636 B

  1. package Test::Selenium::Firefox;
  2. use Moo;
  3. extends 'Selenium::Firefox', 'Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver';
  4. has 'webelement_class' => (
  5. is => 'rw',
  6. default => sub { 'Test::Selenium::Remote::WebElement' },
  7. );
  8. 1;
  9. __END__
  10. =head1 NAME
  11. Test::Selenium::Firefox
  12. =head1 SYNOPSIS
  13. my $test_driver = Test::Selenium::Firefox->new;
  14. $test_driver->get_ok('', "Firefox can load page");
  15. $test_driver->quit();
  16. =head1 DESCRIPTION
  17. A subclass of L<Selenium::Firefox> which provides useful testing functions. Please see L<Selenium::Firefox> and L<Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver> for usage information.