Troglodyne-API cPanel & WHM Plugin ================================== Common code for Troglodyne Plugins If you like this plugin, consider sending a a few dollars this way: INSTALLING ---------- Two methods exist for accomplishing installs. ### End user (stable) installs: * Add the *Troglodyne* yum repository to `/etc/yum.repos.d/troglodyne`: ``` [troglodyne] name=Troglodyne Internet Widgets mirrorlist=$basearch/mirrorlist enabled=1 ``` * Install the RPM: `yum install Troglodyne-API` * To uninstall: `yum remove Troglodyne-API` This way whenever I make a new release you'll get it via `yum update` without any real hassle. ### Developer install: * Clone the repository using the link in github: `git clone` * Move into the directory it cloned this to: `cd troglodyne-api` * Run the makefile: `make` * To uninstall: `make uninstall` What do I do if I need help? ---------------------------- Hop on the Matrix Chat server for troglodyne. Instructions here: If you can't find the answers you need, feel free to drop an issue in the tracker. ...and last of all, see license terms.