ldapscanner.cfg.dist 1.1 KB

  1. [server]
  2. # What's needed to connect?
  3. # Hosts can be many, separate them with commas
  4. hosts=ldap.host,another.host
  5. port=636
  6. ldaps=1
  7. timeout=5
  8. [search]
  9. # Put in what records you wanna find (and diff over time) here.
  10. # Surround your filter with parens, especially if you need to
  11. # do searches on multiple things, a la
  12. # (&(objectClass=capedAvenger)(o=LegionOfDoom))
  13. base=ou=superheroes,dc=marvel,dc=comics
  14. filter=(objectClass=capedAvenger)
  15. [creds]
  16. # If you need to auth with the server in order to get the
  17. # records you need, then enter the details below.
  18. # If not, delete this section.
  19. dn=heroName=Lobo,ou=superheroes,dc=marvel,dc=comics
  20. pass=S4NT4DR00LZ
  21. [display]
  22. # Put anything you don't want displayed in your cron email here.
  23. # Separated by commas, just like hosts
  24. # Binary blob fields like jpegPhoto get annoying quick.
  25. ignore_attrs=jpegPhoto
  26. [prefs]
  27. # Loglevels:
  28. # warn: warn on errors, print diff.
  29. # error: die on errors, print diff. Recommended for crons.
  30. # info: die on errors, print informational messages
  31. # debug: die on errors, also print debug & info messages
  32. loglevel=error