package Cpanel::iContact::Provider::Schema::IRC; use strict; use warnings; sub get_settings { my $help1 = <The IRC channel you wish to send cPanel & WHM notifications to.
Multiple channels currently are not supported.
Example: "#YOLO"

HALP my $help2 = <The IRC nickname you wish for cPanel & WHM notifications to use.
Example: "cPSaurus"

HALP my $help3 =<Whether or not the IRC server your Notification User is registered at supports SSL/TLS.
If set improperly, this will cause sending notifications to fail (some IRC servers require SSL/TLS, some don't support it).

HALP my $help4 =<The IRC Server Address
The domain or IP your IRC server is active on.

HALP my $help5 =<The IRC Server Port
The port your IRC server is active on. Defaults to 6667.

HALP return { 'CONTACTIRC' => { 'shadow' => 1, 'type' => 'text', 'checkval' => sub { my $value = shift; my @chans = split( ",", $value ); @chans = grep { index( $_, '#' ) != -1 } @chans; return join( ",", @chans ); }, 'label' => 'IRC Notification Destinations', 'help' => $help1, }, 'IRCNICK' => { 'shadow' => 1, 'type' => 'text', 'checkval' => sub { my $value = shift(); $value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Trim # TODO get full list of "invalid characters". RFC doesn't specify. die "IRC nicknames can't contain spaces!" if index( $value, " ") != -1; return $value; }, 'label' => 'IRC Notification Bot Nickname', 'help' => $help2, }, 'IRCUSESSL' => { 'type' => 'binary', 'label' => 'IRC: Use SSL/TLS?', 'help' => $help3, }, 'IRCSERVER' => { 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'IRC Server Address', 'help' => $help4, }, 'IRCPORT' => { 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'IRC Server Port', 'help' => $help5, }, }; } sub get_config { my $svg = ""; return { 'default_level' => 'All', 'display_name' => 'IRC', 'icon_name' => 'IRC', 'icon' => "data:image/svg+xml,$svg", }; } 1;