## Installation It's probably easiest to use the `cpanm` or `CPAN` commands: ```bash $ cpanm Selenium::Remote::Driver ``` If you want to install from this repository, you have a few options; see the [installation docs][] for more details. [installation docs]: /install.md ### With Dist::Zilla If you have Dist::Zilla, it's straightforward: ```bash $ dzil listdeps --missing | cpanm $ dzil install ``` ### Without Dist::Zilla We maintain two branches that have `Makefile.PL`: [`cpan`][cpan-branch] and [`build/master`][bm-branch]. The `cpan` branch is only updated every time we release to the CPAN, and it is not kept up to date with master. The `build/master` branch is an up-to-date copy of the latest changes in master, and will usually contain changes that have not made it to a CPAN release yet. To get either of these, you can use the following, (replacing "build/master" with "cpan" if desired): ```bash $ cpanm -v git://github.com/gempesaw/Selenium-Remote-Driver.git@build/master ``` Or, without `cpanm` and/or without the `git://` protocol: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/gempesaw/Selenium-Remote-Driver --branch build/master --single-branch --depth 1 $ cd Selenium-Remote-Driver $ perl Makefile.PL ``` Note that due to POD::Weaver, the line numbers between these generated branches and the master branch are unfortunately completely incompatible. [cpan-branch]: https://github.com/gempesaw/Selenium-Remote-Driver/tree/cpan [bm-branch]: https://github.com/gempesaw/Selenium-Remote-Driver/tree/build/master ### Viewing dependencies You can also use `cpanm` to help you with dependencies after you've cloned the repository: ```bash $ cpanm --showdeps . ```