GameFAQs: Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (PS2) Affection FAQ by Yhkam DayncStar Ocean: Till the End of Time: Affection FAQ by Yhkam Daync Version 1.3, Last Updated 2005-07-21 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (PS2) FAQs & Guides STAR OCEAN: TILL THE END OF TIME - AFFECTION FAQ Version 1.3 By Yhkam Daync !!! As should be obvious but probably isn't, there are spoilers in this FAQ, and no, I'm not pointing them out for you. Tread carefully. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Affection Levels - What they do III. Affection Levels - How they work, and starting levels IV. Items that affect levels V. The PAs VI. History VII. Credits VIII. Legal IX. Contact X. Closing [I. Introduction] Welcome to the not-so-fantabulous Star Ocean Till the End of Time Affection FAQ! This guide is here to provide a better understanding of the PA and Affection Level systems in SO3 for those who cannot or are not interested in purchasing the official strategy guide. It's also here because I've just always wanted to make a FAQ, and affection levels are among my favorite things in games. :3 So, then! Let's get started. [II. Affection Levels - What they do] Affection levels are, simply put, how much your characters like each other. Most of these matter jack-all, honestly, so unless people really want to know or I just find something amusing, I'll only be putting the bases and changes that affect Fayt's affection towards others and vice versa. Yes, you heard me. Unlike the game's predecessors, boosting the characters' affection levels for not-Fayt characters doesn't matter. Don't affect the endings at all, to my knowledge, and no affection levels matter during the course of the game itself. Such is our woe, of course. SUMMARY (because I'm a bit of a wordy dumbass): Fayt's affection levels towards other characters and vice versa affect the endings. The rest do squat. :D [III. Affection Levels - How they work, and starting levels] How do affection levels work? Very simply! (No, really.) They work on a point-based system, with most choices you make throughout the game adding points, subtracting points, or, in some cases, doing nothing. MAJOR NOTE: To get an ending with a character, be aware of two important things. 1. The character must be a member of your party by the time of the final boss fight. ("Party" as in general party, not battle party.) 2. Fayt's affection for the character must be 21 points or higher, while the character's affection for Fayt must be 50 points or higher. That being said, here are the starting affection levels! OTHERS' starting affection levels for Fayt ------------------------------------------ Sophia - 26 Cliff - 19 Maria - 22 Nel - 19 Roger - 21 Albel - 17 Peppita - 20 Mirage - 20 Adray - 22 FAYT'S start affection levels for others ---------------------------------------- Sophia - 24 Cliff - 19 Maria - 21 Nel - 17 Roger - 19 Albel - 16 Peppita - 20 Mirage - 23 Adray - 21 UNIMPORTANT BUT AMUSING FACT: Albel's affection level for Nel starts out as 20, while hers for him is 15. Bwahahaha. >D Poor baby. *cough* Right! Anyway, that's how things are. Now onto the next part! [IV. Items that affect levels] There are five of these, and despite their descriptions, all of them decrease affection levels for whoever you use them on. This, believe it or not, is a /very good thing/, provided you don't screw up. Anyway! The five items and their base prices are: Endorphin Boost, 18 fol Pheromone Enhancer, 36 fol Tears of Aphrodite, 26 fol Tears of Ishtar, 86 fol Tears of Venus, 56 fol All of these reduce the emotion points of the character you them on by one. You get them through item creation, specifically compounding. All of the items can be made by Gossam, Fayt, and Peppita, but you can also use Milenya for Tears of Venus. Milenya can be recruited in Arias' temple for 3200 fol. Gossam can be recruited on Peterny's north path using the Potion of Youth (Fake), which has a base price of 5 fol, and can be made through compounding by using Puffy, Cliff, Roger, Albel, and/or Peppita. For more information on how to use them, see the multiple ending section of EChang's Private Action FAQ, as I am just that damned lazy. ^^;; [V. The PAs] The meat and flesh and squishy things of this FAQ, these are the only boosters and primary decreasers of affection levels. That said, let's move on! EXAMPLE Location: Where the event occurs Availability: When you can get the event Requirements: What you need to have done or not done Action to Take: What you need to do Results: OTHERS How others' feelings for Fayt change FAYT How Fayt's feelings for others changes PA1. Location: Grantier Resort Hotel, Room 105 Availability: Before playing in the Battle Simulator Requirements: Must not have spoken to Fayt's parents yet Action to Take: Check the garbage can in the room. Results: OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, -1 Maria, -3 Nel, -3 Roger, +1 Albel, -1 Peppita, -1 Mirage, -3 Adray, +1 FAYT Sophia, -1 PA2. Location: Grantier Resort Hotel, Private Beach Availability: Before playing in the Battle Simulator Requirements: Must not have spoken to Fayt's parents yet Action to Take: Talk to Sophia Results: OTHERS Sophia, +5 Cliff, -3 Maria, +5 Nel, -3 Roger, No Change Albel, +5 Peppita, -3 Mirage, No Change Adray, +2 FAYT Sophia, -5 PA3. Location: Grantier Resort Hotel, Private Beach Availability: Before playing in the Battle Simulator Requirements: None Action to Take: Talk to the young woman in the bathing suit who's not a fox-person Results: Choice 1: "Uh, yeah. Something like that." OTHERS Sophia, -5 Cliff, +2 Maria, -5 Nel, -1 Roger, +3 Albel, +3 Peppita, No Change Mirage, -1 Adray, +2 FAYT Sophia, -5 Choice 2: "Huh? Oh, just some little kid. Never seen her." OTHERS Sophia, -8 Cliff, -3 Maria, -5 Nel, -3 Roger, -3 Albel, No Change Peppita, -3 Mirage, -3 Adray, -1 FAYT Sophia, -5 Choice 3: "My girlfriend! She's pretty cute, huh?" OTHERS Sophia, +6 Cliff, -3 Maria, No Change Nel, +2 Roger, -2 Albel, -3 Peppita, +1 Mirage, +1 Adray, -2 FAYT Sophia, +8 PA4. Location: Grantier Resort Hotel, Transporter to Private Beach Availability: Before playing in the Battle Simulator Requirements: Must have seen PA3 and have chosen option 1 or option 2. Action to Take: Automatic Results: OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, -3 Maria, -3 Nel, -3 Roger, +3 Albel, -5 Peppita, +1 Mirage, -3 Adray, -2 FAYT Sophia, +3 PA5. Location: Grantier Resort Hotel, Rossetti Troupe's waiting room Availability: Before playing in the Battle Simulator Requirements: None Action to Take: Enter the room in the Northeast corner of the hotel lobby Results: Choice 1: "No, I believe you." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, +1 Maria, +1 Nel, +1 Roger, +1 Albel, -1 Peppita, +3 Mirage, +1 Adray, +2 FAYT Sophia, +1 Peppita, +3 Choice 2: "You're exaggerating a bit, aren't you?" OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, +2 Maria, No Change Nel, +1 Roger, -2 Albel, +3 Peppita, -5 Mirage, -1 Adray, -1 FAYT Sophia, No Change Peppita, -3 PA6. Location: Grantier Resort Hotel, Rossetti Troupe's waiting room Availability: Before playing in the Battle Simulator, after PA5 Requirements: See PA5 Action to Take: Approach the barricaded door in the south end of the room Results: OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, No Change Maria, No Change Nel, No Change Roger, +3 Albel, No Change Peppita, -3 Mirage, No Change Adray, +2 FAYT Peppita, No Change PA7. Location: Grantier Resort Hotel, Lounge Availability: Storyline Requirements: None Action to Take: Access one of the Game Room panels in the lounge Results: Choice 1: "Don't worry, I'll protect you." OTHERS Sophia, +3 Cliff, No Change Maria, +1 Nel, No Change Roger, +2 Albel, No Change Peppita, +1 Mirage, +1 Adray, +4 FAYT Sophia, +1 Choice 2: "I see. You don't like hanging out with me." OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, -2 Maria, -2 Nel, -2 Roger, -2 Albel, -3 Peppita, -1 Mirage, -2 Adray, -2 FAYT Sophia, +3 PA8. Location: Grantier Resort Hotel, Game Room Availability: Storyline Requirements: PA7 Action to Take: N/A Results: Choose any option besides "Start Game" OTHERS Sophia, +1 Cliff, No Change Maria, +1 Nel, +1 Roger, No Change Albel, No Change Peppita, No Change Mirage, +1 Adray, -1 FAYT Sophia, +1 Choose the "Start Game" option first OTHERS Sophia, +1 Cliff, +1 Maria, No Change Nel, No Change Roger, +1 Albel, +1 Peppita, +1 Mirage, No Change Adray, +1 FAYT Sophia, +2 PA9. Location: Grantier Resort Hotel, Game Room Availability: Storyline Requirements: Must have won the first round of battle Action to Take: N/A Results: Choice 1: "Let's try again." OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, +2 Maria, -1 Nel, -3 Roger, +3 Albel, +2 Peppita, -2 Mirage, +3 Adray, +2 FAYT Sophia, -2 Choice 2: "Let's just give up." OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, -1 Maria, +1 Nel, No Change Roger, -3 Albel, -4 Peppita, +2 Mirage, +1 Adray, -2 FAYT Sophia, -2 PA10. Location: Grantier Resort Hotel, Game Room Availability: Storyline Requirements: Must have won second round of battle Action to Take: N/A Results: Choice 1: "This is good exercise for her." OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, -3 Maria, -2 Nel, -4 Roger, -2 Albel, +4 Peppita, -4 Mirage, -3 Adray, +4 FAYT Sophia, -2 Choice 2: "I guess that's about it for today." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, +1 Maria, +2 Nel, +2 Roger, +1 Albel, No Change Peppita, +2 Mirage, +3 Adray, -1 PA11. Location: Grantier Resort Hotel, Game Room Availability: Storyline Requirements: Lose or escape a battle Action to Take: N/A Results: Escape OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, No Change Maria, -2 Nel, -3 Roger, No change Albel, -4 Peppita, +2 Mirage, No Change Adray, -4 FAYT Sophia, No Change Lose OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, -1 Maria, No Change Nel, -3 Roger, -2 Albel, -4 Peppita, No Change Mirage, +2 Adray, -2 FAYT Sophia, +1 PA12. Location: Grantier Resort Hotel, Rossetti Troupe's waiting room Availability: After Battle Simulator Requirements: None Action to Take: Go to the Rossettis' room and speak to Peppita Results: OTHERS Sophia, +3 Cliff, No Change Maria, -3 Nel, +3 Roger, No Change Albel, -3 Peppita, +5 Mirage, No Change Adray, +3 FAYT Sophia, +3 Peppita, +3 PA13. Location: Evacuation Facility Availability: After speaking to the Rossettis in their room (509) in the EF, before putting Sophia to bed Requirements: None Action to Take: Look for Peppita and Ursus in the stairwell to the east and talk to them. Results: Choice 1: "No, that's not true." OTHERS Sophia, +3 Cliff, +3 Maria, +3 Nel, +3 Roger, +3 Albel, +1 Peppita, +5 Mirage, +3 Adray, +3 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "Why couldn't you just mind your own business?!" OTHERS Sophia, -5 Cliff, -5 Maria, -5 Nel, -5 Roger, -5 Albel, -5 Peppita, No Change Mirage, -5 Adray, -5 FAYT Sophia, -3 Peppita, -5 PA14. Location: Transport Ship Helre, Bridge Availability: After Vendeeni attack, before entering Escape Pod Requirements: N/A Action to Take: Go to the bridge and talk to the crew. One of them asks what your bloodtype is. Results: Choice 1: "Tell him it's Type A." OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, -1 Maria, +1 Nel, +1 Roger, No Change Albel, No Change Peppita, No Change Mirage, -1 Adray, -1 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "Tell him it's Type B." OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, No Change Maria, No Change Nel, -1 Roger, +1 Albel, No Change Peppita, No Change Mirage, +1 Adray, +1 FAYT N/A Choice 3: "Tell him it's Type O." OTHERS Sophia, +1 Cliff, No Change Maria, -1 Nel, No Change Roger, No Change Albel, +1 Peppita, -1 Mirage, No Change Adray, No Change FAYT N/A Choice 4: "Tell him it's Type AB." OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, +1 Maria, No Change Nel, No Change Roger, -1 Albel, -1 Peppita, +1 Mirage, No Change Adray, No Change FAYT N/A PA15. Location: Transport Ship Helre, Central Starboard Corridor Availability: After Vendeeni attack, before entering Escape Pod Requirements: Door to Escape Pods must be unblocked Action to Take: Talk to the attendants in the Upper Starboard Corridor, then head back downstairs and talk to one of the Rossettis Results: OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, +3 Maria, +1 Nel, +1 Roger, +3 Albel, -2 Peppita, +5 Mirage, +1 Adray, +3 FAYT Sophia, +3 Peppita, +2 PA16. Location: Escape Pod Availability: Storyline Requirements: None Action to Take: N/A Results: Choice 1: "Let's check it out..." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, +1 Maria, +1 Nel, +1 Roger, -2 Albel, -2 Peppita, +1 Mirage, +1 Adray, -1 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "I'm sure it's okay." OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, No Change Maria, +1 Nel, No Change Roger, +2 Albel, +2 Peppita, -1 Mirage, +2 Adray, +1 FAYT N/A PA17. Location: Royal City of Airyglyph, Aqueduct entrance Availability: Before you leave Kirlsa for the Granah Hills to rescue Nel & co. Requirements: None Action to Take: Talk to Cliff near the Aqueducts entrance Results: Choice 1: "I'm worried about Mirage." OTHERS Sophia, +1 Cliff, +1 Maria, +2 Nel, +1 Roger, +1 Albel, -1 Peppita, +1 Mirage, +1 Adray, +2 FAYT Cliff, -2 Choice 2: "I never dreamed something like this would happen." OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, -2 Maria, -3 Nel, -1 Roger, -1 Albel, -3 Peppita, No Change Mirage, -2 Adray, -2 FAYT Cliff, +2 PA18. Location: Mining Town of Kirlsa, "Iron Maiden" Inn Availability: After saving Nel, Tynave, and Farleen, before returning to Arias Requirements: Must not have returned to Arias yet Action to Take: Talk to Nel upstairs. Results: Choice 1: "I just felt like it." OTHERS Sophia, +1 Cliff, +3 Maria, -1 Nel, -3 Roger, +1 Albel, -2 Peppita, +1 Mirage, +1 Adray, +5 FAYT Cliff, +1 Nel, -2 Choice 2: "I thought I should make it up to you." OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, +2 Maria, -2 Nel, -1 Roger, No Change Albel, +3 Peppita, -1 Mirage, No Change Adray, +2 FAYT Cliff, No Change Nel, -2 Choice 3: "You can't expect us to abandon you." OTHERS Sophia, +3 Cliff, +3 Maria, +1 Nel, +3 Roger, +2 Albel, No Change Peppita, +3 Mirage, +2 Adray, +2 FAYT Cliff, +3 Nel, +2 PA19. Location: Peterny, "The Biting Kid" Tavern Availability: After arriving in Peterny, before resting at the Inn Requirements: Must be done before resting at the Inn Action to Take: Talk to one of the guys at the tables inside the tavern. Results: Choice 1: "Yeah, I've heard of them." OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, +2 Maria, +1 Nel, -2 Roger, +4 Albel, +3 Peppita, -3 Mirage, -1 Adray, -2 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "No, I've never heard of them." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, +1 Maria, No Change Nel, -2 Roger, No Change Albel, No Change Peppita, +2 Mirage, +1 Adray, +2 FAYT N/A PA20. Location: Duggus Forest, Grapebind area Availability: During the search for Ameena Requirements: None Action to Take: Give the Fairy water from a "boiling" spring Results: OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, -2 Maria, -2 Nel, -2 Roger, -2 Albel, -1 Peppita, -3 Mirage, -1 Adray, -1 FAYT N/A PA21. Location: Duggus Forest, Moonshadow Clan's hideout Availability: During the search for Ameena Requirements: None Action to Take: Find the cabin in Duggus Forest and watch the scene. (See walkthrough or just poke around a lot while you're there). Results: Choice 1: "Ask Roger to help." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, -2 Maria, -1 Nel, +2 Roger, +3 Albel, -3 Peppita, +2 Mirage, -2 Adray, +2 FAYT Cliff, -2 Nel, +1 Roger, +2 Choice 2: "Turn down his offer to help." OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, +3 Maria, +2 Nel, -1 Roger, -3 Albel, +3 Peppita, -2 Mirage, +2 Adray, -2 FAYT Cliff, -2 Nel, -1 Roger, -2 PA22. Location: Peterny, West Side, "The Front Door" Luxury Inn Availability: After rescuing Ameena, before the war begins Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to Ruddle and Rumina in the second guest room. Results: Choice 1: "You should take the north gate." OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, -2 Maria, -2 Nel, -2 Roger, -2 Albel, -1 Peppita, -2 Mirage, -2 Adray, -2 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "Go east, of course." OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, -2 Maria, -2 Nel, -2 Roger, -2 Albel, -1 Peppita, -2 Mirage, -2 Adray, -2 FAYT N/A Choice 3: "It's south. Didn't you know that?" OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, +2 Maria, +2 Nel, +2 Roger, +2 Albel, +1 Peppita, +2 Mirage, +2 Adray, +2 FAYT N/A Choice 4: "West. No question about it." OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, -2 Maria, -2 Nel, -2 Roger, -2 Albel, -1 Peppita, -2 Mirage, -2 Adray, -2 FAYT N/A PA23. Location: Riverfront Village of Arias, "The Dozing" Inn Availability: After saving Ameena, before the war begins Requirements: Must have answered with choice #3 in PA22 Action to Take: Speak to Ruddle and Rumina in the inn. Results: Choice 1: "Go out through the northwest gate." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, +2 Maria, +2 Nel, +3 Roger, +2 Albel, +2 Peppita, +2 Mirage, +2 Adray, +1 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "Easiest way is through the southwest gate." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, +2 Maria, +2 Nel, No Change Roger, +2 Albel, No Change Peppita, +2 Mirage, +2 Adray, +3 FAYT N/A Choice 3: "Actually, you should go east." OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, -2 Maria, -2 Nel, -2 Roger, -2 Albel, -1 Peppita, -2 Mirage, -2 Adray, -3 FAYT N/A PA24. Location: Royal City of Airyglyph, "Wyvern's Tail" Inn Availability: After saving Ameena, before the war Requirements: Must have answered with choices 1 or 2 in PA23 Action to Take: Speak to Ruddle and Rumina in the inn. Results: Choice 1: "You already passed Kirlsa." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, +2 Maria, +2 Nel, +2 Roger, +2 Albel, +1 Peppita, +2 Mirage, +2 Adray, +2 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "You're almost at Kirlsa." OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, -2 Maria, -2 Nel, -2 Roger, -2 Albel, -1 Peppita, -2 Mirage, -2 Adray, -2 FAYT N/A PA25. Location: Lost City of Surferio Availability: After saving Ameena, before defeating Crosell Requirements: Must have answered with choice 1 in PA21 Action to Take: Find and speak to Roger and his friends outside. Results: Choice 1: "Cooperate." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, -2 Maria, -1 Nel, No Change Roger, +5 Albel, -2 Peppita, +1 Mirage, +2 Adray, +4 FAYT Cliff, -1 Roger, No Change Choice 2: "Refuse to cooperate." OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, +2 Maria, +2 Nel, -1 Roger, -5 Albel, +2 Peppita, +2 Mirage, -2 Adray, -2 FAYT Cliff, No Change Roger, -2 PA26. Location: Aquios, East Side Private Home Availability: Before your first meeting with the Queen Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to man in the house two doors down from the grocer on the east side of the city. (NOTE: Two-part PA. Results are overall for the PA as a whole.) Results: OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, No Change Maria, No Change Nel, -2 Roger, No Change Albel, -1 Peppita, No Change Mirage, No Change Adray, No Change FAYT Cliff, No Change Nel, +2 PA27. Location: Aquios, Castle Aquaria, First Floor Availability: Before your first meeting with the Queen Requirements: None Action to Take: Explore the castle instead of following Nel, then talk to her at the bottom of the staircase. Results: OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, -2 Maria, -3 Nel, -3 Roger, -1 Albel, -3 Peppita, -1 Mirage, -3 Adray, -1 FAYT N/A PA28. Location: Aquios, Castle Aquaria, Second Floor Availability: Before your first meeting with the Queen Requirements: None Action to Take: Explore the castle instead of following Nel, then talk to her in front of the Queen's audience chamber. Results: OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, -2 Maria, -3 Nel, -3 Roger, -1 Albel, -3 Peppita, -1 Mirage, -3 Adray, -1 FAYT N/A PA29. Location: Peterny, North Side Availability: After your audience with the Queen, before finding the Copper Ore Requirements: None Action to Take: Talk to Cliff in the north part of Peterny. Results: OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, -3 Maria, -2 Nel, -3 Roger, -2 Albel, -2 Peppita, -2 Mirage, -4 Adray, -2 FAYT Cliff, +2 PA30. Location: Aria, South Gate Availability: After speaking with Clair, before finding the Copper Ore Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to the Fervent Man by the south gate. Results: Choice 1: "I'll do what I can." OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, +2 Maria, -5 Nel, +5 Roger, -1 Albel, -2 Peppita, -5 Mirage, +3 Adray, -4 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "Leave it to me." OTHERS Sophia, -5 Cliff, -2 Maria, -7 Nel, +4 Roger, +3 Albel, +5 Peppita, -7 Mirage, -4 Adray, +4 FAYT N/A Choice 3: "So you're saying the situation is grave?" OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, No Change Maria, No Change Nel, +3 Roger, No Change Albel, -4 Peppita, No Change Mirage, No Change Adray -2 FAYT N/A PA31. Location: Arias, South Gate Availability: After speaking with Clair, before finding the Copper Ore Requirements: Must have answered with choice 3 in PA30 Action to Take: After PA30, speak with the Fervent Man again. Results: OTHERS N/A FAYT Nel, +3 PA32. Location: Arias, Lord's Mansion, Conference Room Availability: After the storyline battle just outside of the mines, before finding the Copper Ore Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to Clair. Results: Choice 1: "She's been more than useful." OTHERS Sophia, +1 Cliff, +2 Maria, No Change Nel, +2 Roger, +1 Albel, -3 Peppita, +1 Mirage, +1 Adray, -1 FAYT Nel, +4 Choice 2: "I'm disappointed, to tell you the truth." OTHERS Sophia, -4 Cliff, -3 Maria, -1 Nel, -6 Roger, -2 Albel, No Change Peppita, -3 Mirage, -1 Adray, +3 FAYT Nel, -5 PA33. Location: Arias, Lord's Mansion, Bedroom Availability: After the battle with Albel, before returning to Aquios Requirements: None Action to Take: Attempt to speak to Farleen. Results: Choice 1: "Leave her alone." OTHERS Sophia, +1 Cliff, No Change Maria, No Change Nel, +2 Roger, No Change Albel, No Change Peppita, +1 Mirage, +1 Adray, -2 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "Try poking at her cheek." OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, No Change Maria, -1 Nel, No Change Roger, +1 Albel, -2 Peppita, +2 Mirage, -1 Adray, -1 FAYT N/A Choice 3: "Try tickling the end of her nose." OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, No Change Maria, -2 Nel, No Change Roger, +2 Albel, -1 Peppita, No Change Mirage, -2 Adray, +3 FAYT N/A PA34. Location: Aquios, Castle Aquaria, Audience Chamber Availability: After obtaining the Copper Ore, before the war Requirements: None Action to Take: Return to the Queen's Audience Chamber before leaving for the war. Results: Choice 1: "Yes." OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, +1 Maria, -1 Nel, -1 Roger, +3 Albel, +2 Peppita, +2 Mirage, +1 Adray, +3 FAYT Adray, +2 Choice 2: "No." (NOTE: If you choose this, you cannot get Adray's ending with Fayt.) OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, No Change Maria, +1 Nel, +2 Roger, -2 Albel, -1 Peppita, -1 Mirage, No Change Adray, -1 FAYT Adray, -2 PA35. Location: Arias, Lord's Mansion, Conference Room Availability: After resting at the Lord's Mansion, before the war. Requirements: None. Action to Take: Speak to Clair. (NOTE: This PA, while technically a storyline PA, can be ignored. To start the war without viewing this PA, head through the gate into the non-mountainous path to Kirlsa.) Results: Choice 1: "Yes." OTHERS N/A FAYT N/A Choice 2: "No." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, -3 Maria, +3 Nel, +4 Roger, -3 Albel, -5 Peppita, -4 Mirage, +4 Adray, -5 FAYT N/A PA36. Location: Peterny, Center Plaza Availability: After the war, before checking on the Sacred Orb Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to the man sitting at one of the tables. Results: Choice 1: "Yes, I really ant to hear about it." OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, +2 Maria, -2 Nel, +3 Roger, +2 Albel, -3 Peppita, +2 Mirage, -2 Adray, +3 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "I think I'll pass." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, -1 Maria, +3 Nel, -3 Roger, -3 Albel, +2 Peppita, -2 Mirage, +2 Adray, -3 FAYT N/A PA37. Location: Arias, Cemetery Availability: After the war, before checking on the Sacred Orb Requirements: None Action to Take: Talk to Maria. Results: Choice 1: "But you have the same strange power, right?" OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, -2 Maria, +4 Nel, -1 Roger, -1 Albel, No Change Peppita, -2 Mirage, -1 Adray, -2 FAYT Maria, -1 Choice 2: "No! I'm just a normal human being!" OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, -4 Maria, -1 Nel, -4 Roger, -3 Albel, -5 Peppita, -2 Mirage, -3 Adray, -4 FAYT Maria, -3 Choice 3: "You may be right, but..." OTHERS Sophia, +3 Cliff, +4 Maria, +7 Nel, +3 Roger, +3 Albel, +4 Peppita, +4 Mirage, +3 Adray, +6 FAYT Maria, +3 PA38. Location: Kirlsa, Home by the "Iron Maiden" Inn Availability: After the war, before the battle with Crosell Requirements: None Action to Take: Talk to the girl in the house. Results: Choice 1: "Yes, it's true." OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, -3 Maria, -3 Nel, -5 Roger, -3 Albel, No Change Peppita, -3 Mirage, -3 Adray, No Change FAYT N/A Choice 2: "No, it's not true." OTHERS Sophia, +3 Cliff, +3 Maria, +3 Nel, +5 Roger, +3 Albel, +3 Peppita, +3 Mirage, +3 Adray, +3 FAYT N/A PA39. Location: Airyglyph, Aqueduct entrance Availability: While the Queen is traveling with you Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to Adray. Results: OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, +1 Maria, -1 Nel, -4 Roger, +2 Albel, +1 Peppita, -2 Mirage, -1 Adray, +3 FAYT Adray, +1 PA40. Location: Airyglyph, Airyglyph Castle, First Floor Availability: Going to recruit Albel Requirements: None Action to Take: Either don't follow Woltar to the Guard Room, or talk to him twice. Results: Don't Follow OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, -2 Maria, -3 Nel, -2 Roger, -1 Albel, -3 Peppita, -1 Mirage, -3 Adray, +1 FAYT N/A Speak to Woltar Twice OTHERS Sophia, -4 Cliff, -2 Maria, -2 Nel, -3 Roger, -2 Albel, +2 Peppita, -4 Mirage, -3 Adray, +3 FAYT N/A PA41. Location: Airyglyph, Airyglyph Castle, Guard Room Availability: Going to recruit Albel Requirements: None Action to Take: Go to the Treasure Room attached to the Guard Room or return to the First Floor instead of following Woltar. Results: OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, -2 Maria, -3 Nel, -2 Roger, -1 Albel, -3 Peppita, -1 Mirage, -3 Adray, +1 FAYT N/A PA42. Location: Kirlsa, Mansion of Lord Woltar, Second Floor Availability: After recruiting Albel, before defeating Crosell Requirements: None Action to Take: Enter Woltar's office. Results: OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, No Change Maria, No Change Nel, -1 Roger, No Change Albel, No Change Peppita, No Change Mirage, No Change Adray, +1 FAYT Nel, +3 PA43. Location: Airyglyph, Airyglyph Castle, King's Official Office Availability: After recruiting Albel, before defeating Crosell Requirements: None Action to Take: Enter the king's office on the second floor. Results: Choice 1: "Okay, I'll deliver the letter." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, -3 Maria, -2 Nel, -3 Roger, +2 Albel, No Change Peppita, +3 Mirage, -1 Adray, +3 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "I'm sorry, but I must refuse." OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, +3 Maria, +2 Nel, +3 Roger, -2 Albel, No Change Peppita, -3 Mirage, +1 Adray, -3 FAYT N/A NOTE: Afterwards, speak to Elena in her room in Castle Aquaria, then return to Airyglyph to speak with the king again. These /must/ be viewed to complete this sidequest. Same goes for the PA that occurs after Crosell's defeat. Once you've defeated Crosell and are back at Castle Aquaria, go to Elena's room for a final scene between the two (but not the final scene in the sidequest). The sidequest picks up again later (see PA59). PA44. Location: Peterny, West Side Availability: After recruiting Albel, before defeating Crosell Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to Albel. Results: Choice 1: "You lacked compassion for others." OTHERS Sophia, +4 Cliff, +2 Maria, -2 Nel, -4 Roger, -3 Albel, -5 Peppita, +6 Mirage, +2 Adray, +4 FAYT Albel, -2 Choice 2: "I suppose it was bad luck." OTHERS Sophia, +3 Cliff, +4 Maria, +2 Nel, +1 Roger, No Change Albel, +2 Peppita, -2 Mirage, No Change Adray, -1 FAYT Albel, +3 Choice 3: "The king should've been more ruthless." OTHERS Sophia, -7 Cliff, -5 Maria, -4 Nel, -6 Roger, +2 Albel, +6 Peppita, -7 Mirage, -4 Adray, -3 FAYT Albel, +5 PA45. Location: Peterny, West Side, "The Front Door" Luxury Inn Availability: After recruiting Albel, before defeating Crosell Requirements: None Action to Take: Stay at the inn. Results: Choice 1: "I hate you." OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, +2 Maria, No Change Nel, +2 Roger, No Change Albel, -3 Peppita, -2 Mirage, No Change Adray, -2 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "Not really." OTHERS Sophia, +1 Cliff, -1 Maria, -1 Nel, No Change Roger, +2 Albel, +5 Peppita, +2 Mirage, No Change Adray, +3 FAYT N/A PA46. Location: Battleship Aquaelie, Private Room (Cliff's) Availability: After boarding the Aquaelie, before going to bed Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to Cliff. Results: OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, No Change Maria, +1 Nel, No Change Roger, No Change Albel, +1 Peppita, -1 Mirage, No Change Adray, No Change FAYT Cliff, +2 PA47. Location: Battleship Aquaelie, Private Room (Sophia's) Availability: After boarding the Aquaelie, before going to bed Requirements: None Action to Take: Results: Choice 1: "She must have known, don't you think?" OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, No Change Maria, +1 Nel, No Change Roger, No Change Albel, +1 Peppita, -1 Mirage, No Change Adray, No Change FAYT Sophia, +2 Choice 2: "She must not have known about it." OTHERS Sophia, +5 Cliff, +3 Maria, +4 Nel, +3 Roger, +3 Albel, +4 Peppita, +4 Mirage, +3 Adray, +2 FAYT Sophia, +1 PA48. Location: Battleship Aquaelie, Private Room (Sergeant Gilm's) Availability: After you go to bed, before heading to the Bridge Requirements: None Action to Take: Talk to the man. Results: Choice 1: "Yes." OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, +3 Maria, -1 Nel, +2 Roger, +3 Albel, +5 Peppita, +2 Mirage, +1 Adray, +5 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "No." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, -2 Maria, +2 Nel, -1 Roger, -1 Albel, -3 Peppita, -1 Mirage, -1 Adray, -3 FAYT N/A PA49. Location: Moonbase, Main Recreational Area, "The Red Eye" Bar Availability: After the battle with the Proclaimer, before finding Professor Leingod's Lab Requirements: Peppita Action to Take: Enter the bar Results: OTHERS N/A FAYT Peppita, +1 PA50. Location: Battleship Aquaelie, Guest Room (Sophia's) Availability: After returning to the Aquaelie, before going to bed Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to Sophia. Results: OTHERS Sophia, +6 Cliff, +2 Maria, +6 Nel, +4 Roger, +2 Albel, +4 Peppita, +4 Mirage, +2 Adray, +3 FAYT Sophia, +8 PA51. Location: Arkives, Off the Main Square Availability: After entering Arkives, through the end of the game Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to Albel. Results: Choice 1: "As long as you understand." OTHERS Sophia, -4 Cliff, -1 Maria, +2 Nel, -2 Roger, -1 Albel, +3 Peppita, -5 Mirage, -2 Adray, -2 FAYT Albel, +1 Choice 2: "Just cut it out already!" OTHERS Sophia, +3 Cliff, +2 Maria, +1 Nel, No Change Roger, +1 Albel, -2 Peppita, +3 Mirage, +2 Adray, +2 FAYT Albel, -3 PA52. Location: Gemity, Fighting Arena Mini-Game Availability: After entering Gemity, through the end of the game Requirements: None Action to Take: Register for the Ranking Battle. Results: Choice 1: "Knights Between Time." OTHERS Sophia, +1 Cliff, No Change Maria, +2 Nel, +1 Roger, -1 Albel, -2 Peppita, -1 Mirage, +1 Adray, -1 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "Steel Knights" OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, +2 Maria, +1 Nel, -1 Roger, +1 Albel, +1 Peppita, -1 Mirage, No Change Adray, -1 FAYT N/A Choice 3: "Arthur and the Knights of the Teatable" OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, -1 Maria, -1 Nel, -1 Roger, +2 Albel, -1 Peppita, +1 Mirage, No Change Adray, +2 FAYT N/A Choice 4: "Rebels Without an Existence" OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, +1 Maria, +1 Nel, +2 Roger, -1 Albel, +1 Peppita, -2 Mirage, No Change Adray, -1 FAYT N/A Choice 5: "Arcane Warriors of the Black Brigade" OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, +1 Maria, -2 Nel, 0 Roger, -1 Albel, +2 Peppita, No Change Mirage, +1 Adray, -1 FAYT N/A Choice 6: "Mystic Dragon Eyes" OTHERS Sophia, +1 Cliff, No Change Maria, +1 Nel, -1 Roger, No Change Albel, -1 Peppita, No Change Mirage, +1 Adray, -1 FAYT N/A Choice 7: "Onward! Defrosted Tuna Team" OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, -1 Maria, -1 Nel, -2 Roger, No Change Albel, -1 Peppita, +2 Mirage, -1 Adray, +2 FAYT N/A Choice 8: "Fayt and Company" OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, -1 Maria, No Change Nel, +1 Roger, -1 Albel, No Change Peppita, +1 Mirage, No Change Adray, +1 FAYT N/A PA53. Location: Airyglyph, Airyglyph Castle, Watchtower Availability: After returning to Elicoor II, before going to Sphere Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to Sophia. Results: Choice 1: "There's no need to worry so much, is there?" OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, -1 Maria, +2 Nel, +1 Roger, -1 Albel, +3 Peppita, -2 Mirage, -1 Adray, +3 FAYT Sophia, +1 Choice 2: "Everything happens for a reason." OTHERS Sophia, +4 Cliff, +1 Maria, -2 Nel, +2 Roger, +1 Albel, -1 Peppita, +2 Mirage, +1 Adray, +2 FAYT Sophia, +1 Choice 3: "You should be a little more serious." OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, -1 Maria, +2 Nel, +3 Roger, -1 Albel, +3 Peppita, -2 Mirage, +2 Adray, -3 FAYT Sophia, -2 PA54. Location: Aquios, Castle Aquaria, Library of Runology Availability: After returning to Elicoor II, before going to Sphere Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to the Runologist at the table. Results: Choice 1: "That 'light' must've been faster than normal light." OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, -2 Maria, -5 Nel, +3 Roger, +5 Albel, +3 Peppita, -3 Mirage, -5 Adray, -3 FAYT N/A Choice 2: "The Celestial Ship probably exploded from the inside." OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, -2 Maria, -3 Nel, -3 Roger, -3 Albel, -3 Peppita, -1 Mirage, -3 Adray, +3 FAYT N/A Choice 3: "It's probably just like you said." OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, -2 Maria, -3 Nel, -3 Roger, -3 Albel, -3 Peppita, -1 Mirage, -3 Adray, +3 FAYT N/A PA55. Location: Kirlsa, "Master Slayer" Armorer, Second Floor Availability: After returning to Elicoor II, before going to Sphere Requirements: Roger Action to Take: Speak to Roger. Results: OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, No Change Maria, No Change Nel, -1 Roger, -3 Albel, -3 Peppita, -2 Mirage, -1 Adray, +2 FAYT Roger, +2 PA56. Location: Urssa Lava Cave, Crosell's Lair Availability: After returning to Elicoor II through the end of the game Requirements: Albel must not be in your party and you must have spoken to Woltar first. Action to Take: If Albel didn't join you during the Biwig Incident, speak to Woltar in Kirlsa, then head to Crosell's Lair and fight Albel using Fayt only. Results: Choice 1: "Let him come with you." OTHERS Sophia, -1 Cliff, No Change Maria, +1 Nel, -2 Roger, +2 Albel, +3 Peppita, +2 Mirage, No Change Adray, +2 FAYT Sophia, +1 Cliff, -4 Maria, -3 Albel, -2 Choice 2: "Don't let him come with you." OTHERS Sophia, +2 Cliff, +2 Maria, No Change Nel, +2 Roger, +4 Albel, +4 Peppita, -2 Mirage, -2 Adray, -3 FAYT Sophia, +1 Cliff, -4 Maria, -3 Albel, -1 If you defeat Albel, but don't have room in your party. OTHERS Sophia, +1 Cliff, +1 Maria, +2 Nel, +1 Roger, +1 Albel, -2 Peppita, No Change Mirage, +1 Adray, No Change FAYT Sophia, +1 Cliff, -4 Maria, -3 Albel, -4 If you are defeated by Albel. OTHERS Sophia, -2 Cliff, -2 Maria, -2 Nel, -3 Roger, -5 Albel, -5 Peppita, -2 Mirage, -2 Adray, -3 FAYT Sophia, +1 Cliff, -4 Maria, -3 Albel, -4 PA57. Location: Diplo, Upper Deck Availability: On the Diplo for the second time Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to Marietta and Steeg. Results: OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, No Change Maria, -1 Nel, No Change Roger, No Change Albel, No Change Peppita, No Change Mirage, No Change Adray, No Change FAYT Maria, No Change PA58. Location: Airyglyph, Airyglyph Castle, Second Floor Availability: After returning from the Diplo through the end of the game Requirements: Albel must have joined you during the Biwig Incident Action to Take: Approach the king and Albel on the second floor. Results: OTHERS Sophia, No Change Cliff, No Change Maria, No Change Nel, -1 Roger, +1 Albel, -3 Peppita, +1 Mirage, No Change Adray, No Change FAYT Albel, +5 PA59. Location: Aquios, Castle Aquaria, Great Temple Availability: After returning from the Diplo through the end of the game Requirements: Must have seen PA43 and the following related events. Action to Take: Speak to the old woman in the empty room on the second floor of Airyglyph Castle, then head to Aquios and speak to Nel and her friend in the Great Temple. Results: Choice 1: "Congratulations." OTHERS Sophia, +3 Cliff, -3 Maria, +5 Nel, +5 Roger, +5 Albel, -5 Peppita, +3 Mirage, -1 Adray, -2 FAYT Nel, +5 Choice 2: "Isn't that a political marriage?" OTHERS Sophia, -5 Cliff, -1 Maria, -3 Nel, -10 Roger, 0 Albel, +3 Peppita, -5 Mirage, -3 Adray, +4 FAYT Nel, No Change Choice 3: "Wait a second, what about Lady Elena?" OTHERS Sophia, +1 Cliff, No Change Maria, -1 Nel, -3 Roger, +1 Albel, +3 Peppita, No Change Mirage, +1 Adray, +2 FAYT Nel, -3 PA60. Location: Aquios, Castle Aquaria, Second Floor, Balcony Availability: After receiving the Sacred Orb (must leave Aquios first) through the end of the game Requirements: None Action to Take: Speak to Sophia. Results: Choice 1: "Are you unhappy with me, my princess?" (If Sophia has 40+ affection for Fayt) OTHERS Sophia, +12 Cliff, -5 Maria, -5 Nel, -5 Roger, -5 Albel, -2 Peppita, -7 Mirage, -7 Adray, -8 FAYT Sophia, +10 Choice 1: "Are you unhappy with me, my princess?" (If Sophia has less than 40 affection for Fayt) OTHERS Sophia, -3 Cliff, +2 Maria, -5 Nel, +3 Roger, +3 Albel, +1 Peppita, +3 Mirage, -1 Adray, No Change FAYT Sophia, -8 Choice 2: "Why even say that? There's no princess, anyway." OTHERS Sophia, -5 Cliff, -3 Maria, -3 Nel, -5 Roger, +5 Albel, No Change Peppita, +3 Mirage, -5 Adray, -3 FAYT Sophia, -3 Choice 3: "You're an idiot." OTHERS Sophia, -8 Cliff, -2 Maria, +2 Nel, No Change Roger, -3 Albel, +2 Peppita, -3 Mirage, +2 Adray, +2 FAYT Sophia, -4 [VI. History] November 6, 2004 - Released. November 17, 2004 - Corrected typos and some information in the items section. Also added some information to the items section. July 21, 2005 - Corrected PA#52, messed around with the spacing to try to make it easier to read, added to Credits. [VI. Credits] Most of this information if from the Official Strategy Guide by BradyGAMES. Couldn't have done it without them, yo. Related to the above, thanks to Viett and those involved in the creation of his FAQ correcting errors in the BradyGAMES guide, which has helped in fixing erroneous information. Big thanks to the guys, gals, and not-gendered(?) of GameFAQs' boards for helping me and expressing interest in this FAQ. Most of all, I would like to thank my poor abused fingers and arms for not giving out on me while I typed out a veritable novella for this FAQ. [VII. Legal] Star Ocean Till the End of Time (also known as SO3, among other things), the characters within, etc. are all property of and copyrighted by tri-Ace and Square Enix, and I stake no claim to them. This FAQ is property of Yhkam Daync and her poor, aching fingers and arms. [IX. Contact] E-MAIL: MSN MESSENGER: AIM: Fanged Shinobi [X. Closing] I hope you guys enjoyed this guide and found it useful, and continue to do so! Good luck on all your playthroughs and, of course, other aspects of life! Ganbatte! Love, Yhkam Daync Star Ocean: Till the End of Time: Affection FAQ by Yhkam Daync Version 1.3, Last Updated 2005-07-21 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (PS2) FAQs & Guides