use Test2::V0; use File::Temp; use FindBin; use Capture::Tiny qw{capture_stdout}; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; # Test libraries use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; # Code under test use Troglodyne::CGI (); use Cpanel::Template (); plan 1; subtest "render_cached_or_process_template" => sub { my $tmp_obj = File::Temp->newdir(); local $Troglodyne::CGI::ULC = $tmp_obj->dirname(); my $input_hr = { 'template_file' => 'bogusbogus', 'print' => 1 }; my $printed = capture_stdout { Troglodyne::CGI::render_cached_or_process_template( 'whostmongler', $input_hr ); }; my $test_str = "# [whostmongler] This is a test of Troglodyne::CGI. Please Ignore"; is( $printed, $test_str, "Got the expected output when troglodyne_do_static_render invoked" ); $input_hr->{'troglodyne_do_static_render'} = 1; };