Forráskód Böngészése

Update getPlans and getRuns filtering

Fix filtering in getPlans. The user provided filters were not
being applied to the initial paginated request.

Add the ability to pass filters to getRuns and getRunsPaginated.
Matthew Spahr 2 éve
2 módosított fájl, 42 hozzáadás és 13 törlés
  1. 37 9
  2. 5 4

+ 37 - 9

@@ -1374,25 +1374,47 @@ This is due to the maximum result set limit enforced by testrail.
 =item INTEGER C<PROJECT_ID> - ID of parent project
+=item HASHREF C<FILTERS> - (optional) dictionary of filters, with keys corresponding to the documented filters for get_runs (other than limit/offset).
 Returns ARRAYREF of run definition HASHREFs.
     $allRuns = $tr->getRuns(6969);
+Possible filters:
+=over 4
+=item created_after (UNIX timestamp)
+=item created_before (UNIX timestamp)
+=item created_by (csv of ints) IDs of users plans were created by
+=item is_completed (bool)
+=item milestone_id (csv of ints) IDs of milestone assigned to plans
+=item refs_filter (string) A single Reference ID (e.g. TR-a, 4291, etc.)
+=item suite_id (csv of ints) A comma-separated list of test suite IDs to filter by.
 sub getRuns {
-    state $check = compile(Object, Int);
-    my ($self,$project_id) = $check->(@_);
+    state $check = compile(Object, Int, Optional[Maybe[HashRef]]);
+    my ($self,$project_id,$filters) = $check->(@_);
-    my $initial_runs = $self->getRunsPaginated($project_id,$self->{'global_limit'},0);
+    my $initial_runs = $self->getRunsPaginated($project_id,$self->{'global_limit'},0,$filters);
     return $initial_runs unless (reftype($initial_runs) || 'undef') eq 'ARRAY';
     my $runs = [];
     my $offset = 1;
     while (scalar(@$initial_runs) == $self->{'global_limit'}) {
-        $initial_runs = $self->getRunsPaginated($project_id,$self->{'global_limit'},($self->{'global_limit'} * $offset));
+        $initial_runs = $self->getRunsPaginated($project_id,$self->{'global_limit'},($self->{'global_limit'} * $offset),$filters);
@@ -1411,6 +1433,8 @@ Get some runs for specified project.
 =item INTEGER C<OFFSET> - Page of runs to return.
+=item HASHREF C<FILTERS> - (optional) other filters to apply to the requests.  See getRuns for more information.
 Returns ARRAYREF of run definition HASHREFs.
@@ -1420,13 +1444,17 @@ Returns ARRAYREF of run definition HASHREFs.
 sub getRunsPaginated {
-    state $check = compile(Object, Int, Optional[Maybe[Int]], Optional[Maybe[Int]]);
-    my ($self,$project_id,$limit,$offset) = $check->(@_);
+    state $check = compile(Object, Int, Optional[Maybe[Int]], Optional[Maybe[Int]], Optional[Maybe[HashRef]]);
+    my ($self,$project_id,$limit,$offset,$filters) = $check->(@_);
+    $filters //= {};
     confess("Limit greater than ".$self->{'global_limit'}) if $limit > $self->{'global_limit'};
     my $apiurl = "index.php?/api/v2/get_runs/$project_id";
     $apiurl .= "&offset=$offset" if defined($offset);
     $apiurl .= "&limit=$limit" if $limit; #You have problems if you want 0 results
+    foreach my $key (keys(%$filters)) {
+        $apiurl .= "&$key=$filters->{$key}";
+    }
     return $self->_doRequest($apiurl);
@@ -1792,9 +1820,9 @@ Possible filters:
 sub getPlans {
     state $check = compile(Object, Int, Optional[Maybe[HashRef]]);
-    my ($self,$project_id, $filters) = $check->(@_);
+    my ($self,$project_id,$filters) = $check->(@_);
-    my $initial_plans = $self->getPlansPaginated($project_id,$self->{'global_limit'},0);
+    my $initial_plans = $self->getPlansPaginated($project_id,$self->{'global_limit'},0,$filters);
     return $initial_plans unless (reftype($initial_plans) || 'undef') eq 'ARRAY';
     my $plans = [];
@@ -1831,7 +1859,7 @@ Returns ARRAYREF of plan definition HASHREFs.
 sub getPlansPaginated {
     state $check = compile(Object, Int, Optional[Maybe[Int]], Optional[Maybe[Int]], Optional[Maybe[HashRef]]);
-    my ($self,$project_id,$limit,$offset, $filters) = $check->(@_);
+    my ($self,$project_id,$limit,$offset,$filters) = $check->(@_);
     $filters //= {};
     confess("Limit greater than ".$self->{'global_limit'}) if $limit > $self->{'global_limit'};

+ 5 - 4

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
 use TestRail::API;
 use Test::LWP::UserAgent::TestRailMock;
-use Test::More tests => 94;
+use Test::More tests => 95;
 use Test::Fatal;
 use Test::Deep;
 use Scalar::Util ();
@@ -139,7 +139,8 @@ my $run_name = 'SEND T-1000 INFILTRATION UNITS BACK IN TIME';
 my $new_run = $tr->createRun($new_project->{'id'},$new_suite->{'id'},$run_name,"ACQUIRE CLOTHES, BOOTS AND MOTORCYCLE");
 is($new_run->{'name'},$run_name,"Can create new run");
-ok($tr->getRuns($new_project->{'id'}),"Can get list of runs");
+ok($tr->getRuns($new_project->{'id'}),"Can get list of all runs in a project");
+ok($tr->getRuns($new_project->{'id'},{is_completed => 1,milestone_id => 3}),"Can get list of runs, filtered by milestone ID & completion status");
 is($tr->getRunByName($new_project->{'id'},$run_name)->{'name'},$run_name,"Can get run by name");
 is($tr->getRunByID($new_run->{'id'})->{'id'},$new_run->{'id'},"Can get run by ID");
@@ -157,8 +158,8 @@ my $plan_name = "GosPlan";
 my $new_plan = $tr->createPlan($new_project->{'id'},$plan_name,"Soviet 5-year agriculture plan to liquidate Kulaks",$new_milestone->{'id'},[{ suite_id => $new_suite->{'id'}, name => "Executing the great plan"}]);
 is($new_plan->{'name'},$plan_name,"Can create new plan");
-ok($tr->getPlans($new_project->{'id'}),"Can get list of plans");
-ok($tr->getPlans($new_project->{'id'},{ is_completed => 1, milestone_id => 3}),"Can get list of plans, filtered by milestone ID & completion status");
+ok($tr->getPlans($new_project->{'id'}),"Can get list of all plans");
+ok($tr->getPlans($new_project->{'id'},{is_completed => 1,milestone_id => 3}),"Can get list of plans, filtered by milestone ID & completion status");
 my $namePlan = $tr->getPlanByName($new_project->{'id'},$plan_name);
 is($namePlan->{'name'},$plan_name,"Can get plan by name");
 is($tr->getPlanByID($new_plan->{'id'})->{'id'},$new_plan->{'id'},"Can get plan by ID");