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update meetings desc on front page

George S. Baugh 3 éve
1 módosított fájl, 22 hozzáadás és 21 törlés
  1. 22 21

+ 22 - 21

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     <iframe id="sideframe" src="/announce_meeting.html?embed=1"></iframe>
-<p>This is the branch of the <a href="">Perl Mongers</a>
+This is the branch of the <a href="">Perl Mongers</a>
 meeting in Houston, Texas. Perl Mongers is a loose association of
 international Perl User Groups. We discuss and educate people on the Perl
-programming language, as well as projects and modules written in Perl.</p>
-<p>We normally meet on the second Thursday of each month. The meeting officially
-  starts at <time datetime="18:00">6pm</time> and runs until around <time datetime="20:00">8pm</time>.
-  Meetings are open to the public.
-  We don't have any dues, <em>official</em> membership, or anything like
-  that. If you are interested in Perl, you are welcome to come.</p>
-<p>For some technical meetings, we meet in the lobby of the cPanel offices at
-  <a href=",+Houston,+TX+77092/@29.8081429,-95.4459714,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x8640c6fa4d91297b:0x988e2dedf77ce147">2550 North Loop West, Suite 4006, Houston, Texas 77092</a>,
-  starting sometime between <time datetime="17:30">5:30pm</time> and <time datetime="18:00">6pm</time>. Once everyone arrives, we
-  head upstairs to a conference room for the meeting.</p>
-<p>For other technical meetings, we meet in the lobby of the HostGator offices at
-  <a href=",+Houston&fb=1&gl=us&hq=HostGator,&hnear=0x8640b8b4488d8501:0xca0d02def365053b,Houston,+TX&cid=2141572779937723859&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A">5005 Mitchelldale St #100</a>,
-  starting sometime between <time datetime="17:30">5:30pm</time> and <time datetime="18:00">6pm</time>. Once everyone arrives, we
-  head inside for the meeting.</p>
-<p>We also have social meetings at some nearby restaurant or pub in some
-  months if there is no topic for a technical meeting.</p>
+programming language, as well as projects and modules written in Perl.
+We normally meet on the second Thursday of each month.
+The meeting officially starts at <time datetime="18:00">6pm</time> and runs until around <time datetime="20:00">8pm</time>.
+Meetings are open to the public.
+We don't have any dues, <em>official</em> membership, or anything like that.
+If you are interested in Perl, you are welcome to come.
+For most technical meetings, we meet online via Zoom video conference call.
+Details on joining the call are provided with the <a href="announce_meeting.html">Meeting Announcement</a>.
+We also have social meetings at some nearby restaurant or pub in some
+months if there is no topic for a technical meeting.
 <p>Check the <a href="meetings.html">meetings</a> link for details.</p>