Changes 24 KB

  1. Revision history for Selenium-Remote-Driver
  2. 1.47 2022-05-02 TEODESIAN
  3. - Add DWIM to inputs accepted by ActionChains send_keys, key_up & key_down, and add some docu
  4. 1.46 2021-12-04 TEODESIAN
  5. - Document the keys of WDKEYS hash in POD. Contribution by Yuki Kimoto.
  6. 1.45 2021-10-21 TEODESIAN
  7. - Remove ill-advised test reaching out to saucelabs at install-time, vendors are the users' problem
  8. 1.44 2021-03-26 TEODESIAN
  9. - Remove all usage of default profiles for Firefox when in direct binary mode.
  10. 1.43 2021-18-03 TEODESIAN
  11. - Remove all usage of the redefine() method in Test::MockModule, because that module is a mess to upgrade apparently
  12. - Tweak ENV setting in Test::* namespaces, see POD
  13. 1.42 2021-17-03 TEODESIAN
  14. - Once more with feeling
  15. 1.41 2021-16-03 TEODESIAN
  16. [BUG FIXES]
  17. - Declare minimum versions in testsuite to suppress CPANTesters failures
  18. 1.40 2021-03-02 TEODESIAN
  19. [BUG FIXES]
  20. - suppress warning in CanStartBinary when geckodriver not in PWD
  21. - fix double_click
  22. 1.39 2020-20-10 TEODESIAN
  24. - Add execute_script and execute_async_script convenience methods to WebElements.
  25. - Add die flag to Selenium::Waiter
  26. [BUG FIXES]
  27. - Fix a couple more documentation issues with driver specific problems
  28. [REMOVALS]
  29. - Removed ide-plugin.js, as it's not been supported or working in years
  30. 1.38 2020-19-10 TEODESIAN
  31. [BUG FIXES]
  32. -correct incorrect prior changelog date
  33. -fix undefined value warnings when the remote server goes out to lunch
  34. -add a note about doing lots of testing with the selenium JAR to POD
  35. -Fix other minor things about the documentation and error messages
  36. 1.37 2020-17-02 TEODESIAN
  37. [BUG FIXES]
  38. - obey the auto_close flag in the direct drivers
  39. 1.36 2019-21-10 TEODESIAN
  40. [BUG FIXES]
  41. - Adjust handling of chrome due to it implementing WC3 mostly correctly now
  42. - Fix browser detection logic in screenshot()
  43. - Actually apply the fix from 1.35 in the right place, heh
  44. 1.35 2019-21-10 TEODESIAN
  45. [BUG FIXES]
  46. - Fix race condition and inability to find a port in certain circumstances when using direct driver modules.
  47. 1.34 2019-11-09 TEODESIAN
  48. [BUG FIXES]
  49. - Remove .so files from Firefox lib tree to simplify CPAN RPM build tool chains
  50. 1.33 2019-17-06 TEODESIAN
  51. [BUG FIXES]
  52. - Add chrome shim to disable sandboxing by default so that Selenium::Chrome usage isn't broken by default
  53. - Report failures to obtain sessions better
  54. 1.32 2019-12-06 TEODESIAN
  55. [New Features]
  56. - Add support for mozilla full pags screenshots
  57. [BUG FIXES]
  58. - Fix typo in WebElement drag() talking to action chains module. No wonder that didn't work
  59. - Don't auto-da-fe on Macos when shutting down the binary in direct drivers
  60. 1.31 2019-06-01 TEODESIAN
  61. [BUG FIXES]
  62. - Kill dangling driver processes in Selenium::Chrome/Firefox on unix hosts
  63. - Adjust set_timeout to WC3 standard changing out from under us
  64. 1.30 2018-17-09 TEODESIAN
  65. [BUG FIXES]
  66. - Fix broken name selector polyfill when using Selenium::Firefox directly
  67. - Fix switch_to_frame(undef) brokenness due to unneeded polyfill
  68. - Correct POD information about how to use raw firefox profiles
  69. - Advertise Microsoft Browser Standalone Drivers (Edge, IE)
  70. 1.29 2018-17-08 TEODESIAN
  71. [New Features]
  72. - Selenium::Edge and Test::Selenium::Edge now exist
  73. - Pass caller argument array as final arg to error_handler callbacks
  74. - Add child() and children() aliases to Selenium::Remote::WebElements
  75. [BUG FIXES]
  76. - Fixed Test::Selenium::* direct usage modules from getting undef method errors when acting on WebElements
  77. - Fixed issue where capabilities could not be passed with Selenium::Firefox
  78. - Make it actually possible for find_element_ok to fail without dying
  79. 1.28 2018-05-06 TEODESIAN
  80. [BUG FIXES]
  81. - Fix incorrect documentation of constructor fields.
  82. - Remove bogus get_style header in WebElement POD.
  83. - Fix chrome maximize() polyfill
  84. - Adjust is_displayed to do appropriate "displayedness" checks when in WC3 mode.
  85. 1.27 2018-25-03 TEODESIAN
  86. [BUG FIXES]
  87. - Fix incorrect passing of capabilities to geckodriver which caused exceptions on instantiaion.
  88. - Fix issue where <form> elements could not be submitted.
  89. - Allow bypass of JSONWire emulation in Selenium::Remote::WebElement::get_attribute().
  90. 1.26 2018-19-02 TEODESIAN
  91. [BUG FIXES]
  92. - Fix issue where only <form> elements and not <input> elements could be submit()ted.
  93. - Force chrome into using JSONWire style capabilities passing, as WC3 style is just horribly broken on chromedriver.
  94. - Skip v1.25, because the PAUSE indexer apparently thinks 1.25 < 1.24
  95. 1.24 2018-12-02 TEODESIAN
  96. [BUG FIXES]
  97. - Fix issue where ID finder polyfills failed on IDs with dots (.) in them.
  98. - Force fallback to JSONWire execute_script calls in chrome, they're not quite right in WC3 mode.
  99. 1.23 2018-29-01 TEODESIAN
  100. [BUG FIXES]
  101. - Fix issue on legacy chrome/driver with get/set window pos by forcing fallback to JSONWire methods.
  102. 1.22 2018-25-01 TEODESIAN
  103. [BUG FIXES]
  104. - Fix issue where is_enabled() polyfill on WD3 servers was checking the wrong attribute.
  105. - Fix issue where Firefox/Chrome capabilities were not correctly passed
  106. - Make some JS polyfill failures non-fatal
  107. 1.21 2018-19-01 TEODESIAN
  109. - George S. Baugh (@teodesian on github, TEODESIAN on CPAN) is now the maintainer.
  111. - WC3 webdriver methods have all been implemented, and shims for servers 'halfway there' have been instituted.
  112. - Backwards-compatibility with old selenium servers should still remain.
  113. - Attempts to fall-back to JSONWire methods if WC3 methods are not available
  114. - drag() re-instated in Selenium::Remote::WebElement as an alias to Selenium::ActionChains::drag_and_drop().
  115. [BUG FIXES]
  116. - Fix warnings thrown in release testsuite by unescaped regexes on perl 5.24
  117. - Expand POD for some modules
  119. - Selenium::Remote::Driver::pause() - There are plenty of other ways to sleep().
  120. 1.20 2017-25-05
  121. [BUG FIXES]
  122. - Shim use of name as find method for geckodriver
  123. - Start up geckodriver/binary Firefox properly
  124. - #309, #310: @syspete: Fix issues with dependencies
  125. - #313, #312: @lukec: Handle saucelabs redirect during session create
  127. - #307: @vitstradal: Re-use an existing session
  128. 1.12 2017-05-02
  129. [BUG FIXES]
  130. - #303: Restore switchWindow functionality in Chrome
  131. 1.11 2017-01-02
  133. - #298: @vkatsikaris: fixed ports option (long overdue on my part, thanks)!
  134. [BUG FIXES]
  135. - #301: Update json parameter for switchWindow
  136. 1.02 2016-13-12
  137. (bundled firefox driver version: 3.0.0b2)
  139. - #288: @vkatsikaris: Add context endpoints for Firefox
  140. [BUG FIXES]
  141. - #279, #281: @richi235: Fix errors in IDE plugin script generator
  142. - #291, #292, #299: Handle spec element key format
  143. 1.00 2016-01-09
  144. (bundled firefox driver version: 3.0.0b2)
  145. [BREAKING]
  146. - For users of Selenium::Firefox, FF support defaults to v48;
  147. if you have FF47 installed, your existing scripts will require
  148. modification. See docs in Selenium::Firefox for more info.
  150. - #271: Support geckodriver & FF48
  151. - #260: Update firefox artifacts to 3.0.0b2 to support FF47
  152. - #259: Allow users to pass in existing FF profile dir
  153. - #276: Simplify recordings to enable easier releases
  154. [BUG FIXES]
  155. - Encode Firefox profiles without newlines for Sel 3.0 compatibility
  156. - #272: Remove unnecessary sleeps for successful waits
  157. - #270: Fix bug in find_child_element default finder
  158. - #263, #275: Address various documentation issues
  159. - #253: Fix error_handler being called incorrectly
  160. 0.2701 2016-11-01
  161. (firefox driver version: 2.48.2)
  162. [BUG FIXES]
  163. - #239: Respect existing prefs when using custom profile with Selenium::Firefox
  164. - #238: Update firefox driver extension to latest 2.48.2
  165. - #21: Update docs about using child finders with xpath
  166. 0.27 2015-30-08
  168. - #219: Add `startup_timeout` to CanStartBinary role
  169. - #211: @peroumal1: Document locator usage for Test::SRD functions
  170. [BUG FIXES]
  171. - #215: Replace Time::Mock with the more reliable & tested Test::Time
  172. - #212: @peroumal1: Fix bug in find_no_element_ok
  173. - #209: @peroumal1: Make error_handler catch non-webdriver exceptions in Test::SRD
  174. - #222: Describe demolish/destroy behavior.
  175. - #226: Allow local file URLs for PAC url
  176. - Stop trying to do things during global destruction
  177. 0.26 2015-16-05
  178. (selenium version: 2.45.0)
  180. - #203: Allow users to install a custom error handler
  181. - #204: Implement action chains
  182. [BUG FIXES]
  183. - #147: Allow for inflation to a full Moose class
  184. - #192: Stop assuming objects are around during global destruction
  185. - #200: Fix undocumented upload_file endpoint bug for paths with ".."
  186. - Refactor to remove some unnecessary dependencies
  187. 0.25 2015-24-03
  188. (selenium version: 2.45.0)
  190. - #189 Start webdrivers directly, removing the need for the JRE. See
  191. Selenium::Chrome, Selenium::Firefox, Selenium::PhantomJS.
  192. [BUG FIXES]
  193. - #194, #195: @teodesian, @jamadam: fix undocumented upload file behavior
  194. 0.24 2015-18-02
  196. - #182 Non-crashing warn-instead-of-die parameter finders: find_element_by_class, etc
  197. - #183 Convenience packages for starting up browsers: Selenium::Chrome, Selenium::Firefox, etc
  198. - Provide wait_until utility functionality in Selenium::Waiter
  199. [BUG FIXES]
  200. - #184 Fix bug about reverting default finder in T:S:R:D
  201. 0.23 2014-25-01
  203. - #178 Fix upload_file's return value & add test suite
  204. - #179 Add optional middle finder-strategy argument to T:S:R:D's find_element-like functions
  205. - #174 Add new endpoints: cache status, geolocation, log types, orientation, etc
  206. [BUG FIXES]
  207. - #175 Fix find_elements
  208. - #180 Stop overwriting body_text_unlike test descriptions
  209. - #141 Explicitly cast height and weight to integers for set_window_size
  210. 0.2203 2014-18-01
  211. [BUG FIXES]
  212. - #175 Fix find_elements_ok
  213. 0.2202 2014-26-11
  214. [BUG FIXES]
  215. - Generalize error message for invalid finder strategies
  216. 0.2201 2014-13-11
  217. [BUG FIXES]
  218. - Fix redirect handling mishap in RemoteConnection
  219. 0.22 2014-10-11
  221. - Improved error messaging for Saucelabs non-json cases
  222. - Improved error messaging for malconfigured chromedrivers
  223. - #169 Add maximize_window function
  224. - #58 Add get_user_agent function
  226. - Specify minimum compatible version of Moo dep
  227. - Make more easily subclassed ( ea68e06, 63e78e3 )
  228. - Get TravisCI passing again
  229. - #164 Roll & use our own mocking classes
  230. - #152 Gracefully catch more error cases
  231. [BREAKING]
  232. - #161 get|set_speed subs are no-ops and will be removed in
  233. the upcoming release
  234. - #158 WebElement's drag function is deprecated and will be
  235. removed in the upcoming release. Use mouse_move_to_location
  236. in the interim
  237. 0.2102 2014-07-16
  239. - Add inner_window_size sub and hash key option to accomodate S-R-D-UserAgent use
  240. 0.2101 2014-07-16
  241. [BUG FIXES]
  242. - Update list of no_content_success methods that interpret an undef value as success
  243. 0.21 2014-07-16
  245. - #87: Implement is_hidden for WebElements
  246. [BUG FIXES]
  247. - #145: Revert previous 2.42.2 fix to allow for endpoints properly returning ''
  248. - #146: Keep test description when using content_like
  249. 0.2002 2014-07-02
  250. [BUG FIXES]
  251. - #135, #136, #142: Fix compatability issues with JSONWireProtocol changes in 2.42.2
  253. - Add an optional base_url parameter for automatic concatenation in get/get_ok
  254. 0.2001 2014-05-23
  255. [BUG FIXES]
  256. - #128: Fix upload_file where encode_base64 was not exported properly
  257. - #54 : Update the status endpoint when checking for Grid
  258. - #124: Explicitly specify finder type in get_body
  259. 0.20 2014-04-25
  261. - Add a desired_capabilities option that provides full control over the desiredCapability object
  262. - Add a new_from_caps constructor to distinguish against the normal new constructor
  263. - Add a ua option to allow injection of LWP::UserAgent for testing
  264. [MOO REWRITE]
  265. - Completed the Moo restructure (pr #103) with pr #122, fixing a bug in _check_ok (#121).
  266. 0.19 2014-04-11
  268. - Added Selenium::Remote::Driver::Firefox::Profile for managing Firefox profiles.
  269. 0.1801 2014-04-09
  271. - Using Dist::Zilla & Pod::Weaver to keep the POD as DRY as possible
  272. [BUG FIXES]
  273. - Restore broken proxy functionality - should use the value passed in ->new
  274. - #119 Restore broken find_elements functionality - should return an arrayref or an array
  275. 0.18 2014-03-28
  276. - New maintainer: Daniel Gempesaw <>
  277. - Fix failing tests in CPAN distribution!
  279. - We now 'croak' instead of returning error strings in a number of
  280. cases where invalid method calls were made. This should make
  281. debugging easier in some cases, and is more aligned with our
  282. documentation which already stated that we would croak on errors.
  283. Still, your code may depend on the old behavior.
  285. - The hover() method on the WebElement has been removed. This is not in the JSON Wire protocol,
  286. and the same functionality is avialable with the Driver object's move_to() method.
  289. - Merged Test::WebDriver into this distribution as Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver.
  290. Several updates to it are included since the last release. (Mark Stosberg)
  291. - The existence of most (or all?) key testing methods in
  292. Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver is now documented, rather than leaving it to users
  293. to figure out the magic effects of AUTOLOAD on the methods in the parent
  294. class. (Mark Stosberg)
  295. - Added type_ok() to Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver, similar to the method by the same name
  296. from Test::WWW::Mechanize (Mark Stosberg)
  297. - Added several methods to Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver that allow you to find
  298. an WebElement and test against in a single command. (Mark Stosberg)
  299. The test methods for WebElements include:
  300. type_element_ok - find an element and type into it.
  301. element_text_is - find an element and check the text.
  302. element_value_is - find an element and check the value.
  303. click_element_ok - find an element and click on it.
  304. clear_element_ok - find an element and clear it.
  305. is_element_displayed_ok - find an element and check to see if it's displayed.
  306. is_element_enabled_ok - find an element and check to see if it's enabled.
  307. - Added and started using Test::Selenium::Remote::WebElement. This a
  308. sub-class of Selenium::Remote::WebElement. This allows testing
  309. methods on the "WebElement" object as well as main '$driver' object.
  310. - Added a pause() function, that sleeps for the given number of milliseconds, just like
  311. Test::WWW::Selenium.
  312. - new() now accepts a 'default_finder' option to allow you to change the default finder, which
  313. is currently 'xpath'. This will be of interest to those who prefer CSS-style selectors,
  314. such as jQuery uses.
  316. - new() now accepts a 'webelement_class' option to allow you to specify an alternate WebElement class.
  317. This could be used to add testing methods or functionality for WebElements.
  318. - Shortcut methods absorbed from Test::WebDriver into Selenium::Remote::Driver:
  319. get_text() Returns the text for a particular element.
  320. get_body() Returns the text for the whole body.
  321. get_path() Returns the path part of the current URL.
  322. - New short method to save a screenshot to a file: $driver->capture_screenshot($filename).
  323. The name was chosen for compatibility with a WWW::Selenium method of the same name.
  324. - Removed 'get_location()' as an alias in Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver.
  325. Please use the more specific 'get_current_url()' instead.
  326. It's a more specific name that matches the Selenium API method name.
  327. - Adding text checking methods to Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver
  328. # Run regex's against the entire page source
  329. content_like()
  330. content_unlike()
  331. # Run regex's against just the "text" of the page
  332. body_text_like()
  333. body_text_unlike()
  334. # Check page source for strings
  335. content_contains()
  336. content_lacks()
  337. # Check text of page for strings
  338. body_text_contains()
  339. body_text_lacks()
  340. The names are intentionally the same as their Test::WWW::Mechanize
  341. counterparts. However, these methods may take an arrayref of regular
  342. expressions for improved performance when you want to run multiple
  343. tests against the same page.
  344. Normally Selenium::Remote::Driver would make an HTTP request to the
  345. driven browser for each content check. By using an arrayref for
  346. multiple checks of the same page, you can avoid the extra HTTP
  347. requests and speed up your tests. (Mark Stosberg)
  349. - Updated ChangeLog to reflect that debug_on() and debug_off() methods were added in 0.16.
  350. [INTERNALS]
  351. - Switch S::R::D to Moo; this should not have any adverse impacts, as our API is unchanged
  352. - Take advantage of additional Dist::Zilla plugins (travis, commitbuild, autoprereqs, etc)
  353. - MIME::Base64 is now only loaded if it used for a file upload or taking a screenshot.
  354. This will create a minor speed-up for common cases which don't use these features.
  355. - Explained why the code does 'use 5.006; use v5.10.0;', and it's not pretty.
  356. The short version: before perl 5.006, the v-string 'v5.10.0' would not be understood.
  357. The page
  358. explains it in much more detail than I can.
  359. Fortunately, it boils down to this:
  360. - Added Test::LongString as a dependency to support the new content checking methods.
  361. 0.17 2013-07-13
  362. - Second build with DistZilla, now with distzilla branch merged into master.
  363. - commit db99a00: Dave Rolsky: Fix broken use of =cut
  364. - commit 505232b: Dave Rolsky: Changed indentation of commit 0d78dbe
  365. - commit f042929: Dave Rolsky: Check for content_type not being json
  366. - commit 0e7ad05: Dave Rolsky: Include error message from
  367. server when we can't create a session
  368. - commit aba915e: Dave Rolsky: Don't assume response
  369. structure, avoid undef warnings
  370. - commit 6e34634: Dave Rolsky: Move cmd_return check up a
  371. little higher to simplify the code
  372. - commit b6e79c1: Mucking about trying to create 0.17
  373. - commit 81a6ffe: Merged branch 'dist-zilla'
  374. - commit 45bcea2: Updated Changes file for version 0.16 and 0.17
  375. - commit b28b61e: Changed maintainer information
  376. - commit b28b61e: Improved DistZilla configuration
  377. - commit b28b61e: Improved 03-spec-coverage test
  378. - commit b6b2cdb: Improved 03-spec-coverage test, skip some methods
  379. - commit 61ae784: Reformatted README to 80 columns, fixed a typo.
  380. 0.16 2013-04-11
  381. - New maintainer and beginning CPAN artist: Charles Howes <>
  382. - First build with DistZilla (using distzilla branch from git repository, somewhat stale)
  383. - Added debug_on() and debug_off() methods.
  384. - commit 338872f: Deleted MANIFEST, MANIFEST.SKIP, Makefile.PL
  385. - commit 338872f: Changed README
  386. - commit 338872f: Created dist.ini for Distzilla
  387. - commit 338872f: Added 'uploadFile' to
  388. - commit 338872f: Forced stringification of arguments in send_keys,
  390. - commit 338872f: Removed check for secure cookie in t/01-driver.t
  391. - commit 338872f: Updated
  392. t/mock-recordings/01-driver-mock-MSWin32.json
  393. t/mock-recordings/01-driver-mock-darwin.json
  394. t/mock-recordings/01-driver-mock-linux.json
  395. t/mock-recordings/02-webelement-mock-MSWin32.json
  396. t/mock-recordings/02-webelement-mock-darwin.json
  397. t/mock-recordings/02-webelement-mock-linux.json
  398. - commit 0d78dbe: Show error message from server
  400. - commit dadb329: Click wasn't working due to typo
  402. - commit b992873: Added Pod headers to
  403. - commit d30e31e: Bumped version number to 0.16 in dist.ini
  404. - commit 6936c64: Stripped CR from end of lines everywhere
  405. 0.15 2012-03-12
  406. - execute_script() can return web elements for data structures
  407. (arrays for .e.g.).
  408. - The error messages are now a little more descriptive in cases of
  410. - Fixed the carp 1.25 related issue in tests.
  411. - Added support for proxy configuration.
  412. 0.14 2012-03-01
  413. - Added method send_keys_to_active_element() in driver
  414. - Added method get_sessions()
  415. - Fixed issue #11
  416. - Fixed documentation from issue #21
  417. 0.13 2012-02-08
  418. - Added support for key events in send_keys() method
  419. - Added methods to get/set window position/size
  420. - get_active_element() now returns a WebElement object
  421. - Bunch of bug fixes & documentation fixes.
  422. 0.12 2011-09-20
  423. - Tests now use mock recordings for each major os
  424. this will be expanded to include different versions
  425. of selenium
  426. - added module metadata so bug tracking and repository
  427. info will appear on metacpan (Thanks Tom Hukins!)
  428. - Fixed issue with find_child_element(s) which caused
  429. search methods which had 2+ words to fail
  430. ("css selector","class name","tag name", etc)
  431. 0.11 2011-08-16
  432. This is quite a large list for this release and will be
  433. the first cpan release. The later releases will hopefully
  434. happen often and won't be quite as large.
  435. - subroutine calls carp when an error occurs or when
  436. an element cannot be found
  437. - if an element cannot be found, carp should tell you
  438. which line in your local script where the element was
  439. not found
  440. - added the following driver api calls
  441. click,double_click,button_down,button_up,close,status,
  442. send_modifier,execute_script,execute_async_script
  443. - fixed the following api calls
  444. refresh,delete_cookie_named
  445. - $element->get_value is deprecated...
  446. subroutine now points to get_attribute('value')
  447. - added the following element api calls
  448. describe
  449. - added initial IDE plugin for the Selenium-IDE
  450. (this is based off the Rspec webdriver ide plugin)
  451. - Added "extra_capabilities" named argument to the driver
  452. - make send_keys accept one or more string argument
  453. - added javascript method to driver
  454. (thanks Phil Kania!)
  455. - fixed issue: check for empty string before trying to decode
  456. - fixed issue: if script using the module ever forked, the
  457. driver would call quit whenever that fork was closed
  458. - fixed issue: Marked as deprecated: WebElement::set_selected
  459. and WebElement::toggle
  460. - fixed issue: global $driver variable in WebElement caused the
  461. remote connection to be destroyed before the driver was able
  462. to call quit()
  463. - fixed issues:
  464. - improper definition of setImplicitWaitTimeout
  465. - missing 'css' entry in FINDERS
  466. - set up $using correctly
  467. (thanks Phil Mitchell!)
  468. 0.10 2010-05-02
  469. - Implemented support for JSON wire protocol as of a4 release of
  470. Selenium 2.0.
  471. - The main Driver & WebElement modules are implemented & functional.
  472. - Added unit tests for Driver. As of this moment only live testing is
  473. supported as the server itself is alpha & mocking its behavior doesn't
  474. help our cause.
  475. - Added POD for Driver & WebElement
  476. 0.01 2010-02-21
  477. - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.