Changes 3.1 KB

  1. Revision history for Disk-SMART
  2. 0.18 2015-11-17
  3. Added example calling script to POD
  4. Corrected MANIFEST to remove Makefile
  5. 0.17 2015-11-11
  6. Updated MANIFEST to remove build files
  7. 0.15 2015-11-05
  8. Added check for root as the executing user, updated unit tests
  9. 0.14 2015-06-14
  10. Fixed to run unit tests without smartctl binary being installed
  11. 0.13 2015-06-12
  12. Removed bad mocking code from module and unit tests and refactored to use Test::MockModule
  13. Refactored getting smart output into subroutine
  14. 0.12 2015-05-02
  15. Added get_disk_list() to detect sdX and hdX devices
  16. Changed new() to use get_disk_list() if no device list is passed to it
  17. Changed shell call to 'which' to use File::Which
  18. Changed update_data() to take a list of devices
  19. 0.11 2014-11-24
  20. Updated POD
  21. Code cleanup.
  22. Added extended output to get_disk_health() that will report any values > 1 from specific attributes that show impending drive failure
  23. 0.10 2014-10-18
  24. Updated regex to get disk temperature to look for two different lines that could contain temp
  25. Corrected get_disk_attributes() to return hash correctly on Perl < 5.14
  26. 0.09 2014-10-17
  27. Minor changes to get unit tests to pass on smokers
  28. Added testing of env parameter for smartctl path, which will enable multi OS support
  29. Added COMPATABILITY pod section
  30. 0.08 2014-10-16
  31. Corrected test data var name in new();
  32. 0.07 2014-10-15
  33. Implemented dummy testing in unit tests to bypass the need for smokers having smartctl installed
  34. Regex and function cleanups
  35. Added run_short_test() to run the SMART short self test and unit tests for it
  36. 0.06 2014-10-09
  37. Fixed issue with N/A disk temp not returning correctly and causing failure
  38. 0.05 2014-10-08
  39. Separated out data processing from the getter methods. Getter methods now only return hash data.
  40. Added methods and unit tests for update_data() and get_disk_attributes(). update_data() can be called at any point in a calling script to update the drive data. This makes it where Disk::SMART can be used in a script called by cron, or a continuously running daemon.
  41. Updated MANIFEST to include LICENSE file
  42. Changes to satisfy perl critic
  43. Simplified get_disk_temp with substr to read the disk temp
  44. 0.04 2014-10-06
  45. Updated Makefile.PL to better interact with Meta::CPAN
  46. Updated pod for clarity
  47. 0.03 2014-10-04
  48. Added Math::Round to dependency list in Makefile.PL. Credit - Syohei YOSHIDA.
  49. Refactored methods to return N/A first before any further proessing is done
  50. Cleaned up unit tests
  51. get_disk_model() only outputs just the model information now.
  52. Added get_disk_errors()
  53. Methods now validate the device passed to it, to ensure smartctl has already read it
  54. Added unit tests to test passing invalid device to methods
  55. Changed to croak() as I didn't feel a trace was necessary with proper error returning
  56. 0.02 2014-10-03
  57. Added confess to new() in case smartctl cannot find the specified device
  58. 0.01 2014-10-03
  59. First version, released on an unsuspecting world.