use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver; use Selenium::Remote::Mock::RemoteConnection; use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin . '/lib'; use Test::MockModule; use TestHarness; my $harness = TestHarness->new( this_file => $FindBin::Script ); my @browsers = qw/chrome/; $Selenium::Remote::Driver::FORCE_WD2 = 1; my @sessions = qw{897bfa82-0f28-4875-8544-5cc02e8b82f6}; my $mock = Test::MockModule->new('Selenium::Remote::Driver'); $mock->mock('new_session', sub { my $s = shift; $s->{session_id} = shift @sessions } ); foreach (@browsers) { my %selenium_args = ( default_finder => 'css', javascript => 1, %{ $harness->base_caps }, browser_name => $_, ); my $s = Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver->new( %selenium_args ); my $perl_title = 'The Perl Programming Language -'; my $cpan_title = 'The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network -'; $s->get_ok(''); $s->title_is($perl_title, ' title matches correctly'); my $old_handles = $s->get_window_handles; is(scalar(@$old_handles), 1, 'got one window handle as expected'); my $perl_handle = $old_handles->[0]; # setting the manually $s->execute_script(q{return = 'perlorg';}); # setting the when opening the other window $s->execute_script(q{$('', 'cpanorg'))}); $s->title_is($perl_title, 'creating a new window keeps us focused on the current window'); my $handles = $s->get_window_handles; is(scalar(@$handles), 2, 'get_window_handles sees both of our browser windows'); # We don't assume any order in the @$handles array: my $cpan_handle = $perl_handle eq $handles->[0] ? $handles->[1] : $handles->[0]; $s->switch_to_window($cpan_handle); $s->get_ok(''); $s->title_is($cpan_title, 'can switch to window by handle'); $s->switch_to_window($perl_handle); $s->title_is($perl_title, 'can switch back to main window by handle'); if ($_ eq 'chrome') { $s->switch_to_window('cpanorg'); $s->title_is($cpan_title, 'can switch to window by window title in chrome'); $s->switch_to_window('perlorg'); $s->title_is($perl_title, 'can switch to main window by window title in chrome'); } } done_testing;