Version 3.0 Perlized [ALPHA] * Re-write with perl/psgi. * Re-architected to support multiple data backends, most important default one being elasticsearch * Simplified configuration model drastically * Multimedia content now first-class posts rather than junk in /fileman * Series of content now supported for easy category browsing * Private/Unlisted content now supported * User About pages now much easier to build * Theming massively simplified Version 2.0 IRONMAN SLOG development notes [ALPHA]: * tCMS now has an installer/updater in bin/installer. Makefile rules 'make install' and 'make update' also do this. * Fixed a bug where "" encapsulated titles in microblog editor would get baleeted on load. * Changed up the directory structure somewhat, mostly due to needing privately stored items. * Added an SVG logo. Version 1.2 "Maxim" Release Notes: *General code cleanup, trying to play better golf while commenting more *Made microblogger start writing posts in JSON notation. This will enable posts from here on out to have additional metadata, manipulation ability, etc. -Should mean less HTML knowledge required for editing your microblog postings -Falls back to old display/edit method if posting is not JSON so as not to crap on anything. *No longer using Cortado or audioplayer.js to display audio/video, since HTML5 alternatives work well now -Video type postings can either be embed or the link to an actual file, if so, it'll validate filetype, etc. then display as HTML5 Video *Responsive JS waxed, CSS used instead - will make stuff like libreJS and NoScript irrelevant. There is still some JS on the microblog editor page, I'll remove that eventually. In any event, all this means is that the person editing posts has to use JS for the div to enable/disable correctly. GITHUGS RELEASE 1.1.2: *Bug fixes, code cleanup, mostly making it more friendly to the github platform BUGFIX RELEASE 1.1.1: Bug Fixes: *Made responsive JS/CSS more friendly to noscript users, made logic not so shitty *Added default favicon *Fixed lots of time related bugs in the linklog pages (,, *Made errors in linklog not cause php to die(), instead making it safely error out (so as not to mangle following dom) *Fixed a bug that prevented editing linklog posts *Fixed structure.css not loading on /sys/admin pages Misc. Code Changes: *Moved all json config files to sys/admin/config. No reason to have the main json definition in the toplevel directory for all to see. NEW WITH VERSION 1.1: *Design has been made more responsive, using only % and em values for width, positioning, etc. Also added a small JS file to further aid in responsiveness (the usual button show/hide stuff that JS is suited to). *Authoring, managing blog posts can now be done via the admin page, for those dissatisfied/unfamiliar with Drag and Drop blogging. Version 1.0 Release Notes: *Initial release. Not much to say other than that it has all the stuff I want out of a CMS. All changes from here on out will be bugfixing and feature addition, mostly as a boon to anyone who may choose to use tCMS.