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Minor corrections to pod

Andy Baugh 3 maanden geleden
2 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 7 en 8 verwijderingen
  1. 2 3
  2. 5 5

+ 2 - 3

@@ -581,7 +581,6 @@ Execute specified command via SSH. If first arg is HASHREF, then it uses that as
 Command is specifed as a LIST, as that's the easiest way to ensure escaping is done correctly.
 $opts HASHREF:
-C<no_persist> - Boolean - Whether or not to use persistent shell if that is enabled.
 C<no_stderr> - Boolean - Whether or not to discard STDERR.
 C<command> - LIST of components combined together to make a shell command.
@@ -780,10 +779,10 @@ Chris Eades - For the original module this evolved from at cPanel over the years
 bdraco (Nick Koston) - For optimization ideas and the general process needed for expect & persistent shell.
-J.D. Lightsey - For the somewhat crazy but nonetheless very useful eval_full subroutine used
+J.D. Lightsey - For the somewhat crazy looking but nonetheless very useful eval_full subroutine used
 to execute subroutine references from the orchestrating server on the remote host's perl.
-Brian M. Carlson - For the highly useful sftp shortcut methods that utilize Net::SFTP::Foreign.
+Brian M. Carlson - For the highly useful sftp shortcut method that caches Net::SFTP::Foreign.
 Rikus Goodell - For shell escaping expertise

+ 5 - 5

@@ -22,18 +22,18 @@ subtest_streamed "Live tests versus localhost" => sub {
         'host' => 'localhost', 'output_prefix' => '# ', 'use_persistent_shell' => 0, 'expect_timeout' => 1,
     is( ref $obj, 'Net::OpenSSH::More', "Got right ref type for object upon instantiation (using localhost)" );
-    my @cmd_ret = $obj->cmd(qw{echo whee});
+    my @cmd_ret  = $obj->cmd(qw{echo whee});
     my $expected = [ "whee", '', 0 ];
     is( \@cmd_ret, $expected, "Got expected return (non-persistent shell)" );
     @cmd_ret = $obj->cmd(qw{echo whee});
     is( \@cmd_ret, $expected, "Got expected return (persistent shell)" );
-    $obj->write("net-openssh-more-test", "whee");
+    $obj->write( "net-openssh-more-test", "whee" );
     @cmd_ret = $obj->cmd(qw{cat net-openssh-more-test});
-    is( \@cmd_ret, $expected, "Got expected result from write");
+    is( \@cmd_ret, $expected, "Got expected result from write" );
     my $ec = $obj->cmd_exit_code(qw{rm -f net-openssh-more-test});
-    is( $ec, 0, "cmd_exit_code returns 0 on successful command");
-    my $ret = $obj->eval_full( 'code' => sub { return $_[0] ? "whee" : "widdly"; }, 'args' => [ 1 ] );
+    is( $ec, 0, "cmd_exit_code returns 0 on successful command" );
+    my $ret = $obj->eval_full( 'code' => sub { return $_[0] ? "whee" : "widdly"; }, 'args' => [1] );
     is( $ret, "whee", "Got expected result from eval_full" );