# iContact-cPanel-Plugins Extra "Contact Manager" Providers for cPanel and WHM Current plugins: ================ * XMPP -- Stable XMPP provider (well, as stable as Net::XMPP is, anyways). See issue #2 * IRC -- New provider, needs more testing by users out in the wild. "Works for Me" * Slack -- Works presuming you have an incoming WebHook URL, much like CpanelRicky's MatterMost plugin. Installation and Use: --------------------- * Clone this repo with git onto a cPanel host of at least 11.64+, then run `make` after changing the current working directory of your terminal session into the repo's directory. * (Optionally) Run the Tests with `make test` * Go to WHM >> Basic Setup and configure the provider options * Go to WHM >> Contact Manager and make sure it is set up to spam you mercilessly (and for the notifications you care about!). * Do something to trigger a notification that should fire notifications from cPanel & WHM per your preference in /etc/clevels.conf KNOWN BUGS ---------- * ejabberd: Currently, the DIGEST-MD5 method (used by default in Net::XMPP when authenticating against the latest ejabberd versions) causes failures to send notifications. Add `disable_sasl_mechanisms: "DIGEST-MD5"` to your `ejabberd.yml` config file to avoid this problem. See issue #2 on the tracker. TESTING NOTES ------------- If you want to run a functional test for any of these (to debug problems), please run the following script: `scripts/generate_testing_configuration.pl` as this will prompt you for all the needed values to make the test run (it tells you how to run it too). Anyways, this script will write out a file like the following to the repo's top level directory. In this example, we're using the XMPP provider, so it will be .xmpptestrc: `XMPPUSERNAME: user@domain.tld` `XMPPPASSWORD: hunter2` `XMPPCOMPONENTNAME:` `XMPPUSETLS: 1` `XMPPVERIFYCERT: 0` You'll note these correspond to the values in the Provider's Schema module. With that set, you should spam yourself with a message if the t/Cpanel-iContact-Provider-XMPP.t test passes. Same goes for the IRC or Slack provider... use the same keys as in the schema module for dopeouts in its' test.