dist.ini 1.9 KB

  1. name = Playwright
  2. version = 0.017
  3. author = George S. Baugh <george@troglodyne.net>
  4. license = MIT
  5. copyright_holder = Troglodyne LLC
  6. copyright_year = 2021
  7. [Run::BeforeBuild]
  8. run = npm i
  9. run = npm i playwright@latest
  10. run = sudo npx playwright install-deps
  11. run = ./generate_api_json.sh
  12. run = ./generate_perl_modules.pl
  13. run = PATH="$(pwd)/bin:$PATH" perl -Ilib example.pl
  14. [Run::AfterBuild]
  15. run = ./clean_generated_files.sh
  16. [GatherDir / LibFiles ]
  17. include_untracked = 1
  18. exclude_match = .*\.swp
  19. exclude_match = .*\.swo
  20. root = ./lib
  21. prefix = lib
  22. [GatherDir / BuildConf ]
  23. root = ./conf
  24. prefix = .
  25. [GatherDir / BinFiles ]
  26. include_untracked = 1
  27. root = ./bin
  28. prefix = bin
  29. [GatherDir / TestFiles ]
  30. root = ./t
  31. prefix = t
  32. [PruneCruft]
  33. except = \.travis.yml
  34. [ManifestSkip]
  35. [MetaYAML]
  36. [MetaJSON]
  37. [License]
  38. [Readme]
  39. [InstallGuide]
  40. [ExtraTests]
  41. [ExecDir]
  42. [ShareDir]
  43. [MakeMaker]
  44. [Manifest]
  45. [PkgVersion]
  46. [AutoPrereqs]
  47. [MetaProvides::Package]
  48. [FileFinder::Filter / NoBin]
  49. finder = :InstallModules ;
  50. [PodWeaver]
  51. finder=NoBin
  52. [Git::Contributors]
  53. [TidyAll]
  54. ; Unfortunately CPAN changes detects the first date incorrectly. Oh well...
  55. ; Unfortunately the Manifest test does not work for unknown reasons.
  56. [@TestingMania]
  57. critic_config = perlcriticrc
  58. disable = Test::Compile
  59. disable = PodCoverageTests
  60. disable = Test::Synopsis
  61. [TestRelease]
  62. [ConfirmRelease]
  63. [UploadToCPAN]
  64. [CheckMetaResources]
  65. [CheckPrereqsIndexed]
  66. [CheckChangesHasContent]
  67. [Prereqs / RuntimeRequires]
  68. perl = 5.010
  69. List::Util = 1.33
  70. [GithubMeta]
  71. issues = 1
  72. user = teodesian
  73. ; `dzil authordeps` doesn't know about the Pod Weaver dependencies:
  74. ; authordep Pod::Weaver::Section::Contributors = 0
  75. ; authordep Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Encoding = 0
  76. ; authordep Pod::Weaver::Section::SeeAlso = 0
  77. ; authordep Pod::Weaver::Section::GenerateSection = 0
  78. ; authordep Pod::Elemental::Transformer::List = 0
  79. ; authordep XML::Simple = 0
  80. ; authordep Test::LWP::UserAgent = 0
  81. ; authordep Test::Pod::Coverage = 0
  82. ; authordep Term::UI = 0