package Selenium::Client; # ABSTRACT: Module for communicating with WC3 standard selenium servers use strict; use warnings; use 5.006; use v5.28.0; # Before 5.006, v5.10.0 would not be understood. no warnings 'experimental'; use feature qw/signatures/; use JSON::MaybeXS(); use HTTP::Tiny(); use Carp qw{confess cluck}; use File::Path qw{make_path}; use File::HomeDir(); use File::Slurper(); use File::Spec(); use Sub::Install(); use Net::EmptyPort(); use Capture::Tiny qw{capture_merged}; use Unicode::Normalize qw{NFC}; use Selenium::Specification; =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =head2 new(%options) = Selenium::Client Either connects to a driver at the specified host and port, or spawns one locally. Spawns a server on a random port in the event the host is "localhost" (or and nothing is reachable on the provided port. Returns a Selenium::Client object with all WC3 methods exposed. To view all available methods and their documentation, the catalog() method is provided. Remote Server options: =over 4 =item C ENUM (stable,draft,unstable) - WC3 Spec to use. Default: stable =item C STRING - hostname of your server. Default: localhost =item C STRING - any prefix needed to communicate with the server, such as /wd, /hub, /wd/hub, or /grid Default: '' =item C INTEGER - Port which the server is listening on. Default: 4444 Note: when spawning, this will be ignored and a random port chosen instead. =item C ENUM (http,https) - HTTP scheme to use Default: http =item C BOOL - Do not check for a newer copy of the WC3 specifications on startup if we already have them available. Default: 1 =item C STRING - Where to store specs and other files downloaded when spawning servers. Default: ~/.selenium =item C BOOLEAN - Whether to print out various debugging output. Default: false =item C BOOLEAN - Automatically close spawned selenium servers and sessions. Only turn this off when you are debugging. Default: true =item C BOOLEAN - Automatically normalize UTF-8 output using Normal Form C (NFC). If another normal form is preferred, you should turn this off and directly use L. Default: true =item C ARRAY[CODE] - Executed after each request to the selenium server. Callbacks are passed $self, an HTTP::Tiny response hashref and the request hashref. Use this to implement custom error handlers, testing harness modifications etc. Return a truthy value to immediately exit the request subroutine after all cbs are executed. Truthy values (if any are returned) are returned in order encountered. =item C BOOLEAN - Whether or not to die on errors from the selenium server. Default: true Useful to turn off when using post_callbacks as error handlers. =back When using remote servers, you should take extra care that they automatically clean up after themselves. We cannot guarantee the state of said servers after interacting with them. Spawn Options: =over 4 =item C STRING - Plug-in module used to spawn drivers when needed. Included are 'Auto', 'SeleniumHQ::Jar', 'Gecko', 'Chrome', 'Edge' Default: Auto The 'Auto' Driver will pick whichever direct driver looks like it will work for your chosen browser. If we can't find one, we'll fall back to SeleniumHQ::Jar. =item C STRING - desired browser. Used by the 'Auto' Driver. Default: Blank =item C BOOL - Whether to run the browser headless. Ignored by 'Safari' Driver. Default: True =item C STRING - Version of your driver software you wish to download and run. Blank and Partial versions will return the latest sub-version available. Only relevant to Drivers which auto-download (currently only SeleniumHQ::Jar). Default: Blank =back Driver modules should be in the Selenium::Driver namespace. They may implement additional parameters which can be passed into the options hash. =cut sub new($class,%options) { $options{version} //= 'stable'; $options{port} //= 4444; #XXX geckodriver doesn't bind to localhost lol $options{host} //= ''; $options{host} = '' if $options{host} eq 'localhost'; $options{nofetch} //= 1; $options{scheme} //= 'http'; $options{prefix} //= ''; $options{ua} //= HTTP::Tiny->new(); $options{client_dir} //= File::HomeDir::my_home()."/.selenium"; $options{driver} //= "SeleniumHQ::Jar"; $options{post_callbacks} //= []; $options{auto_close} //= 1; $options{browser} //= ''; $options{headless} //= 1; $options{normalize} //= 1; $options{fatal} //= 1; #create client_dir and log-dir my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( $options{client_dir},"perl-client" ); make_path($dir); #Grab the spec $options{spec}= Selenium::Specification::read($options{client_dir},$options{version},$options{nofetch}); my $self = bless(\%options, $class); $self->{sessions} = []; $self->_build_subs(); $self->_spawn() if $options{host} eq ''; return $self; } =head1 METHODS =head2 Most of the methods are dynamic based on the selenium spec This means that the Selenium::Client class can directly call all selenium methods. We provide a variety of subclasses as sugar around this: Selenium::Session Selenium::Capabilities Selenium::Element Which will simplify correctly passing arguments in the case of sessions and elements. However, this does not change the fact that you still must take great care. We do no validation whatsoever of the inputs, and the selenium server likes to hang when you give it an invalid input. So take great care and understand this is what "script hung and died" means -- you passed the function an unrecognized argument. This is because Selenium::Specification cannot (yet!) parse the inputs and outputs for each endpoint at this time. As such we can't just filter against the relevant prototype. In any case, all subs will look like this, for example: $client->Method( key => value, key1 => value1, ...) = (@return_per_key) The options passed in are basically JSON serialized and passed directly as a POST body (or included into the relevant URL). We return a list of items which are a hashref per item in the result (some of them blessed). For example, NewSession will return a Selenium::Capabilities and Selenium::Session object. The order in which they are returned will be ordered alphabetically. =head2 Passing Capabilities to NewSession() By default, we will pass a set of capabilities that satisfy the options passed to new(). If you want *other* capabilities, pass them directly to NewSession as documented in the WC3 spec. However, this will ignore what you passed to new(). Caveat emptor. For the general list of options supported by each browser, see here: =over 4 =item C - =item C - =item C - =item C - =back =head2 catalog(BOOL verbose=0) = HASHREF Returns the entire method catalog. Prints out every method and a link to the relevant documentation if verbose is true. =cut sub catalog($self,$printed=0) { return $self->{spec} unless $printed; foreach my $method (keys(%{$self->{spec}})) { print "$method: $self->{spec}{$method}{href}\n"; } return $self->{spec}; } my %browser_opts = ( firefox => { name => 'moz:firefoxOptions', headless => sub ($c) { $c->{args} //= []; push(@{$c->{args}}, '-headless'); }, }, chrome => { name => 'goog:chromeOptions', headless => sub ($c) { $c->{args} //= []; push(@{$c->{args}}, 'headless'); }, }, MicrosoftEdge => { name =>'ms:EdgeOptions', headless => sub ($c) { $c->{args} //= []; push(@{$c->{args}}, 'headless'); }, }, ); sub _build_caps($self,%options) { $options{browser} = $self->{browser} if $self->{browser}; $options{headless} = $self->{headless} if $self->{headless}; my $c = { browserName => $options{browser}, }; my $browser = $browser_opts{$options{browser}}; if ($browser) { my $browseropts = {}; foreach my $k (keys %$browser) { next if $k eq 'name'; $browser->{$k}->($browseropts) if $options{$k}; } $c->{$browser->{name}} = $browseropts; } return ( capabilities => { alwaysMatch => $c, }, ); } sub _build_subs($self) { foreach my $sub (keys(%{$self->{spec}})) { Sub::Install::install_sub( { code => sub { my $self = shift; return $self->_request($sub,@_); }, as => $sub, into => "Selenium::Client", } ) unless "Selenium::Client"->can($sub); } } #Check if server already up and spawn if no sub _spawn($self) { return $self->Status() if Net::EmptyPort::wait_port( $self->{port}, 1 ); # Pick a random port for the new server $self->{port} = Net::EmptyPort::empty_port(); my $driver_file = "Selenium/Driver/$self->{driver}.pm"; $driver_file =~ s/::/\//g; eval { require $driver_file } or confess "Could not load $driver_file, check your PERL5LIB: $@"; my $driver = "Selenium::Driver::$self->{driver}"; $driver->build_spawn_opts($self); return $self->_do_spawn(); } sub _do_spawn($self) { #XXX on windows we will *never* terminate if we are listening for *anything* #XXX so we have to just bg & ignore, unfortunately (also have to system()) if (_is_windows()) { $self->{pid} = qq/$self->{driver}:$self->{port}/; my @cmdprefix = ("start /MIN", qq{"$self->{pid}"}); # Selenium JAR controls it's own logging because Java my @cmdsuffix; @cmdsuffix = ('>', $self->{log_file}, '2>&1') unless $self->{driver_class} eq 'Selenium::Driver::SeleniumHQ::Jar'; my $cmdstring = join(' ', @cmdprefix, @{$self->{command}}, @cmdsuffix ); print "$cmdstring\n" if $self->{debug}; system($cmdstring); return $self->_wait(); } print "@{$self->{command}}\n" if $self->{debug}; my $pid = fork // confess("Could not fork"); if ($pid) { $self->{pid} = $pid; return $self->_wait(); } open(my $fh, '>>', $self->{log_file}); capture_merged { exec(@{$self->{command}}) } stdout => $fh; } sub _wait ($self) { print "Waiting for port to come up..." if $self->{debug}; Net::EmptyPort::wait_port( $self->{port}, 30 ) or confess("Server never came up on port $self->{port} after 30s!"); print "done\n" if $self->{debug}; return $self->Status(); } sub DESTROY($self) { return unless $self->{auto_close}; local $?; # Avoid affecting the exit status print "Shutting down active sessions...\n" if $self->{debug}; #murder all sessions we spawned so that die() cleans up properly if ($self->{ua} && @{$self->{sessions}}) { foreach my $session (@{$self->{sessions}}) { # An attempt was made. The session *might* already be dead. eval { $self->DeleteSession( sessionid => $session ) }; } } #Kill the server if we spawned one return unless $self->{pid}; print "Attempting to kill server process...\n" if $self->{debug}; if (_is_windows()) { my $killer = qq[taskkill /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq $self->{pid}"]; print "$killer\n" if $self->{debug}; #$killer .= ' > nul 2&>1' unless $self->{debug}; system($killer); return 1; } my $sig = 'TERM'; kill $sig, $self->{pid}; print "Issued SIG$sig to $self->{pid}, waiting...\n" if $self->{debug}; # 0 is always WCONTINUED, 1 is always WNOHANG, and POSIX is an expensive import # When 0 is returned, the process is still active, so it needs more persuasion foreach (0..3) { return unless waitpid( $self->{pid}, 1) == 0; sleep 1; } # Advanced persuasion print "Forcibly terminating selenium server process...\n" if $self->{debug}; kill('TERM', $self->{pid}); #XXX unfortunately I can't just do a SIGALRM, because blocking system calls can't be intercepted on win32 foreach (0..$self->{timeout}) { return unless waitpid( $self->{pid}, 1 ) == 0; sleep 1; } warn "Could not shut down selenium server!"; return; } sub _is_windows { return grep { $^O eq $_ } qw{msys MSWin32}; } #XXX some of the methods require content being null, some require it to be an obj with no params LOL our @bad_methods = qw{AcceptAlert DismissAlert Back Forward Refresh ElementClick MaximizeWindow MinimizeWindow FullscreenWindow SwitchToParentFrame ElementClear}; #Exempt some calls from return processing our @no_process = qw{Status GetWindowRect GetElementRect GetAllCookies}; sub _request($self, $method, %params) { my $subject = $self->{spec}->{$method}; #TODO handle compressed output from server my %options = ( headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Accept' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'identity', }, ); $options{content} = '{}' if grep { $_ eq $method } @bad_methods; my $url = "$self->{scheme}://$self->{host}:$self->{port}$subject->{uri}"; # Remove parameters to inject into child objects my $inject_key = exists $params{inject} ? delete $params{inject} : undef; my $inject_value = $inject_key ? $params{$inject_key} : ''; my $inject; $inject = { to_inject => { $inject_key => $inject_value } } if $inject_key && $inject_value; # Keep sessions for passing to grandchildren $inject->{to_inject}{sessionid} = $params{sessionid} if exists $params{sessionid}; #If we have no extra params, and this is getSession, simplify %params = $self->_build_caps() if $method eq 'NewSession' && !%params; foreach my $param (keys(%params)) { confess "$param is required for $method" unless exists $params{$param}; delete $params{$param} if $url =~ s/{\Q$param\E}/$params{$param}/g; } if (%params) { $options{content} = JSON::MaybeXS::encode_json(\%params); $options{headers}{'Content-Length'} = length($options{content}); } print "$subject->{method} $url\n" if $self->{debug}; print "Body: $options{content}\n" if $self->{debug} && exists $options{content}; my $res = $self->{ua}->request($subject->{method}, $url, \%options); my @cbret; foreach my $cb (@{$self->{post_callbacks}}) { if ($cb && ref $cb eq 'CODE') { @options{qw{url method}} = ($url,$subject->{method}); $options{content} = \%params if %params; my $ret = $cb->($self, $res, \%options); push(@cbret,$ret) if $ret; } return $cbret[0] if @cbret == 1; return @cbret if @cbret; } print "$res->{status} : $res->{content}\n" if $self->{debug} && ref $res eq 'HASH'; # all the selenium servers are UTF-8 my $normal = $res->{content}; $normal = NFC( $normal ) if $self->{normalize}; my $decoded_content = eval { JSON::MaybeXS->new()->utf8()->decode( $normal ) }; if ($self->{fatal}) { confess "$res->{reason} :\n Consult $subject->{href}\nRaw Error:\n$res->{content}\n" unless $res->{success}; } else { cluck "$res->{reason} :\n Consult $subject->{href}\nRaw Error:\n$res->{content}\n" unless $res->{success}; } if (grep { $method eq $_ } @no_process) { return @{$decoded_content->{value}} if ref $decoded_content->{value} eq 'ARRAY'; return $decoded_content->{value}; } return $self->_objectify($decoded_content,$inject); } our %classes = ( capabilities => { class => 'Selenium::Capabilities' }, sessionId => { class => 'Selenium::Session', destroy_callback => sub { my $self = shift; $self->DeleteSession() unless $self->{deleted}; }, callback => sub { my ($self,$call) = @_; $self->{deleted} = 1 if $call eq 'DeleteSession'; }, }, # Whoever thought this parameter name was a good idea... 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf' => { class => 'Selenium::Element', }, ); sub _objectify($self,$result,$inject) { my $subject = $result->{value}; return $subject unless grep { ref $subject eq $_ } qw{ARRAY HASH}; $subject = [$subject] unless ref $subject eq 'ARRAY'; my @objs; foreach my $to_objectify (@$subject) { # If we have just data return it return @$subject if ref $to_objectify ne 'HASH'; my @objects = keys(%$to_objectify); foreach my $object (@objects) { my $has_class = exists $classes{$object}; my $base_object = $inject // {}; $base_object->{lc($object)} = $to_objectify->{$object}; $base_object->{sortField} = lc($object); my $to_push = $has_class ? $classes{$object}{class}->new($self, $base_object ) : $to_objectify; $to_push->{sortField} = lc($object); # Save sessions for destructor push(@{$self->{sessions}}, $to_push->{sessionid}) if ref $to_push eq 'Selenium::Session'; push(@objs,$to_push); } } @objs = sort { $a->{sortField} cmp $b->{sortField} } @objs; return $objs[0] if @objs == 1; return @objs; } 1; =head1 SUBCLASSES =head2 Selenium::Capabilities Returned as first element from NewSession(). Query this object for various things about the server capabilities. =head2 Selenium::Session Returned as second element of NewSession(). Has a destructor which will automatically clean itself up when we go out of scope. Alternatively, when the driver object goes out of scope, all sessions it spawned will be destroyed. You can call Selenium methods on this object which require a sessionid without passing it explicitly. =head2 Selenium::Element Returned from find element calls. You can call Selenium methods on this object which require a sessionid and elementid without passing them explicitly. =cut package Selenium::Capabilities; use parent qw{Selenium::Subclass}; 1; package Selenium::Session; use parent qw{Selenium::Subclass}; 1; package Selenium::Element; use parent qw{Selenium::Subclass}; 1; __END__ =head1 STUPID SELENIUM TRICKS There are a variety of quirks with Selenium drivers that you just have to put up with, don't log bugs on these behaviors. Most of this will probably change in the future, as these are firmly in the "undefined/undocumented behavior" stack of the browser vendors. =head3 alerts If you have an alert() open on the page, all calls to the selenium server will 500 until you dismiss or accept it. Also be aware that chrome will re-fire alerts when you do a forward() or back() event, unlike firefox. =head3 tag names Safari returns ALLCAPS names for tags. amazing =head2 properties and attributes Many I properties/attributes will I be accessible via GetProperty() or GetAttribute(). For example, getting the "for" value of a