package Disk::SMART; use warnings; use strict; use 5.010; use Carp; use Math::Round; use File::Which; { $Disk::SMART::VERSION = '0.18' } our $smartctl = which('smartctl'); =head1 NAME Disk::SMART - Provides an interface to smartctl to return disk stats and to run tests. =head1 SYNOPSIS Disk::SMART is an object oriented module that provides an interface to get SMART disk info from a device as well as initiate testing. An exmple script using this module can be found at use Disk::SMART; my $smart = Disk::SMART->new('/dev/sda', '/dev/sdb'); my $disk_health = $smart->get_disk_health('/dev/sda'); =cut =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =head2 B Instantiates the Disk::SMART object C - Device identifier of a single SSD / Hard Drive, or a list. If no devices are supplied then it runs get_disk_list() which will return an array of detected sdX and hdX devices. my $smart = Disk::SMART->new(); my $smart = Disk::SMART->new( '/dev/sda', '/dev/sdb' ); my @disks = $smart->get_disk_list(); Returns C object if smartctl is available and can poll the given device(s). =cut sub new { my ( $class, @devices ) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; die "$class must be called as root, please run $0 as root or with sudo\n" if $>; @devices = @devices ? @devices : $self->get_disk_list(); confess "Valid device identifier not supplied to constructor, or no disks detected.\n" if !@devices; $self->update_data(@devices); return $self; } =head1 USER METHODS =head2 B Returns hash of the SMART disk attributes and values C - Device identifier of a single SSD / Hard Drive my %disk_attributes = $smart->get_disk_attributes('/dev/sda'); =cut sub get_disk_attributes { my ( $self, $device ) = @_; $self->_validate_param($device); return %{ $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'attributes'} }; } =head2 B Returns scalar of any listed errors C - Device identifier of a single SSD/ Hard Drive my $disk_errors = $smart->get_disk_errors('/dev/sda'); =cut sub get_disk_errors { my ( $self, $device ) = @_; $self->_validate_param($device); return $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'errors'}; } =head2 B Returns the health of the disk. Output is "PASSED", "FAILED", or "N/A". If the device has positive values for the attributes listed below then the status will output that information. Eg. "FAILED - Reported_Uncorrectable_Errors = 1" The attributes are: 5 - Reallocated_Sector_Count 187 - Reported_Uncorrectable_Errors 188 - Command_Timeout 197 - Current_Pending_Sector_Count 198 - Offline_Uncorrectable If Reported_Uncorrectable_Errors is greater than 0 then the drive should be replaced immediately. This list is taken from a study shown at C - Device identifier of a single SSD / Hard Drive my $disk_health = $smart->get_disk_health('/dev/sda'); =cut sub get_disk_health { my ( $self, $device ) = @_; $self->_validate_param($device); my $status = $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'health'}; my %failure_attribute_hash; while ( my ($key, $value) = each %{ $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'attributes'} } ) { if ( $key =~ /\A5\Z|\A187\Z|\A188\Z|\A197\Z|\A198\Z/ ) { $failure_attribute_hash{$key} = $value; $status .= ": $key - $value->[0] = $value->[1]" if ( $value->[1] > 0 ); } } return $status; } =head2 B Returns list of detected hda and sda devices. This method can be called manually if unsure what devices are present. $smart->get_disk_list; =cut sub get_disk_list { open my $fh, '-|', 'parted -l' or confess "Can't run parted binary\n"; local $/ = undef; my @disks = map { /Disk (\/.*\/[h|s]d[a-z]):/ } split /\n/, <$fh>; close $fh or confess "Can't close file handle reading parted output\n"; return @disks; } =head2 B Returns the model of the device. eg. "ST3250410AS". C - Device identifier of a single SSD / Hard Drive my $disk_model = $smart->get_disk_model('/dev/sda'); =cut sub get_disk_model { my ( $self, $device ) = @_; $self->_validate_param($device); return $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'model'}; } =head2 B Returns an array with the temperature of the device in Celsius and Farenheit, or N/A. C - Device identifier of a single SSD / Hard Drive my ($temp_c, $temp_f) = $smart->get_disk_temp('/dev/sda'); =cut sub get_disk_temp { my ( $self, $device ) = @_; $self->_validate_param($device); return @{ $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'temp'} }; } =head2 B Runs the SMART short self test and returns the result. C - Device identifier of SSD/ Hard Drive $smart->run_short_test('/dev/sda'); =cut sub run_short_test { my ( $self, $device ) = @_; $self->_validate_param($device); my $test_out = _get_smart_output( $device, '-t short' ); my ($short_test_time) = $test_out =~ /Please wait (.*) minutes/s; sleep( $short_test_time * 60 ); my $smart_output = _get_smart_output( $device, '-a' ); ($smart_output) = $smart_output =~ /(SMART Self-test log.*)\nSMART Selective self-test/s; my @device_tests = split /\n/, $smart_output; my $short_test_number = $device_tests[2]; my $short_test_status = substr $short_test_number, 25, +30; $short_test_status = _trim($short_test_status); return $short_test_status; } =head2 B Updates the SMART output and attributes for each device. Returns undef. C - Device identifier of a single SSD / Hard Drive or a list of devices. If none are specified then get_disk_list() is called to detect devices. $smart->update_data('/dev/sda'); =cut sub update_data { my ( $self, @p_devices ) = @_; my @devices = @p_devices ? @p_devices : $self->get_disk_list(); foreach my $device (@devices) { my $out; $out = _get_smart_output( $device, '-a' ); confess "Smartctl couldn't poll device $device\nSmartctl Output:\n$out\n" if ( !$out || $out !~ /START OF INFORMATION SECTION/ ); chomp($out); $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'SMART_OUTPUT'} = $out; $self->_process_disk_attributes($device); $self->_process_disk_errors($device); $self->_process_disk_health($device); $self->_process_disk_model($device); $self->_process_disk_temp($device); } return; } sub _get_smart_output { my ( $device, $options ) = @_; $options = $options // ''; die "smartctl binary was not found on your system, are you running as root?\n" if ( !defined $smartctl || !-f $smartctl ); open my $fh, '-|', "$smartctl $device $options" or confess "Can't run smartctl binary\n"; local $/ = undef; my $smart_output = <$fh>; if ( $smart_output =~ /Unknown USB bridge/ ) { open $fh, '-|', "$smartctl $device $options -d sat" or confess "Can't run smartctl binary\n"; $smart_output = <$fh>; } return $smart_output; } sub _process_disk_attributes { my ( $self, $device ) = @_; $self->_validate_param($device); my $smart_output = $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'SMART_OUTPUT'}; my ($smart_attributes) = $smart_output =~ /(ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME.*)\nSMART Error/s; my @attributes = split /\n/, $smart_attributes; shift @attributes; #remove table header foreach my $attribute (@attributes) { my $id = substr $attribute, 0, +3; my $name = substr $attribute, 4, +24; my $value = substr $attribute, 83, +50; $id = _trim($id); $name = _trim($name); $value = _trim($value); $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'attributes'}->{$id} = [ $name, $value ]; } return; } sub _process_disk_errors { my ( $self, $device ) = @_; $self->_validate_param($device); my $smart_output = $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'SMART_OUTPUT'}; my ($errors) = $smart_output =~ /SMART Error Log Version: [1-9](.*)SMART Self-test log/s; $errors = _trim($errors); $errors = 'N/A' if !$errors; return $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'errors'} = $errors; } sub _process_disk_health { my ( $self, $device ) = @_; $self->_validate_param($device); my $smart_output = $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'SMART_OUTPUT'}; my ($health) = $smart_output =~ /SMART overall-health self-assessment test result:(.*)\n/; $health = _trim($health); $health = 'N/A' if !$health || $health !~ /PASSED|FAILED/x; return $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'health'} = $health; } sub _process_disk_model { my ( $self, $device ) = @_; $self->_validate_param($device); my $smart_output = $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'SMART_OUTPUT'}; my ($model) = $smart_output =~ /Device\ Model:(.*)\n/; $model = _trim($model); $model = 'N/A' if !$model; return $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'model'} = $model; } sub _process_disk_temp { my ( $self, $device ) = @_; $self->_validate_param($device); my ( $temp_c, $temp_f ); my $smart_output = $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'SMART_OUTPUT'}; ($temp_c) = $smart_output =~ /(Temperature_Celsius.*\n|Airflow_Temperature_Cel.*\n)/; if ($temp_c) { $temp_c = substr $temp_c, 83, +3; $temp_c = _trim($temp_c); $temp_f = round( ( $temp_c * 9 ) / 5 + 32 ); $temp_c = int $temp_c; $temp_f = int $temp_f; } else { $temp_c = 'N/A'; $temp_f = 'N/A'; } return $self->{'devices'}->{$device}->{'temp'} = [ ( $temp_c, $temp_f ) ]; } sub _trim { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; #trim beginning and ending whitepace return $string; } sub _validate_param { my ( $self, $device ) = @_; croak "$device not found in object. Verify you specified the right device identifier.\n" if ( !exists $self->{'devices'}->{$device} ); return; } 1; __END__ =head1 COMPATIBILITY This module should run on any UNIX like OS with Perl 5.10+ and the smartctl progam installed from the smartmontools package. =head1 AUTHOR Paul Trost =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2015 by Paul Trost This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2, or at your option any later version. =cut