use strict; use warnings; use Cwd qw{abs_path}; use File::Basename qw{dirname}; use lib abs_path( dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib" ); use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; use Test::Deep; use File::Temp (); use Cpanel::iContact::Provider::Local (); use Cpanel::iContact::Provider::Local::Getter (); plan tests => 1; # First, let's mock out the parent, and other stuff we wouldn't wanna do in a unit test subtest "Provider bits work as expected ('unit' test)" => sub { plan tests => 7; # Create tempdir for jamming stuff into my $tmp_obj = File::Temp->newdir(); my $tmp_dir = $tmp_obj->dirname; $Cpanel::iContact::Provider::Local::DIR = "$tmp_dir/iContact_notices"; # Make the notice send isa_ok( my $spammer = Cpanel::iContact::Provider::Local->new(), "Cpanel::iContact::Provider::Local" ); my $ex = exception { $spammer->send() }; is( $ex, undef, "send doesn't throw on GreatSuccess" ) || diag explain $ex; my $user = getpwuid($<); my @files = glob( "$tmp_dir/iContact_notices/$user/*.json" ); ok( scalar(@files), "Looks like a file was written..." ) || diag explain \@files; like( $files[0], qr/\d\.json/, "..and it looks like we'd expect it to" ) || diag explain \@files; # Now let's check on them another way my %notifications = Cpanel::iContact::Provider::Local::Getter::get_all_notices( 'user' => $user ); ok( scalar(keys(%notifications)), "Got the expected notifications from hash..." ) || diag explain \%notifications; my $hash_key = (keys(%notifications))[0]; like( $hash_key, qr/^\d+$/, "..and the hash key looks like we'd expect it to" ) || diag explain \%notifications; my $model = { $hash_key => { 'subject' => 'cPanel on “Drugs”', 'text' => 'HOLY CRAP THE “AUTO-LAYOFF” THING TRIGGERED', 'html' => '


', } }; cmp_deeply( \%notifications, $model, "%notifications hashref has the expected return" ) || diag explain \%notifications; };