, but time to explain Gabriel's attacks! _________________________ ___/How to encounter Garbriel/ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ If you already know, skip this. Anyway, have your character READY with the talents Rhythm and Pitch. Make sure you went to Ionis and got your Creator Pens (20) and your Clarinet from Ecdart. Take your time to aquire Clarinet 2 Piece, anr you are nearly there! From there, go to your playing character (music), which you should already be on, and go and 'play' the Clarinet 2 piece. Make sure you are ready!! Exit the menu and..... *Before I do anything else, I want to explain to you about this nasty enemy....* ŻŻŻŻŻ\Gabriel's attacks/ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ So, you like the heading? Heh, anyaway.. about the nasty enemy... I can't really translate what she says (or if she says anything) for her attacks. All i can do is name them.... ^Slash^ A nasty attack where she goes up to a character and hits them for about 7500+ HP. *To stop her doing this, move away into a defensive position move around when she is near. ^Dangerous Shield^ This is the most annoying shield ever made on earth. She makes a shield over herself, and anyone who touches it will get infilicted over 7500+ HP, and if you.. let's say... cheat so that she deals 0 damage, she can hit you over 10 times per.. lets say, 5 seconds! Plus, to add to your misery, you can't hurt her while she's shielded. *RUN! You can't stop the AI Characters getting themselves killed, but you can save your self! Take a defensive postition till it wears off. ^Stone Slash^ I'm not sure if this actually part of slash, but anyway, she does the same thing, goes up to a character, slashes them, and the most likely die and THEY GET STONED, unless you have a Stone Check. If you manage to survive you are stoned again. *Well, the only way to cure this is by making sure your healer is still alive and active (Milly). She will cast Dispel and then Fairy Light to heal everybody. I think that's unfair. ^Volcanic Eruption^ You should notice 'cast a spell', sort of like what she does at the start of the shield. But it takes longer, and it affects the whole party for about 2000-3500+ HP of damage. The screen turns red and the rocks come out, damaging you. *To stop this, HIT HER when you see the spell being cast. It will be canceled out. Your characters should still survive the eruption. **She doesn't use this spell much. ^Fairy Light^ Yes, just like Milly's, but she heals all for 2500+ HP. *To stop this, just hit her. ŻŻŻŻŻ\Gabriel and Problems/ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Most problems are... 1. Gabriel runs up, takes a shield in the middle of the party, and kills 3/4 characters, and then runs for your Healer, who dies before any spells can be cast. 2. Your healer dies when you try to protect him/her and some characters are still alive with no healer. They most likely will die before they could beat her. 3. Your healer revives a character right in the middle of a slash, or a shield, and they die again. 4. Your character has a anger explosion, near Gabriel or right next to her, and Gabriel kills him/her. 5. The Hound Shapes -paralyze- your attackers and Gabriel kills them, and healer is left all alone. ŻŻŻŻŻ\Gabriel, the real fight!/ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Have you gotten prepared yet? I hope so because you'll need it! Play your Clarinet 2, and exit the menu.... ------------------------------------------ G a b r i e l & 4 H o u n d S h a p e s ------------------------------------------ Actually, the spelling is Gabrielle :) Gabriel HP 32000 Gabriel MP 300 Hound Shapes HP 3100 Hound Shapes MP 50 TOTAL EXP 30000 TOTAL FOL 60990 (Although it says something like 4562 in green) Gabriel may drop Fantastic Armor or Sword! Okay, for some reason the Hound Shapes have come back to haunt you. The battle starts off with them having the Triangular1 formation, and you should either be Lower Square or Upper Square formation, with the healer at the very corner. The battle starts off with everyone rushing (excluding the healer) and fighting. Try take on the Hound Shapes while damaging Gabriel. ALWAYS use the 7 Twin Slash and Firebird, so when you enter the battle, STRIAGHT away use the Firebird technique, and try to use it on Gabriel before she does anything bad. Make sure the Hound Shapes (or Form) don't PARALYZE you (ouch) because Gabriel normally comes up and hits you. After an Anger Explosion on Ratix the battle should be easy. Iria always uses Cherry Bomb if she has it; it should be her most powerful technique she has at the moment. You cannot stop Iria from running into the shield barrier all the time, she always does that in mine, because i told her to. There's no point in using healing items, just let the healer heal you with Fairy light all the time, it should heal about 4500 HP all the time. 7 Flash Sword isn't too much of a good technique to use, although it hits all enemies. Stick with every body attack and you should be fine, although one of the PROBLEMS might occur. *_* o_O ^_^ '_' The best way to kill her is to SANDWICH her, i killed her in about 5 seconds once on level 60! *Sometimes you can see blinding light when you launch a flurry of attacks (7TwinSlash, 7ThunderSword and Cherry Bomb AT THE SAME TIME, I think, either that or its Comet Fist instead of Cherrry bomb). Which after that you should of beaten Gabriel! Congrats! [Bugs & Problems] The only problems I had (MEANING B-U-G-S) is when you exit the screen to enter the battle sometimes it FREEZES. I think thats the same with the other Clarinet Pieces. Just make sure you've saved before you try. I think this wasn't supported very well in the programming of the game so that's why its so unreliable. ====================================================================== Customise? What's this for? ====================================================================== For some of you, you might not know what this is. This is, in fact, a character customising a special weapon to make it their Ultimate Weapon, in most cases. I think that you need the skill originality for this. ********************************************************************** Marvel ********************************************************************** NEED Rainbow Diamond --Just Rainbow Diamond. END UP WITH Holy Orb! ATK 900 ACC 10 STM drops to 0... ********************************************************************** Ashlay ********************************************************************** NEED Mithril Sword -- Obtained by Smithing LongSDX and MITHRIL. END UP WITH - Murasame! ATK 1000 ACC 20 ********************************************************************** Ratix ********************************************************************** NEED Silvance --Obtained by Smithing LongSDX and Orhicalon END UP WITH Aura Blade! ATK 1000 Holy-Elemental ********************************************************************** Fear ********************************************************************** NEED Bloody Sword --Obtained by Smithing GladiusX and Runemetal. END UP WITH - Deathbringer! ATK 700 ACC 10 ********************************************************************** Perisie ********************************************************************** NEED Cat Fang --Obtained by Smithing KnuckleX and Orhicalon. END UP WITH Fine-L Punch! ATK 1000 ACC 80 ********************************************************************** Tinek ********************************************************************** NEED Spinning Spear --Obtained by Smithing LongSPRX and Orhicalon. END UP WITH Offering! ATK 1000 ACC 10 Thunder Elemental ********************************************************************** Cius ********************************************************************** NEED Silver Sword --Obtained by Smithing ClaymoreX and Mithril. END UP WITH Cius Special! ATK 1000 ACC 20 ********************************************************************** Iria -- Need RONIXIS to do this ********************************************************************** NEED Metal Fang --Obtained by Smithing KnuckleX and Runemetal END UP WITH Kaiser Knuckle! ATK 900 ACC 50 As far as I know, you cannot weapon smith any of Ronixis' bows, therefore probably not allowing you to customize any of his weapons. ====================================================================== Puffy's Game ====================================================================== Puffy: Okay, now close your eyes. Let's see... You are now in a cave. The path splits into 2 directions. What will you do? __________________________________ a1. Continue to the right i guess. a2. I want to continue left. a3. What is this!? ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________________________ 1: You'll fall into a 'trap door' and that will the the end. What a waste of money... 2: Go to next part. 3: You will have to choose again. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ If you chose a2.... Puffy: Eek! There's a torn up splattered corpse that I would faint if I saw it lying there! What will you do? __________________________________ b1. Examine the corpse b2. Pray for its happiness in the next world b3. Continue forward without caring about it ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________________________ 1: Puffy will make sure you want to examine it, so choose 1 again. She'll be stuck. You will find a Flare Bomb and 120 Fol! Choose again. 2: She'll say some stuff and you will move on 3: You will move on. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Puffy: Oh no!! A Chimera appeared from the shadows!! You, who are at Level 1, might not... no, there's no way you can win I think. So what will you do? If you're going to fight, you'll play rock-paper-scissors with me. __________________________________ c1. I'll fight the Chimera c2. Use a Flare bomb c3. Run away ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________________________ 1: You play rock-paper-scissors. The results: totally random. If you win, you proceed. If not, game over. ^_^; 2: Throw the flare bomb you got to kill the Chimera. 3: Puffy will tell you to run around. Go to the next options.. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ When you kill the Chimera, you receive a Melt potion. If you chose 'run away'... ----- Puffy: Okay, try running around. Ratix: Huh? Puffy: Run around. Since this is virtual if you don't do that much it won't feel real. Ratix: ... O-okay then... Ratix runs around. Ratix: *pant* *pant* I-is this okay? Puffy: Its so-so. You were able to run away from the enemy, but... Ratix: ? Puffy: Oh no! You appear to be lost... no, you're definitely lost! Puffy: Where is this I wonder? At some point you found yourself at a four-way intersection. So what will you do? __________________________________ d1. Go forward d2. Right d3. Left d4. Back ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________________________ 1: You will go back to the Chimera part. 2: You will fall in a trap. 3: You get 1 Fol. Then you go back to the Chimera. 4: You go back to the corpse. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ----- If you killed the Chimera... Puffy: Okay!! You finally made it to the Demon King Naos's place. He fearlessly laughs and says this, "THE STUPID INSECT HAS UNCONCERNEDLY COME TO PAY A VISIT, COMING HERE WAS DIFFICULT BUT THIS IS THE END!" So, what will you do? __________________________________ e1.Fight!! e2.Run away e3.Use tools. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________________________ 1: You will get fried by Naos's hot breath. The end. 2: Go to the section above this one. 3: You get two options: 1.Will Potion 2.Megaflare bomb [I've only tried Megaflare bomb, because I can't find a will potion.] ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ If you defeated him... Puffy: Ratix's Attack! Ratix threw a Mega Flare Bomb at Naos! Huge flames erupt! 65000 Damage to Naos! You defeated Naos! You did it! You acuired 100 Exp, 600 Fol and a Sabre! What the? Naos got up and begged for his life. Will you give him medicine? __________________________________ f1. Give him a Blueberry. f2. Don't give him anything. f3. This is virtual so you take it! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________________________ 1: Naos eats the blueberry and runs away! Game Over... 2: Naos dies! Game over... 3: You will get more options ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ If you chose 3... Puffy: !! O-okay, then, give it to me. __________________________________ g1. Blueberry g2. Melt Potion g3. Nothing ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________________________ 1: 'Naos will be healed' and will run away. Game over. 2: You will give the melt potion to her... since the melt potion instantly kills the target, she runs around, falls over. Game over. She won't play with you again. 3: 'Naos will die'. Game over. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ====================================================================== The Magic Pot ====================================================================== Now, this was something that I found recently, which was a good thing. Okay, first the requirements are that you must have finsished the game and unlocked Oracle Room 10. Go inside, and head right to some things which look like cupboards (just below the table on the right). The 2nd 'cupboard' seems to be sticking out compared to the other 'cupboard'. Inspect the cupboard from the top, press A and recieve the Magic Pot! The use of this weird item is exactly that of the santa boots, though it is less likely you will get items, and its free. There are other similiar pots, though can only be reached by hacking (Warrior Pot, Heraldry Pot). oh, and this one you don't need to sleep on it ;). +++If you have anymore tips or secrets, feel free to submit them to+++ [c_2_c(at)] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Arena List RNLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is at the Tataroy arena in the continent of Astral. Rank Level H -- Recommended level -- 15-20 Enemy 1: Bushwhacker FOL: 90 EXP: 85 DIFFUCULTY: Very easy Enemy 2: Kobold FOL: 80 EXP: 75 DIFFUCULTY: Easy Enemy 3: Slime FOL: 30 EXP: 66 DIFFUCULTY: Easy Enemy 4: Rover Axe FOL: 180 EXP: 100 DIFFUCULTY: Easy/Medium Enemy 5: Velacane FOL: 130 EXP: 600 DIFFUCULTY: Medium Reward: Blueberry, Blackberry, Sweet Syrup, Mixed Syrup, Sinkpot. Rank Level G -- Recommended Level -- 20-25 Enemy 1: Food FOL: 130 EXP: 99 DIFFUCULTY: Easy Enemy 2: Sandworm FOL: 130 EXP: 120 DIFFUCULTY: Easy/Medium Enemy 3: Armed Knight FOL: 150 EXP: 115 DIFFUCUTLY: Easy/Medium Enemy 4: Mandrake FOL: 200 EXP: 150 DIFFUCULTY: Easy/Medium Enemy 5: Stroper FOL: 130 EXP: 200 DIFFUCULTY: Medium Reward: Pretty Idol, Frog Rank Level F -- Recommended level -- 23-28 Enemy 1: Priscilla FOL: 130 EXP: 120 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 2: Magius FOL: 130 EXP: 265 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 3: Sargwen FOL: 250 EXP: 300 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 4: Killer Bee FOL: 30 EXP: 40 DIFFUCULTY: Easy/Medium Enemy 5: Velcant Boss FOL: 630 EXP: 900 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Reward: Trumpet, Music Book Rank Level E -- Recommended level -- 25-28 Enemy 1: Prettybell FOL: 230 EXP: 185 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 2: Lizard Axe FOL: 110 EXP: 334 DIFFUCULTY: Medium Enemy 3: Direwolf FOL: 130 EXP: 323 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 4: Kobold King FOL: 40 EXP: 300 DIFFUCULTY: Hard Enemy 5: Petrogerel FOL: 240 EXP: 800 DIFFUCULTY: Hard Reward: Lavender, Artmis Leaf, Shadowflower Rank Level D -- Recommended Level -- 30-35 Enemy 1: Fload Sherry FOL: 80 EXP: 400 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 2: Pyre Sherry FOL: 80 EXP: 400 DIFFUCULTY: Hard Enemy 3: Savage FOL: 130 EXP: 600 DIFFUCULTY: Hard Enemy 4: Giant FOL: 30 EXP: 1000 DIFFUCULTY: Hard Enemy 5: Saber Bunny FOL: 40 EXP: 56 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Reward: Mithril, Iron, Green Beryl Rank Level C -- Recommended Level -- 40-45 Enemy 1: Slayer FOL: 50 EXP: 100 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 2: Slayer FOL: 50 EXP: 100 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 3: Slayer FOL: 50 EXP: 100 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 4: Saber Bunny FOL: 40 EXP: 56 DIFFUCULTY: Medium Enemy 5: Scylla FOL: 530 EXP: 1000 DIFFUCULTY: Hard Reward: 7-star Ougisho (any character), ?GUARD (Star Guard), ?GUARD (Mithril Mesh / Dwarven Mail) <-- Different depending on character who won C rank. Rank Level B -- Recommended Level -- 45-50 Enemy 1: Slayer FOL: 50 EXP: 100 DIFFUCULTY: Easy/Medium Enemy 2: Ogre FOL: 240 EXP: 800 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 3: Ogre FOL: 240 EXP: 800 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 4: Eater FOL: 230 EXP: 500 DIFFUCULTY: Easy/Medium Enemy 5: Star Seraph FOL: 230 EXP: 800 DIFFUCULTY: Hard (watch out for the shield!!!) Reward: ?GUARD (Neko Band), Ruby Persia Rank Level A -- Recommended Level -- 60-65 Enemy 1: Hill Giant FOL: 1000 EXP: 1000 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 2: Star Seraph FOL: 230 EXP: 800 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 3: Star Seraph FOL: 230 EXP: 800 DIFFUCULTY: Medium/Hard Enemy 4: Funny Thief FOL: 30 EXP: 10 DIFFUCULTY: Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Easy Enemy 5: Dragon Eye FOL: 1530 EXP: 3200 DIFFUCULTY: Very Very Hard (and annoying) Reward: Rainbow Diamond, Orhicalon ::NOTE:: After you defeat A rank, you can repeat A rank again and get the prizes all over again =) Also, tell me if you want to change the diffuculty level enemy. =) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From "Chris Lee" Dear CC I recently read your walkthrough on the game Star Ocean. I'm not sure if you still care but the skills Edarl Sword, Garyuu, etc. have two functions. First, every few levels, the required MP points to do special attacks goes down by one point. I think this maxes out at four points. Also, they make it easier to learn ougis. Thanks for reading, Chris ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RATIX AND ASHLAY -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-= Skill: 7-Star Ougi Does:? -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-= Skill: 4-Spirit Ougi (CIUS + IRIA) Does:? -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-= Skill: Dragon Diety Ougi Does:? -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-= IRIA -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-= Skill: Fortune Ougi Does:? -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-= Skill: Reverse Ougi Does:? -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-= PERISIE -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-= Skill: Neko Ougi Does:? -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-= FEAR -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-= Skill: War God Ougi Does:? -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Skill Explanations SLPN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM CREATION (via Item Menu) Item creations aren't really based on luck, if you keep load save state you probably would get the same thing >_< _________ |MetalWork| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Rock Lore, Craft, Esthetic Allows you to make diferent minerals into items. You actually need that mineral, and it consumes on of them. Many different items can be made from the same mineral, the most common the the stuff-up. _______ |Cooking| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Kitchen Knife, Recipe, Good Eye You can cook food to make different and better items, which can heal you a lot or not a lot. Can also stuff-up ___________ |Compounding| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Biology, Herb Lore, Spirit You can mix herbs to make potions or bombs. Can stuff up. ________ |Identify| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Tool Lore, Rock Lore, Herb Lore In here you identify your ?Items. You need a SPECTACLE to do this. _________ |Customise| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Craft, Esthetic, Function Customise your weapons (look in Tips&Secrets section) ___ |Art| ŻŻŻ Required Skills: Sketch Need Mag.Color or Mag.Card. Mag Color allows you to duplicate items but not all. Just the ones listed there. Mag Color allows you to make a portrait of a character. Both can stuff up. _________ |Authoring| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Writing Can make books to boost the skills. Not sure if this can make books that can boost ARs. Need Research Pen. _______ |Alchemy| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Science, Fairy Lore, Rock Lore Can create minerals here, with or without the mineral. Need IRON. ___________ |Weaponsmith| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Metal Casting, Rocklore Combine items to make better ones. Need Smith Hammer, and the most likely one to always stuff up. _____ |Music| ŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Music Lore, Instrument Play music to do different things, or write music (need Creator Pen) ________ |Practice| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Effort, Will, Patience Gives you more EXP? NEEDS CHECK. ______ |Oracle| ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Radar, Piety, Playfulness Hm.... ________ |Familiar| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Animals, Whistle Need Pet Food, then you can call a bird to buy things. Not much to buy though. _____ |Scout| ŻŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Danger I'm pretty sure this affects enemy encounters. NEEDS CHECK. ____ |Dash| ŻŻŻŻ Required Skills: Gale Allows you to dash (hold B), but encounters enemies faster. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. FAQs QUTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How did you level up so much!? A. Just by playing a lot.... Q. How many endings are there? A. I honestly don't know myself, but like in SO2 there must be like 80 different endings. Get them from getting good ARs with people in your party... But seeing that there aren't as many characters, there's probably 60+ endings, not as much as SO2. It's just a theory though. Q. Which one is better, Cius or Ashlay? A. It depends. Ashlay starts off with weak defense, and I'm not sure but I think Cius and Ashlay have basically the same strength value. But if you are looking for a special ougi later on, choose Ashlay. But if you want Charm, an accessory like the Tri-Ace Amblem, from a PA, choose Cius. Both favour Ratix. Q. What this...? What's that...? It's in japenese! Can you please translate for me? A. No! I can't read Japenese! I told you! I play ZSNES, with the text patch on! Geez, stop asking me already... Q. One of the kings gives me a special Ougi... what do I do with it? A. Well, you should have all the normal techs, so Equip them from the order they are in, so everyone is different. Enter battles, and keep continuously using the techs, till you have used it about 10-20 times. If done correctly, a new tech should be in your special (tech) section. It should be a combination of 2 Skills put together. Don't worry, there should be more once i finish the walkrhough :) Q. Can I have a save state? A. At this point, my computer won't allow me ( it kinda hangs FOREVER ) when i try to attach the save state. The only way i can think of is if someone hosts a site. Q. Why does it take so long for you to reply? A. Well, I DO have school, homework, activities to do plus I only go on, lets say, 2-3 times a week. Don't expect a reply straight away, maybe if you are lucky you might get one striaght away. Q. Where can i find a patch for Star Ocean? A. I've dug up a site from the boards, without much effort, and here it is: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Enix/Tri-Ace -- For a wonderful (but pretty short) game. Me -- :) [c_2_c(at)] ZSNES - You rule! You actually translated this game! [] IKelley- Well, for writing a good walkthrough, and his walkthrough helped me play the game the first time :). You rule!!! [ikelley(at)] The23rdMagus- Providing some info about the sneezing scene Chris Lee- Some info on the ougis CjayC - You've devoted all your time to this 'GameFAQs' site! You should deserve a medal or soemthing! [] And... You. Thank You for reading the guide to this point ^_^. İ 2002/2003 CC