package Trog::Log; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw{strftime}; use Log::Dispatch; use Log::Dispatch::DBI; use Log::Dispatch::Screen; use Log::Dispatch::FileRotate; use Trog::SQLite; use Trog::Log::DBI; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw{log_init is_debug INFO DEBUG WARN FATAL}; our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => \@EXPORT_OK ); my $LOGNAME = 'logs/tcms.log'; $LOGNAME = $ENV{CUSTOM_LOG} if $ENV{CUSTOM_LOG}; my $LEVEL = $ENV{WWW_VERBOSE} ? 'debug' : 'info'; our ( $log, $user ); $Trog::Log::user = 'nobody'; $Trog::Log::ip = ''; sub log_init { # By default only log requests & warnings. # Otherwise emit debug messages. my $rotate = Log::Dispatch::FileRotate->new( name => 'tcms', filename => $LOGNAME, min_level => $LEVEL, 'mode' => 'append', size => 10 * 1024 * 1024, max => 6, ); # Only send fatal events/errors to prod-web.log my $screen = Log::Dispatch::Screen->new( name => 'screen', min_level => 'error', ); # Send things like requests in to the stats log my $dblog = Trog::Log::DBI->new( name => 'dbi', min_level => $LEVEL, dbh => _dbh(), ); $log = Log::Dispatch->new(); $log->add($rotate); $log->add($screen); $log->add($dblog); uuid("INIT"); return 1; } #memoize my $rq; sub _dbh { return Trog::SQLite::dbh( 'schema/log.schema', "logs/log.db" ); } sub is_debug { return $LEVEL eq 'debug'; } sub uuid { my $requestid = shift; $rq = $requestid if $requestid; $requestid //= return $rq; } sub _log { my ( $msg, $level ) = @_; $msg //= "No message passed. This is almost certainly a bug. "; #XXX Log lines must start as an ISO8601 date, anything else breaks fail2ban's beautiful mind my $tstamp = strftime "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime; my $uuid = uuid(); return "$tstamp [$level]: RequestId $uuid From $Trog::Log::ip |$Trog::Log::user| $msg\n"; } sub DEBUG { _check_init(); $log->debug( _log( shift, 'DEBUG' ) ); } sub INFO { _check_init(); $log->info( _log( shift, 'INFO' ) ); } sub WARN { _check_init(); $log->warning( _log( shift, 'WARN' ) ); } sub FATAL { _check_init(); $log->log_and_die( level => 'error', message => _log( shift, 'FATAL' ) ); } sub _check_init { die "You must run log_init() before using other Trog::Log methods" unless $log; } 1;