5.1 KB

  1. package Cpanel::iContact::Provider::Schema::Slack;
  2. use strict;
  3. use warnings;
  4. # Name is always uc(MODULE)
  5. =encoding utf-8
  6. =head1 NAME
  7. Cpanel::iContact::Provider::Schema::Slack - Schema for the HipChat iContact module
  8. =head1 SYNOPSIS
  9. use Cpanel::iContact::Provider::Schema::Slack;
  10. my $settings = Cpanel::iContact::Provider::Schema::Slack::get_settings();
  11. my $config = Cpanel::iContact::Provider::Schema::Slack::get_config();
  12. =head1 DESCRIPTION
  13. Provide settings and configuration for the HipChat iContact module.
  14. =cut
  15. =head2 get_settings
  16. Provide config data for TweakSettings that will be saved in
  17. /etc/wwwacct.conf.shadow
  18. =over 2
  19. =item Input
  20. =over 3
  21. None
  22. =back
  23. =item Output
  24. =over 3
  25. A hashref that can be injected into Whostmgr::TweakSettings::Basic's %Conf
  26. with the additional help and label keys that are used in the display of the
  27. tweak settings.
  28. =back
  29. =back
  30. =cut
  31. sub get_settings {
  32. my $help = <<HALP;
  33. Slack Incoming Webhook URL(s): URL created for sending notifications to the destination(s) you configured for the cPanel & WHM Notifications app in Slack, separated by commas.
  34. <br />In order to create an incoming webhook for the channel(s)/user(s) you wish to notify, please go to 'Browse apps > Custom Integrations > Incoming WebHooks > New configuration'
  35. in Slack's 'App Directory' for your team.
  36. HALP
  37. my $help2 = <<HELP;
  38. Slack: Use concise notifications (Subject Only) -- If true, will discard the message body before send in order to make the message a bit more compact.
  39. In the future this may provide a link back to WHM in order to display the full notification.
  40. HELP
  41. return {
  42. 'CONTACTSLACK' => {
  43. 'name' => 'Slack',
  44. 'shadow' => 1,
  45. 'type' => 'text',
  46. 'checkval' => sub {
  47. my $value = shift();
  48. $value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Trim
  49. return $value if $value eq q{};
  50. my @urls = split m{\s*,\s*}, $value;
  51. return join( ',', grep ( m{^https?://}, @urls ) );
  52. },
  53. 'label' => 'Slack Incoming Webhook URL(s)',
  54. 'help' => $help,
  55. },
  56. 'SLACKCOMPACT' => {
  57. 'type' => 'binary',
  58. 'label' => 'Slack: Use concise notifications (Subject Only)',
  59. 'help' => $help2,
  60. },
  61. };
  62. }
  63. =head2 get_config
  64. Provide configuration for the module.
  65. =over 2
  66. =item Input
  67. =over 3
  68. None
  69. =back
  70. =item Output
  71. =over 3
  72. A hash ref containing the following key values:
  73. default_level: The iContact default contact level (All)
  74. display_name: The name displayed on the Contact Manager page in WHM.
  75. =back
  76. =back
  77. =cut
  78. sub get_config {
  79. return {
  80. 'default_level' => 'All',
  81. 'display_name' => 'Slack',
  82. 'icon' =>
  83. 'data:image/svg+xml,'
  84. };
  85. }
  86. 1;