use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; #Test things we can only mock, because the API doesn't support them. use Test::More 'tests' => 18; use TestRail::API; use Test::LWP::UserAgent::TestRailMock; use Scalar::Util qw{reftype}; use Capture::Tiny qw{capture capture_stderr}; use Test::Fatal; my $browser = $Test::LWP::UserAgent::TestRailMock::mockObject; my $tr = TestRail::API->new('http://hokum.bogus','fake','fake',undef,1); $tr->{'browser'} = $browser; $tr->{'debug'} = 0; #Have to mock anything requiring configs my $project = $tr->getProjectByName('TestProject'); my $plan = $tr->getPlanByName($project->{'id'},'HooHaaPlan'); my $runs = $tr->getChildRuns($plan); is(reftype($runs),'ARRAY',"getChildRuns returns array"); is(scalar(@$runs),4,"getChildRuns with multi-configs in the same group returns correct # of runs"); my $summary = $tr->getPlanSummary($plan->{'id'}); is($summary->{'plan'},1094,"Plan ID makes it through in summary method"); is($summary->{'totals'}->{'Untested'},4,"Gets total number of tests correctly"); is($summary->{'percentages'}->{'Untested'},'100.00%',"Gets total percentages correctly"); #Also have to mock anything requiring test result fields (all are custom) my $projResType = $tr->getTestResultFieldByName('step_results'); is($projResType->{'id'},6,"Can get result field by name"); $projResType = $tr->getTestResultFieldByName('step_results',$project->{'id'}); is($projResType->{'id'},6,"Can get result field by name, AND filter by project ID"); $projResType = $tr->getTestResultFieldByName('moo_results'); is($projResType,0,"Bad name returns no result field"); $projResType = $tr->getTestResultFieldByName('step_results',66669); is($projResType,-3,"Bad project returns no result field"); # I can't delete closed plans, so...test closePlan et cetera is(reftype($tr->closeRun(666)),'HASH',"Can close run that exists"); my $res; capture { $res = $tr->closeRun(90210) }; is($res,-404,"Can't close run that doesn't exist"); is(reftype($tr->closePlan(23)),'HASH',"Can close plan that exists"); capture { $res = $tr->closePlan(75020) }; is($res,-404,"Can't close plan that doesn't exist"); # Test case type method my $ct = $tr->getCaseTypeByName("Automated"); is($ct->{'id'},1,"Can get case type by name"); #Test #142 $tr = TestRail::API->new('http://locked.out','fake','fake',undef,1); $tr->{'browser'} = $browser; $tr->{'debug'} = 0; like( exception { $tr->getUsers() } , qr/stay out you red menace/i, "API dies on bad auth"); $tr = TestRail::API->new('http://locked.out/worse','fake','fake',undef,1); $tr->{'browser'} = $browser; $tr->{'debug'} = 0; like( exception { $tr->getUsers() } , qr/could not find pants/i, "API dies on no auth or auth backend failure"); $tr = TestRail::API->new('http://bork.bork','fake','fake',undef,1,undef,2); $tr->{'browser'} = $browser; $tr->{'debug'} = 0; $tr->{retry_delay} = 0; my $rc; my $oot = capture_stderr { $rc = $tr->getUsers() }; like ($oot,qr/re-trying request/i, "Tried twice to make the call work"); is($rc,-500,"Right code returned when re-tries run out");