package Test::Selenium::Remote::Role::DoesTesting; # ABSTRACT: Role to cope with everything that is related to testing (could # be reused in both testing classes) use Moo::Role; use Test::Builder; use Try::Tiny; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use List::Util qw/any/; use namespace::clean; requires qw(func_list has_args); has _builder => ( is => 'lazy', builder => sub { return Test::Builder->new() }, handles => [qw/is_eq isnt_eq like unlike ok croak/], ); # get back the key value from an already coerced finder (default finder) sub _get_finder_key { my $self = shift; my $finder_value = shift; foreach my $k ( keys %{ $self->FINDERS } ) { return $k if ( $self->FINDERS->{$k} eq $finder_value ); } return; } # main method for non ok tests sub _check_method { my $self = shift; my $method = shift; my $method_to_test = shift; $method = "get_$method"; my @args = @_; my $rv; try { my $num_of_args = $self->has_args($method); my @r_args = splice( @args, 0, $num_of_args ); $rv = $self->$method(@r_args); } catch { $self->croak($_); }; return $self->$method_to_test( $rv, @args ); } # main method for _ok tests # a bit hacked so that find_no_element_ok can also be processed sub _check_ok { my $self = shift; my $method = shift; my @args = @_; my ( $rv, $num_of_args, @r_args ); try { $num_of_args = $self->has_args($method); @r_args = splice( @args, 0, $num_of_args ); if ( $method =~ m/^find(_no|_child)?_element/ ) { # case find_element_ok was called with no arguments if ( scalar(@r_args) - $num_of_args == 1 ) { push @r_args, $self->_get_finder_key( $self->default_finder ); } else { if ( scalar(@r_args) == $num_of_args ) { # case find_element was called with no finder but # a test description my $finder = $r_args[ $num_of_args - 1 ]; my @FINDERS = keys( %{ $self->FINDERS } ); unless ( any { $finder eq $_ } @FINDERS ) { $r_args[ $num_of_args - 1 ] = $self->_get_finder_key( $self->default_finder ); push @args, $finder; } } } } # quick hack to fit 'find_no_element' into check_ok logic if ( $method eq 'find_no_element' ) { # If we use `find_element` and find nothing, the error # handler is incorrectly invoked. Doing a `find_elements` # and checking that it returns an empty array does not # invoke the error_handler. See # my $elements = $self->find_elements(@r_args); if ( @{$elements} ) { $rv = $elements->[0]; } else { $rv = 1; # empty list means success } } else { $rv = $self->$method(@r_args); # a true $rv means success } } catch { if ($method eq 'find_no_element') { $rv = 1; # an exception from find_elements() means success } else { $self->croak($_); } }; # test description might have been explicitly passed my $test_name = pop @args; # generic test description when no explicit test description was passed if ( ! defined $test_name ) { $test_name = $num_of_args > 0 ? join( ' ', $method, map { q{'$_'} } @r_args ) : $method; } # case when find_no_element found an element, we should croak if ( $method eq 'find_no_element' ) { if ( blessed($rv) && $rv->isa('Selenium::Remote::WebElement') ) { $self->croak($test_name); } } return $self->ok( $rv, $test_name ); } # build the subs with the correct arg set sub _build_sub { my $self = shift; my $meth_name = shift; # e.g. for $meth_name = 'find_no_element_ok': # $meth_comp = 'ok' # $meth_without_comp = 'find_no_element' my @meth_elements = split '_', $meth_name; my $meth_comp = pop @meth_elements; my $meth_without_comp = join '_', @meth_elements; # handle the ok testing methods if ( $meth_comp eq 'ok' ) { return sub { my $self = shift; local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 2; return $self->_check_ok($meth_without_comp, @_); }; } # find the Test::More comparator method my %comparators = ( is => 'is_eq', isnt => 'isnt_eq', like => 'like', unlike => 'unlike', ); # croak on unknown comparator methods if ( ! exists $comparators{$meth_comp} ) { return sub { my $self = shift; return $self->croak("Sub $meth_name could not be defined"); }; } # handle check in _check_method() return sub { my $self = shift; local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 2; return $self->_check_method( $meth_without_comp, $comparators{$meth_comp}, @_ ); }; } 1; =head1 NAME Selenium::Remote::Role::DoesTesting - Role implementing the common logic used for testing =cut