#!/usr/bin/perl package Bin::build_selenium_spec; #ABSTRACT: Convenience script to fetch the selenium specification from WC3 use strict; use warnings; use v5.28; no warnings 'experimental'; use feature qw/signatures/; use Getopt::Long qw{GetOptionsFromArray}; use Pod::Usage; use Selenium::Specification; exit main(@ARGV) unless caller; sub main(@args) { my %options; GetOptionsFromArray(\@args, 'verbose' => \$options{verbose}, 'dir=s' => \$options{dir}, 'force' => \$options{force}, 'help' => \$options{help}, ); return pod2usage(verbose => 2, noperldoc => 1) if $options{help}; Selenium::Specification::fetch(%options); } 1; __END__ =head1 build_selenium_spec.pl Fetches the latest versions of the Selenium specification(s) from the internet and stores them in ~/.selenium/specs As a variety of JSON files. =head1 USAGE =head2 -h --help Print this message =head2 -v, --verbose Print messages rather than being silent =head2 -d --dir $DIR Put the files in a different directory than the default. =head2 -f --force Force a re-fetch even if your copy is newer than that available online. Use to correct corrupted specs.