package Selenium::CanStartBinary; use strict; use warnings; # ABSTRACT: Teach a WebDriver how to start its own binary aka no JRE! use File::Spec; use Selenium::CanStartBinary::ProbePort qw/find_open_port_above find_open_port probe_port/; use Selenium::Firefox::Binary qw/setup_firefox_binary_env/; use Selenium::Waiter qw/wait_until/; use Moo::Role; use constant IS_WIN => $^O eq 'MSWin32'; =for Pod::Coverage *EVERYTHING* =head1 DESCRIPTION This role takes care of the details for starting up a Webdriver instance. It does not do any downloading or installation of any sort - you're still responsible for obtaining and installing the necessary binaries into your C<$PATH> for this role to find. You may be interested in L, L, or L if you're looking for classes that already consume this role. The role determines whether or not it should try to do its own magic based on whether the consuming class is instantiated with a C and/or C. # We'll start up the Chrome binary for you my $chrome_via_binary = Selenium::Chrome->new; # Look for a selenium server running on 4444. my $chrome_via_server = Selenium::Chrome->new( port => 4444 ); If they're missing, we assume the user wants to use a webdriver directly and act accordingly. We handle finding the proper associated binary (or you can specify it with L), figuring out what arguments it wants, setting up any necessary environments, and starting up the binary. There's a number of TODOs left over - namely Windows support is severely lacking, and we're pretty naive when we attempt to locate the executables on our own. In the following documentation, C refers to when you're consuming the role, not the C when you're instantiating a class that has already consumed the role. =attr binary Required: Specify the path to the executable in question, or the name of the executable for us to find via L. =cut requires 'binary'; =attr binary_port Required: Specify a default port that for the webdriver binary to try to bind to. If that port is unavailable, we'll probe above that port until we find a valid one. =cut requires 'binary_port'; =attr _binary_args Required: Specify the arguments that the particular binary needs in order to start up correctly. In particular, you may need to tell the binary about the proper port when we start it up, or that it should use a particular prefix to match up with the behavior of the Remote Driver server. If your binary doesn't need any arguments, just have the default be an empty string. =cut requires '_binary_args'; =attr port The role will attempt to determine the proper port for us. Consuming roles should set a default port in L at which we will begin searching for an open port. Note that if we cannot locate a suitable L, port will be set to 4444 so we can attempt to look for a Selenium server at C<>. =cut has '_real_binary' => ( is => 'lazy', builder => sub { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->_is_old_ff ) { return $self->firefox_binary; } else { return $self->binary; } } ); has '_is_old_ff' => ( is => 'lazy', builder => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->isa('Selenium::Firefox') && !$self->marionette_enabled; } ); has '+port' => ( is => 'lazy', builder => sub { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->_real_binary ) { if ( $self->fixed_ports ) { return find_open_port( $self->binary_port ); } else { return find_open_port_above( $self->binary_port ); } } else { return 4444; } } ); =attr fixed_ports Optional: By default, if binary_port and marionette_port are not free a higher free port is probed and acquired if possible, until a free one if found or a timeout is exceeded. my $driver1 = Selenium::Chrome->new; my $driver2 = Selenium::Chrome->new( port => 1234 ); The default behavior can be overridden. In this case, only the default or given binary_port and marionette_port are probed, without probing higher ports. This ensures that either the default or given port will be assigned, or no port will be assigned at all. my $driver1 = Selenium::Chrome->new( fixed_ports => 1 ); my $driver2 = Selenium::Chrome->new( port => 1234, fixed_ports => 1); =cut has 'fixed_ports' => ( is => 'lazy', default => sub { 0 } ); =attr custom_args Optional: If you want to pass additional options to the binary when it starts up, you can add that here. For example, if your binary accepts an argument on the command line like C<--log-path=/path/to/log>, and you'd like to specify that the binary uses that option, you could do: my $chrome = Selenium::Chrome->new( custom_args => '--log-path=/path/to/log' ); To specify multiple arguments, just include them all in the string. =cut has custom_args => ( is => 'lazy', predicate => 1, default => sub { '' } ); has 'marionette_port' => ( is => 'lazy', builder => sub { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->_is_old_ff ) { return 0; } else { if ( $self->fixed_ports ) { return find_open_port( $self->marionette_binary_port ); } else { return find_open_port_above( $self->marionette_binary_port ); } } } ); =attr startup_timeout Optional: you can modify how long we will wait for the binary to start up. By default, we will start the binary and check the intended destination port for 10 seconds before giving up. If the machine you're using to run your browsers is slower or smaller, you may need to increase this timeout. The following: my $f = Selenium::Firefox->new( startup_timeout => 60 ); will wait up to 60 seconds for the firefox binary to respond on the proper port. To use this constructor option, you should specify a time in seconds as an integer, and it will be passed to the arguments section of a L subroutine call. =cut has startup_timeout => ( is => 'lazy', default => sub { 10 } ); =attr binary_mode Mostly intended for internal use, its builder coordinates all the side effects of interacting with the binary: locating the executable, finding an open port, setting up the environment, shelling out to start the binary, and ensuring that the webdriver is listening on the correct port. If all of the above steps pass, it will return truthy after instantiation. If any of them fail, it should return falsy and the class should attempt normal L behavior. =cut has 'binary_mode' => ( is => 'lazy', init_arg => undef, builder => 1, predicate => 1 ); has 'try_binary' => ( is => 'lazy', default => sub { 0 }, trigger => sub { my ($self) = @_; $self->binary_mode if $self->try_binary; } ); =attr window_title Intended for internal use: this will build us a unique title for the background binary process of the Webdriver. Then, when we're cleaning up, we know what the window title is that we're going to C. =cut has 'window_title' => ( is => 'lazy', init_arg => undef, builder => sub { my ($self) = @_; my ( undef, undef, $file ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $self->_real_binary ); my $port = $self->port; return $file . ':' . $port; } ); =attr command Intended for internal use: this read-only attribute is built by us, but it can be useful after instantiation to see exactly what command was run to start the webdriver server. my $f = Selenium::Firefox->new; say $f->_command; =cut has '_command' => ( is => 'lazy', init_arg => undef, builder => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->_construct_command; } ); =attr logfile Normally we log what occurs in the driver to /dev/null (or /nul on windows). Setting this will redirect it to the provided file. =cut has 'logfile' => ( is => 'lazy', default => sub { return '/nul' if IS_WIN; return '/dev/null'; } ); sub BUILDARGS { # There's a bit of finagling to do to since we can't ensure the # attribute instantiation order. To decide whether we're going into # binary mode, we need the remote_server_addr and port. But, they're # both lazy and only instantiated immediately before S:R:D's # remote_conn attribute. Once remote_conn is set, we can't change it, # so we need the following order: # # parent: remote_server_addr, port # role: binary_mode (aka _build_binary_mode) # parent: remote_conn # # Since we can't force an order, we introduced try_binary which gets # decided during BUILDARGS to tip us off as to whether we should try # binary mode or not. my ( undef, %args ) = @_; if ( !exists $args{remote_server_addr} && !exists $args{port} ) { $args{try_binary} = 1; # Windows may throw a fit about invalid pointers if we try to # connect to localhost instead of 127.1 $args{remote_server_addr} = ''; } else { $args{try_binary} = 0; $args{binary_mode} = 0; } return {%args}; } sub _build_binary_mode { my ($self) = @_; # We don't know what to do without a binary driver to start up return unless $self->_real_binary; # Either the user asked for 4444, or we couldn't find an open port my $port = $self->port + 0; return if $port == 4444; if ( $self->fixed_ports && $port == 0 ) { die 'port ' . $self->binary_port . ' is not free and have requested fixed ports'; } $self->_handle_firefox_setup($port); system( $self->_command ); my $success = wait_until { probe_port($port) } timeout => $self->startup_timeout; if ($success) { return 1; } else { die 'Unable to connect to the ' . $self->_real_binary . ' binary on port ' . $port; } } sub _handle_firefox_setup { my ( $self, $port ) = @_; # This is a no-op for other browsers return unless $self->isa('Selenium::Firefox'); my $user_profile = $self->has_firefox_profile ? $self->firefox_profile : 0; my $profile = setup_firefox_binary_env( $port, $self->marionette_port, $user_profile ); if ( $self->_is_old_ff ) { # For non-geckodriver/non-marionette, we want to get rid of # the profile so that we don't accidentally zip it and encode # it down the line while Firefox is trying to read from it. $self->clear_firefox_profile if $self->has_firefox_profile; } else { # For geckodriver/marionette, we keep the enhanced profile around because # we need to send it to geckodriver as a zipped b64-encoded # directory. $self->firefox_profile($profile); } } sub shutdown_binary { my ($self) = @_; return unless $self->auto_close(); if ( defined $self->session_id ) { $self->quit(); } if ( $self->has_binary_mode && $self->binary_mode ) { # Tell the binary itself to shutdown my $port = $self->port; my $ua = $self->ua; $ua->get( '' . $port . '/wd/hub/shutdown' ); # Close the orphaned command windows on windows $self->shutdown_windows_binary; $self->shutdown_unix_binary; } } sub shutdown_unix_binary { my ($self) = @_; if (!IS_WIN) { my $cmd = "lsof -t -i :".$self->port(); my ( $pid ) = grep { $_ && $_ ne $$ } split( /\s+/, scalar `$cmd` ); if ($pid) { print "Killing Driver PID $pid listening on port " . $self->port . "...\n"; eval { kill 'KILL', $pid }; warn "Could not kill driver process! you may have to clean up manually." if $@; } } } sub shutdown_windows_binary { my ($self) = @_; if (IS_WIN) { if ( $self->_is_old_ff ) { # FIXME: Blech, handle a race condition that kills the # driver before it's finished cleaning up its sessions. In # particular, when the perl process ends, it wants to # clean up the temp directory it created for the Firefox # profile. But, if the Firefox process is still running, # it will have a lock on the temp profile directory, and # perl will get upset. This "solution" is _very_ bad. sleep(2); # Firefox doesn't have a Driver/Session architecture - the # only thing running is Firefox itself, so there's no # other task to kill. return; } system( 'taskkill /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq ' . $self->window_title . '" > nul 2>&1' ); } } sub DEMOLISH { my ( $self, $in_gd ) = @_; # if we're in global destruction, all bets are off. return if $in_gd; $self->shutdown_binary; } sub _construct_command { my ($self) = @_; my $executable = $self->_real_binary; # Executable path names may have spaces $executable = '"' . $executable . '"'; # The different binaries take different arguments for proper setup $executable .= $self->_binary_args; if ( $self->has_custom_args ) { $executable .= ' ' . $self->custom_args; } # Handle Windows vs Unix discrepancies for invoking shell commands my ( $prefix, $suffix ) = ( $self->_cmd_prefix, $self->_cmd_suffix ); return join( ' ', ( $prefix, $executable, $suffix ) ); } sub _cmd_prefix { my ($self) = @_; my $prefix = ''; if (IS_WIN) { $prefix = 'start "' . $self->window_title . '"'; if ( $self->_is_old_ff ) { # For older versions of Firefox that run without # marionette, the command we're running actually starts up # the browser itself, so we don't want to minimize it. return $prefix; } else { # If we're firefox with marionette, or any other browser, # the command we're running is the driver, and we don't # need want the command window in the foreground. return $prefix . ' /MIN '; } } return $prefix; } sub _cmd_suffix { my ($self) = @_; return " > " . $self->logfile . " 2>&1 " if IS_WIN; return " > " . $self->logfile . " 2>&1 &"; } =head1 SEE ALSO Selenium::Chrome Selenium::Firefox Selenium::PhantomJS =cut 1;