package Cpanel::iContact::Provider::IRC; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'Cpanel::iContact::Provider'; sub send { my ($self) = @_; my @missing = grep { !defined $self->{'contact'}{$_} } qw{IRCSERVER}; die "Kit not complete! Missing: " . join( ", ", @missing ) if scalar( @missing ); my $args_hr = $self->{'args'}; my @errs; my $subject = $args_hr->{'subject'}; my $body = ${ $args_hr->{'text_body'} }; local $@; eval { my $response; $self->_send( 'destination' => $args_hr->{'to'}[0], 'subject' => $subject, 'content' => $body ); }; push( @errs, $@ ) if $@; if (@errs) { die "One or more notification attempts failed. Details below:\n" . join( "\n", @errs ); } return 1; } my $conn; sub _send { my ( $self, %args ) = @_; if( $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTS'} ) { my $debugmsg = "# Attempting connection to $self->{'contact'}{'IRCSERVER'}:$self->{'contact'}{'IRCPORT'} as $self->{'contact'}{'IRCNICK'} in channel $args{'destination'}"; $debugmsg .= " using SSL" if $self->{'contact'}{'IRCUSESSL'}; print $debugmsg, "\n"; } my @message_lines = _format_message_for_irc( $args{'subject'}, $args{'content'}, $args{'destination'} ); require IO::Socket::INET; require IO::Socket::SSL; require Time::HiRes; # Don't laugh, some of these notices are so long (and the server so laggy at printing) that this actually is reasonable. # Usually messages are delayed as a flood limiting action. local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die "Timed out waiting for notification to post to IRC channel!" }; alarm(60); $conn = IO::Socket::INET->new("$self->{'contact'}{'IRCSERVER'}:$self->{'contact'}{'IRCPORT'}", ) or die $!; binmode( $conn, ":utf8" ); if( $self->{'contact'}{'IRCUSESSL'} ) { print "# Upgrading connection to use SSL...\n" if $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTS'}; IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL( $conn, 'SSL_HOSTNAME' => $self->{'contact'}{'IRCSERVER'}, 'SSL_verify_mode' => 0 ) or die $IO::Socket::SSL::ERROR; } print "# [SENT] NICK $self->{'contact'}{'IRCNICK'}\r\n" if $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTS'}; print $conn "NICK $self->{'contact'}{'IRCNICK'}\r\n"; print "# [SENT] USER cpsaurus * 8 :cPanel & WHM Notification Bot v0.1 (\r\n" if $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTS'}; print $conn "USER cpsaurus * 8 :cPanel & WHM Notification Bot v0.1 (\r\n"; my %got; while( $conn ) { last if !scalar(@message_lines); # Print it all then leave like a bad smell if( $got{'366'} && $got{'332'} ) { foreach my $shake_line ( @message_lines ) { print "# [SENT] $shake_line" if $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTS'}; print $conn $shake_line; } last; } my $line= readline( $conn ) || ""; #$line =~ s/^[^[:print:]]+$//; # Collapse blank lines next if !$line; print "# [GOT][" . length($line) . "] $line" if $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTS'}; my @msgparts = split( ' ', $line ); $msgparts[1] ||= ''; # PING handler if( $msgparts[0] eq 'PING' ) { print "# [SENT] PONG $msgparts[1]\r\n" if $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTS'}; print $conn "PONG $msgparts[1]\r\n"; next; } # MOTD/JOIN handler if( grep { $_ eq $msgparts[1] } qw{376 422} ) { print "# [SENT] JOIN $args{'destination'}\r\n" if $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTS'}; print $conn "JOIN $args{'destination'}\r\n"; next; } # Channel join handler, gotta wait for NAMES and TOPIC if( grep { $_ eq $msgparts[1] } qw{366 332} ) { print "# [INFO] Noticed we got $msgparts[1] above. Noting that so we can know when to start spamming messages.\n" if $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTS'}; $got{"$msgparts[1]"} = 1 ; next; } } print "# [SENT] QUIT :Done sending notification\r\n" if $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTS'}; print $conn "QUIT :Done sending notification\r\n"; # The connection won't properly un-block until you read the response from QUIT. # Unfortunately, just setting it to non-block leads to your messages not being processed. # As such, just read here and let it do it's thing even though you don't actually need the data. readline( $conn ); $conn->shutdown(2); return; } # sub _format_message_for_irc { my ( $subj, $body, $chan ) = @_; my @msg_lines; my $prefix = "NOTICE $chan :"; my $suffix = "\r\n"; # 2 chars my $msglen = 510 - length $prefix; # 512 chars total # Subject is one line while( $subj ) { if( length $subj <= 510 ) { push( @msg_lines, $prefix . $subj . $suffix ); undef $subj; } else { push( @msg_lines, $prefix . substr( $subj, 0, 510, "" ) . $suffix ); } } # Body is multiline my @body_lines = split( "\n", $body ); foreach my $line (@body_lines) { while( $line ) { if( length $line <= 510 ) { push( @msg_lines, $prefix . $line . $suffix ); undef $line; } else { push( @msg_lines, $prefix . substr( $line, 0, 510, "" ) . $suffix ); } } } return @msg_lines; } sub DESTROY { $conn->shutdown(2) if $conn; } 1;