[% USE Whostmgr; IF locale.get_html_dir_attr() == 'rtl'; SET rtl_bootstrap = Whostmgr.find_file_url('/3rdparty/bootstrap-rtl/optimized/dist/css/bootstrap-rtl.min.css'); END; SET styleSheets = [ rtl_bootstrap, ]; WRAPPER 'master_templates/master.tmpl' header = locale.maketext("PostgreSQL Upgrade"), stylesheets = styleSheets, theme='bootstrap', breadcrumbdata= { previous = [ { name = "Home", url = "/scripts/command?PFILE=main", }, { name = "Plugins", url = "/scripts/command?PFILE=Plugins", }, ], name = 'PostgreSQL Upgrade', url = '/cgi/troglodyne/pgupgrade.cgi', help_url = 'https://troglodyne.net/better-postgres-for-cpanel', }, icon='/addon_plugins/troglophant.png'; %]

Brought to you by Troglodyne

PostgreSQL is the best relational database management system you can conceive of, even on cPanel systems. This interface allows you to upgrade your PostgreSQL server to a newer version. Yum and cPanel will automagically upgrade PostgreSQL installations to newer point releases (the third digit in the version string), as these upgrades involve little risk to your users’ data. Upgrades to new major releases (the first two digits in the version string) are more involved because there is a substantial risk of data loss. This interface at least attempts to take care of those issues for you.

Although in-place upgrades are generally safe, you should always perform a full database backup before you begin the upgrade process.

Please note that downgrades to previous versions are not allowed by this software. After you upgrade your system to a newer version, any consequences related to switching back are your responsibility alone.

Current Version


Select a Version

Version Features Release Date End of Life

[% END %]