config.tx 1.8 KB

  1. : include "sysbar.tx";
  2. : include "jsalert.tx";
  3. <p class="title">
  4. General settings:
  5. </p>
  6. This controls your Theme and Data Model used.
  7. The Data Model <em>must</em> be 0-configuration.
  8. If for example, you use mysql it will have to rely on either a local server, valid config file or connection proxy/pooler locally.
  9. <hr />
  10. <form class="Submissions Config" id="mainConfig" method="post" action="/config/save">
  11. Theme:
  12. <select class="cooltext" name="theme">
  13. <option value="" <: if ( $current_theme == '' ) { :>selected<: } :> >default</option>
  14. : for $themes -> $theme {
  15. <option value="<: $theme :>" <: if ( $current_theme == $theme ) { :>selected<: } :> ><: $theme :></option>
  16. : }
  17. </select>
  18. <div>
  19. Data Model:
  20. <select class="cooltext" name="data_model">
  21. : for $data_models -> $dm {
  22. <option value="<: $dm :>" <: if ( $current_data_model == $dm ) { :>selected<: } :> ><: $dm :></option>
  23. : }
  24. </select>
  25. </div>
  26. <br />
  27. <input type="submit" class="coolbutton" value="Commit Changes" />
  28. </form>
  29. <hr />
  30. <p class="title">
  31. Theme cloner:
  32. </p>
  33. Want to write your own theme?
  34. Clone a theme here then see the <a href="" title="GET UR MIND RITE">styling guide</a>
  35. for information on how tCMS' templates, image sets and CSS work in the theming system.
  36. <hr />
  37. <form class="Submissions" id="themeCloner" method="post" action="/themeclone">
  38. Theme:
  39. <select class="cooltext" name="theme">
  40. : for $themes -> $theme {
  41. <option value="<: $theme :>"><: $theme :></option>
  42. : }
  43. </select>
  44. <input required type="text" class="cooltext" placeholder="newTheme" name="newtheme" />
  45. <input type="submit" class="coolbutton" value="Clone" />
  46. </form>