Changes 15 KB

  1. Revision history for Perl module TestRail::API
  2. 0.052 2022-09-10 TEODESIAN
  3. - Add more new API methods and adjust for the bulk API, contributed by Matt Spahr
  4. 0.051 2021-10-26 TEODESIAN
  5. - Fix broken testsuite due to use of Test::MockModule::redefine on old perls
  6. 0.050 2021-10-26 TEODESIAN
  7. - Add filtering mechanisms to various API methods, contributed by Matt Spahr
  8. 0.049 2021-08-22 TEODESIAN
  9. - Add getPriorities, getPriorityByName and priorityNamesToIds, contributed by Matt Spahr
  10. 0.048 2021-01-11 TEODESIAN
  11. - Fix issue with getUsers patch in 0.047
  12. 0.047 2020-04-12 TEODESIAN
  13. - Fix getUsers now requiring project ID
  14. - Allow passing TESTRAIL_PLAN_ID env in A::P::P::T
  15. 0.046 2020-05-8 TEODESIAN
  16. - Hide password entry in bin/ utilities.
  17. - Add bin/testrail-replay to re-play the results of runs and plans.
  18. 0.045 2019-05-11 TEODESIAN
  19. - Add getReports and runReport methods to TestRail::API
  20. - Use a cookie jar when doing requests to use testrail sessions if enabled for the API
  21. 0.044 2018-10-9 TEODESIAN
  22. - Add getCaseFields and addCaseField methods to TestRail::API
  23. - Correct argument POD for createRunInPlan
  24. - Add bulkAddResultsByCase
  25. - Fix improper caching by project rather than by testsuite in getSections
  26. - Fix broken repository links
  27. 0.043 2018-06-16 TEODESIAN
  28. - Better error messaging when bad custom result fields are configured in Test::Rail::Parser
  29. 0.042 2018-04-30 TEODESIAN
  30. - Fix uninitialized value warning when no plan (or steps) are emitted
  31. - Die on HTTP 401/403, we likely will never recover from this
  32. - Add ability to re-try failed requests in TestRail::API, App::Prove::Plugin::TestRail and testrail-report
  33. 0.041 2017-06-06 TEODESIAN
  34. - Fix MCE usage issue with confusion based on array -> hash inputs in TestRail::Utils::Find
  35. - Fix issue where Test plans were not recorded in the raw output of a case.
  36. - Add ability to specify a custom status for failures which emit no test plan
  37. - Change tests which emit a plan but no assertions into failures.
  38. - Fix issue where configuration groups in the testrailrc were ignored
  39. 0.040 2017-05-24 TEODESIAN
  40. - Fix performance issue in TestRail::Utils::Find::FindTests
  41. - Fix strange testsuite bug caused by regressions in MCE
  42. - Allow filtering in TestRail::API::getPlans
  43. - Clone refs of cached values so that users can't corrupt it
  44. 0.039 2017-03-07 TEODESIAN
  45. - Fix issue where follow_post_redirect could not be passed to constructor
  46. - Add getRunResults, getRunResultsPaginated Methods in TestRail::API
  47. - Cache connections by default for speedups
  48. - Cache getTests() for getTestByName()
  49. - Fix warnings when testrail-results encounters 'assigned' results
  50. - make --cachefile a multi argument in testrail-results
  51. - add the --perfile argument to testrail-results
  52. - add the --merged argument to testrail-results
  53. - Add platform information and guidance on results_by_version to testrail-results
  54. 0.038 2017-01-23 TEODESIAN
  55. - Optimize TestRail::Utils::Find::getResults and testrail-results
  56. - Add ability to follow POST redirects
  57. - Don't print stack traces during constructor errors, this can leak auth info into logs
  58. - Don't override filename in TAP Parser if we already have it
  59. - Fix issue where non-standard status overrides were not possible
  60. - Add finder callback to TestRail::Utils::FindTests
  61. - Add testsuite_id filter to TestRail::API::getChildRunByName
  62. - Add defect metrics to testrail-results
  63. - Add version metrics to testrail-results
  64. 0.037 2016-08-10 TEODESIAN
  65. - Fix incorrect POD for TestRail::API::createRunInPlan
  66. - Add testrail-results binary and TestRail::Utils::Find::getResults.
  67. - Add TestRail::API::getChildSections, and modify Test::Rail::Parser to recursively search passed sections when spawning runs
  68. - Change TestRail::API::getSections to cache the sections in a project.
  69. - Add notices about problems with duplicate entries to POD.
  70. - Add capability to auto-spawn configurations/groups to App::Prove::Plugin::TestRail and friends when configuration_group is passed
  71. 0.036 2016-04-25 TEODESIAN
  72. - Fix using wrong perl during testsuite when running binaries
  73. - Silence testsuite for easier diagnosis of issues
  74. - Fix warnings due to undef comparison in TestRail::Utils::Find
  75. - Change to using Pod::Usage for help output rather than Pod::Perldoc
  76. 0.035 2016-04-23 TEODESIAN
  77. - Fix testrail-report and testrail-cases broken binary arg passing
  78. - Fix issue where TODO PASS was reported in tests with TODO FAILs.
  79. - Fix issue where TODO FAILED steps were reported as TODO PASS.
  80. - Fix issue where the value of the step_results field was ignored by Test::Rail::Parser
  81. - Fix issue where Test::Rail::Parser would truncate results in non case-per-ok mode
  82. - Remove case_per_ok feature from Test::Rail::Parser, never really worked it turns out
  83. 0.034 2016-02-18 TEODESIAN
  84. - Use Capture::Tiny rahter than IO::CaptureOutput in unit tests
  85. - Allow users to signal Test::Rail::Parser to set a custom status
  86. - Fix issue where todo_pass would be marked even when a bad plan occurred
  87. - Add functions for TestRail 5.2 add/update/remove configurations & groups
  88. - Add bad plan step_result and a comment when not in case_per_ok & bad plan detected
  89. - Add bailout step_result and a comment when not in case_per_ok & bailout detected
  90. 0.033 2016-01-06 TEODESIAN
  91. - Fix issue where running TestRail::Parser with multiple -j in prove corrupted results
  92. - Add timestamps to every step reported for better test bottleneck detection
  93. 0.032 2015-08-31 TEODESIAN
  94. - Fix issue in getCases where arrayref filters were not handled properly
  95. - Add TestRail::API::typeNamesToIds
  96. - Add orphans option to testrail-tests, TestRail::Utils::Find::getTests
  97. - Add TestRail::API::updateCase
  98. - Add new TestRail::Utils::Find functions; getCases, findCases
  99. - Add new script bin/testrail-cases
  100. - Change all binaries into modulinos.
  101. - Resolve issue where testrail-lock would not function
  102. 0.031 2015-08-14 TEODESIAN
  103. - Update getCases to use testRail 4.0 filters, change filter args to HASHREF
  104. - Update TestRail::API::getCaseByName to take filter hashref too
  105. - Update getRunSummary and getPlanSummary to use 'labels' rather than system names
  106. - Add TestRail::API::statusNamesToLabels to ease interaction with above method updates
  107. - Change TestRail::API::translateConfigNamesToIds to accept ARRAY arguments
  108. - Make above function and TestRail::API::sectionNamesToIds return values in correct order
  109. - Change the 'spawn' option in Test::Rail::Parser (and it's callers) to be --testsuite_id
  110. - Add a --testsuite (name) option to Test::Rail::Parser
  111. - Spawning runs will now take run/plan completion status into account, spawning new runs/plans when completion is detected.
  112. - Removed the run_id option from Test::Rail::Parser and it's callers. It isn't really useful in practice, and was not tested.
  113. 0.030 2015-07-31 TEODESIAN
  114. - Fix testrail-tests, was calling function in incorrect namespace
  115. - Fix testrail-bulk-mark-results, was not including library
  116. - Re-instate integration tests for binaries that were removed in 0.029
  117. - Require more up-to-date Pod::Perldoc for help that works on old unices/perls
  118. - Fix windows issue with TestRail::Find
  119. 0.029 2015-07-30 TEODESIAN
  120. - Add bulkAddResults function to TestRail::API
  121. - Add new script testrail-bulk-mark-results and it's backend TestRail::Utils::Results
  122. - Add new script testrail-lock and it's backend TestRail::Utils::Lock
  123. - Re-factor much of the bin/ scripts into TestRail::Utils
  124. - Modify all bin/ scripts to use POD as their help output, move help() to TestRail::Utils
  125. - Modify all bin/ scripts to parse all the ~/.testrailrc options
  126. - Fix an issue where statusNamesToIDs would return status IDs in the wrong order.
  127. - Re-factor to use Type::Tiny parameter checking.
  128. - Fix getCaseTypeByName, it's apparently been broken/noncovered this whole time
  129. - Add options to sort FIFO/LIFO by creation, milestone due date in testrail-runs
  130. - Add TestRail::Utils::Find as a backend to testrail-runs & testrail-tests, expand unit tests
  131. - Move Test::LWP::UserAgent::TestRailMock to t/lib, no need to install it for users
  132. 0.028 2015-06-16 TEODESIAN
  133. - Hotfix: forgot to include a module in the prove plugin. How did this pass compile.t? A mystery.
  134. - Fix an issue where testrail-report incorrectly identified (or failed to identify) the file tested.
  135. - Add character encoding support to TestRail::API and all its callers (default to utf8)
  136. 0.027 2015-06-14 TEODESIAN
  137. - If no tests are run (environment fail), set test status to 'retest' on non case-per-ok tests
  138. - If the only oddities in a test are passing TODO tests, mark entire run as TODO PASS.
  139. - Fix issue where having a ~/.testrailrc would prevent make test from allowing install by cpan client
  140. - Fix issue where specifying sections past the first defined in a project would fail to restrict spawning to said sections
  141. - Add Plan Summarizer function
  142. - Always append the full raw TAP to all results
  143. - Add closePlan and closeRun functions to TestRail::API
  144. - Add option to binaries, plugin to close plan/run if no untested/retest exist at end of TAP parse
  145. 0.026 2015-06-06 TEODESIAN
  146. - Add --no-match option to testrail-tests to find orphan tests in a tree
  147. - Upload full raw results to TestRail when not in step_results or case_per_ok mode
  148. - Add ability to pass section IDs to discriminate when spawning runs in Test::Rail::Parser
  149. - Add ability to pass section names to App::Prove::Plugin::TestRail and testrail-report when spawning runs.
  150. - Add sectionNamesToIds convenience method to TestRail::API
  151. 0.025 2015-05-21 TEODESIAN
  152. - Fix test failures on windows (and an issue in testrail-tests on win32)
  153. - Fix issue where testrail-tests was unresponsive to --help
  154. - Fix issue where getChildRuns would not return all child runs.
  155. 0.024 2015-05-17 TEODESIAN
  156. - Allow spawning of plans in Test::Rail::Parser (and those programs depending on it)
  157. - Fix issue where step_results were not uploaded correctly.
  158. 0.023 2015-05-13 TEODESIAN
  159. - Fix issue where spawning runs in plans with configurations failed.
  160. 0.022 2015-05-08 TEODESIAN
  161. - Fix issue where testrail-tests always attempted to turn test names into paths
  162. 0.021 2015-04-08 TEODESIAN
  163. - Fix issue where getChildRuns did not return anything past first run
  164. - Fix issue where getChildRunByName did not perform configuration filtering correctly
  165. - Add ability to filter by test status and assignedto id to getTests
  166. - Add bin/testrail-tests and bin/testrail-runs
  167. - Add statusNamesToIds and userNamesToIds convenience methods to TestRail::API
  168. - Add getRunSummary to TestRail::API
  169. 0.020 2015-03-25 TEODESIAN
  170. - Add getRunsPaginated and getPlansPaginated to get around 250 hardlimit in TR results
  171. - Modify getRuns and getPlans to use the above to actually get all runs/plans
  172. - Fix various defective pod surrounding those methods
  173. - Fix minor incorrectness in testrail-report POD
  174. 0.019 2015-03-18 TEODESIAN
  175. - Add createRunInPlan method to TestRail::API
  176. - Add translateConfigNamesToIds method to TestRail::API
  177. - Modified getConfigurations, and added GetConfigurationGroups for clarity
  178. - Add ability to spawn runs to App::Prove::TestRail and testrail-report
  179. - Stricter checking that passed configurations passed exist in Test::Rail::Parser
  180. - Require minimum version of JSON::Maybe::XS to resolve smoker failures.
  181. 0.018 2015-01-29 TEODESIAN
  182. - Better finding of $HOME in testrail-report and the prove plugin for cross-platform usage
  183. - Track elapsed time of tests when run as prove plugin, and report this to testrail
  184. 0.017 2015-01-29 TEODESIAN
  185. - Explicitly import List::Util in TestRail::API, this causes issues on some perls
  186. - Require minimum version of Term::ANSIColor
  187. - Fix bad regex for finding filename in testrail_report
  188. 0.016 2015-01-26 TEODESIAN
  189. - Use correct perl when invoking scripts to fix cpantesters failures.
  190. - Use parent instead of base, this confuses older perls
  191. 0.015 2015-01-25 TEODESIAN
  192. - Remove all usage of IO::Capture for more concise verbose test output. Makes cpantesters/travis wig out?
  193. 0.014 2015-01-23 TEODESIAN
  194. - Fixed issue where testrail-report would not parse the results of multiple tests in a TAP file or stream.
  195. - Fixed issue where testrail-report would erroneously attempt to report the results of subtests.
  196. - Parse TODO/SKIP messages correctly, add todo reason to the test notes
  197. - Set SKIP_ALL tests status correctly
  198. - Add TestRail::API::getConfigurations method
  199. - Add TestRail::API::getChildRuns and getChildRunByName methods to extract runs from plans when passed names
  200. - Add ability to pass version to testrail-report & App::Prove::Plugin::TestRail
  201. 0.013 2015-01-04 TEODESIAN
  202. - Remove usage of Types::Serialiser, and use JSON::MaybeXS (odd intermittent errors on testers)
  203. - Remove checking of user being in getUsers, this won't work with external (LDAP) auth
  204. 0.012 2014-12-30 TEODESIAN
  205. - DZIL tidying
  206. - Re-enabled some of the critic tests, fixed a few related issues
  207. - Improve safety of constructor, try to die with helpful messages as soon as possible
  208. - Add class usage checks and test for that as author tests
  209. - Add tests for the server going away, and fix issues encountered therein.
  210. - Add fatal type checking of inputs for all methods, add test to make sure exceptions thrown correctly
  211. - Add offset argument to getTestResults call.
  212. - Add (auto-generated) mock class so we don't have to skip practically all of TestRail-API.t
  213. - Add getTestResultFieldByName method and relevant tests
  214. - Add Test::Rail::Parser and App::Prove::Plugin::TestRail so you can upload results
  215. - Add testrail-report binary for those who want to run on static TAP rather than 'do it live' with prove -P
  216. 0.011 2014-12-04 TEODESIAN
  217. - Converted to using dzil, and testing using TestingMania
  218. - Fixed spelling errors thanks to more extensive testing so enabled
  219. - Started signing the module
  220. 0.010 2014-12-03 TEODESIAN
  221. - Dist name was being set to TestRail::API instead of TestRail-API
  222. - Reformatted this file as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
  223. - Added "use 5.010" to the module, to match min perl in metadata
  224. - Made URL in SEE ALSO a hyperlink with L<...>
  225. - Added link to github repo in pod
  226. 0.009 2014-11-28 TEODESIAN
  227. - Oops, forgot my Test deps
  228. 0.008 2014-11-28 TEODESIAN
  229. - Explicitly include Types::Serialiser, correct some POD issues
  230. 0.007 2014-08-17 TEODESIAN
  231. - 0.002 to this release: More or less the pursuit of Kwalitee
  232. 0.001 2014-07-25 TEODESIAN
  233. - First release to CPAN