2 次代碼提交 d5256cd593 ... 18ed34560b

作者 SHA1 備註 提交日期
  Andy Baugh 18ed34560b Tidy up 3 月之前
  Andy Baugh 099fb7b80f Tidy rule 3 月之前
共有 3 個文件被更改,包括 120 次插入113 次删除
  1. 5 1
  2. 111 108
  3. 4 4

+ 5 - 1

@@ -5,4 +5,8 @@ FILES2CHECK := $(shell find lib/ -name '*.pm')
 	$(foreach FILE,$(FILES2CHECK),perl -Ilib -c $(FILE) &&) /bin/true
-.PHONY: compilecheck test
+	$(foreach FILE,$(FILES2CHECK),perltidy -b $(FILE) &&) /bin/true
+	perltidy -b t/*.t
+.PHONY: compilecheck test tidy

+ 111 - 108

@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ use warnings;
 use parent 'Net::OpenSSH';
-use Data::UUID         ();
-use Expect             ();
-use File::HomeDir      ();
-use File::Temp         ();
-use Fcntl              ();
-use IO::Pty            ();
-use IO::Socket::INET   ();
-use IO::Socket::INET6  ();
-use IO::Stty           ();
+use Data::UUID        ();
+use Expect            ();
+use File::HomeDir     ();
+use File::Temp        ();
+use Fcntl             ();
+use IO::Pty           ();
+use IO::Socket::INET  ();
+use IO::Socket::INET6 ();
+use IO::Stty          ();
 use List::Util qw{first};
 use Net::DNS::Resolver ();
 use Net::IP            ();
@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ Net::OpenSSH::More::Linux
 my %defaults = (
-    'user'                    => $ENV{'USER'} || getpwuid($>),
-    'port'                    => 22,
-    'use_persistent_shell'    => 0,
-    'output_prefix'           => '',
-    'home'                    => File::HomeDir->my_home,
-	'retry_interval'          => 6,
-	'retry_max'               => 10,
+    'user'                 => $ENV{'USER'} || getpwuid($>),
+    'port'                 => 22,
+    'use_persistent_shell' => 0,
+    'output_prefix'        => '',
+    'home'                 => File::HomeDir->my_home,
+    'retry_interval'       => 6,
+    'retry_max'            => 10,
 our %cache;
@@ -89,23 +89,23 @@ my $check_local_perms = sub {
     $die_no_trace->(qq{"$path" could not be read})               unless -r _;
     my $actual_mode = $stat[2] & 07777;
-    $die_no_trace->(sprintf(qq{Permissions on "$path" are not correct: got=0%o, expected=0%o}, $actual_mode, $expected_mode)) unless $expected_mode eq $actual_mode;
+    $die_no_trace->( sprintf( qq{Permissions on "$path" are not correct: got=0%o, expected=0%o}, $actual_mode, $expected_mode ) ) unless $expected_mode eq $actual_mode;
     return 1;
 my $resolve_login_method = sub {
-    my ( $opts ) = @_;
+    my ($opts) = @_;
     my $chosen = first { $opts->{$_} } qw{key_path password};
     $chosen //= '';
-    undef $chosen if $chosen eq 'key_path' && !$check_local_perms->( $opts->{'key_path'}, 0600 );
-    return $chosen if $chosen;
+    undef $chosen          if $chosen eq 'key_path' && !$check_local_perms->( $opts->{'key_path'}, 0600 );
+    return $chosen         if $chosen;
     return 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK' if $ENV{'SSH_AUTH_SOCK'};
     my $fallback_path = "$opts->{'home'}/.ssh/id";
     ( $opts->{'key_path'} ) = map { "${fallback_path}_$_" } ( first { -s "${fallback_path}_$_" } qw{dsa rsa ecdsa} );
     $die_no_trace->('No key_path or password specified and no active SSH agent; cannot connect') if !$opts->{'key_path'};
-    $check_local_perms->( $opts->{'key_path'}, 0600 ) if $opts->{'key_path'};
+    $check_local_perms->( $opts->{'key_path'}, 0600 )                                            if $opts->{'key_path'};
     return $opts->{'key_path'};
@@ -115,79 +115,79 @@ my $get_dns_record_from_hostname = sub {
     $record_type ||= 'A';
     my $reply = Net::DNS::Resolver->new()->search( $hostname, $record_type );
-	return unless $reply;
-	return { map { $_->type() => $_->address() } grep { $_->type eq $record_type } ( $reply->answer() ) };
+    return unless $reply;
+    return { map { $_->type() => $_->address() } grep { $_->type eq $record_type } ( $reply->answer() ) };
 # Knock on the server till it responds, or doesn't. Try both ipv4 and ipv6.
 my $ping = sub {
-    my ( $opts ) = @_;
+    my ($opts) = @_;
-	my $timeout = 30;
+    my $timeout = 30;
     my ( $host_info, $ip, $r_type );
-    if( my $ip_obj = Net::IP->new($opts->{'host'}) ) {
+    if ( my $ip_obj = Net::IP->new( $opts->{'host'} ) ) {
         $r_type = $ip_obj->ip_is_ipv4 ? 'A' : 'AAAA';
-        $ip = $opts->{'host'};
+        $ip     = $opts->{'host'};
     else {
-	    my $host_info = first { $get_dns_record_from_hostname->( $opts->{'host'}, $_ ) } qw{A AAAA};
-	    ( $r_type ) = keys( %$host_info );
-        if(!$host_info->{$r_type}) {
+        my $host_info = first { $get_dns_record_from_hostname->( $opts->{'host'}, $_ ) } qw{A AAAA};
+        ($r_type) = keys(%$host_info);
+        if ( !$host_info->{$r_type} ) {
             require Data::Dumper;
             die "Can't determine IP type. " . Data::Dumper::Dumper($host_info);
         $ip = $host_info->{$r_type};
-	my %family_map = ( 'A' => 'INET', 'AAAA' => 'INET6' );
-	my $start = time;
-	while ( ( time - $start ) <= $timeout ) {
-		return 1 if "IO::Socket::$family_map{$r_type}"->new(
-			'PeerAddr' => $ip,
-			'PeerPort' => $opts->{'port'},
-			'Proto'    => 'tcp',
-			'Timeout'  => $timeout,
-		);
-		diag( { '_opts' => $opts }, "[DEBUG] Waiting for response on $ip:$opts->{'port'} ($r_type)..." ) if $opts->{'debug'};
-		select undef, undef, undef, 0.5;    # there's no need to try more than 2 times per second
-	}
+    my %family_map = ( 'A' => 'INET', 'AAAA' => 'INET6' );
+    my $start      = time;
+    while ( ( time - $start ) <= $timeout ) {
+        return 1 if "IO::Socket::$family_map{$r_type}"->new(
+            'PeerAddr' => $ip,
+            'PeerPort' => $opts->{'port'},
+            'Proto'    => 'tcp',
+            'Timeout'  => $timeout,
+        );
+        diag( { '_opts' => $opts }, "[DEBUG] Waiting for response on $ip:$opts->{'port'} ($r_type)..." ) if $opts->{'debug'};
+        select undef, undef, undef, 0.5;    # there's no need to try more than 2 times per second
+    }
     return 0;
 my $init_ssh = sub {
     my ( $class, $opts ) = @_;
-	# Always clear the cache if possible when we get here.
-	if( $opts->{'_cache_index'} ) {
+    # Always clear the cache if possible when we get here.
+    if ( $opts->{'_cache_index'} ) {
         local $disable_destructor = 1;
-		undef $cache{$opts->{'_cache_index'}};
-	}
+        undef $cache{ $opts->{'_cache_index'} };
+    }
     # Try not to have disallowed ENV chars. For now just transliterate . into _
     # XXX TODO This will be bad with some usernames/domains.
     # Maybe need to run host through punycode decoder, etc.?
-    if( !$opts->{'_host_sock_key'} ) {
+    if ( !$opts->{'_host_sock_key'} ) {
         $opts->{'_host_sock_key'} = "NET_OPENSSH_MASTER_$opts->{'host'}_$opts->{'user'}";
         $opts->{'_host_sock_key'} =~ tr/./_/;
-	# Make temp dir go out of scope with this object for ctl paths, etc.
-	# Leave no trace!
-	$opts->{'_tmp_obj'} = File::Temp->newdir() if !$opts->{'_tmp_obj'};
+    # Make temp dir go out of scope with this object for ctl paths, etc.
+    # Leave no trace!
+    $opts->{'_tmp_obj'} = File::Temp->newdir() if !$opts->{'_tmp_obj'};
     my $tmp_dir = $opts->{'_tmp_obj'}->dirname();
     diag( { '_opts' => $opts }, "Temp dir: $tmp_dir" ) if $opts->{'debug'};
     my $temp_fh;
     # Use an existing connection if possible, otherwise make one
-    if ( $ENV{$opts->{'_host_sock_key'}} && -e $ENV{$opts->{'_host_sock_key'}} ) {
+    if ( $ENV{ $opts->{'_host_sock_key'} } && -e $ENV{ $opts->{'_host_sock_key'} } ) {
         $opts->{'external_master'} = 1;
-        $opts->{'ctl_path'}        = $ENV{$opts->{'_host_sock_key'}};
+        $opts->{'ctl_path'}        = $ENV{ $opts->{'_host_sock_key'} };
     else {
-		if( !$opts->{'debug'} ) {
-			open( $temp_fh, ">", "$tmp_dir/STDERR" ) or $die_no_trace->("Can't open $tmp_dir/STDERR for writing: $!");
-			$opts->{'master_stderr_fh'} = $temp_fh;
-		}
+        if ( !$opts->{'debug'} ) {
+            open( $temp_fh, ">", "$tmp_dir/STDERR" ) or $die_no_trace->("Can't open $tmp_dir/STDERR for writing: $!");
+            $opts->{'master_stderr_fh'} = $temp_fh;
+        }
         $opts->{'ctl_dir'}     = $tmp_dir;
         $opts->{'strict_mode'} = 0;
@@ -206,18 +206,18 @@ my $init_ssh = sub {
         # Attempt to use the SSH agent if possible. This won't hurt if you use -k or -P.
         # Even if your sock doesn't work to get you in, you may want it to do something on the remote host.
         # Of course, you may want to disable this with no_agent if your system is stupidly configured
-		# with lockout after 3 tries and you have 4 keys in agent.
+        # with lockout after 3 tries and you have 4 keys in agent.
-		# Anyways, don't just kill the sock for your bash session, restore it in DESTROY
-		$opts->{'_restore_auth_sock'} = delete $ENV{SSH_AUTH_SOCK} if $opts->{'no_agent'};
-        $opts->{'forward_agent'} = 1 if $ENV{'SSH_AUTH_SOCK'};
+        # Anyways, don't just kill the sock for your bash session, restore it in DESTROY
+        $opts->{'_restore_auth_sock'} = delete $ENV{SSH_AUTH_SOCK} if $opts->{'no_agent'};
+        $opts->{'forward_agent'}      = 1                          if $ENV{'SSH_AUTH_SOCK'};
     my $status = 0;
     my $self;
     foreach my $attempt ( 1 .. $opts->{'retry_max'} ) {
-		local $@;
+        local $@;
         my $up = $ping->($opts);
         if ( !$up ) {
             $die_no_trace->("$opts->{'host'} is down!") if $opts->{die_on_drop};
@@ -225,10 +225,11 @@ my $init_ssh = sub {
-		# Now, per the POD of Net::OpenSSH, new will NEVER DIE, so just trust it.
-        my @base_module_opts = qw{host user port password passphrase key_path gateway proxy_command batch_mode ctl_dir ctl_path ssh_cmd scp_cmd rsync_cmd remote_shell timeout kill_ssh_on_timeout strict_mode async connect master_opts default_ssh_opts forward_agent forward_X11 default_stdin_fh default_stdout_fh default_stderr_fh default_stdin_file default_stdout_file default_stderr_file master_stdout_fh master_sdterr_fh master_stdout_discard master_stderr_discard expand_vars vars external_master default_encoding default_stream_encoding default_argument_encoding password_prompt login_handler master_setpgrp master_pty_force};
-        $self = $class->SUPER::new( map{ $_ => $opts->{$_} } grep { $opts->{$_} } @base_module_opts );
-		my $error = $self->error;
+        # Now, per the POD of Net::OpenSSH, new will NEVER DIE, so just trust it.
+        my @base_module_opts =
+          qw{host user port password passphrase key_path gateway proxy_command batch_mode ctl_dir ctl_path ssh_cmd scp_cmd rsync_cmd remote_shell timeout kill_ssh_on_timeout strict_mode async connect master_opts default_ssh_opts forward_agent forward_X11 default_stdin_fh default_stdout_fh default_stderr_fh default_stdin_file default_stdout_file default_stderr_file master_stdout_fh master_sdterr_fh master_stdout_discard master_stderr_discard expand_vars vars external_master default_encoding default_stream_encoding default_argument_encoding password_prompt login_handler master_setpgrp master_pty_force};
+        $self = $class->SUPER::new( map { $_ => $opts->{$_} } grep { $opts->{$_} } @base_module_opts );
+        my $error = $self->error;
         next unless ref $self eq 'Net::OpenSSH::More' && !$error;
         if ( $temp_fh && -s $temp_fh ) {
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ my $init_ssh = sub {
             $error .= " " . readline($temp_fh);
-        if($error) {
+        if ($error) {
             $die_no_trace->("Bad password passed, will not retry SSH connection: $error.") if ( $error =~ m{bad password}                       && $opts->{'password'} );
             $die_no_trace->("Bad key, will not retry SSH connection: $error.")             if ( $error =~ m{master process exited unexpectedly} && $opts->{'key_path'} );
             $die_no_trace->("Bad credentials, will not retry SSH connection: $error.")     if ( $error =~ m{Permission denied} );
@@ -247,7 +248,7 @@ my $init_ssh = sub {
             $self->diag( "SSH Connection could not be established to " . $self->{'host'} . " with the error:", $error, 'Will Retry 10 times.' );
         if ( $status = $self->check_master() ) {
-            $self->diag("Successfully established connection to " . $self->{'host'} . " on attempt #$attempt.") if $attempt gt 1;
+            $self->diag( "Successfully established connection to " . $self->{'host'} . " on attempt #$attempt." ) if $attempt gt 1;
@@ -258,21 +259,21 @@ my $init_ssh = sub {
     # Setup connection caching if needed
     if ( !$opts->{'no_cache'} && !$opts->{'_host_sock_key'} ) {
         $self->{'master_pid'} = $self->disown_master();
-        $ENV{$opts->{'_host_sock_key'}} = $self->get_ctl_path();
+        $ENV{ $opts->{'_host_sock_key'} } = $self->get_ctl_path();
     #Allow the user to unlink the host sock if we need to pop the cache for some reason
-    $self->{'host_sock'} = $ENV{$opts->{'_host_sock_key'}};
+    $self->{'host_sock'} = $ENV{ $opts->{'_host_sock_key'} };
     return $self;
 my $connection_check = sub {
-    my ( $self ) = @_;
+    my ($self) = @_;
     return 1 if $self->check_master;
-	local $@;
+    local $@;
     local $disable_destructor = 1;
-    eval { $self = $init_ssh->( __PACKAGE__, $self->{'_opts'}) };
+    eval { $self = $init_ssh->( __PACKAGE__, $self->{'_opts'} ) };
     return $@ ? 0 : 1;
@@ -294,10 +295,10 @@ my $call_ssh_reinit_if_check_fails = sub {
     my @ret       = eval { $self->$func(@args) };
     my $ssh_error = $@ || $self->error;
     warn "[WARN] $ssh_error" if $ssh_error;
-    return @ret if !$ssh_error;
+    return @ret              if !$ssh_error;
-    return ($self->$func(@args));
+    return ( $self->$func(@args) );
 my $post_connect = sub {
@@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ my $post_connect = sub {
 my $trim = sub {
-    my ( $string ) = @_;
+    my ($string) = @_;
     return '' unless length $string;
     $string =~ s/^\s+//;
     $string =~ s/\s+$//;
@@ -320,10 +321,10 @@ my $trim = sub {
 my $send = sub {
     my ( $self, $line_reader, @command ) = @_;
-    $self->diag("[DEBUG][$self->{'_opts'}{'host'}] EXEC " . join( " ", @command ) ) if $self->{'_opts'}{'debug'};
+    $self->diag( "[DEBUG][$self->{'_opts'}{'host'}] EXEC " . join( " ", @command ) ) if $self->{'_opts'}{'debug'};
     my ( $pty, $err, $pid ) = $call_ssh_reinit_if_check_fails->( $self, 'open3pty', @command );
-    $die_no_trace->("Net::OpenSSH::open3pty failed: $err") if( !defined $pid || $self->error() );
+    $die_no_trace->("Net::OpenSSH::open3pty failed: $err") if ( !defined $pid || $self->error() );
     $self->{'_out'} = "";
     $line_reader = sub {
@@ -331,7 +332,8 @@ my $send = sub {
         $out =~ s/[\r\n]{1,2}$//;
         $self->{$stash_param} .= "$out\n";
-    } if ref $line_reader ne 'CODE';
+      }
+      if ref $line_reader ne 'CODE';
     # TODO make this async so you can stream STDERR as well
     # That said, most only care about error if command fails, so...
@@ -348,14 +350,14 @@ my $send = sub {
     return $? >> 8;
-my $TERMINATOR = "\r\n";
+my $TERMINATOR          = "\r\n";
 my $send_persistent_cmd = sub {
     my ( $self, $command, $uuid ) = @_;
     $uuid //= Data::UUID->new()->create_str();
     $command = join( ' ', @$command );
     my $actual_cmd = "UUID='$uuid'; echo \"BEGIN \$UUID\"; $command; echo \"___\$?___\"; echo; echo \"EOF \$UUID\"";
-    $self->diag("[DEBUG][$self->{'_opts'}{'host'}] EXEC $actual_cmd" ) if $self->{'_opts'}{'debug'};
+    $self->diag("[DEBUG][$self->{'_opts'}{'host'}] EXEC $actual_cmd") if $self->{'_opts'}{'debug'};
     #Use command on bash to ignore stuff like aliases so that we have a minimum level of PEBKAC errors due to aliasing cp to cp -i, etc.
@@ -365,13 +367,13 @@ my $send_persistent_cmd = sub {
     # This made getting the return code somewhat more complicated, as you can see below.
     # That said, it also makes you not have to worry about doing things asynchronously.
     $self->{'expect'}->expect( $self->{'_opts'}{'expect_timeout'}, '-re', qr/BEGIN $uuid/m );
-    $self->{'expect'}->expect( $self->{'_opts'}{'expect_timeout'}, '-re', qr/EOF $uuid/m ); # If nothing is printed in timeout, give up
+    $self->{'expect'}->expect( $self->{'_opts'}{'expect_timeout'}, '-re', qr/EOF $uuid/m );     # If nothing is printed in timeout, give up
     # Get the actual output, remove terminal grunk
     my $message = $trim->( $self->{'expect'}->before() );
-    $message =~ s/[\r\n]{1,2}$//;                                                      # Remove 'secret newline' control chars
-    $message =~ s/\x{d}//g;                                                            # More control chars
-    $message = Term::ANSIColor::colorstrip($message);                                  # Strip colors
+    $message =~ s/[\r\n]{1,2}$//;                                                               # Remove 'secret newline' control chars
+    $message =~ s/\x{d}//g;                                                                     # More control chars
+    $message = Term::ANSIColor::colorstrip($message);                                           # Strip colors
     # Find the exit code
     my ($code) = $message =~ m/___(\d*)___$/;
@@ -382,7 +384,8 @@ my $send_persistent_cmd = sub {
         $possible_err =~ s/\s//g;
         $die_no_trace->("Runaway multi-line string detected.  Please adjust the command passed.") if $possible_err =~ m/\>/;
-        $die_no_trace->("Could not determine exit code!
+        $die_no_trace->(
+            "Could not determine exit code!
             It timed out (went $self->{'_opts'}{'expect_timeout'}s without printing anything).
             Run command outside of the persistent terminal please."
@@ -498,24 +501,24 @@ of the remote host just because you fatfingered a connection detail in the const
 sub new {
     my ( $class, %opts ) = @_;
     $opts{'host'} = '' if !$opts{'host'} || $opts{'host'} eq 'localhost';
-    $opts{'remote_shell'} ||= 'bash'; # prevent stupid defaults
-    $opts{'expect_timeout'} //= 30; # If your program goes over 30s without printing...
+    $opts{'remote_shell'} ||= 'bash';    # prevent stupid defaults
+    $opts{'expect_timeout'} //= 30;      # If your program goes over 30s without printing...
     # Set defaults, check if we can return early
     %opts = ( %defaults, %opts );
-	$opts{'_cache_index'} = "$opts{'user'}_$opts{'host'}_$opts{'port'}";
-    return $cache{$opts{'_cache_index'}} unless $opts{'no_cache'} || !$cache{$opts{'_cache_index'}};
+    $opts{'_cache_index'} = "$opts{'user'}_$opts{'host'}_$opts{'port'}";
+    return $cache{ $opts{'_cache_index'} } unless $opts{'no_cache'} || !$cache{ $opts{'_cache_index'} };
-	# Figure out how we're gonna login
-    $opts{'_login_method'} = $resolve_login_method->(\%opts);
+    # Figure out how we're gonna login
+    $opts{'_login_method'} = $resolve_login_method->( \%opts );
     # check permissions on base files if we got here
-    $check_local_perms->( "$opts{'home'}/.ssh",        0700, 1 ) if -e "$opts{'home'}/.ssh";
-    $check_local_perms->( "$opts{'home'}/.ssh/config", 0600 )    if -e "$opts{'home'}/.ssh/config";
+    $check_local_perms->( "$opts{'home'}/.ssh", 0700, 1 ) if -e "$opts{'home'}/.ssh";
+    $check_local_perms->( "$opts{'home'}/.ssh/config", 0600 ) if -e "$opts{'home'}/.ssh/config";
     # Make the connection
     my $self = $init_ssh->( $class, \%opts );
-    $cache{$opts{'_cache_index'}} = $self unless $opts{'no_cache'};
+    $cache{ $opts{'_cache_index'} } = $self unless $opts{'no_cache'};
     # Stash opts for later
     $self->{'_opts'} = \%opts;
@@ -524,7 +527,7 @@ sub new {
     $post_connect->( $self, \%opts );
     return $self;
 =head2 use_persistent_shell
@@ -534,7 +537,7 @@ Returns either the value you just set or the value it last had (if arg is not de
 sub use_persistent_shell {
-    my ($self, $use_shell) = @_;
+    my ( $self, $use_shell ) = @_;
     return $self->{'_opts'}{'use_persistent_shell'} if !defined($use_shell);
     return $self->{'_opts'}{'use_persistent_shell'} = $use_shell;
@@ -550,9 +553,9 @@ the parent's destructor kicks in:
 sub DESTROY {
     my ($self) = @_;
-    return if !$self->{'_perl_pid'} || $$ != $self->{'_perl_pid'} || $disable_destructor;
-	$ENV{SSH_AUTH_SOCK} = $self->{'_opts'}{'_restore_auth_sock'} if $self->{'_opts'}{'_restore_auth_sock'};
-    $self->{'persistent_shell'}->close() if $self->{'persistent_shell'};
+    return                                                       if !$self->{'_perl_pid'} || $$ != $self->{'_perl_pid'} || $disable_destructor;
+    $ENV{SSH_AUTH_SOCK} = $self->{'_opts'}{'_restore_auth_sock'} if $self->{'_opts'}{'_restore_auth_sock'};
+    $self->{'persistent_shell'}->close()                         if $self->{'persistent_shell'};
     return $self->SUPER::DESTROY();
@@ -616,15 +619,15 @@ In no_persist mode, stderr and stdout are merged, making the $err parameter retu
 sub cmd {
-    my ( $self ) = shift;
-	my $opts = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {};
-	my @command = @_;
+    my ($self)  = shift;
+    my $opts    = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {};
+    my @command = @_;
     $die_no_trace->( 'No command specified', 'PEBCAK' ) if !@command;
     my $ret;
-    if( $self->{'_opts'}{'use_persistent_shell'} ) {
-         $ret = $do_persistent_command->( $self, \@command, $opts->{'no_stderr'} )
+    if ( $self->{'_opts'}{'use_persistent_shell'} ) {
+        $ret = $do_persistent_command->( $self, \@command, $opts->{'no_stderr'} );
     else {
         $ret = $send->( $self, undef, @command );
@@ -643,8 +646,8 @@ Same thing as cmd but only returns the exit code.
 sub cmd_exit_code {
-    my ($self,@args) = @_;
-    return ($self->cmd(@args))[2];
+    my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
+    return ( $self->cmd(@args) )[2];
 sub sftp {
@@ -676,7 +679,7 @@ Returns true if all actions are successful, otherwise confess the error.
 sub write {
     my ( $self, $file, $content, $mode, $owner, $group ) = @_;
-    die '[PARAMETER] No file specified' if !defined $file;
+    die '[PARAMETER] No file specified'          if !defined $file;
     die '[PARAMETER] File content not specified' if !defined $content;
     my %opts;

+ 4 - 4

@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ subtest_streamed "Live tests versus localhost" => sub {
         'host' => 'localhost', 'output_prefix' => '# ', 'use_persistent_shell' => 0, 'expect_timeout' => 1,
     is( ref $obj, 'Net::OpenSSH::More', "Got right ref type for object upon instantiation (using localhost)" );
-    my @cmd_ret = $obj->cmd( qw{echo whee} );
+    my @cmd_ret = $obj->cmd(qw{echo whee});
     is( \@cmd_ret, [ "whee", '', 0 ], "Got expected return (non-persistent shell)" );
-    @cmd_ret = $obj->cmd( qw{echo widdly} );
+    @cmd_ret = $obj->cmd(qw{echo widdly});
     is( \@cmd_ret, [ 'widdly', '', 0 ], "Got expected return (persistent shell)" );
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ subtest_streamed "Common tests using mocks" => sub {
         *Net::OpenSSH::DESTROY = sub { undef };
     my $obj = Net::OpenSSH::More->new( 'host' => '', retry_max => 1, 'output_prefix' => '# ' );
-    is( ref $obj, 'Net::OpenSSH::More', "Got right ref type for object upon instantiation" );
-    is( $obj->diag("Whee"), undef, "You should see whee before this subtest" );
+    is( ref $obj,           'Net::OpenSSH::More', "Got right ref type for object upon instantiation" );
+    is( $obj->diag("Whee"), undef,                "You should see whee before this subtest" );