name = Selenium-Remote-Driver version = 1.47 author = George S. Baugh author = Aditya Ivaturi author = Daniel Gempesaw author = Emmanuel Peroumalnaïk author = Luke Closs author = Mark Stosberg license = Apache_2_0 copyright_holder = George S. Baugh copyright_year = 2018 [GatherDir] include_dotfiles = 1 exclude_match = .*\.swp exclude_match = .*\.swo [PruneCruft] except = \.travis.yml [ManifestSkip] [MetaYAML] [MetaJSON] [License] [Readme] [ExtraTests] [ExecDir] [ShareDir] [MakeMaker] [Manifest] [PkgVersion] [AutoPrereqs] [MetaProvides::Package] [PodWeaver] finder = :NotTestSRD ; skip the Test::SRD modules, their attribution is non-standard [FileFinder::ByName / :NotTestSRD] dir = lib match = \.pm$ skip = Test [Git::Contributors] ; XXX can't tidy this mess yet ;[TidyAll] ; Unfortunately CPAN changes detects the first date incorrectly. Oh well... ; Unfortunately the Manifest test does not work for unknown reasons. [@TestingMania] critic_config = perlcriticrc disable = Test::CPAN::Changes disable = Test::DistManifest [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN] [CheckMetaResources] [CheckPrereqsIndexed] [CheckChangesHasContent] [Prereqs / RuntimeRequires] perl = 5.010 Moo = 1.005 List::Util = 1.33 [GithubMeta] issues = 1 user = teodesian [Encoding] filename = t/www/icon.gif filename = t/www/invalid-extension.xpi filename = t/www/redisplay.xpi encoding = bytes ; `dzil authordeps` doesn't know about the Pod Weaver dependenciess: ; authordep Pod::Weaver::Section::Contributors = 0 ; authordep Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Encoding = 0 ; authordep Pod::Weaver::Section::SeeAlso = 0 ; authordep Pod::Weaver::Section::GenerateSection = 0 ; authordep Pod::Elemental::Transformer::List = 0 ; authordep XML::Simple = 0 ; authordep Test::LWP::UserAgent = 0 ; authordep Test::Pod::Coverage = 0 ; authordep Term::UI = 0